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2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
open Lacaml.D
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
type ('a, 'b) t = Mat.t
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let dim1 t = Mat.dim1 t
let dim2 t = Mat.dim2 t
let out_of_place f t =
let result = lacpy t in
f result;
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
let relabel t = t
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let make m n x = Mat.make m n x
let make0 m n = Mat.make0 m n
let create m n = Mat.create m n
let identity m = Mat.identity m
let fill_inplace t x = Mat.fill t x
let add a b = Mat.add a b
let sub a b = Mat.sub a b
let mul a b = Mat.mul a b
let div a b = Mat.div a b
let add_inplace ~c a b = ignore @@ Mat.add ~c a b
let sub_inplace ~c a b = ignore @@ Mat.sub ~c a b
let mul_inplace ~c a b = ignore @@ Mat.mul ~c a b
let div_inplace ~c a b = ignore @@ Mat.div ~c a b
let add_const_diag_inplace x a =
Mat.add_const_diag x a
let add_const_diag x a =
out_of_place (fun t -> add_const_diag_inplace x t) a
let add_const_inplace x a =
ignore @@ Mat.add_const x ~b:a a
let add_const x a =
Mat.add_const x a
let at t i j = t.{i,j}
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
external to_bigarray_inplace : ('a,'b) t -> (float, Stdlib.Bigarray.float64_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.fortran_layout) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array2.t = "%identity"
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
external of_bigarray_inplace : (float, Stdlib.Bigarray.float64_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.fortran_layout) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array2.t -> ('a,'b) t = "%identity"
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let to_bigarray t = lacpy t
let of_bigarray t = lacpy t
let reshape a m n =
assert ( (dim1 a) * (dim2 a) = m*n);
let b =
to_bigarray a
|> Bigarray.genarray_of_array2
Bigarray.reshape_2 b m n
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
let col_inplace t j =
Mat.col t j
|> Vector.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let col t j =
Mat.col t j
|> Vector.of_bigarray
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let to_col_vecs t =
Mat.to_col_vecs t
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
|> Array.map Vector.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let to_col_vecs_list t =
Mat.to_col_vecs_list t
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
|> List.rev_map Vector.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
|> List.rev
let detri_inplace t =
Mat.detri t
let detri t =
out_of_place detri_inplace t
let as_vec_inplace t =
Mat.as_vec t
2020-10-02 15:49:09 +02:00
|> Vector.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let as_vec t =
2020-10-02 15:49:09 +02:00
lacpy t
|> Mat.as_vec
|> Vector.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let random ?rnd_state ?(from= -. 1.0) ?(range=2.0) m n =
Mat.random ?rnd_state ~from ~range m n
let map_inplace f ~b a =
ignore @@ Mat.map f ~b a
let map f a =
Mat.map f a
let scale_inplace x t =
Mat.scal x t
let scale x t =
out_of_place (fun t -> scale_inplace x t) t
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let gemm_inplace ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ~c ?(transa=`N) ?(alpha=1.0) a ?(transb=`N) b =
ignore @@ gemm ?m ?n ?k ~beta ~c ~transa ~alpha a ~transb b
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
let gemm_nn_inplace ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ~c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm_inplace ?m ?n ?k ~beta ~c ~alpha a b ~transa:`N ~transb:`N
let gemm_nt_inplace ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ~c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm_inplace ?m ?n ?k ~beta ~c ~alpha a b ~transa:`N ~transb:`T
let gemm_tn_inplace ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ~c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm_inplace ?m ?n ?k ~beta ~c ~alpha a b ~transa:`T ~transb:`N
let gemm_tt_inplace ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ~c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm_inplace ?m ?n ?k ~beta ~c ~alpha a b ~transa:`T ~transb:`T
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let gemm ?m ?n ?k ?beta ?c ?(transa=`N) ?(alpha=1.0) a ?(transb=`N) b =
let c =
match c with
| Some x -> Some (lacpy x)
| None -> None
gemm ?m ?n ?k ?beta ?c ~transa ~alpha a ~transb b
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
let gemm_nn ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ?c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm ?m ?n ?k ~beta ?c ~alpha a b ~transa:`N ~transb:`N
let gemm_nt ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ?c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm ?m ?n ?k ~beta ?c ~alpha a b ~transa:`N ~transb:`T
let gemm_tn ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ?c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm ?m ?n ?k ~beta ?c ~alpha a b ~transa:`T ~transb:`N
let gemm_tt ?m ?n ?k ?(beta=0.) ?c ?(alpha=1.0) a b =
gemm ?m ?n ?k ~beta ?c ~alpha a b ~transa:`T ~transb:`T
2020-09-26 16:45:52 +02:00
let gemm_trace ?(transa=`N) a ?(transb=`N) b =
Mat.gemm_trace ~transa a ~transb b
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
let gemm_nn_trace a b = gemm_trace a b ~transa:`N ~transb:`N
let gemm_nt_trace a b = gemm_trace a b ~transa:`N ~transb:`T
let gemm_tn_trace a b = gemm_trace a b ~transa:`T ~transb:`N
let gemm_tt_trace a b = gemm_trace a b ~transa:`T ~transb:`T
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let init_cols = Mat.init_cols
let of_col_vecs a =
Array.map Vector.to_bigarray_inplace a
|> Mat.of_col_vecs
let of_col_vecs_list a =
List.rev_map Vector.to_bigarray_inplace a
|> List.rev
|> Mat.of_col_vecs_list
let normalize_mat_inplace t =
let norm = Mat.as_vec t |> nrm2 in
Mat.scal norm t
let normalize_mat t =
out_of_place normalize_mat_inplace t
let diagonalize_symm m_H =
let m_V = lacpy m_H in
let result =
syevd ~vectors:true m_V
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
|> Vector.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
m_V, result
let sycon t =
lacpy t
|> sycon
let xt_o_x ~o ~x =
gemm o x
|> gemm ~transa:`T x
let x_o_xt ~o ~x =
gemm o x ~transb:`T
|> gemm x
let pp ppf m =
let rows = Mat.dim1 m
and cols = Mat.dim2 m
let rec aux first last =
if (first <= last) then begin
Format.fprintf ppf "@[\n\n %a@]@ " (Lacaml.Io.pp_lfmat
(Array.init rows (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%d " (i + 1)))
(Array.init (min 5 (cols-first+1)) (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "-- %d --" (i + first) ))
() ) (lacpy ~ac:first ~n:(min 5 (cols-first+1)) m);
(aux [@tailcall]) (first+5) last
aux 1 cols
let sysv_inplace ~b a =
sysv a b
let sysv ~b a =
out_of_place (fun b -> sysv_inplace ~b a) b
let debug_matrix name a =
Format.printf "@[%s =\n@[%a@]@]@." name pp a
2020-09-26 16:45:52 +02:00
let outer_product_inplace m ?(alpha=1.0) u v =
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
ger ~alpha (Vector.to_bigarray_inplace u) (Vector.to_bigarray_inplace v) m
2020-09-26 16:45:52 +02:00
let outer_product ?(alpha=1.0) u v =
let m = make0 (Vector.dim u) (Vector.dim v) in
outer_product_inplace m ~alpha u v;
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let matrix_of_file filename =
let ic = Scanf.Scanning.open_in filename in
let rec read_line accu =
let result =
Some (Scanf.bscanf ic " %d %d %f" (fun i j v ->
(i,j,v) :: accu))
with End_of_file -> None
match result with
| Some accu -> (read_line [@tailcall]) accu
| None -> List.rev accu
let data = read_line [] in
Scanf.Scanning.close_in ic;
let isize, jsize =
List.fold_left (fun (accu_i,accu_j) (i,j,_) ->
(max i accu_i, max j accu_j)) (0,0) data
let result =
(Array.make_matrix isize jsize 0.)
List.iter (fun (i,j,v) -> result.{i,j} <- v) data;
let sym_matrix_of_file filename =
let result =
matrix_of_file filename
for j=1 to Mat.dim1 result do
for i=1 to j do
result.{j,i} <- result.{i,j}
let copy ?m ?n ?br ?bc ?ar ?ac a =
lacpy a ?m ?n ?br ?bc ?ar ?ac
let copy_inplace ?m ?n ?br ?bc ~b ?ar ?ac a =
ignore @@ lacpy ?m ?n ?br ?bc ~b ?ar ?ac a
let scale_cols_inplace a v =
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
Vector.to_bigarray_inplace v
2020-10-02 15:49:09 +02:00
|> Mat.scal_cols a
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let scale_cols a v =
2020-10-02 15:49:09 +02:00
let a' = copy a in
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
Vector.to_bigarray_inplace v
2020-10-02 15:49:09 +02:00
|> Mat.scal_cols a' ;
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
let svd a =
let d, u, vt =
gesvd (lacpy a)
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
u, (Vector.of_bigarray_inplace d), vt
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
let svd' a =
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let d, u, vt =
gesvd (lacpy a)
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
u, (Vector.of_bigarray_inplace d), vt
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let qr a =
let result = lacpy a in
let tau = geqrf result in
let r =
let r = to_bigarray result in
for j=1 to Mat.dim2 r do
for i=j+1 to Mat.dim2 r do
r.{i,j} <- 0.
of_bigarray r
orgqr ~tau result;
let q = result in
q, r