This section explains how to use some tools of the package in order to analyse the data. There are certain tools here which are not available for some DFT code interfaces. Please refer to the DFT package interface converter documentation (see :ref:`conversion`) on how to interface the required DFT outputs into the HDF5 files needed for the tools discussed here. This section will assume that the user has converted the required DFT data.
*:meth:`density_of_states <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools.density_of_states>` for the momentum-integrated spectral function including self energy effects and
*:meth:`spectral_contours <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools.spectral_contours>` for the k-resolved spectral function on a specific k-mesh (i.e., spectral function on a two dimensional k-mesh)
The figure above shows the DFT SrVO\ :sub:`3`\ density of states generated from 2925 k-points in the irreducible Brillouin zone with the V t\ :sub:`2g`\ Wannier projectors generated within a correlated energy window of [-13.6, 13.6] eV. The `broadening` input has been set to the temperature (i.e., 1/Beta). The total, V t\ :sub:`2g`\ Wannier and occupied total density of states generated from the SK.density_of_states() routine are shown. Note that the noise in the density of states comes from the number of k-points used. This can be removed upon by either using more k-points or using a larger `broadening` value.
This is required to generate the occupied DOS in SK.density_of_states() when dosocc is set to True. The `save_occ` optional input (True by default) saves these density matrices to the HDF5 file within the misc_data subgroup. The other variables are the same as defined above. See :meth:`occupations <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools.occupations>`
Another quantity of interest is the calculated momentum-resolved spectral function A(k, :math:`\omega`) or (correlated) band structure which can directly be compared to ARPES experiments.
First we have generate the required files from the DFT code of choice and interface them with DFT_Tools, see the guides of the DFT converters (:ref:`conversion`) on how to do this.
The figure above shows the DFT SrVO\ :sub:`3`\ spaghetti plot (generated using V t\ :sub:`2g`\ Wannier projectors generated within a correlated energy window of [-13.6, 13.6] eV). As before, the broadening input has been set to the temperature (i.e., 1/Beta). The left panel shows the total A(k, :math:`\omega`) whereas the right gives the Wannier A(k, :math:`\omega`), both generated from this SK.spaghettis().
Currently, this has only been implemented for Elk DFT inputs only.
This routine calculates the k-resolved spectral function evaluated at the Fermi level or several energy contours on the k-mesh defined in the converter stage::
The figure above shows the DFT SrVO\ :sub:`3`\ energy contour plots (again, generated using V t\ :sub:`2g`\ Wannier projectors generated within a correlated energy window of [-13.6, 13,6] eV and broadening of 1/Beta). Both panels have been generated on a k-mesh within the first Brillouin zone on the k\ :sub:`z`\ = 0.0 plane centered at the :math:`\Gamma` point. Here, each panel generated using the outputs from this SK.spectral_contours_plot() routine shows the A(k, :math:`\omega`) evaluated at :math:`\omega` = -0.5 eV (left) and the Fermi level, :math:`\omega` = 0.0 eV, (right).