The variable name is not `orb`, but `ish` at the current version
symm_deg_gf var name change
`symm_deg_gf` variable change
method `symm_deg_gf` have changed its variable `orb` to `ish`, that's fooling this method change
Adding Elk-TRIQS interface (first iteration)
This interface reads in Elk's ground-state files / projectors generated by a specific Elk interface code version ( The interface can perform charge-self consistent DFT+DMFT calculations using the aforementioned Elk code version, including spin orbit-coupling. Hence, this is the first open source interfaced DFT code to triqs with FCSC support.
The commit includes detailed documentation and tutorials on how to use this interface. Moreover, further new post-processing routines are added for Fermi surface plots and spectral functions (A(w)) from the elk inputs.
The interface was tested by A. James and A. Hampel. However, this is the first iteration of the interface and should be used with care. Please report all bugs.
List of changes:
- added cacluation of charge density correction for elk (dm_type='elk').
- added new post-processing functions to calculate the Fermi surface and A(w) from the Elk inputs.
- documentation and tutorial files amended for this interface.
- added python tests for the Elk converter.
This adds another option and a mode flag in dmftproj:
* third value in window line defines now the mode
* new option to provide an energy window where all
bands which are within the window (at least at one k-point)
are taken into account for the projectors.
* updates to documention to reflects those changes
merged unstable into py3
* include the major changes of a94f8ed94280ed8bfa7c46b8f811aa402d7c8981
* adapted all code to python 3
* fixed all tests
* Adapt the AC parts to the new TRIQS/maxent package
* Restructure the explaination on how to run the scripts
* Corrections of many typos and pytriqs occurences.