Aurélien Delval 1d1da00931 Integration of vfc_ci
The vfc_ci tool has been directly added to the repository, since it's
not integrated into Verificarlo yet. The vfc_test_h5.cpp file defines a
test inspired by test_h5.cpp that reads a list of cycles and dump the
vfc_probes for these cycles.
2021-04-29 23:41:23 +02:00

218 lines
6.0 KiB

# Look for and read all the run files in the current directory (ending with
# .vfcrun.hd5), and lanch a Bokeh server for the visualization of this data.
import os
import sys
import time
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc
# Local imports from vfc_ci_server
import compare_runs
import inspect_runs
import helper
# Read vfcrun files, and aggregate them in one dataset
run_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".vfcrun.hd5") ]
if len(run_files) == 0:
"Warning [vfc_ci]: Could not find any vfcrun files in the directory. " \
"This will result in server errors and prevent you from viewing the report."
# These are arrays of Pandas dataframes for now
metadata = []
data = []
for f in run_files:
metadata.append(pd.read_hdf(f, "metadata"))
data.append(pd.read_hdf(f, "data"))
metadata = pd.concat(metadata).sort_index()
data = pd.concat(data).sort_index()
# Generate the display strings for runs (runs ticks)
# By doing this in master, we ensure the homogeneity of display strings
# across all plots
metadata["name"] = metadata.index.to_series().map(
lambda x: helper.get_run_name(
helper.get_metadata(metadata, x)["hash"]
metadata["date"] = metadata.index.to_series().map(
lambda x: time.ctime(x)
curdoc().title = "Verificarlo Report"
# Read server arguments
# (this is quite easy because Bokeh server is called through a wrapper, so
# we know exactly what the arguments might be)
git_repo_linked = False
commit_link = ""
has_logo = False
logo_url = ""
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
# Look for the Git repository remote address
# (if a Git repo is specified, the webpage will contain hyperlinks to the
# repository and the different commits)
if sys.argv[i] == "git":
from urllib.parse import urlparse
method = sys.argv[i + 1]
address = sys.argv[i + 2]
url = ""
# Here, address is either the remote URL or the path to the local Git
# repo (depending on the method)
if method == "url":
# We should directly have a Git URL
url = address
elif method == "directory":
# Get the remote URL from the local repo
from git import Repo
repo = Repo(address)
url = repo.remotes.origin.url
raise ValueError(
"Error [vfc_ci]: The specified method to get the Git " \
"repository is invalid. Are you calling Bokeh directly " \
"instead of using the Verificarlo wrapper ?"
# At this point, "url" should be set correctly, we can get the repo's
# URL and name, after making sure we're on a Git URL
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
path = parsed_url.path.split("/")
if len(path) < 3:
raise ValueError(
"Error [vfc_ci]: The found URL doesn't seem to be pointing " \
"to a Git repository (path is too short)"
repo_name = path[2]
curdoc().template_variables["repo_url"] = url
curdoc().template_variables["repo_name"] = repo_name
# We should have a "" or a "*gitlab*" URL
if parsed_url.netloc == "":
commit_link = "https://%s%s/commit/" \
% (parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path)
curdoc().template_variables["commit_link"] = commit_link
curdoc().template_variables["git_host"] = "GitHub"
# Used in Bokeh tooltips
commit_link = commit_link + "@hash"
# We assume we have a GitLab URL
commit_link = "https://%s%s/-/commit/" \
% (parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path)
curdoc().template_variables["commit_link"] = commit_link
curdoc().template_variables["git_host"] = "GitLab"
# Used in Bokeh tooltips
commit_link = commit_link + "@hash"
git_repo_linked = True
# Look for a logo URL
# If a logo URL is specified, it will be included in the report's header
if sys.argv[i] == "logo":
curdoc().template_variables["logo_url"] = sys.argv[i + 1]
has_logo = True
# After the loop, we know if a repo has been linked, if we have a logo, ...
curdoc().template_variables["git_repo_linked"] = git_repo_linked
curdoc().template_variables["has_logo"] = has_logo
# Setup report views
# Define a ViewsMaster class to allow two-ways communication between views.
# This approach by classes allows us to have separate scopes for each view and
# will be useful if we want to add new views at some point in the future
# (instead of having n views with n-1 references each).
class ViewsMaster:
# Communication functions
def go_to_inspect(self, run_name):
def __init__(self, data, metadata, git_repo_linked, commit_link): = data
self.metadata = metadata
self.git_repo_linked = git_repo_linked
self.commit_link = commit_link
# Pass metadata to the template as a JSON string
curdoc().template_variables["metadata"] = self.metadata.to_json(orient="index")
# Runs comparison = compare_runs.CompareRuns(
master = self,
doc = curdoc(),
data = data,
metadata = metadata,
# Runs inspection
self.inspect = inspect_runs.InspectRuns(
master = self,
doc = curdoc(),
data = data,
metadata = metadata,
views_master = ViewsMaster(
data = data,
metadata = metadata,
git_repo_linked = git_repo_linked,
commit_link = commit_link