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#+begin_src elisp tangle: no :results none :exports none
(setq pwd (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
(setq name (file-name-nondirectory (substring buffer-file-name 0 -4)))
(setq lib (concat pwd "lib/"))
(setq testdir (concat pwd "test/"))
(setq mli (concat lib name ".mli"))
(setq ml (concat lib name ".ml"))
(setq test-ml (concat testdir name ".ml"))
* Gaussian basis
:header-args: :noweb yes :comments both
Data structure for Gaussian Atomic Orbitals:
\chi_i(\mathbf{r}) = P_i(\mathbf{r}) \sum_k c_k \exp\left( -\alpha_k (\mathbf{r-R_A})^2 \right)
where the polynomial $P_Ai and the Gaussian part are both centered on
nucleus $A$.
** Type
#+NAME: types
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
open Common
open Particles
open Linear_algebra
open Gaussian_integrals
open Operators
type t
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
open Linear_algebra
open Gaussian
open Gaussian_integrals
open Operators
module Basis = Gaussian.Basis
type t =
basis : Basis.t ;
overlap : Overlap.t lazy_t;
multipole : Multipole.t lazy_t;
ortho : Orthonormalization.t lazy_t;
eN_ints : Electron_nucleus.t lazy_t;
kin_ints : Kinetic.t lazy_t;
ee_ints : Eri.t lazy_t;
ee_lr_ints : Eri_long_range.t lazy_t;
f12_ints : F12.t lazy_t;
f12_over_r12_ints : Screened_eri.t lazy_t;
cartesian : bool ;
** Access
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val basis : t -> Gaussian.Basis.t
val cartesian : t -> bool
val ee_ints : t -> Eri.t
val ee_lr_ints : t -> Eri_long_range.t
val eN_ints : t -> Electron_nucleus.t
val f12_ints : t -> F12.t
val f12_over_r12_ints : t -> Screened_eri.t
val kin_ints : t -> Kinetic.t
val multipole : t -> Multipole.t
val ortho : t -> Orthonormalization.t
val overlap : t -> Overlap.t
val size : t -> int
| ~basis~ | One-electron basis set |
| ~cartesian~ | If true, use cartesian Gaussians (6d, 10f, ...) |
| ~ee_ints~ | Electron-electron potential integrals |
| ~ee_lr_ints~ | Electron-electron long-range potential integrals |
| ~eN_ints~ | Electron-nucleus potential integrals |
| ~f12_ints~ | Electron-electron potential integrals |
| ~f12_over_r12_ints~ | Electron-electron potential integrals |
| ~kin_ints~ | Kinetic energy integrals |
| ~multipole~ | Multipole matrices |
| ~ortho~ | Orthonormalization matrix of the overlap |
| ~overlap~ | Overlap matrix |
| ~size~ | Number of atomic orbitals |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let basis t = t.basis
let cartesian t = t.cartesian
let ee_ints t = Lazy.force t.ee_ints
let ee_lr_ints t = Lazy.force t.ee_lr_ints
let eN_ints t = Lazy.force t.eN_ints
let f12_ints t = Lazy.force t.f12_ints
let f12_over_r12_ints t = Lazy.force t.f12_over_r12_ints
let kin_ints t = Lazy.force t.kin_ints
let multipole t = Lazy.force t.multipole
let ortho t = Lazy.force t.ortho
let overlap t = Lazy.force t.overlap
let size t = Matrix.dim1 (Lazy.force t.overlap)
** Computation
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val values : t -> Coordinate.t -> Gaussian.Basis.t Vector.t
| ~values~ | Returns the values of all the AOs evaluated at a given point |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
module Cs = Contracted_shell
let values t point =
let result = Vector.create (Basis.size t.basis) in
let resultx = Vector.to_bigarray_inplace result in
Array.iter (fun shell ->
Cs.values shell point
|> Array.iteri
(fun i_c value ->
let i = Cs.index shell + i_c + 1 in
resultx.{i} <- value)
) (Basis.contracted_shells t.basis);
** Creation
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val make : basis:Gaussian.Basis.t ->
?operators:Operator.t list ->
?cartesian:bool ->
Nuclei.t -> t
Creates the data structure for atomic orbitals from a Gaussian basis and the
molecular geometry ~Nuclei.t~.
- ~operators~ : ~[]~
- ~cartesian~ : ~false~
let b = Ao.Basis_gaussian.make ~basis nuclei ;;
val b : Ao.Basis_gaussian.t = Gaussian Basis, spherical, 15 AOs
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let make ~basis ?(operators=[]) ?(cartesian=false) nuclei =
let overlap = lazy (
Overlap.of_basis basis
) in
let ortho = lazy (
Lazy.force overlap
|> Orthonormalization.make ~cartesian ~basis
) in
let eN_ints = lazy (
Electron_nucleus.of_basis_nuclei ~basis nuclei
) in
let kin_ints = lazy (
Kinetic.of_basis basis
) in
let ee_ints = lazy (
Eri.of_basis basis
) in
let rec get_f12 = function
| (Operator.F12 _ as f) :: _ -> f
| [] -> failwith "Missing F12 operator"
| _ :: rest -> get_f12 rest
let rec get_rs = function
| (Operator.Range_sep _ as r) :: _ -> r
| [] -> failwith "Missing range-separation operator"
| _ :: rest -> get_rs rest
let ee_lr_ints = lazy (
Eri_long_range.of_basis basis~operator:(get_rs operators)
) in
let f12_ints = lazy (
F12.of_basis basis ~operator:(get_f12 operators)
) in
let f12_over_r12_ints = lazy (
Screened_eri.of_basis basis ~operator:(get_f12 operators)
) in
let multipole = lazy (
Multipole.of_basis basis
) in
{ basis ; overlap ; multipole ; ortho ; eN_ints ; kin_ints ; ee_ints ;
ee_lr_ints ; f12_ints ; f12_over_r12_ints ; cartesian }
** Printers
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let pp ppf t =
let cart = if t.cartesian then "cartesian" else "spherical" in
let nao = size t in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[@[Gaussian Basis@], @[%s@], @[%d AOs@]@]"
cart nao