8.7 KiB
DatafileBuilder.py is a script to read a \mathrm{\LaTeX}
environment to data file for the website.
To run the script you must have this two elements.
Command line usage
usage: datafileBuilder.py [-h] [--file FILE] [--defaultType {ABS,FLUO}]
[--format {LINE,COLUMN,TBE}] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE
--defaultType {ABS,FLUO}
--format {LINE,COLUMN,TBE}
--debug Debug mode
The default type is ABS
(for absorbtion).
The default format is LINE
described below
There is absolutly no guarantee of success.
If the program crach of if the result is not correct please:
- Check if the input file respect the selected format
- Simplify the
code of the input file as much as possible
Input skeleton
% \newcommand area
% ther cusom commands definition with or without arguments
% Tabular in one of the format supported by the script
Example of input
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\AVDZ} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\AVTZ}& \multicolumn{3}{c}{\AVQZ} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Litt.}\\
State & {\CC{3}} & {\CCSDT} & {\CCSDTQ} & {\CCSDTQP} & {\exCI} & {\CC{3}} & {\CCSDT} & {\CCSDTQ} & {\exCI}& {\CC{3}} & {\CCSDT} & {\exCI} & Exp.$^a$ & Th.$^b$ & Th.$^c$\\
$^1B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.51&7.50&7.53&7.53&7.53 &7.60&7.59&7.62&7.62 &7.65 &7.64 &7.68 &7.41 &7.81&7.57\\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.29&9.28&9.31&9.32&9.32 &9.38&9.37&9.40&9.41 &9.43 &9.41 &9.46 &9.20 &9.30&9.33\\
$^1A_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.92&9.90&9.94&9.94&9.94 &9.97&9.95&9.98&9.99 &10.00 &9.98 &10.02 &9.67 &9.91&9.91\\
$^3B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.13&7.11&7.14&7.14&7.14 &7.23&7.22&7.24&7.25 &7.28 &7.26 &7.30 &7.20 &7.42&7.21\\
$^3A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.12&9.11&9.14&9.14&9.14 &9.22&9.20&9.23&9.24 &9.26 &9.25 &9.28 &8.90 &9.42&9.19\\
$^3A_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.47&9.45&9.48&9.49&9.49 &9.52&9.50&9.53&9.54 &9.56 &9.54 &9.58 &9.46 &9.78&9.50\\
All '\newcommand' are applied to the cell of the tabular and the tabular is parsed to extract data.
General rules
The general rules to extract data correctly are:
must not follow another$
put space between them. -
The column number must be the same on each row of the
Please respect the format of each tabular.
Use standard
for the\multicolumn
command and not a wrapper. -
In general use standard
instead of dirty form for example.$A''$ % Bad $A^"$ % Bad $A^{\prime\prime}$ %Good
D'ont put comment at the end of
row (this cause a TexSoup bug). -
environment is supported please convertlongtable
and other table format to `tabular . -
are supported please convert\def
. -
After executing all commands the basis and methods name must be
free (only plan text).
Unsafe values
Unsafe value (value that must not included in the statistics table and graph) must be in emphasis or with \sim
symbol like
\sim 42
\emph{42} % unsafe=true
$\sim$ 42 % unsafe=true
42 % unsafe=false
that set the unsafe boolean value to true
in the output data file
Transition format
$^m s[\mathrm{F}](T)$
Where m
is the multiplicity s
is the symetry and \mathrm{F}
if it is present specifies that the vertical transition is fluorescence
T is transition type and must be in the format
initial \rightarrow final
All the \mathrm{\LaTeX}
code in this format must be standard latex except of the command define on the \newcommand
The line format
& \multicolumn{n}{c}{Molecule} \\
& basis#1 & basis#2 & basis#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command
State & method#1 & method#2 method#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command
$Transition#1$ & value11&value#12 & ... value#1n\\
$Transition#2$ & value21&value#22 & ... value#2n\\
% All the other transition
$Transition#m$ & value#m1&value#m2 & ... value#mn\\
The column format
& & basis#1 & basis#2 & basis#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command
Molecule &State & method#1 & method#2 method#n \\ % You can also use the LaTeX standard \multiculumn command
molecule#1 &$Transition#11$ &value#111&value#112 ... &value#11n \\
&$Transition#12$ &value#121&value#122 &value#12n \\
% Other transition on the molecule#1
&$Transition#1m$ &value#1m1&value#1m1 &value#1nm \\
% Other molecules
molecule#k &$Transition#k1$ &value#k11&value#k12 ... &value#k1n \\
% Other transition on the molecule#k
&$Transition#km$ &value#km1&value#km2 &value#kmn \\
This format is very powerfull because it can be used with multiple molecules.
The TBE format
format is a variant of the COLUMN
format but made for theoretical best estimate tabular.
The basis is not extract from the TBE format
& & & & TBE(FC)& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Corrected TBE} \\
& State & $f$ & \%$T_1$ & basis & Method & Corr. & Value \\
molecule#1 &$transition#11$ & fvalue#11 &\%T_1value#11& fceval#11 & not used value & not used value & eval#11 \\
&$transition#12$ & fvalue#12 &\%T_1value#12& fceval#12 & not used value & not used value & eval#12 \\
% Other transition on the same molecule
&$transition#1n$ & fvalue#12 &\%T_1value#12& fceval#1n & not used value & not used value & eval#12 \\
molecule#m &$transition#m1$ & fvalue#m1 &\%T_1value#m1& fceval#m1 & not used value & not used value & eval#k1 \\
&$transition#m2$ & fvalue#m2 &\%T_1value#m2& fceval#m2 & not used value & not used value & eval#m2 \\
% Other transition on the same molecule
&$transition#mn$ & fvalue#mn &\%T_1value#mn& fceval#mn & not used value & not used value & eval#mn \\
Directory strucure
├── abs
│ ├── molecule#1_method#1_basis#1.dat
│ ├── ...
│ ├── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat
│ └── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat
└── fluo
├── molecule#1_method#1_basis#1.dat
├── ...
├── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat
└── molecule#n_basis#m_method#k.dat
When the debug flag is used instead of data/
the root of output directory is data/test/
Output file
# Molecule : moleculename
# Comment :
# code : codename,[version]
# method : method,[basis]
# geom : method,[basis]
# Initial state Final state Transition Energies (eV) %T1 Oscilator forces unsafe
####################### ####################### ######################################## ############# ####### ################### ##############
# Number Spin Symm Number Spin Symm type E_abs %T1 f is unsafe
n s symm n s symm (excitationType) value %T1val forceval isUnsafe
When each value are number spin value are integer symmetry and excitation type are standard LaTeX
isUnsafe is boolean corrresponded to JavaScript
boolean values true
or false