mirror of https://github.com/TREX-CoE/qmckl.git synced 2024-07-18 08:53:47 +02:00
2021-06-25 07:48:08 +05:30

748 lines
24 KiB
Org Mode

#+TITLE: Jastrow Factor
#+SETUPFILE: ../tools/theme.setup
#+INCLUDE: ../tools/lib.org
Functions for the calculation of the Jastrow factor \(f_{ee}, f_{en}, f_{een}\).
These are stored in the ~factor_ee~, ~factor_en~, and ~factor_een~ variables.
The ~jastrow~ structure contains all the information required to build
these factors along with their derivatives.
* Headers :noexport:
#+begin_src elisp :noexport :results none
(org-babel-lob-ingest "../tools/lib.org")
#+begin_src c :tangle (eval h_private_type)
#include <stdbool.h>
#+begin_src c :tangle (eval c_test) :noweb yes
#include "qmckl.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "chbrclf.h"
int main() {
qmckl_context context;
context = qmckl_context_create();
#+begin_src c :tangle (eval c)
#include "config.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "qmckl.h"
#include "qmckl_context_private_type.h"
#include "qmckl_memory_private_type.h"
#include "qmckl_memory_private_func.h"
#include "qmckl_jastrow_private_func.h"
#include "qmckl_jastrow_private_type.h"
* Context
:Name: qmckl_jastrow
:CRetType: qmckl_exit_code
:FRetType: qmckl_exit_code
The following data stored in the context:
#+NAME: qmckl_jastrow_args
| ~int32_t~ | ~uninitialized~ | in | Keeps bit set for uninitialized data |
| ~int64_t~ | ~aord_num~ | in | The number of a coeffecients |
| ~int64_t~ | ~bord_num~ | in | The number of b coeffecients |
| ~int64_t~ | ~cord_num~ | in | The number of c coeffecients |
| ~uint64_t~ | ~type_nuc_num~ | in | Number of Nucleii types |
| ~double~ | ~aord_vector[aord_num + 1][type_nuc_num]~ | in | Order of a polynomial coefficients |
| ~double~ | ~bord_vector[bord_num + 1]~ | in | Order of b polynomial coefficients |
| ~double~ | ~cord_vector[cord_num][type_nuc_num]~ | in | Order of c polynomial coefficients |
| ~double~ | ~factor_ee~ | out | Jastrow factor: electron-electron part |
| ~double~ | ~factor_en~ | out | Jastrow factor: electron-nucleus part |
| ~double~ | ~factor_een~ | out | Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part |
| ~double~ | ~factor_ee_deriv_e[4][nelec]~ | out | Derivative of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part |
| ~double~ | ~factor_en_deriv_e[4][nelec]~ | out | Derivative of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part |
| ~double~ | ~factor_een_deriv_e[4][nelec]~ | out | Derivative of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part |
computed data:
| ~uint64_t~ | ~dim_cord_vec~ | Number of unique C coefficients |
| ~coord_vect_full~ | ~[dim_cord_vec][nuc_num]~ | vector of non-zero coefficients |
| ~lkpm_of_cindex~ | ~[4][dim_cord_vec]~ | Transform l,k,p, and m into consecutive indices |
| ~tmp_c~ | ~[elec_num][nuc_num][ncord + 1][ncord]~ | vector of non-zero coefficients |
| ~dtmp_c~ | ~[elec_num][4][nuc_num][ncord + 1][ncord]~ | vector of non-zero coefficients |
For H2O we have the following data:
type_nuc_num = 1
aord_num = 5
bord_num = 5
cord_num = 23
dim_cord_vec = 23
aord_vector = [ 0.000000000000000E+000, 0.000000000000000E+000, -0.380512000000000E+000,
-0.157996000000000E+000, -3.155800000000000E-002, 2.151200000000000E-002]
bord_vector = [ 0.500000000000000E-000, 0.153660000000000E-000, 6.722620000000000E-002,
2.157000000000000E-002, 7.309600000000000E-003, 2.866000000000000E-003]
cord_vector = [ 0.571702000000000E-000, -0.514253000000000E-000, -0.513043000000000E-000,
9.486000000000000E-003, -4.205000000000000E-003, 0.426325800000000E-000,
8.288150000000000E-002, 5.118600000000000E-003, -2.997800000000000E-003,
-5.270400000000000E-003, -7.499999999999999E-005, -8.301649999999999E-002,
1.454340000000000E-002, 5.143510000000000E-002, 9.250000000000000E-004,
-4.099100000000000E-003, 4.327600000000000E-003, -1.654470000000000E-003,
2.614000000000000E-003, -1.477000000000000E-003, -1.137000000000000E-003,
-4.010475000000000E-002, 6.106710000000000E-003 ]
cord_vector_full = [
[ 0.571702000000000E-000, -0.514253000000000E-000, -0.513043000000000E-000,
9.486000000000000E-003, -4.205000000000000E-003, 0.426325800000000E-000,
8.288150000000000E-002, 5.118600000000000E-003, -2.997800000000000E-003,
-5.270400000000000E-003, -7.499999999999999E-005, -8.301649999999999E-002,
1.454340000000000E-002, 5.143510000000000E-002, 9.250000000000000E-004,
-4.099100000000000E-003, 4.327600000000000E-003, -1.654470000000000E-003,
2.614000000000000E-003, -1.477000000000000E-003, -1.137000000000000E-003,
-4.010475000000000E-002, 6.106710000000000E-003 ],
[ 0.571702000000000E-000, -0.514253000000000E-000, -0.513043000000000E-000,
9.486000000000000E-003, -4.205000000000000E-003, 0.426325800000000E-000,
8.288150000000000E-002, 5.118600000000000E-003, -2.997800000000000E-003,
-5.270400000000000E-003, -7.499999999999999E-005, -8.301649999999999E-002,
1.454340000000000E-002, 5.143510000000000E-002, 9.250000000000000E-004,
-4.099100000000000E-003, 4.327600000000000E-003, -1.654470000000000E-003,
2.614000000000000E-003, -1.477000000000000E-003, -1.137000000000000E-003,
-4.010475000000000E-002, 6.106710000000000E-003 ],
lkpm_of_cindex =
[ 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1,
3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0, 2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, 4, 1,
3, 1, 4, 0, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1, 4,
5, 0, 2, 3, 5, 0, 0, 3, 5, 1, 3, 2, 5, 0, 1, 2, 5, 1,
4, 1, 5, 0, 2, 1, 5, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 3, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
5, 2 ]
** Data structure
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h_private_type)
typedef struct qmckl_jastrow_struct{
int32_t uninitialized;
int64_t aord_num;
int64_t bord_num;
int64_t cord_num;
int64_t type_nuc_num;
double * aord_vector;
double * bord_vector;
double * cord_vector;
double * factor_ee;
double * factor_en;
double * factor_een;
double * factor_ee_deriv_e;
double * factor_en_deriv_e;
double * factor_een_deriv_e;
int64_t dim_cord_vec;
double * coord_vect_full;
double * tmp_c;
double * dtmp_c;
bool provided;
char * type;
} qmckl_jastrow_struct;
The ~uninitialized~ integer contains one bit set to one for each
initialization function which has not been called. It becomes equal
to zero after all initialization functions have been called. The
struct is then initialized and ~provided == true~.
Some values are initialized by default, and are not concerned by
this mechanism.
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h_func)
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_init_jastrow(qmckl_context context);
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval c)
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_init_jastrow(qmckl_context context) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return false;
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
ctx->jastrow.uninitialized = (1 << 6) - 1;
/* Default values */
** Access functions
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h_func) :exports none
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_aord_num (qmckl_context context, int64_t* const aord_num);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_bord_num (qmckl_context context, int64_t* const bord_num);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_cord_num (qmckl_context context, int64_t* const bord_num);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_type_nuc_num (qmckl_context context, int64_t* const type_nuc_num);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_aord_vector (qmckl_context context, double * const aord_vector);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_bord_vector (qmckl_context context, double * const bord_vector);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_cord_vector (qmckl_context context, double * const cord_vector);
Along with these core functions, calculation of the jastrow factor
requires the following additional information to be set:
When all the data for the AOs have been provided, the following
function returns ~true~.
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h_func)
bool qmckl_jastrow_provided (const qmckl_context context);
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval c) :noweb yes :exports none
bool qmckl_jastrow_provided(const qmckl_context context) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return false;
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
return ctx->jastrow.provided;
#+begin_src c :exports none
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return NULL;
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval c) :noweb yes :exports none
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_aord_num (const qmckl_context context, int64_t* const aord_num) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (aord_num == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_num is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 0;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.aord_num > 0);
*aord_num = ctx->jastrow.aord_num;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_bord_num (const qmckl_context context, int64_t* const bord_num) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (bord_num == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_num is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 0;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.bord_num > 0);
*bord_num = ctx->jastrow.bord_num;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_cord_num (const qmckl_context context, int64_t* const cord_num) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (cord_num == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_num is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 0;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.cord_num > 0);
*cord_num = ctx->jastrow.cord_num;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_type_nuc_num (const qmckl_context context, int64_t* const type_nuc_num) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (type_nuc_num == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"type_nuc_num is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 2;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.type_nuc_num > 0);
*type_nuc_num = ctx->jastrow.type_nuc_num;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_aord_vector (const qmckl_context context, double * const aord_vector) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (aord_vector == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_vector is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 3;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.aord_vector != NULL);
memcpy(aord_vector, ctx->jastrow.aord_vector, ctx->jastrow.aord_num*sizeof(double));
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_bord_vector (const qmckl_context context, double * const bord_vector) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (bord_vector == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"bord_vector is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 3;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.bord_vector != NULL);
memcpy(bord_vector, ctx->jastrow.bord_vector, ctx->jastrow.bord_num*sizeof(double));
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_cord_vector (const qmckl_context context, double * const cord_vector) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
return (char) 0;
if (cord_vector == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"cord_vector is a null pointer");
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int32_t mask = 1 << 3;
if ( (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized & mask) != 0) {
return (char) 0;
assert (ctx->jastrow.cord_vector != NULL);
memcpy(cord_vector, ctx->jastrow.cord_vector, ctx->jastrow.cord_num*sizeof(double));
** Initialization functions
To prepare for the Jastrow and its derivative, all the following functions need to be
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h_func)
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_ord_num (qmckl_context context, const int64_t aord_num, const int64_t bord_num, const int64_t cord_num);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_type_nuc_num (qmckl_context context, const int64_t type_nuc_num);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_aord_vector (qmckl_context context, const double * aord_vector);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_bord_vector (qmckl_context context, const double * bord_vector);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_cord_vector (qmckl_context context, const double * cord_vector);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_dependencies (qmckl_context context);
#+begin_src c :exports none
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
#+begin_src c :exports none
ctx->jastrow.uninitialized &= ~mask;
ctx->jastrow.provided = (ctx->jastrow.uninitialized == 0);
if (ctx->jastrow.provided) {
qmckl_exit_code rc_ = qmckl_finalize_basis(context);
if (rc_ != QMCKL_SUCCESS) return rc_;
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval c) :noweb yes :exports none
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_ord_num(qmckl_context context, const int64_t aord_num, const int64_t bord_num, const int64_t cord_num) {
if (aord_num <= 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_num <= 0");
if (bord_num <= 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"bord_num <= 0");
if (cord_num <= 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"cord_num <= 0");
int32_t mask = 1 << 1;
ctx->jastrow.aord_num = aord_num;
ctx->jastrow.bord_num = bord_num;
ctx->jastrow.cord_num = cord_num;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_type_nuc_num(qmckl_context context, const int64_t type_nuc_num) {
if (type_nuc_num <= 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"type_nuc_num < 0");
int32_t mask = 1 << 2;
ctx->jastrow.type_nuc_num = type_nuc_num;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_aord_vector(qmckl_context context, double const * aord_vector) {
int32_t mask = 1 << 3;
int64_t aord_num;
int rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_aord_num(context, &aord_num);
if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) return rc;
if (aord_num == 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_num is not set");
if (aord_vector == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"aord_vector = NULL");
if (ctx->jastrow.aord_vector != NULL) {
qmckl_exit_code rc = qmckl_free(context, ctx->jastrow.aord_vector);
if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) {
return qmckl_failwith( context, rc,
qmckl_memory_info_struct mem_info = qmckl_memory_info_struct_zero;
mem_info.size = aord_num * sizeof(double);
double* new_array = (double*) qmckl_malloc(context, mem_info);
if(new_array == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
memcpy(new_array, aord_vector, mem_info.size);
ctx->jastrow.aord_vector = new_array;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_bord_vector(qmckl_context context, double const * bord_vector) {
int32_t mask = 1 << 4;
int64_t bord_num;
int rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_bord_num(context, &bord_num);
if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) return rc;
if (bord_num == 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"bord_num is not set");
if (bord_vector == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"bord_vector = NULL");
if (ctx->jastrow.bord_vector != NULL) {
qmckl_exit_code rc = qmckl_free(context, ctx->jastrow.bord_vector);
if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) {
return qmckl_failwith( context, rc,
qmckl_memory_info_struct mem_info = qmckl_memory_info_struct_zero;
mem_info.size = bord_num * sizeof(double);
double* new_array = (double*) qmckl_malloc(context, mem_info);
if(new_array == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
memcpy(new_array, bord_vector, mem_info.size);
ctx->jastrow.bord_vector = new_array;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_cord_vector(qmckl_context context, double const * cord_vector) {
int32_t mask = 1 << 5;
int64_t cord_num;
int rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_cord_num(context, &cord_num);
if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) return rc;
if (cord_num == 0) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"cord_num is not set");
if (cord_vector == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
"cord_vector = NULL");
if (ctx->jastrow.cord_vector != NULL) {
qmckl_exit_code rc = qmckl_free(context, ctx->jastrow.cord_vector);
if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) {
return qmckl_failwith( context, rc,
qmckl_memory_info_struct mem_info = qmckl_memory_info_struct_zero;
mem_info.size = cord_num * sizeof(double);
double* new_array = (double*) qmckl_malloc(context, mem_info);
if(new_array == NULL) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
memcpy(new_array, cord_vector, mem_info.size);
ctx->jastrow.cord_vector = new_array;
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_set_jastrow_dependencies(qmckl_context context) {
/* Check for electron data */
if (!(ctx->electron.provided)) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
/* Check for nucleus data */
if (!(ctx->nucleus.provided)) {
return qmckl_failwith( context,
int32_t mask = 1 << 6;
When the required information is completely entered, other data structures are
computed to accelerate the calculations. The intermediates factors
are precontracted using BLAS LEVEL 3 operations for an optimal FLOP count.
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h_private_func) :noweb yes :exports none
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_finalize_jastrow(qmckl_context context);
#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval c) :noweb yes :exports none
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_finalize_jastrow(qmckl_context context) {
if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct* const) context;
assert (ctx != NULL);
int64_t nucl_num = 0;
qmckl_exit_code rc = QMCKL_FAILURE;
* End of files :noexport:
#+begin_src c :tangle (eval h_private_type)
*** Test
#+begin_src c :tangle (eval c_test)
qmckl_exit_code rc = qmckl_context_destroy(context);
assert (rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
return 0;
# -*- mode: org -*-
# vim: syntax=c