2023-06-06 10:46:04 +02:00

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SPIP Database to Markdown

spip2md is a litle Python app that can export a SPIP database into a plain text, Markdown + YAML repository, usable with static site generators.


spip2md is currently able to:

  • Export every section (spip_rubriques), with every article (spip_articles) they contain
    • Replace authors (spip_auteurs) IDs with their name (in YAML block)
    • Generate different files for each language found in <multi> blocks
    • Copy over all the attached files (spip_documents), with proper links
    • Convert SPIP Markup language
    • Convert SPIP ID-based internal links (like <art123>) into path-based, normal links


To use the app, simply run the command spip2md. However, you probably want to configure certain settings before running it, like the database credentials. Here are the available configuration options, to put in a spip2md.yml file:

db: Name of the database (default is spip)
db_host: Host of the database (default is localhost)
db_user: The database user (default is spip)
db_pass: The database password (default is password)
data_dir: The directory in which SPIP images & files are stored
export_languages: Array of languages to export (default is ["en",])
output_dir: The directory in which files will be written (default is output/)
prepend_h1: Should spip2md prepend the title of articles as Markdown h1 (default true)
prepend_id: Whether to prepend ID of the object to directory slug
prepend_lang: Whether to prepend lang of the object to directory slug
export_drafts: Should we export drafts (default true)
remove_html: Should we clean remaining HTML blocks (default true)
unknown_char_replacement: Broken encoding that cannot be repaired is replaced with that
clear_log: Clear logfile between runs instead of appending to (default false)
clear_output: Clear output dir between runs instead of merging into (default false)
logfile: Name of the logs file (default is spip2md.log)


These tables could represent additional data to export:

  • spip_evenements
  • spip_meta
  • spip_mots
  • spip_syndic_articles
  • spip_mots_liens
  • spip_zones_liens
  • spip_groupes_mots
  • spip_meslettres
  • spip_messages
  • spip_syndic
  • spip_zones

These tables seem more technical:

  • spip_depots
  • spip_depots_plugins
  • spip_jobs
  • spip_ortho_cache
  • spip_paquets
  • spip_plugins
  • spip_referers
  • spip_referers_articles
  • spip_types_documents
  • spip_versions
  • spip_versions_fragments
  • spip_visites
  • spip_visites_articles

These tables are empty:

  • spip_breves
  • spip_evenements_participants
  • spip_forum
  • spip_jobs_liens
  • spip_ortho_dico
  • spip_petitions
  • spip_resultats
  • spip_signatures
  • spip_test
  • spip_urls