mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-10-06 16:26:03 +02:00

4.5 KiB

None <html> <head> </head>
In [4]:
let png_image = print_endline ;;

(* --------- *)

#cd "/home/scemama/QCaml";;
#use "topfind";;
#require "jupyter.notebook";;

let png_image name = 
    Jupyter_notebook.display_file ~base64:true "image/png" ("Notebooks/images/"^name)

#require "lacaml.top";;
#require "alcotest";;
#require "str";;
#require "bigarray";;
#require "zarith";;
#require "getopt";;
#directory "_build";;
#directory "_build/Basis";;
#directory "_build/CI";;
#directory "_build/MOBasis";;
#directory "_build/Nuclei";;
#directory "_build/Parallel";;
#directory "_build/Perturbation";;
#directory "_build/SCF";;
#directory "_build/Utils";;
val png_image : string -> unit = <fun>
- : unit = ()
Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
  #require "package";;      to load a package
  #list;;                   to list the available packages
  #camlp4o;;                to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
  #camlp4r;;                to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
  #predicates "p,q,...";;   to set these predicates
  Topfind.reset();;         to force that packages will be reloaded
  #thread;;                 to enable threads

- : unit = ()
val png_image : string -> Jupyter_notebook.display_id = <fun>
In [5]:
#load "Constants.cmo";;
#load_rec "Util.cma";;
#load_rec "Matrix.cmo";;
#load_rec "Simulation.cmo";;
#load_rec "Spindeterminant.cmo";;
#load_rec "Determinant.cmo";;
#load_rec "HartreeFock.cmo";;
#load_rec "MOBasis.cmo";;
#load_rec "F12CI.cmo";;
File Constants.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File Util.cma is not a bytecode object file.
File Matrix.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File Simulation.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File Spindeterminant.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File Determinant.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File HartreeFock.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File MOBasis.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
File F12CI.cmo is not a bytecode object file.
In [ ]:
#install_printer AngularMomentum.pp_string ;;
#install_printer Basis.pp ;;
#install_printer Charge.pp ;;
#install_printer Coordinate.pp ;;
#install_printer Vector.pp;;
#install_printer Matrix.pp;;
#install_printer Util.pp_float_2darray;;
#install_printer Util.pp_float_array;;
#install_printer Util.pp_matrix;;
#install_printer HartreeFock.pp ;;
#install_printer Fock.pp ;;
#install_printer MOClass.pp ;;
let pp_mo ppf t = MOBasis.pp ~start:1 ~finish:0 ppf t ;;
#install_printer pp_mo;;
#install_printer DeterminantSpace.pp;;
#install_printer SpindeterminantSpace.pp;;
#install_printer Bitstring.pp;;

(* --------- *)

open Lacaml.D