2020-10-09 09:47:57 +02:00
open Common
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let max_index = 1 lsl 14
type index_pair = { first : int ; second : int }
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
type 'a storage_t =
| Dense of ('a,'a) Matrix.t
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
| Sparse of (int, float) Hashtbl.t
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
type 'a t =
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
size : int ;
2020-10-02 18:55:19 +02:00
two_index : ('a,'a) Matrix.t;
two_index_anti : ('a,'a) Matrix.t;
three_index : ('a,'a) Matrix.t;
three_index_anti : ('a,'a) Matrix.t;
four_index : 'a storage_t ;
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
2020-10-07 17:54:15 +02:00
let relabel t =
{ size = t.size ;
two_index = Matrix.relabel t.two_index ;
two_index_anti = Matrix.relabel t.two_index_anti ;
three_index = Matrix.relabel t.three_index ;
three_index_anti = Matrix.relabel t.three_index_anti ;
four_index = match t.four_index with
| Dense x -> Dense (Matrix.relabel x)
| Sparse x -> Sparse x
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
let key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 =
let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in
let f i k =
let p, r =
if i <= k then i, k else k, i
in p + (r*(r-1))/2
let p = f i k and q = f j l in
f p q
let check_bounds r1 r2 t =
let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in
let size = t.size in
assert ( (i lor j lor k lor l) > 0 );
assert ( i <= size && j <= size && k <= size && l <= size )
let dense_index i j size =
(j-1)*size + i
let sym_index i j =
if i < j then
(j*(j-1))/2 + i
(i*(i-1))/2 + j
let unsafe_get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 t =
let get a =
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
Matrix.to_bigarray_inplace a
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
|> Bigarray.Array2.unsafe_get
let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in
if i=k then
if j=l then
get t.two_index i j
get t.three_index (dense_index j l t.size) i
else if j=l then
get t.three_index (dense_index i k t.size) j
else if i=l then
if k=j then
get t.two_index_anti i j
get t.three_index_anti (dense_index j k t.size) i
else if j=k then
get t.three_index_anti (dense_index i l t.size) j
else if i=j then
if k=l then
get t.two_index_anti i k
get t.three_index_anti (dense_index k l t.size) i
else if k=l then
(* <ij|kk> *)
get t.three_index_anti (dense_index i j t.size) k
match t.four_index with
| Dense a -> get a (dense_index i k t.size) (sym_index j l)
| Sparse a -> let key = key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 in
try Hashtbl.find a key
with Not_found -> 0.
let get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 t =
check_bounds r1 r2 t;
unsafe_get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 t
let unsafe_set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t =
let unsafe_set a =
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
Matrix.to_bigarray_inplace a
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
|> Bigarray.Array2.unsafe_set
let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in
let () =
if i=k then
if j=l then
unsafe_set t.two_index i j value;
unsafe_set t.two_index j i value;
unsafe_set t.three_index (dense_index i i t.size) j value;
unsafe_set t.three_index (dense_index j l t.size) i value;
unsafe_set t.three_index (dense_index l j t.size) i value;
else if j=l then
unsafe_set t.three_index (dense_index i k t.size) j value;
unsafe_set t.three_index (dense_index k i t.size) j value;
else if i=l then
if j=k then
unsafe_set t.two_index_anti i j value;
unsafe_set t.two_index_anti j i value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index i i t.size) j value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index j k t.size) i value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index k j t.size) i value;
else if j=k then
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index i l t.size) j value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index l i t.size) j value;
else if i=j then
if k=l then
unsafe_set t.two_index_anti i k value;
unsafe_set t.two_index_anti k i value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index i i t.size) k value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index k l t.size) i value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index l k t.size) i value;
else if k=l then
(* <ij|kk> *)
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index i j t.size) k value;
unsafe_set t.three_index_anti (dense_index j i t.size) k value;
match t.four_index with
| Dense a -> let ik = (dense_index i k t.size)
and jl = (dense_index j l t.size)
and ki = (dense_index k i t.size)
and lj = (dense_index l j t.size)
and ik_s = (sym_index i k)
and jl_s = (sym_index j l)
unsafe_set a ik jl_s value;
unsafe_set a ki jl_s value;
unsafe_set a jl ik_s value;
unsafe_set a lj ik_s value;
| Sparse a -> let key = key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 in
Hashtbl.replace a key value
let set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t =
check_bounds r1 r2 t;
unsafe_set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t
let unsafe_increment_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t =
let updated_value =
value +. unsafe_get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 t
unsafe_set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value:updated_value t
let increment_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t =
check_bounds r1 r2 t;
unsafe_increment_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t
let get ~r1 ~r2 a =
get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 a
let set ~r1 ~r2 ~value =
match classify_float value with
| FP_normal -> set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value
| FP_zero
| FP_subnormal -> fun _ -> ()
| FP_infinite
| FP_nan ->
let msg =
Printf.sprintf "FourIdxStorage.ml : set : r1 = (%d,%d) ; r2 = (%d,%d)"
r1.first r1.second r2.first r2.second
raise (Invalid_argument msg)
let increment ~r1 ~r2 =
increment_four_index ~r1 ~r2
let create ~size sparsity =
assert (size < max_index);
let two_index = Matrix.make0 size size in
let two_index_anti = Matrix.make0 size size in
let three_index = Matrix.make0 (size*size) size in
let three_index_anti = Matrix.make0 (size*size) size in
let four_index =
match sparsity with
| `Dense -> Dense ( Matrix.make0 (size*size) ((size*(size+1))/2) )
| `Sparse -> Sparse ( Hashtbl.create (size*size+13) )
{ size ; two_index ; two_index_anti ; three_index ; three_index_anti ; four_index }
let size t = t.size
let get_chem t i j k l = get ~r1:{ first=i ; second=j } ~r2:{ first=k ; second=l } t
let get_phys t i j k l = get ~r1:{ first=i ; second=k } ~r2:{ first=j ; second=l } t
let set_chem t i j k l value = set ~r1:{ first=i ; second=j } ~r2:{ first=k ; second=l } ~value t
let set_phys t i j k l value = set ~r1:{ first=i ; second=k } ~r2:{ first=j ; second=l } ~value t
let increment_chem t i j k l value = increment ~r1:{ first=i ; second=j } ~r2:{ first=k ; second=l } ~value t
let increment_phys t i j k l value = increment ~r1:{ first=i ; second=k } ~r2:{ first=j ; second=l } ~value t
(** Element for the stream *)
type element =
i_r1: int ;
j_r2: int ;
k_r1: int ;
l_r2: int ;
value: float
let get_phys_all_i d ~j ~k ~l =
Vector.init d.size (fun i -> get_phys d i j k l)
let get_chem_all_i d ~j ~k ~l =
Vector.init d.size (fun i -> get_chem d i j k l)
let get_phys_all_ij d ~k ~l =
Matrix.init_cols d.size d.size (fun i j -> get_phys d i j k l)
let get_chem_all_ij d ~k ~l =
if k = l then
let result =
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
Matrix.col_inplace d.three_index k
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
|> Vector.to_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
|> Bigarray.genarray_of_array1
Bigarray.reshape_2 result d.size d.size
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
|> Matrix.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
match d.four_index with
| Dense a ->
let kl = sym_index k l in
let result =
2020-10-03 15:40:06 +02:00
Matrix.col_inplace a kl
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
|> Vector.to_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
|> Bigarray.genarray_of_array1
Bigarray.reshape_2 result d.size d.size
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
|> Matrix.of_bigarray_inplace
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
| Sparse _ ->
Matrix.init_cols d.size d.size (fun i j -> get_chem d i j k l)
let to_stream d =
let i = ref 0
and j = ref 1
and k = ref 1
and l = ref 1
let f_dense _ =
incr i;
if !i > !k then begin
i := 1;
incr j;
if !j > !l then begin
j := 1;
incr k;
if !k > !l then begin
k := 1;
incr l;
if !l <= d.size then
Some { i_r1 = !i ; j_r2 = !j ;
k_r1 = !k ; l_r2 = !l ;
value = get_phys d !i !j !k !l
Stream.from f_dense
(** Write all integrals to a file with the <ij|kl> convention *)
let to_file ?(cutoff=Constants.integrals_cutoff) ~filename data =
let oc = open_out filename in
to_stream data
|> Stream.iter (fun {i_r1 ; j_r2 ; k_r1 ; l_r2 ; value} ->
if (abs_float value > cutoff) then
Printf.fprintf oc " %5d %5d %5d %5d%20.15f\n" i_r1 j_r2 k_r1 l_r2 value);
close_out oc
let of_file ~size ~sparsity filename =
let result = create ~size sparsity in
let ic = Scanf.Scanning.open_in filename in
let rec read_line () =
let result =
Some (Scanf.bscanf ic " %d %d %d %d %f" (fun i j k l v ->
set_phys result i j k l v))
with End_of_file -> None
match result with
| Some () -> (read_line [@tailcall]) ()
| None -> ()
read_line ();
Scanf.Scanning.close_in ic;
let to_list data =
let s =
to_stream data
let rec append accu =
let d =
try Some (Stream.next s) with
| Stream.Failure -> None
match d with
| None -> List.rev accu
| Some d -> (append [@tailcall]) (d :: accu)
append []
let four_index_transform_dense_sparse ds coef source =
let mo_num = Matrix.dim2 coef in
let ao_num = Matrix.dim1 coef in
let mo_num_2 = mo_num * mo_num in
let ao_num_2 = ao_num * ao_num in
let ao_mo_num = ao_num * mo_num in
let range_ao = Util.array_range 1 ao_num in
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
let coefx = Matrix.to_bigarray_inplace coef in
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
Printf.eprintf "4-idx transformation \n%!";
let n = ref 0 in
let task delta =
let u = Matrix.create mo_num_2 mo_num
and o = Matrix.create ao_num ao_num_2
and p = Matrix.create ao_num_2 mo_num
and q = Matrix.create ao_mo_num mo_num
Matrix.fill_inplace u 0.;
Array.iter (fun l ->
if abs_float coefx.{l,delta} > Constants.epsilon then
(* o_i_jk *)
let jk = ref 1 in
Array.iter (fun k ->
get_chem_all_ij source ~k ~l
|> Matrix.copy_inplace ~b:o ~bc:!jk
|> ignore;
jk := !jk + ao_num;
) range_ao;
(* p_jk_alpha = \sum_i o_i_jk c_i_alpha *)
Matrix.gemm_inplace ~transa:`T ~c:p o coef;
(* p_j_kalpha *)
2020-10-18 01:58:22 +02:00
let p' = Matrix.reshape_inplace ao_num ao_mo_num p in
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
(* q_kalpha_beta = \sum_j p_j_kalpha c_j_beta *)
Matrix.gemm_inplace ~transa:`T ~c:q p' coef;
(* q_k_alphabeta = \sum_j p_j_kalpha c_j_beta *)
2020-10-18 01:58:22 +02:00
let q' = Matrix.reshape_inplace ao_num mo_num_2 q in
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
(* u_alphabeta_gamma = \sum_k q_k_alphabeta c_k_gamma *)
Matrix.gemm_inplace ~transa:`T ~beta:1. ~alpha:coefx.{l,delta} ~c:u q' coef ;
) range_ao;
let u =
let b =
2020-10-03 15:27:48 +02:00
Matrix.to_bigarray_inplace u
2020-09-26 12:02:53 +02:00
|> Bigarray.genarray_of_array2
Bigarray.reshape b [| mo_num ; mo_num ; mo_num |]
|> Bigarray.array3_of_genarray
let rec aux accu alpha beta gamma =
if alpha > beta then
aux accu 1 (beta+1) gamma
else if beta > mo_num then
aux accu 1 1 (gamma+1)
else if gamma > delta then
let x = u.{alpha,beta,gamma} in
let new_accu =
if abs_float x > Constants.integrals_cutoff then
(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, x) :: accu
aux new_accu (alpha+1) beta gamma
aux [] 1 1 1
|> Array.of_list
let result = ref [] in
for gamma = 1 to delta do
for beta = 1 to mo_num do
for alpha = 1 to beta do
let x = u.{alpha,beta,gamma} in
if abs_float x > Constants.integrals_cutoff then
result := (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, x) :: !result;
Array.of_list !result
let destination = create ~size:mo_num ds in
Util.list_range 1 mo_num
|> Stream.of_list
|> Parallel.stream_map task
|> List.map task
|> Stream.of_list
|> Stream.iter (fun l ->
(incr n ; Printf.eprintf "\r%d / %d%!" !n mo_num);
Array.iter (fun (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, x) ->
set_chem destination alpha beta gamma delta x) l);
Printf.eprintf "\n%!";
let four_index_transform coef source =
match source.four_index with
| Sparse _ -> four_index_transform_dense_sparse `Sparse coef source
| Dense _ -> four_index_transform_dense_sparse `Dense coef source