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Test method

> for each update cycle do:

(# of updates changes -> update indices & size of update-matrix changes)

1. read data from dataset
2. check error on the input data and record result: ERR_INPUT
3. set cycle- and split accumulator to zero

## >> for a set number of repetitions do:

    1. take a fresh copy (memcpy) of the slater inverse and use it in chosen kernel

### >>> for the chosen kernel do:

        1. fetch start cycles
        2. execute kernel and remember exit status: ERR_BREAK
           (number of splits is recorded in global variable) 
        3. fetch finish cycles
        4. add cycle difference to time acummulator

> continue: for each update cycle do

4. copy the updated slater-inverse-copy back to original
5a. divide cycle- and split-accumulator by number of repetitions
5b. divide cycle-accumulator by number of updates
6. add the averaged time/update-cycle of accumulater to cummulative-
    result for the entire dataset
7. update the slater matrix
8. check the error on the updated data and record the result: ERR_OUT
9. write results to stdout: cycle#, #upds, err_inp, err_break, 
    #splits, err_out, #clck_tcks, #clck_tcks/upd, cumulative cycles