2021-01-19 16:22:58 +01:00
\documentclass [aip,jcp,reprint,noshowkeys,superscriptaddress] { revtex4-1}
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\usepackage { txfonts}
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]{ hyperref}
\urlstyle { same}
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \ie } { \textit { i.e.} }
\newcommand { \eg } { \textit { e.g.} }
\newcommand { \alert } [1]{ \textcolor { red} { #1} }
\usepackage [normalem] { ulem}
\newcommand { \titou } [1]{ \textcolor { red} { #1} }
\newcommand { \trashPFL } [1]{ \textcolor { red} { \sout { #1} } }
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\newcommand { \trashXB } [1]{ \textcolor { darkgreen} { \sout { #1} } }
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\newcommand { \PFL } [1]{ \titou { (\underline { \bf PFL} : #1)} }
\newcommand { \mc } { \multicolumn }
\newcommand { \fnm } { \footnotemark }
\newcommand { \fnt } { \footnotetext }
\newcommand { \tabc } [1]{ \multicolumn { 1} { c} { #1} }
2021-01-18 21:27:59 +01:00
\newcommand { \SI } { \textcolor { blue} { supporting information} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \QP } { \textsc { quantum package} }
\newcommand { \T } [1]{ #1^ { \intercal } }
% coordinates
\newcommand { \br } { \mathbf { r} }
\newcommand { \dbr } { d\br }
% methods
\newcommand { \evGW } { ev$ GW $ }
\newcommand { \qsGW } { qs$ GW $ }
\newcommand { \GOWO } { $ G _ 0 W _ 0 $ }
\newcommand { \Hxc } { \text { Hxc} }
\newcommand { \xc } { \text { xc} }
\newcommand { \Ha } { \text { H} }
2020-10-27 14:01:50 +01:00
\newcommand { \co } { \text { c} }
\newcommand { \x } { \text { x} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \Norb } { N_ \text { orb} }
\newcommand { \Nocc } { O}
\newcommand { \Nvir } { V}
% operators
\newcommand { \hH } { \Hat { H} }
2020-10-28 14:37:49 +01:00
\newcommand { \hS } { \Hat { S} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
% methods
\newcommand { \KS } { \text { KS} }
\newcommand { \HF } { \text { HF} }
\newcommand { \RPA } { \text { RPA} }
\newcommand { \BSE } { \text { BSE} }
2020-10-22 13:23:19 +02:00
\newcommand { \dBSE } { \text { dBSE} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \GW } { GW}
\newcommand { \stat } { \text { stat} }
\newcommand { \dyn } { \text { dyn} }
\newcommand { \TDA } { \text { TDA} }
% energies
\newcommand { \Enuc } { E^ \text { nuc} }
\newcommand { \Ec } { E_ \text { c} }
\newcommand { \EHF } { E^ \text { HF} }
\newcommand { \EBSE } { E^ \text { BSE} }
\newcommand { \EcRPA } { E_ \text { c} ^ \text { RPA} }
\newcommand { \EcBSE } { E_ \text { c} ^ \text { BSE} }
% orbital energies
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \e } [1]{ \eps _ { #1} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \eHF } [1]{ \eps ^ \text { HF} _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \eKS } [1]{ \eps ^ \text { KS} _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \eQP } [1]{ \eps ^ \text { QP} _ { #1} }
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \eGOWO } [1]{ \eps ^ \text { \GOWO } _ { #1} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \eGW } [1]{ \eps ^ { GW} _ { #1} }
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \eevGW } [1]{ \eps ^ \text { \evGW } _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \eGnWn } [2]{ \eps ^ \text { \GnWn { #2} } _ { #1} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \Om } [2]{ \Omega _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \tOm } [2]{ \Tilde { \Omega } _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \homu } { \frac { { \omega } _ 1} { 2} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
% Matrix elements
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \A } [2]{ A_ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \tA } [2]{ \Tilde { A} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \B } [2]{ B_ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\renewcommand { \S } [1]{ S_ { #1} }
\newcommand { \ABSE } [2]{ A_ { #1} ^ { #2,\text { BSE} } }
\newcommand { \BBSE } [2]{ B_ { #1} ^ { #2,\text { BSE} } }
\newcommand { \ARPA } [2]{ A_ { #1} ^ { #2,\text { RPA} } }
\newcommand { \BRPA } [2]{ B_ { #1} ^ { #2,\text { RPA} } }
\newcommand { \ARPAx } [2]{ A_ { #1} ^ { #2,\text { RPAx} } }
\newcommand { \BRPAx } [2]{ B_ { #1} ^ { #2,\text { RPAx} } }
\newcommand { \G } [1]{ G_ { #1} }
\newcommand { \LBSE } [1]{ L_ { #1} }
\newcommand { \XiBSE } [1]{ \Xi _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \Po } [1]{ P_ { #1} }
\newcommand { \W } [2]{ W_ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \tW } [2]{ \widetilde { W} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \Wc } [1]{ W^ \text { c} _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \vc } [1]{ v_ { #1} }
2020-10-27 14:01:50 +01:00
\newcommand { \Sig } [2]{ \Sigma _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
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\newcommand { \SigC } [1]{ \Sigma ^ \text { c} _ { #1} }
2020-10-23 15:13:15 +02:00
\newcommand { \SigX } [1]{ \Sigma ^ \text { x} _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \SigXC } [1]{ \Sigma ^ \text { xc} _ { #1} }
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \Z } [1]{ Z_ { #1} }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \MO } [1]{ \phi _ { #1} }
\newcommand { \ERI } [2]{ (#1|#2)}
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\newcommand { \rbra } [1]{ (#1|}
\newcommand { \rket } [1]{ |#1)}
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\newcommand { \sERI } [2]{ [#1|#2]}
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
%% bold in Table
\newcommand { \bb } [1]{ \textbf { #1} }
\newcommand { \rb } [1]{ \textbf { \textcolor { red} { #1} } }
\newcommand { \gb } [1]{ \textbf { \textcolor { darkgreen} { #1} } }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
% excitation energies
\newcommand { \OmRPA } [1]{ \Omega _ { #1} ^ { \text { RPA} } }
\newcommand { \OmRPAx } [1]{ \Omega _ { #1} ^ { \text { RPAx} } }
\newcommand { \OmBSE } [1]{ \Omega _ { #1} ^ { \text { BSE} } }
% Matrices
\newcommand { \bO } { \mathbf { 0} }
\newcommand { \bI } { \mathbf { 1} }
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \bvc } { \mathbf { v} }
\newcommand { \bSig } { \mathbf { \Sigma } }
\newcommand { \bSigX } { \mathbf { \Sigma } ^ \text { x} }
\newcommand { \bSigC } { \mathbf { \Sigma } ^ \text { c} }
\newcommand { \bSigGW } { \mathbf { \Sigma } ^ { GW} }
\newcommand { \be } { \mathbf { \epsilon } }
\newcommand { \beGW } { \mathbf { \epsilon } ^ { GW} }
\newcommand { \beGnWn } [1]{ \mathbf { \epsilon } ^ \text { \GnWn { #1} } }
\newcommand { \bde } { \mathbf { \Delta \epsilon } }
\newcommand { \bdeHF } { \mathbf { \Delta \epsilon } ^ \text { HF} }
\newcommand { \bdeGW } { \mathbf { \Delta \epsilon } ^ { GW} }
\newcommand { \bOm } [1]{ \mathbf { \Omega } ^ { #1} }
2020-10-22 12:40:48 +02:00
\newcommand { \bA } [2]{ \mathbf { A} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \bB } [2]{ \mathbf { B} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
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\newcommand { \bX } [2]{ \mathbf { X} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \bY } [2]{ \mathbf { Y} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \bZ } [2]{ \mathbf { Z} _ { #1} ^ { #2} }
\newcommand { \bK } { \mathbf { K} }
\newcommand { \bP } [1]{ \mathbf { P} ^ { #1} }
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% units
\newcommand { \IneV } [1]{ #1 eV}
\newcommand { \InAU } [1]{ #1 a.u.}
\newcommand { \InAA } [1]{ #1 \AA }
\newcommand { \kcal } { kcal/mol}
% orbitals, gaps, etc
2020-10-20 23:14:57 +02:00
\newcommand { \eps } { \varepsilon }
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \IP } { I}
\newcommand { \EA } { A}
\newcommand { \HOMO } { \text { HOMO} }
\newcommand { \LUMO } { \text { LUMO} }
\newcommand { \Eg } { E_ \text { g} }
\newcommand { \EgFun } { \Eg ^ \text { fund} }
\newcommand { \EgOpt } { \Eg ^ \text { opt} }
\newcommand { \EB } { E_ B}
2020-10-22 12:40:48 +02:00
\newcommand { \sig } { \sigma }
\newcommand { \bsig } { { \Bar { \sigma } } }
\newcommand { \sigp } { { \sigma '} }
\newcommand { \bsigp } { { \Bar { \sigma } '} }
\newcommand { \taup } { { \tau '} }
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2020-10-24 14:19:04 +02:00
\newcommand { \up } { \uparrow }
\newcommand { \dw } { \downarrow }
2020-10-21 22:58:11 +02:00
\newcommand { \upup } { \uparrow \uparrow }
\newcommand { \updw } { \uparrow \downarrow }
\newcommand { \dwup } { \downarrow \uparrow }
\newcommand { \dwdw } { \downarrow \downarrow }
\newcommand { \spc } { \text { sc} }
\newcommand { \spf } { \text { sf} }
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% addresses
2020-10-20 21:58:35 +02:00
\newcommand { \LCPQ } { Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (UMR 5626), Universit\' e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France}
2021-01-19 16:22:58 +01:00
\begin { document}
\title { Supporting Information for ``Spin-Conserved and Spin-Flip Optical Excitations From the Bethe-Salpeter Equation Formalism''}
\author { Enzo \surname { Monino} }
\affiliation { \LCPQ }
\author { Pierre-Fran\c { c} ois \surname { Loos} }
\email { loos@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr}
\affiliation { \LCPQ }
%%% FIG 2 %%%
\begin { figure}
\includegraphics [width=\linewidth] { H2_ B3LYP}
\hspace { 0.05\linewidth }
\includegraphics [width=\linewidth] { H2_ BLYP}
\vspace { 0.025\linewidth }
\includegraphics [width=\linewidth] { H2_ dBSE}
\caption {
Excitation energies with respect to the $ \text { X } \, { } ^ 1 \Sigma _ g ^ + $ ground state of the $ \text { B } \, { } ^ 1 \Sigma _ u ^ + $ (red), $ \text { E } \, { } ^ 1 \Sigma _ g ^ + $ (black), and $ \text { F } \, { } ^ 1 \Sigma _ g ^ + $ (blue) states of \ce { H2} obtained with the cc-pVQZ basis at the (SF-)TD-B3LYP (top), (SF-) TD-BLYP (middle), and (SF-)dBSE (bottom) levels of theory.
The reference EOM-CCSD excitation energies are represented as solid lines, while the results obtained with and without spin-flip are represented as dashed and dotted lines, respectively.
All the spin-conserved and spin-flip calculations have been performed with an unrestricted reference.
The raw data are reported in the { \SI } .
\label { fig:H2} }
\end { figure}
%%% %%% %%%
\bibliography { sfBSE}
\end { document}