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Configuration based CI

Here we write the main functions that perform the functions necessary for the Configuration based CI.

There are three main functions required for doing the CI

  • Convert wavefunction from determinant basis to configuration state function (CSF) basis
  • Apply the Hamiltonian to the wavefunction in CSF basis
  • Convert the converged wavefunction back to determinant basis

TODO[0/3] Convert basis from DET to CSF

The conversion of basis is done by going via bonded functions (BFs). Importantly, all the CSFs of a chosen configuration (CFG) are kept.

The advantage is that the sigma-vector can be performed efficiently via BLAS level 3 operations.

  • Write a function to calculate the maximum dimensions required

    Prototype array contains the \( <I|\hat{E}_{pq}|J> \) for all possible CFGs \( I, J\) and all \(4\) types of excitations for all possible model orbitals \(p,q\). Note that the orbital ids \(p,q\) here do not refer to the actual MO ids, they simply refer to the orbitals involved in that spefcific SOMO, for e.g. an excitation of the type [2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0] -> [ 2 2 1 1 1 1 1] implies an excitation from orbital \(3\) to orbital \(8\) which are the real MO ids. However, the prototype only concerns the SOMOs like so [2 1 1 1 1 0] -> [ 1 1 1 1 1 1] therefore \(p,q\) are model space ids \(1,6\).

    BEGIN_PROIDER[ integer, NSOMOMax]
    implicit none
    ! Documentation for NSOMOMax
    ! The maximum number of SOMOs for the current calculation.
    ! required for the calculation of prototype arrays.
    NSOMOMax = 8
    NCSFMAx = 14 ! TODO: NCSFs for MS=0

    The prototype matrix AIJpqMatrixList has the following dimensions ,,\(\left(NSOMOMax, NSOMOMax, 4, NSOMOMax, NSOMOMax,NCSFMAx,NCSFMax\right)\) where the first two indices represent the somos in \(I,J\) followed by the type of excitation and finally the two model space orbitals \(p,q\).

  • Read the transformation matrix based on the number of SOMOs

    BEGIN_PROIDER[ double precision, AIJpqMatrixList, (NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,NCSFMax,NCSFMax)]
    implicit none
    ! Documentation for AIJpqMatrixList
    ! The prototype matrix containing the <I|E_{pq}|J>
    ! matrices for each I,J somo pair and orb ids.
    do i = 1,NSOMOMax
       do j = i-1,i+1
          if(j > NSOMOMax || j ==0) then
          end if
       end do
    end do
  • Perform the conversion by matrix-vector BLAS level 2 call