2020-06-23 10:53:52 +02:00
from triqs . utility . comparison_tests import *
2019-08-16 02:18:40 +02:00
from triqs_dft_tools . sumk_dft import *
import numpy as np
def is_diagonal_matrix ( M ) :
return abs ( np . sum ( M - np . diag ( np . diagonal ( M ) ) ) ) < 1e-10
def call_diagonalize ( SK ) :
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
t_sumk_eal = SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( prop_to_be_diagonal = ' eal ' , calc_in_solver_blocks = False , write_to_blockstructure = True )
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
t_solver_eal = SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( prop_to_be_diagonal = ' eal ' , calc_in_solver_blocks = True , write_to_blockstructure = True )
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
t_solver_dm = SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( prop_to_be_diagonal = ' dm ' , calc_in_solver_blocks = False , write_to_blockstructure = True )
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
t_sumk_dm = SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( prop_to_be_diagonal = ' dm ' , calc_in_solver_blocks = True , write_to_blockstructure = True )
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
return t_sumk_eal , t_solver_eal , t_sumk_dm , t_solver_dm
2020-06-23 11:13:00 +02:00
SK = SumkDFT ( hdf_file = ' SrVO3.ref.h5 ' , use_dft_blocks = True )
2019-08-16 02:18:40 +02:00
# only eal and dm are allowed
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
assert not SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( prop_to_be_diagonal = ' test ' )
# check for shell index
assert not SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( shells = [ 15 ] )
# calling the function twice leads to block_structure.transformation already being set
SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( )
assert not SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( )
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
# Check writing to block_structure
SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( write_to_blockstructure = False )
assert SK . block_structure . transformation is None
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
SK . calculate_diagonalization_matrix ( write_to_blockstructure = True )
assert SK . block_structure . transformation is not None
SK . block_structure . transformation = None
t_sumk_eal , t_solver_eal , t_sumk_dm , t_solver_dm = call_diagonalize ( SK )
# All matrices should be identities
for orb in range ( SK . n_corr_shells ) :
for block in t_solver_eal [ orb ] :
assert_arrays_are_close ( t_sumk_eal [ orb ] [ block ] , np . identity ( 3 ) , precision = 1e-6 )
assert_arrays_are_close ( t_sumk_dm [ orb ] [ block ] , np . identity ( 3 ) , precision = 1e-6 )
assert_arrays_are_close ( t_solver_eal [ orb ] [ block ] , np . identity ( 3 ) , precision = 1e-6 )
assert_arrays_are_close ( t_solver_dm [ orb ] [ block ] , np . identity ( 3 ) , precision = 1e-6 )
SK = SumkDFT ( hdf_file = ' w90_convert.ref.h5 ' , use_dft_blocks = True )
t_sumk_eal , t_solver_eal , t_sumk_dm , t_solver_dm = call_diagonalize ( SK )
# In this example solver and sumk should be the same
for orb in range ( SK . n_corr_shells ) :
for block in t_solver_eal [ orb ] :
assert_arrays_are_close ( t_sumk_eal [ orb ] [ block ] , t_solver_eal [ orb ] [ block ] , precision = 1e-6 )
assert_arrays_are_close ( t_sumk_dm [ orb ] [ block ] , t_solver_dm [ orb ] [ block ] , precision = 1e-6 )
# Check if transformations make eal and dm really diagonal
eal = SK . eff_atomic_levels ( ) [ 0 ]
for e in eal :
assert is_diagonal_matrix ( np . dot ( np . dot ( t_solver_eal [ 0 ] [ e ] , eal [ e ] . conj ( ) . T ) , t_solver_eal [ 0 ] [ e ] . conj ( ) . T ) )
dm = SK . density_matrix ( method = ' using_point_integration ' )
for dmi in dm :
for e in dmi :
assert is_diagonal_matrix ( np . dot ( np . dot ( t_solver_dm [ 0 ] [ e ] , dmi [ e ] . conj ( ) . T ) , t_solver_dm [ 0 ] [ e ] . conj ( ) . T ) )
2020-04-29 16:13:06 +02:00
# Test convert_operator
2020-06-23 11:13:00 +02:00
SK = SumkDFT ( hdf_file = ' SrVO3.ref.h5 ' , use_dft_blocks = True )
2020-04-29 16:13:06 +02:00
BS = SK . block_structure
2020-06-23 10:53:52 +02:00
from triqs . operators . util import h_int_slater , U_matrix , t2g_submatrix , transform_U_matrix
2020-04-29 16:13:06 +02:00
U3x3 = t2g_submatrix ( U_matrix ( 2 , U_int = 2 , J_hund = 0.2 , basis = ' spheric ' ) )
BS . transformation = [ { ' up ' : np . eye ( 3 ) , ' down ' : np . eye ( 3 ) } ]
H0 = h_int_slater ( spin_names = [ ' up ' , ' down ' ] , orb_names = range ( 3 ) , U_matrix = U3x3 , off_diag = False )
H1 = h_int_slater ( spin_names = [ ' up ' , ' down ' ] , orb_names = range ( 3 ) , U_matrix = U3x3 , off_diag = True )
assert ( H0 == BS . convert_operator ( H1 ) )
# Trafo Matrix switching index 1 & 2
BS . transformation = [ { ' up ' : np . array ( [ [ 1 , 0 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] ] ) , ' down ' : np . array ( [ [ 1 , 0 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] ] ) } ]
H2 = BS . convert_operator ( h_int_slater ( spin_names = [ ' up ' , ' down ' ] , orb_names = [ 0 , 2 , 1 ] , U_matrix = U3x3 , off_diag = True ) )
assert ( H0 == H2 )
BS . transformation = [ { ' up ' : np . array ( [ [ 1 , 0 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) , 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) ] , [ 0 , 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) , - 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) ] ] ) , ' down ' : np . array ( [ [ 1 , 0 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) , 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) ] , [ 0 , 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) , - 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 ) ] ] ) } ]
H3 = BS . convert_operator ( h_int_slater ( spin_names = [ ' up ' , ' down ' ] , orb_names = [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] , U_matrix = U3x3 , off_diag = True ) )
for op in H3 :
for c_op in op [ 0 ] :
assert ( BS . gf_struct_solver_dict [ 0 ] [ c_op [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ] [ c_op [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ] is not None ) # This crashes with a key error if the operator structure is not the solver structure
2020-06-23 11:13:00 +02:00
2020-04-29 16:13:06 +02:00
U_trafod = transform_U_matrix ( U3x3 , BS . transformation [ 0 ] [ ' up ' ] . conjugate ( ) ) # The notorious .conjugate()
H4 = h_int_slater ( spin_names = [ ' up ' , ' down ' ] , orb_names = range ( 3 ) , U_matrix = U_trafod , map_operator_structure = BS . sumk_to_solver [ 0 ] )
assert ( H4 == H3 ) # check that convert_operator does the same as transform_U_matrix