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Configuration Sigma Vector Helpers

Generate the singly excited configurations on-the-fly

The algorithm is based on the work by Garniron et. al. (see thesis Chap 5). The basic idea is to generate \(|\alpha\rangle\)'s on-the-fly.

The algorithm is based on the idea of splitting the list of \(|\alpha\rangle\)'s into blocks associated with a selected determinant \(|D_I\rangle\).

Create a function to return a list of alphas

Here we create a list of \(|\alpha\rangle\)'s associated with the input determinant \(|D_I\rangle\).

  subroutine obtain_associated_alphaI(idxI, Icfg, alphasIcfg, NalphaIcfg)
  implicit none
  use bitmasks
  ! Documentation for alphasI
  ! Returns the associated alpha's for
  ! the input configuration Icfg.

  integer,intent(in)                 :: idxI ! The id of the Ith CFG
  integer(bit_kind),intent(in)       :: Icfg(N_int,2)
  integer,intent(out)                :: NalphaIcfg
  integer(bit_kind),intent(out)      :: alphasIcfg(N_int,2,*)
  logical,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tableUniqueAlphas
  integer                            :: listholes(mo_num)
  integer                            :: holetype(mo_num) ! 1-> SOMO 2->DOMO
  integer                            :: nholes
  integer                            :: nvmos
  integer                            :: listvmos(mo_num)
  integer                            :: vmotype(mo_num) ! 1 -> VMO 2 -> SOMO
  integer*8                          :: Idomo
  integer*8                          :: Isomo
  integer*8                          :: Jdomo
  integer*8                          :: Jsomo
  integer*8                          :: diffSOMO
  integer*8                          :: diffDOMO
  integer                            :: ndiffSOMO
  integer                            :: ndiffDOMO
  integer                            :: ndiffAll
  integer                            :: i
  integer                            :: j
  integer                            :: k
  integer                            :: hole
  integer                            :: p
  integer                            :: q
  integer                            :: countalphas
  logical                            :: pqAlreadyGenQ
  logical                            :: pqExistsQ
  Isomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,1))
  Idomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,2))
  !print*,"Input cfg"
  !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
  !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)

  !print*,n_act_orb, "monum=",mo_num," n_core=",n_core_orb

  ! find out all pq holes possible
  nholes = 0
  ! holes in SOMO
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0,i-1))) .EQ. 1) then
        nholes += 1
        listholes(nholes) = i
        holetype(nholes) = 1
  end do
  ! holes in DOMO
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0,i-1))) .EQ. 1) then
        nholes += 1
        listholes(nholes) = i
        holetype(nholes) = 2
  end do

  ! find vmos
  listvmos = -1
  vmotype = -1
  nvmos = 0
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     !print *,i,IBSET(0,i-1),POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0,i-1)))), POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0,i-1))))
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0,i-1)))) .EQ. 0 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0,i-1)))) .EQ. 0) then
        nvmos += 1
        listvmos(nvmos) = i
        vmotype(nvmos) = 1
     else if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0,i-1)))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0,i-1)))) .EQ. 0 ) then
        nvmos += 1
        listvmos(nvmos) = i
        vmotype(nvmos) = 2
     end if
  end do

  !print *,"Nvmo=",nvmos
  !print *,listvmos
  !print *,vmotype

  tableUniqueAlphas = .FALSE.

  ! Now find the allowed (p,q) excitations
  Isomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,1))
  Idomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,2))
  !print *,"Isomo"
  !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
  !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)
  do i = 1,nholes
     p = listholes(i)
     do j = 1,nvmos
        q = listvmos(j)
        if(p == q) cycle
        if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
           ! SOMO -> VMO
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = Idomo
        else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
           ! SOMO -> SOMO
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = IBSET(Idomo,q-1)
        else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
           ! DOMO -> VMO
           Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
        else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
           ! DOMO -> SOMO
           Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
           Jdomo = IBSET(Jdomo,q-1)
           print*,"Something went wrong in obtain_associated_alphaI"

        pqAlreadyGenQ = .FALSE.
        ! First check if it can be generated before
        do k = 1, idxI-1
           diffSOMO = XOR(Jsomo,iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,1,k)))
           diffDOMO = XOR(Jdomo,iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,2,k)))
           ndiffSOMO = POPCNT(diffSOMO)
           ndiffDOMO = POPCNT(diffDOMO)
           if(POPCNT(XOR(diffSOMO,diffDOMO)) .LE. 1 .AND. ndiffDOMO .LT. 3) then
              pqAlreadyGenQ = .TRUE.
              !print *,i,k,ndiffSOMO,ndiffDOMO
              !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
              !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
              !call debug_spindet(iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,1,k)),1)
              !call debug_spindet(iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,2,k)),1)
        end do

        if(pqAlreadyGenQ) cycle

        pqExistsQ = .FALSE.
        ! now check if this exists in the selected list
        do k = idxI, N_configuration
           diffSOMO = XOR(OR(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Jsomo),psi_configuration(1,1,k))
           diffDOMO = XOR(OR(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Jdomo),psi_configuration(1,2,k))
           ndiffSOMO = POPCNT(diffSOMO)
           ndiffDOMO = POPCNT(diffDOMO)
           if((ndiffSOMO + ndiffDOMO) .EQ. 0) then
              pqExistsQ = .TRUE.
        end do

        if(.NOT. pqExistsQ) then
           tableUniqueAlphas(p,q) = .TRUE.
           !print *,p,q
           !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
           !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
     end do
  end do

  !print *,tableUniqueAlphas(:,:)

  ! prune list of alphas
  Isomo = Icfg(1,1)
  Idomo = Icfg(1,2)
  Jsomo = Icfg(1,1)
  Jdomo = Icfg(1,2)
  NalphaIcfg = 0
  do i = 1, nholes
     p = listholes(i)
     do j = 1, nvmos
        q = listvmos(j)
        if(tableUniqueAlphas(p,q)) then
           if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
              ! SOMO -> VMO
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = Idomo
           else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
              ! SOMO -> SOMO
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = IBSET(Idomo,q-1)
           else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
              ! DOMO -> VMO
              Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
           else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
              ! DOMO -> SOMO
              Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
              Jdomo = IBSET(Jdomo,q-1)
              print*,"Something went wrong in obtain_associated_alphaI"

           NalphaIcfg += 1
           !print *,p,q,"|",holetype(i),vmotype(j)
           !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
           !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
           alphasIcfg(1,1,NalphaIcfg) = Jsomo
           alphasIcfg(1,2,NalphaIcfg) = Jdomo
     end do
  end do

  end subroutine