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open Common
type single_exc =
hole : int ;
particle : int ;
spin : Spin.t ;
type t =
| Identity of Phase.t
| Single of Phase.t * single_exc
| Double of Phase.t * single_exc * single_exc
| Triple of Phase.t * single_exc * single_exc * single_exc
| Multiple of Phase.t * single_exc list
let single_of_spindet t t' =
assert (Spindeterminant.excitation_level t t' = 1);
let d = Spindeterminant.bitstring t
and d' = Spindeterminant.bitstring t'
let tmp = Bitstring.logxor d d' in
let shift_left_one = Bitstring.(shift_left_one (numbits tmp)) in
let hole_z = Bitstring.logand (Spindeterminant.bitstring t ) tmp
and particle_z = Bitstring.logand (Spindeterminant.bitstring t') tmp
let hole = 1 + Bitstring.trailing_zeros hole_z
and particle = 1 + Bitstring.trailing_zeros particle_z
(* Phase calculation *)
let low, high =
if particle > hole then hole, particle
else particle, hole
let mask =
let h = high-1 in
let l = low in
let mask_up = shift_left_one h |> Bitstring.minus_one
and mask_dn = Bitstring.plus_one @@ Bitstring.lognot (shift_left_one l)
in Bitstring.logand mask_up mask_dn
let phase =
Phase.multiply (Phase.multiply (Spindeterminant.phase t) (Spindeterminant.phase t'))
(Phase.of_nperm (Bitstring.popcount @@ Bitstring.logand d mask ))
(hole, particle, phase)
let single_of_det t t' =
assert Determinant.(beta t = beta t' || alfa t = alfa t');
if Determinant.(beta t = beta t') then
let hole, particle, phase =
single_of_spindet (Determinant.alfa t) (Determinant.alfa t')
Single (phase, { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Alfa })
let hole, particle, phase =
single_of_spindet (Determinant.beta t) (Determinant.beta t')
Single (phase, { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Beta })
let multiple_of_spindet t t' =
let holes = Spindeterminant.holes_of t t'
and particles = Spindeterminant.particles_of t t'
let t'' =
List.fold_left (fun accu h -> Spindeterminant.annihilation h accu) t holes
let t'' =
List.fold_left (fun accu p -> Spindeterminant.creation p accu) t'' particles
assert (t' = t'' || t' = Spindeterminant.negate_phase t'');
let phase =
if Spindeterminant.phase t' = Spindeterminant.phase t'' then
(phase, List.rev @@ List.rev_map2 (fun hole particle -> (hole, particle)) holes (List.rev particles) )
let double_of_spindet t t' =
match multiple_of_spindet t t' with
| (phase, (h1,p1)::(h2,p2)::[]) -> (h1, p1, h2, p2, phase)
| _ -> invalid_arg "t and t' are not doubly excited"
let triple_of_spindet t t' =
match multiple_of_spindet t t' with
| (phase, (h1,p1)::(h2,p2)::(h3,p3)::[]) -> (h1, p1, h2, p2, h3, p3, phase)
| _ -> invalid_arg "t and t' are not doubly excited"
let multiple_of_det t t' =
let pa, a =
multiple_of_spindet (Determinant.alfa t) (Determinant.alfa t')
and pb, b =
multiple_of_spindet (Determinant.beta t) (Determinant.beta t')
let phase = Phase.multiply pa pb in
Multiple (phase, List.concat [
List.rev @@ List.rev_map (fun (hole, particle) -> { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Alfa }) a ;
List.rev @@ List.rev_map (fun (hole, particle) -> { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Beta }) b ])
let double_of_det t t' =
match multiple_of_det t t' with
| Multiple (phase, [e1 ; e2]) -> Double (phase, e1, e2)
| _ -> assert false
let triple_of_det t t' =
match multiple_of_det t t' with
| Multiple (phase, [e1 ; e2 ; e3]) -> Triple (phase, e1, e2, e3)
| _ -> assert false
let of_det t t' =
match Determinant.excitation_level t t' with
| 0 -> if Determinant.phase t = Determinant.phase t' then
Identity Phase.Pos
Identity Phase.Neg
| 1 -> single_of_det t t'
| 2 -> double_of_det t t'
| 3 -> triple_of_det t t'
| _ -> multiple_of_det t t'
let pp_s_exc ppf t =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[T^{%s}_{%d->%d}@]"
(match t.spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> "\\alpha"
| Spin.Beta -> "\\beta " )
t.hole t.particle
let pp ppf t =
let phase, l =
match t with
| Identity p -> p, []
| Single (p,x) -> p, x::[]
| Double (p,x,y) -> p, x::y::[]
| Triple (p,x,y,z) -> p, x::y::z::[]
| Multiple (p,l) -> p, l
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%c"
(match phase with
| Phase.Pos -> '+'
| Phase.Neg -> '-' );
List.iter (fun x -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[T^{%s}_{%d->%d}@]"
(match x.spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> "\\alpha"
| Spin.Beta -> "\\beta " )
x.hole x.particle) l;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"