program export_trexio use trexio implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Exports the wave function in TREXIO format END_DOC integer(8) :: f ! TREXIO file handle integer :: rc print *, 'TREXIO file : '//trim(trexio_filename) print *, '' if (trexio_backend == 0) then f = trexio_open(trexio_filename, 'w', TREXIO_HDF5) else if (trexio_backend == 1) then f = trexio_open(trexio_filename, 'w', TREXIO_TEXT) endif if (f == 0) then print *, 'Unable to open TREXIO file for writing' stop -1 endif ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Nuclei ! ------ rc = trexio_write_nucleus_num(f, nucl_num) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_nucleus_charge(f, nucl_charge) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_nucleus_coord(f, nucl_coord_transp) call check_success(rc) ! Electrons rc = trexio_write_electron_up_num(f, elec_alpha_num) call check_success(rc) ! rc = trexio_write_electron_dn_num(f, elec_beta_num) call check_success(rc) ! Basis ! ----- ! rc = trexio_write_basis_type(f, 'Gaussian') ! call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_basis_shell_num(f, sum(Nucl_num_shell_Aos)) call check_success(rc) ! Atomic orbitals ! --------------- rc = trexio_write_ao_num(f, ao_num) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_ao_cartesian(f, 1) call check_success(rc) ! One-e AO integrals ! ------------------ rc = trexio_write_ao_1e_int_overlap(f,ao_overlap) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_ao_1e_int_kinetic(f,ao_kinetic_integrals) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_ao_1e_int_potential_n_e(f,ao_integrals_n_e) call check_success(rc) if (do_pseudo) then rc = trexio_write_ao_1e_int_ecp_local(f,ao_pseudo_integrals_local) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_ao_1e_int_ecp_non_local(f,ao_pseudo_integrals_non_local) call check_success(rc) endif rc = trexio_write_ao_1e_int_core_hamiltonian(f,ao_one_e_integrals) call check_success(rc) ! Molecular orbitals ! ------------------ ! rc = trexio_write_mo_type(f, mo_label) ! call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_mo_num(f, mo_num) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_mo_coef(f, mo_coef) call check_success(rc) ! One-e MO integrals ! ------------------ rc = trexio_write_mo_1e_int_kinetic(f,mo_kinetic_integrals) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_mo_1e_int_potential_n_e(f,mo_integrals_n_e) call check_success(rc) if (do_pseudo) then rc = trexio_write_mo_1e_int_ecp_local(f,mo_pseudo_integrals_local) call check_success(rc) rc = trexio_write_mo_1e_int_ecp_non_local(f,mo_pseudo_integrals_non_local) call check_success(rc) endif rc = trexio_write_mo_1e_int_core_hamiltonian(f,one_e_dm_mo) call check_success(rc) ! RDM ! ---- ! rc = trexio_write_rdm_one_e(f,one_e_dm_mo) ! call check_success(rc) ! ! rc = trexio_write_rdm_one_e_up(f,one_e_dm_mo_alpha_average) ! call check_success(rc) ! ! rc = trexio_write_rdm_one_e_dn(f,one_e_dm_mo_beta_average) ! call check_success(rc) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rc = trexio_close(f) call check_success(rc) end subroutine check_success(rc) use trexio implicit none integer, intent(in) :: rc character*(128) :: str if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc,str) print *, 'TREXIO Error: ' //trim(str) stop -1 endif end ! -*- mode: f90 -*-