mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 04:13:33 +01:00
Added CI
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
open Common
type t =
alfa : Spindeterminant.t ;
beta : Spindeterminant.t ;
type hole = int
type particle = int
let alfa t = t.alfa
let beta t = t.beta
let vac n =
alfa = Spindeterminant.vac n;
beta = Spindeterminant.vac n;
let phase t =
match Spindeterminant.(phase t.alfa, phase t.beta) with
| Phase.Pos, Phase.Pos
| Phase.Neg, Phase.Neg -> Phase.Pos
| _ -> Phase.Neg
let of_spindeterminants a b =
alfa = a ;
beta = b
let is_none t = Spindeterminant.(is_none t.alfa || is_none t.beta)
let negate_phase t =
{ t with alfa = Spindeterminant.negate_phase t.alfa }
let set_phase p t =
{ alfa = Spindeterminant.set_phase p t.alfa ;
beta = Spindeterminant.set_phase Phase.Pos t.beta
let excitation_level_alfa t t' =
Spindeterminant.excitation_level t.alfa t'.alfa
let excitation_level_beta t t' =
Spindeterminant.excitation_level t.beta t'.beta
let excitation_levels t t' =
excitation_level_alfa t t', excitation_level_beta t t'
let excitation_level t t' =
(excitation_level_alfa t t') + (excitation_level_beta t t')
let of_lists n a b =
let alfa = Spindeterminant.of_list n a
and beta = Spindeterminant.of_list n b
in of_spindeterminants alfa beta
let to_lists t =
Spindeterminant.to_list t.alfa,
Spindeterminant.to_list t.beta
let creation spin p t =
match spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> { t with alfa = Spindeterminant.creation p t.alfa }
| Spin.Beta -> { t with beta = Spindeterminant.creation p t.beta }
let annihilation spin h t =
match spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> { t with alfa = Spindeterminant.annihilation h t.alfa }
| Spin.Beta -> { t with beta = Spindeterminant.annihilation h t.beta }
let single_excitation spin h p t =
assert (h <> p);
match spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> { t with alfa = Spindeterminant.single_excitation h p t.alfa }
| Spin.Beta -> { t with beta = Spindeterminant.single_excitation h p t.beta }
let double_excitation spin h p spin' h' p' t =
assert (h <> p);
assert (h' <> p');
match spin, spin' with
| Spin.(Alfa, Beta) -> { alfa = Spindeterminant.single_excitation h p t.alfa ;
beta = Spindeterminant.single_excitation h' p' t.beta }
| Spin.(Beta, Alfa) -> { beta = Spindeterminant.single_excitation h p t.beta ;
alfa = Spindeterminant.single_excitation h' p' t.alfa }
| Spin.(Alfa, Alfa) -> { t with alfa = Spindeterminant.double_excitation h p h' p' t.alfa }
| Spin.(Beta, Beta) -> { t with beta = Spindeterminant.double_excitation h p h' p' t.beta }
let compare = compare
let pp ppf t =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[phase:%a@]@;@[a:%a@]@;@[b:%a@]@]@."
Phase.pp (phase t)
Spindeterminant.pp t.alfa
Spindeterminant.pp t.beta
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
(** A Slater determinant is expressed as a Waller-Hartree double determinant:
{% $$
D(\mathbf{R}) = D_\alpha(\mathbf{R_\alpha}) \times D_\beta(\mathbf{R_\beta})
$$ %}
The {% $\alpha$ %} and {% $\beta$ %} determinants are of type [Spindeterminant.t].
open Common
type t
type hole = int
type particle = int
(** {1 Accessors} *)
val alfa : t -> Spindeterminant.t
(** Get the {% $\alpha$ %} spin-determinant. *)
val beta : t -> Spindeterminant.t
(** Get the {% $\beta$ %} spin-determinant. *)
val phase : t -> Phase.t
(** Get the phase of the Slater determinant, the product of the phases of the
val is_none : t -> bool
(** Tests if a Determinant is [None]. *)
(** {1 Second quantization operators} *)
val vac : int -> t
(** Vacuum state, [vac = Some ]{% $|\rangle$ %}. The integer parameter is the size of the
MO basis set. *)
val creation : Spin.t -> particle -> t -> t
(** [creation spin p] is the creation operator {% $a^\dagger_p$ %}. *)
val annihilation : Spin.t -> hole -> t -> t
(** [annihilation spin h] is the annihilation operator {% $a_h$ %}. *)
val single_excitation : Spin.t -> hole -> particle -> t -> t
(** Single excitation operator {% $T_h^p = a^\dagger_p a_h$ %}. *)
val double_excitation : Spin.t -> hole -> particle -> Spin.t -> hole -> particle -> t -> t
(** Double excitation operator {% $T_{hh'}^{pp'} = a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_{p'} a_{h'} a_h$ %}. *)
val excitation_level_alfa : t -> t -> int
(** Returns the excitation level between two determinants in the {% $\alpha$ %} spin. *)
val excitation_level_beta : t -> t -> int
(** Returns the excitation level between two determinants in the {% $\beta$ %} spin. *)
val excitation_levels : t -> t -> int*int
(** Returns levels of excitation between two determinants in {% $\alpha$ %} and
{% $\beta$ %} spins as a pair. *)
val excitation_level : t -> t -> int
(** Returns excitation level between two determinants. *)
val to_lists : t -> int list * int list
(** Converts a Slater determinant to a pair of lists of orbital indices. *)
(** {1 Creators} *)
val of_spindeterminants : Spindeterminant.t -> Spindeterminant.t -> t
(** Creates a Slater determinant from an {% $\alpha$ %} and a {% $\beta$ %}
val of_lists : int -> int list -> int list -> t
(** Creates a Slater determinant from a two lists of orbital indices.
The integer parameter is the size of the MO basis set. *)
val negate_phase : t -> t
(** Returns the same determinant with the phase negated. *)
val set_phase : Phase.t -> t -> t
(** Returns the same determinant with the phase set to [p]. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Comparison function for sorting *)
(** {1 Printers} *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(name ci)
(public_name qcaml.ci)
(synopsis "Configuration interaction")
(instrumentation (backend landmarks))
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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
open Common
type single_exc =
hole : int ;
particle : int ;
spin : Spin.t ;
type t =
| Identity of Phase.t
| Single of Phase.t * single_exc
| Double of Phase.t * single_exc * single_exc
| Triple of Phase.t * single_exc * single_exc * single_exc
| Multiple of Phase.t * single_exc list
let single_of_spindet t t' =
assert (Spindeterminant.excitation_level t t' = 1);
let d = Spindeterminant.bitstring t
and d' = Spindeterminant.bitstring t'
let tmp = Bitstring.logxor d d' in
let shift_left_one = Bitstring.(shift_left_one (numbits tmp)) in
let hole_z = Bitstring.logand (Spindeterminant.bitstring t ) tmp
and particle_z = Bitstring.logand (Spindeterminant.bitstring t') tmp
let hole = 1 + Bitstring.trailing_zeros hole_z
and particle = 1 + Bitstring.trailing_zeros particle_z
(* Phase calculation *)
let low, high =
if particle > hole then hole, particle
else particle, hole
let mask =
let h = high-1 in
let l = low in
let mask_up = shift_left_one h |> Bitstring.minus_one
and mask_dn = Bitstring.plus_one @@ Bitstring.lognot (shift_left_one l)
in Bitstring.logand mask_up mask_dn
let phase =
Phase.multiply (Phase.multiply (Spindeterminant.phase t) (Spindeterminant.phase t'))
(Phase.of_nperm (Bitstring.popcount @@ Bitstring.logand d mask ))
(hole, particle, phase)
let single_of_det t t' =
assert Determinant.(beta t = beta t' || alfa t = alfa t');
if Determinant.(beta t = beta t') then
let hole, particle, phase =
single_of_spindet (Determinant.alfa t) (Determinant.alfa t')
Single (phase, { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Alfa })
let hole, particle, phase =
single_of_spindet (Determinant.beta t) (Determinant.beta t')
Single (phase, { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Beta })
let multiple_of_spindet t t' =
let holes = Spindeterminant.holes_of t t'
and particles = Spindeterminant.particles_of t t'
let t'' =
List.fold_left (fun accu h -> Spindeterminant.annihilation h accu) t holes
let t'' =
List.fold_left (fun accu p -> Spindeterminant.creation p accu) t'' particles
assert (t' = t'' || t' = Spindeterminant.negate_phase t'');
let phase =
if Spindeterminant.phase t' = Spindeterminant.phase t'' then
(phase, List.rev @@ List.rev_map2 (fun hole particle -> (hole, particle)) holes (List.rev particles) )
let double_of_spindet t t' =
match multiple_of_spindet t t' with
| (phase, (h1,p1)::(h2,p2)::[]) -> (h1, p1, h2, p2, phase)
| _ -> invalid_arg "t and t' are not doubly excited"
let triple_of_spindet t t' =
match multiple_of_spindet t t' with
| (phase, (h1,p1)::(h2,p2)::(h3,p3)::[]) -> (h1, p1, h2, p2, h3, p3, phase)
| _ -> invalid_arg "t and t' are not doubly excited"
let multiple_of_det t t' =
let pa, a =
multiple_of_spindet (Determinant.alfa t) (Determinant.alfa t')
and pb, b =
multiple_of_spindet (Determinant.beta t) (Determinant.beta t')
let phase = Phase.multiply pa pb in
Multiple (phase, List.concat [
List.rev @@ List.rev_map (fun (hole, particle) -> { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Alfa }) a ;
List.rev @@ List.rev_map (fun (hole, particle) -> { hole ; particle ; spin=Spin.Beta }) b ])
let double_of_det t t' =
match multiple_of_det t t' with
| Multiple (phase, [e1 ; e2]) -> Double (phase, e1, e2)
| _ -> assert false
let triple_of_det t t' =
match multiple_of_det t t' with
| Multiple (phase, [e1 ; e2 ; e3]) -> Triple (phase, e1, e2, e3)
| _ -> assert false
let of_det t t' =
match Determinant.excitation_level t t' with
| 0 -> if Determinant.phase t = Determinant.phase t' then
Identity Phase.Pos
Identity Phase.Neg
| 1 -> single_of_det t t'
| 2 -> double_of_det t t'
| 3 -> triple_of_det t t'
| _ -> multiple_of_det t t'
let pp_s_exc ppf t =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[T^{%s}_{%d->%d}@]"
(match t.spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> "\\alpha"
| Spin.Beta -> "\\beta " )
t.hole t.particle
let pp ppf t =
let phase, l =
match t with
| Identity p -> p, []
| Single (p,x) -> p, x::[]
| Double (p,x,y) -> p, x::y::[]
| Triple (p,x,y,z) -> p, x::y::z::[]
| Multiple (p,l) -> p, l
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%c"
(match phase with
| Phase.Pos -> '+'
| Phase.Neg -> '-' );
List.iter (fun x -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[T^{%s}_{%d->%d}@]"
(match x.spin with
| Spin.Alfa -> "\\alpha"
| Spin.Beta -> "\\beta " )
x.hole x.particle) l;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
type t =
| Pos
| Neg
let of_nperm nperm =
if (nperm land 1) = 1 then Neg
else Pos
let to_nperm = function
| Pos -> 0
| Neg -> 1
let multiply t t' =
match t, t' with
| Pos, Pos
| Neg, Neg -> Pos
| Pos, Neg
| Neg, Pos -> Neg
let neg = function
| Pos -> Neg
| Neg -> Pos
let add_nperm phase = function
| 0 -> phase
| nperm -> multiply phase (of_nperm nperm)
let pp ppf = function
| Pos -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>+1@]"
| Neg -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>-1@]"
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
type t =
| Pos
| Neg
val of_nperm : int -> t
(** Returns the phase obtained by a given number of permuations. *)
val to_nperm : t -> int
(** Converts the phase to [1] or [0] permutations. *)
val multiply : t -> t -> t
(** Multiply an existing phase by another phase. *)
val add_nperm : t -> int -> t
(** Add to an existing phase a given number of permutations. *)
val neg : t -> t
(** Negate the phase. *)
(** {1 Printers} *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
open Common
type s =
bitstring : Bitstring.t;
phase : Phase.t ;
type t = s option
type hole = int
type particle = int
let phase = function
| Some s -> s.phase
| None -> Phase.Pos
let is_none = function
| None -> true
| _ -> false
let bitstring = function
| Some s -> s.bitstring
| None -> invalid_arg "Spindeterminant is None"
let vac n =
Some { bitstring = Bitstring.zero n;
phase = Phase.Pos; }
let creation p = function
| None -> None
| Some spindet ->
let i = pred p in
if Bitstring.testbit spindet.bitstring i then
let numbits = Bitstring.numbits spindet.bitstring in
let x = Bitstring.shift_left_one numbits i in
let bitstring = Bitstring.logor spindet.bitstring x in
let mask = Bitstring.minus_one x in
let r = Bitstring.logand bitstring mask in
let phase = Phase.add_nperm spindet.phase (Bitstring.popcount r) in
Some { bitstring ; phase }
let annihilation h = function
| None -> None
| Some spindet ->
let i = pred h in
if not (Bitstring.testbit spindet.bitstring i) then
let numbits = Bitstring.numbits spindet.bitstring in
let x = Bitstring.shift_left_one numbits i in
let mask = Bitstring.minus_one x in
let r = Bitstring.logand spindet.bitstring mask in
let phase = Phase.add_nperm spindet.phase (Bitstring.popcount r) in
let bitstring = Bitstring.logand spindet.bitstring (Bitstring.lognot x) in
Some { bitstring ; phase }
let single_excitation_reference h p spindet =
creation p @@ annihilation h @@ spindet
let single_excitation h p =
single_excitation_reference h p
let double_excitation_reference h' p' h p spindet =
creation p' @@ creation p @@ annihilation h @@ annihilation h' @@ spindet
let double_excitation h' p' h p =
double_excitation_reference h' p' h p
let excitation_level t t' =
Bitstring.hamdist (bitstring t) (bitstring t') / 2
let holes_of t t' =
Bitstring.logand (bitstring t) (Bitstring.logxor (bitstring t) (bitstring t'))
|> Bitstring.to_list
let particles_of t t' =
Bitstring.logand (bitstring t') (Bitstring.logxor (bitstring t) (bitstring t'))
|> Bitstring.to_list
let holes_particles_of t t' =
let x = Bitstring.logxor (bitstring t) (bitstring t') in
let holes = Bitstring.logand (bitstring t) x |> Bitstring.to_list
and particles = Bitstring.logand (bitstring t') x |> Bitstring.to_list
List.rev_map2 (fun h p -> (h,p)) holes particles
|> List.rev
let set_phase p = function
| Some t -> Some { t with phase = p }
| None -> None
let negate_phase = function
| Some t -> Some { t with phase = Phase.neg t.phase }
| None -> None
let of_bitstring ?(phase=Phase.Pos) bitstring =
Some { bitstring ; phase }
let of_list n l =
List.rev l
|> List.fold_left (fun accu p -> creation p accu) (vac n)
let to_list = function
| None -> []
| Some spindet ->
let rec aux accu z =
if not (Bitstring.is_zero z) then
let element = ((Bitstring.trailing_zeros z)+1) in
(aux [@tailcall]) (element::accu) (Bitstring.logand z (Bitstring.minus_one z) )
else List.rev accu
in aux [] spindet.bitstring
let to_array t =
to_list t
|> Array.of_list
let n_electrons = function
| Some t -> Bitstring.popcount t.bitstring
| None -> 0
let pp ppf = function
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>None@]"
| Some s ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>%a %a@]" Phase.pp s.phase Bitstring.pp
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
A spin-determinant is one of the two determinants in the Waller-Hartree
double determinant representation of a Slater determinant. It is represented
as a bit string and a phase factor.
open Common
type t
type hole = int
type particle = int
(** {1 Accessors}. *)
val phase : t -> Phase.t
(** Phase factor.
@raise Invalid_argument if the spin-determinant is [None].
val set_phase : Phase.t -> t -> t
(** Returns a spin-determinant with the phase set to [p]. *)
val bitstring : t -> Bitstring.t
(** Bit string.
@raise Invalid_argument if the spin-determinant is [None].
val is_none : t -> bool
(** Tests if a spin-determinant is [None]. *)
val negate_phase : t -> t
(** Returns a spin-determinant with the phase reversed. *)
(** {1 Second quantization operators} *)
val vac : int -> t
(** Vacuum state, [vac = Some ]{% $|\rangle$ %}. The integer parameter contains the
number of orbitals in the basis set. *)
val creation : particle -> t -> t
(** [creation p] is the creation operator {% $a^\dagger_p$ %}. *)
val annihilation : hole -> t -> t
(** [annihilation h] is the annihilation operator {% $a_h$ %}. *)
val single_excitation : hole -> particle -> t -> t
(** Single excitation operator {% $T_h^p = a^\dagger_p a_h$ %}. *)
val double_excitation : hole -> particle -> hole -> particle -> t -> t
(** Double excitation operator {% $T_{hh'}^{pp'} = a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_{p'} a_{h'} a_h$ %}. *)
val excitation_level : t -> t -> int
(** Returns the excitation level between two spin-determinants. *)
val holes_of : t -> t -> int list
(** Returns the list of holes in the excitation from one determinant to another. *)
val particles_of : t -> t -> int list
(** Returns the list of particles in the excitation from one determinant to another. *)
val holes_particles_of : t -> t -> (int*int) list
(** Returns the list of pairs of holes/particles in the excitation from one determinant to
another. *)
val n_electrons : t -> int
(** Returns the number of electrons in the determinant. *)
(** {1 Creation} *)
val of_bitstring : ?phase:Phase.t -> Bitstring.t -> t
(** Creates from a bitstring and an optional phase.*)
val of_list : int -> int list -> t
(** Builds a spin-determinant from a list of orbital indices. If the creation of the
spin-determinant is not possible because of Pauli's exclusion principle, a [None]
spin-determinant is returned.
The first integer is the size of the MO basis set. *)
val to_list : t -> int list
(** Transforms a spin-determinant into a list of orbital indices. *)
val to_array : t -> int array
(** Transforms a spin-determinant into an array of orbital indices. *)
(** {1 Printers}. *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
open Common
type t =
elec_num : int;
mo_basis : Mo.Basis.t;
mo_class : Mo.Class.t;
spin_determinants : Spindeterminant.t array;
let spin_determinants t = t.spin_determinants
let elec_num t = t.elec_num
let mo_basis t = t.mo_basis
let mo_class t = t.mo_class
let size t = Array.length t.spin_determinants
let fci_of_mo_basis ~frozen_core mo_basis elec_num =
let mo_num = Mo.Basis.size mo_basis in
let mo_class = Mo.Class.fci ~frozen_core mo_basis in
let m l =
List.fold_left (fun accu i -> let j = i-1 in
Bitstring.logor accu (Bitstring.shift_left_one mo_num j)
) (Bitstring.zero mo_num) l
let occ_mask = m (Mo.Class.core_mos mo_class)
and active_mask = m (Mo.Class.active_mos mo_class)
let neg_active_mask = Bitstring.lognot active_mask in
(* Here we generate the FCI space and filter out unwanted determinants
with excitations involving the core electrons. This should be improved. *)
let spin_determinants =
Bitstring.permutations elec_num mo_num
|> List.filter (fun b -> Bitstring.logand neg_active_mask b = occ_mask)
|> Array.of_list
|> Array.map (fun b -> Spindeterminant.of_bitstring b)
{ elec_num ; mo_basis ; mo_class ; spin_determinants }
let cas_of_mo_basis mo_basis ~frozen_core elec_num n m =
let mo_num = Mo.Basis.size mo_basis in
let mo_class = Mo.Class.cas_sd ~frozen_core mo_basis n m in
let m l =
List.fold_left (fun accu i -> let j = i-1 in
Bitstring.logor accu (Bitstring.shift_left_one mo_num j)
) (Bitstring.zero mo_num) l
let active_mask = m (Mo.Class.active_mos mo_class) in
let occ_mask = m (Mo.Class.core_mos mo_class) in
let inactive_mask = m (Mo.Class.inactive_mos mo_class) in
let occ_mask = Bitstring.logor occ_mask inactive_mask in
let neg_active_mask = Bitstring.lognot active_mask in
(* Here we generate the FCI space and filter out all the unwanted determinants.
This should be improved. *)
let spin_determinants =
Bitstring.permutations elec_num mo_num
|> List.filter (fun b -> Bitstring.logand neg_active_mask b = occ_mask)
|> Array.of_list
|> Array.map (fun b -> Spindeterminant.of_bitstring b)
{ elec_num ; mo_basis ; mo_class ; spin_determinants }
let pp ppf t =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2> [";
Array.iteri (fun i d ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[%8d@] @[%a@]@]@;" i Spindeterminant.pp d)
(spin_determinants t) ;
Format.fprintf ppf "]@]"
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
The space built with determinants made with same-spin spinorbitals.
type t
(** {1 Accessors} *)
val size : t -> int
(** Number of determinants in the space. *)
val spin_determinants : t -> Spindeterminant.t array
(** All the spin-determinants belonging to the space. *)
val elec_num : t -> int
(** Number of (same-spin) electrons occupying the MOs. *)
val mo_class : t -> Mo.Class.t
(** The MO classes used to generate the space. *)
val mo_basis : t -> Mo.Basis.t
(** The MO basis on which the determinants are expanded. *)
(** {1 Creation} *)
val fci_of_mo_basis : frozen_core:Mo.Frozen_core.t -> Mo.Basis.t -> int -> t
(** Create a space of all possible ways to put [n_elec-ncore] electrons in the
[Active] MOs. All other MOs are untouched.
val cas_of_mo_basis : Mo.Basis.t -> frozen_core:Mo.Frozen_core.t-> int -> int -> int -> t
(** [cas_of_mo_basis mo_basis n_elec n m] creates a CAS(n,m) space of
[Active] MOs. The unoccupied MOs are [Virtual], and the occupied MOs
are [Core] and [Inactive].
(** {2 Printing} *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
open Common
open Ci
let tests =
let test_creation () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 64 ]
and l_b = [ 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
let z_a = Determinant.alfa det
and z_b = Determinant.beta det in
Alcotest.(check (list int )) "alfa" (Spindeterminant.to_list z_a) l_a;
Alcotest.(check (list int )) "beta" (Spindeterminant.to_list z_b) l_b;
Alcotest.(check bool) "phase" (Determinant.phase det = Phase.Pos) true;
let test_phase () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 64 ; 5 ]
and l_b = [ 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
Alcotest.(check bool) "phase" (Determinant.phase det = Phase.Neg) true;
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 64 ; 5 ]
and l_b = [ 3 ; 2 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
Alcotest.(check bool) "phase" (Determinant.phase det = Phase.Pos) true;
let l_a = [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 64 ; 5 ]
and l_b = [ 3 ; 2 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
Alcotest.(check bool) "phase" (Determinant.phase det = Phase.Neg) true;
let l_a = [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 64 ; 5 ]
and l_b = [ 3 ; 2 ; 65 ; 5 ] in
let det = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
Alcotest.(check bool) "phase" (Determinant.phase det = Phase.Pos) true;
let test_operators () =
let det =
let open Determinant in
let open Spin in
creation Alfa 1 @@ creation Alfa 3 @@ creation Alfa 2 @@ creation Alfa 5 @@
creation Beta 1 @@ creation Beta 3 @@ creation Beta 4 @@ creation Beta 5 @@ vac 10
Alcotest.(check bool) "creation 1" true
(det = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 5 ] [1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ] );
let det' =
Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Alfa 3 6 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "single_exc 1" true
(det' = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 6 ; 2 ; 5 ] [1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ] );
let det' =
Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Beta 3 6 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "single_exc 2" true
(det' = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 5 ] [1 ; 6 ; 4 ; 5 ] );
let det' =
Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Alfa 4 6 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "single_exc 3" true (Determinant.is_none det');
let det' =
Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Beta 1 5 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "single_exc 4" true (Determinant.is_none det');
let det' =
Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Alfa 3 6 Spin.Alfa 2 7 det
let det'' = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 6 ; 7 ; 5 ] [1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ] in
Alcotest.(check bool) "double_exc 1" true (det' = det'');
let det' =
Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Beta 3 6 Spin.Beta 5 7 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "double_exc 2" true
(det' = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 5 ] [1 ; 6 ; 4 ; 7 ] );
let det' =
Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Alfa 3 6 Spin.Beta 5 7 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "double_exc 3" true
(det' = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 6 ; 2 ; 5 ] [1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ] );
let det' =
Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Beta 5 7 Spin.Alfa 3 6 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "double_exc 4" true
(det' = Determinant.of_lists 10 [ 1 ; 6 ; 2 ; 5 ] [1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ] );
let det' =
Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Alfa 4 6 Spin.Alfa 2 7 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "double_exc 5" true (Determinant.is_none det');
let det' =
Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Beta 1 5 Spin.Alfa 2 7 det
Alcotest.(check bool) "double_exc 6" true (Determinant.is_none det');
"Creation", `Quick, test_creation;
"Phase", `Quick, test_phase;
"Operators",`Quick, test_operators;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(name test_ci)
(synopsis "Test for ci library")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
open Common
open Ci
let tests =
let test_id () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 64 ]
and l_b = [ 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det1 = Determinant.of_lists l_a l_b in
let det2 = Determinant.negate_phase det1 in
let test_single () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 64 ]
and l_b = [ 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det1 = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
let det2 = Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Alfa 3 7 det1 in
let t = Excitation.single_of_det det1 det2 in
Alcotest.(check bool) "single 1" true (t = Single (Phase.Pos, { hole=3 ; particle=7 ; spin=Spin.Alfa}) );
let det2 =
Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Alfa 2 7 det1
|> Determinant.negate_phase
let t = Excitation.single_of_det det1 det2 in
Alcotest.(check bool) "single 2" true (t = Single (Phase.Neg, { hole=2 ; particle=7 ; spin=Spin.Alfa }) );
let det2 = Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Beta 2 7 det1 in
let t = Excitation.single_of_det det1 det2 in
Alcotest.(check bool) "single 3" true (t = Single (Phase.Pos, { hole=2 ; particle=7 ; spin=Spin.Beta}) );
let det2 = Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Beta 3 256 det1 in
let t = Excitation.single_of_det det1 det2 in
Alcotest.(check bool) "single 4" true (t = Single (Phase.Pos, { hole=3 ; particle=256 ; spin=Spin.Beta}) );
let test_double () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 64 ]
and l_b = [ 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 65 ] in
let det1 = Determinant.of_lists 66 l_a l_b in
let det2 = Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Alfa 3 7 Spin.Alfa 2 6 det1 in
let t = Excitation.double_of_det det1 det2 in
Alcotest.(check bool) "double 1" true
(t = Double (Phase.Neg,
{ hole=2 ; particle=7 ; spin=Spin.Alfa},
{ hole=3 ; particle=6 ; spin=Spin.Alfa}));
"Single", `Quick, test_single;
"Double", `Quick, test_double;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
open Alcotest
open Ci
open Ci.Spindeterminant
let tests =
let test_creation () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ] in
let det = of_list 10 l_a in
check (list int ) "bitstring 1" l_a (to_list det);
check bool "phase 2" true (phase det = Phase.Pos);
let l_b = [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 5 ] in
let det = of_list 10 l_b in
check (list int ) "bitstring 2" l_a (to_list det);
check bool "phase 2" true (phase det = Phase.Neg);
let test_a_operators () =
let det =
creation 5 @@ creation 2 @@ creation 2 @@ creation 1 @@ (vac 10)
check bool "none 1" true (is_none det);
let det =
creation 5 @@ creation 3 @@ creation 2 @@ creation 1 @@ (vac 10)
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ] in
check (list int) "bitstring 1" l_a (to_list det);
check bool "phase 1" true (phase det = Phase.Pos);
let det =
creation 1 @@ creation 3 @@ creation 2 @@ creation 5 @@ (vac 10)
check (list int) "bitstring 2" l_a (to_list det);
check bool "phase 2" true (phase det = Phase.Neg);
let l_b = [ 1 ; 3 ; 2 ; 5 ] in
let det = of_list 10 l_b in
check (list int ) "bitstring 3" l_a (to_list det);
check bool "phase 3" true (phase det = Phase.Neg);
check bool "none 1" true (annihilation 4 det |> is_none);
let det =
annihilation 1 det
check (list int ) "bitstring 4" (List.tl l_a) (to_list det);
check bool "phase 4" true (phase det = Phase.Neg);
let det =
annihilation 3 det
check (list int ) "bitstring 5" [ 2 ; 5 ] (to_list det);
check bool "phase 5" true (phase det = Phase.Pos);
let det =
annihilation 5 @@ annihilation 2 det
check (list int ) "bitstring 6" [] (to_list det);
check bool "phase 6" true (phase det = Phase.Pos);
let test_exc_operators () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ] in
let det = of_list 10 l_a in
let l_b = [ 1 ; 7 ; 3 ; 5 ] in
let det2 = of_list 10 l_b in
Format.printf "%a@." pp det;
Format.printf "%a@." pp det2;
Format.printf "%a@." pp (Spindeterminant.single_excitation 2 7 det);
check bool "single 1" true (Spindeterminant.single_excitation 2 7 det = det2);
check bool "single 2" true (Spindeterminant.single_excitation 4 7 det |> is_none);
let l_c = [ 1 ; 7 ; 6 ; 5 ] in
let det3 = of_list 10 l_c in
check bool "double 1" true (double_excitation 2 7 3 6 det = det3);
check bool "double 2" true (double_excitation 4 7 3 6 det |> is_none);
let test_exc_spindet () =
let l_a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ] in
let det = of_list 10 l_a in
let l_b = [ 1 ; 7 ; 3 ; 5 ] in
let det2 = of_list 10 l_b in
check int "single" 1 (excitation_level det det2);
check (list int) "holes" [2] (holes_of det det2);
check (list int) "particles" [7] (particles_of det det2);
let l_b = [ 1 ; 7 ; 3 ; 6 ] in
let det2 = of_list 10 l_b in
check int "double" 2 (excitation_level det det2);
check (list int) "holes" [2 ; 5] (holes_of det det2);
check (list int) "particles" [6 ; 7] (particles_of det det2);
"Creation", `Quick, test_creation;
"Creation/Annihilation Operators", `Quick, test_a_operators;
"Excitation Operators", `Quick, test_exc_operators;
"Excitation of spindet", `Quick, test_exc_spindet;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
#+TITLE: Integrals
In this example, we write a program that reads the geometry of a
molecule in =xyz= format and a Gaussian atomic basis set in GAMESS
format. The output is written in a trexio file.
* Header
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
module Command_line = Qcaml.Common.Command_line
module Util = Qcaml.Common.Util
open Qcaml.Linear_algebra
: module Command_line = Qcaml.Common.Command_line
: module Util = Qcaml.Common.Util
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let () =
* Command-line arguments
We use the =Command_line= module to define the following possible
- =-b --basis= : The name of the file containing the basis set
- =-x --xyz= : The name of the file containing the atomic coordinates
- =-u --range-separation= : The value of $\mu$, the range-separation
parameter in range-separated DFT. If this option is not present,
no output file will be generated for the range-separated integrals.
** Definition
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let open Command_line in
set_header_doc (Sys.argv.(0));
set_description_doc "Computes the one- and two-electron integrals on the Gaussian atomic basis set.";
[ { short='b' ; long="basis" ; opt=Mandatory;
arg=With_arg "<string>";
doc="Name of the file containing the basis set"; } ;
{ short='x' ; long="xyz" ; opt=Mandatory;
arg=With_arg "<string>";
doc="Name of the file containing the nuclear coordinates in xyz format"; } ;
{ short='u' ; long="range-separation" ; opt=Optional;
arg=With_arg "<float>";
doc="Range-separation parameter."; } ;
** Interpretation
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let basis_file = Util.of_some @@ Command_line.get "basis" in
let nuclei_file = Util.of_some @@ Command_line.get "xyz" in
let range_separation =
match Command_line.get "range-separation" with
| None -> None
| Some mu -> Some (float_of_string mu)
let operators =
match range_separation with
| None -> []
| Some mu -> [ Qcaml.Operators.Operator.of_range_separation mu ]
* Computation
We first read the =xyz= file to create a molecule:
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let nuclei =
Qcaml.Particles.Nuclei.of_xyz_file nuclei_file
Then we create an Gaussian AO basis using the atomic coordinates,
and we optionally introduce the range-separation parameter via the
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let ao_basis =
Qcaml.Ao.Basis.of_nuclei_and_basis_filename ~kind:`Gaussian
~operators ~cartesian:true ~nuclei basis_file
We compute the required one-electron integrals:
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let overlap = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.overlap ao_basis in
let eN_ints = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.eN_ints ao_basis in
let kin_ints = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.kin_ints ao_basis in
let multipole = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.multipole ao_basis in
let x_mat = multipole "x" in
let y_mat = multipole "y" in
let z_mat = multipole "z" in
and the two-electron integrals (1/r and long range):
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
let ee_ints = Qcaml.Ao.Basis.ee_ints ao_basis in
let lr_ints =
match range_separation with
| Some _mu -> Some (Qcaml.Ao.Basis.ee_lr_ints ao_basis)
| None -> None
* Output
We write the one-electron integrals:
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
Matrix.to_file ~filename:"overlap.dat" ~sym:true overlap;
Matrix.to_file ~filename:"eN.dat" ~sym:true eN_ints;
Matrix.to_file ~filename:"kinetic.dat" ~sym:true kin_ints;
Matrix.to_file ~filename:"x.dat" ~sym:true x_mat;
Matrix.to_file ~filename:"y.dat" ~sym:true y_mat;
Matrix.to_file ~filename:"z.dat" ~sym:true z_mat;
and the the two-electron integrals:
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :comments link :exports code :tangle ex_integrals.ml
Four_idx_storage.to_file ~filename:"eri.dat" ee_ints;
match lr_ints with
| Some integrals -> Four_idx_storage.to_file ~filename:"eri_lr.dat" integrals;
| None -> ()
* Interactive test :noexport:
#+begin_src ocaml :results drawer :session :cache no :exports none
#require "qcaml.top" ;;
#require "trexio" ;;
open Qcaml ;;
#+begin_src ocaml :results drawer :session :cache no :exports none
let nuclei_file = "/dev/shm/f2.xyz"
let nuclei =
Qcaml.Particles.Nuclei.of_xyz_file nuclei_file
val nuclei_file : string = "/dev/shm/f2.xyz"
val nuclei : Qcaml.Particles.Nuclei.t =
Nuclear Coordinates (Angstrom)
Center Atomic Element Coordinates (Angstroms)
Number X Y Z
1 9 F 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 9 F 0.000000 0.000000 1.411900
#+begin_src ocaml :results drawer :session :cache no :exports none
let trexio_file = Trexio.open_file "test.trexio" 'w' Trexio.HDF5
val trexio_file : Trexio.trexio_file = <abstr>
#+begin_src ocaml :results drawer :session :cache no :exports none
Qcaml.Particles.Nuclei.to_trexio trexio_file nuclei;;
Trexio.close_file trexio_file;;
- : unit = ()
#+begin_src ocaml :results drawer :session :cache no :exports none
let basis_file = "/home/scemama/qp2/data/basis/cc-pvdz";;
let ao_basis =
Qcaml.Ao.Basis.of_nuclei_and_basis_filename ~nuclei basis_file
val ao_basis : Qcaml.Ao.Basis.t = Gaussian Basis, spherical, 30 AOs
#+begin_src ocaml :results drawer :session :cache no :exports none
Trexio.close_file trexio_file;;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(* Auto-generated by qcaml/README.org *)
module Ao = Ao
module Ci = Ci
module Common = Common
module Gaussian = Gaussian
module Gaussian_integrals = Gaussian_integrals
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ let test_suites: unit Alcotest.test list = [
"Mo.Guess", Test_mo.Guess.tests;
"Mo.Hartree_Fock", Test_mo.Hf.tests;
"Perturbation.Mp2", Test_perturbation.Mp2.tests;
"Ci.Spindeterminant", Test_ci.Spindeterminant.tests;
"Ci.Determinant", Test_ci.Determinant.tests;
"Ci.Excitation", Test_ci.Excitation.tests;
let () = Alcotest.run "QCaml" test_suites
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