BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_pseudo_grid, (ao_num,-pseudo_lmax:pseudo_lmax,0:pseudo_lmax,nucl_num,pseudo_grid_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Grid points for f(|r-r_A|) = \int Y_{lm}^{C} (|r-r_C|, \Omega_C) \chi_i^{A} (r-r_A) d\Omega_C ! ! END_DOC ! l,m : Y(l,m) parameters ! c(3) : pseudopotential center ! a(3) : Atomic Orbital center ! n_a(3) : Powers of x,y,z in the Atomic Orbital ! g_a : Atomic Orbital exponent ! r : Distance between the Atomic Orbital center and the considered point double precision, external :: ylm_orb integer :: n_a(3) double precision :: a(3), c(3), g_a integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,p double precision :: dr, Ulc double precision :: y double precision, allocatable :: r(:) allocate (r(pseudo_grid_size)) dr = pseudo_grid_rmax/dble(pseudo_grid_size) r(1) = 0.d0 do j=2,pseudo_grid_size r(j) = r(j-1) + dr enddo ao_pseudo_grid = 0.d0 !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) & !$OMP PRIVATE(j,k,c,l,i,a,n_a,g_a,m,y) do j=1,pseudo_grid_size do k=1,nucl_num c(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3) do l=0,pseudo_lmax do i=1,ao_num a(1:3) = nucl_coord(ao_nucl(i),1:3) n_a(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3) do p=1,ao_prim_num(i) g_a = ao_expo_ordered_transp(p,i) do m=-l,l y = ylm_orb(l,m,c,a,n_a,g_a,r(j)) ao_pseudo_grid(i,m,l,k,j) = ao_pseudo_grid(i,m,l,k,j) + & ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(p,i)*y enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO deallocate(r) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mo_pseudo_grid, (ao_num,-pseudo_lmax:pseudo_lmax,0:pseudo_lmax,nucl_num,pseudo_grid_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Grid points for f(|r-r_A|) = \int Y_{lm}^{C} (|r-r_C|, \Omega_C) \phi_i^{A} (r-r_A) d\Omega_C ! ! END_DOC ! l,m : Y(l,m) parameters ! c(3) : pseudopotential center ! a(3) : Atomic Orbital center ! n_a(3) : Powers of x,y,z in the Atomic Orbital ! g_a : Atomic Orbital exponent ! r : Distance between the Atomic Orbital center and the considered point double precision, external :: ylm_orb integer :: n_a(3) double precision :: a(3), c(3), g_a integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,p double precision :: dr, Ulc double precision :: y double precision, allocatable :: r(:) mo_pseudo_grid = 0.d0 call dgemm('T','N', mo_num, (2*pseudo_lmax+1)*(pseudo_lmax+1)*nucl_num*pseudo_grid_size, & ao_num, 1.d0, mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), ao_pseudo_grid, & size(ao_pseudo_grid,1), 0.d0, mo_pseudo_grid, size(mo_pseudo_grid,1)) END_PROVIDER