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QCaml (Quantum Camel)
<img src="data/chamo_bg.png" width="300" >
QCaml is a quantum chemistry software written in OCaml.
* BLAS/LAPACK : Linear algebra
* LaCaml : LAPACK OCaml interface
* gmp : GNU Multiple Precision arithmetic library
* Zarith : Arbitrary-precision integers
* GetOpt : Parsing of command-line
* Alcotest : Lightweight testing framework
* odoc-ltxhtml : https://github.com/akabe/odoc-ltxhtml
opam install dune lacaml getopt alcotest zarith camlp-streams
To use the Intel MKL library:
export LACAML_LIBS="-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_rt -lpthread -lm -ldl"
opam install --assume-depexts lacaml
How to build the project
Run `make` to compile the libraries and executables that are
meant to be installed.
$ make -j
How to run tests
$ make test
How to use local libraries interactively
Use `dune utop DIR` where DIR if the folder contains the `dune`
file for a library. For instance, our `sub2` sample library can be
used as follows:
$ dune utop sub2/lib
utop # Proj_sub2.A.do_something ();;
1525373137.245 seconds have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.
- : unit = ()
The project can be installed with or without opam.
Without opam, you can run the following which relies directly on
$ make install
$ make uninstall
With opam, you can install the current development version of your
project as a single opam package. It will override the currently
installed package of the same name, if any:
$ opam pin add QCaml .
For more information on `opam pin`, please consult the opam documentation.
The advantage of the opam-based method is that other opam packages can
depend on this one, and opam will recompile them automatically as