(* Mathematica Package *) (* :Package Version: 0.5.4 *) (* :Copyright: (c) 2019 Szabolcs Horvat *) (* :License: MIT license, see LICENSE.txt *) (* * To include LTemplate privately in another package, and disable compilation support, * load LTemplatePrivateNoCompile.m using Get[], then immediately call ConfigureLTemplate[]. * Disabling compilation support will avoid loading CCompilerDriver` and therefore improve * loading performance on Windows. Packages that ship with pre-compiled binaries do not need * compilation support in the LTemplate they embed. *) BeginPackage["`LTemplate`", {"SymbolicC`"}] (* Note: Do not Protect symbols when LTemplate is loaded privately. *) `Private`$private = True; `Private`$noCompile = True; Quiet[ Get@FileNameJoin[{DirectoryName[$InputFileName], "LTemplateInner.m"}], General::shdw (* suppress false shadowing warnings if public LTemplate was loaded first *) ] EndPackage[]