program import_integrals_ao print *, 'Number of AOs?' read(*,*) ao_num TOUCH ao_num call run end subroutine run use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Program to import integrals in the AO basis. ! ! one-electron integrals : format is : i j value ! two-electron integrals : format is : i j k l value ! Dirac's notation is used : is ! ! These files are read: ! ! E.qp : Contains the nuclear repulsion energy ! ! T.qp : kinetic energy integrals ! ! S.qp : overlap matrix ! ! P.qp : pseudopotential integrals ! ! V.qp : electron-nucleus potential ! ! W.qp : electron repulsion integrals ! END_DOC integer :: iunit integer :: getunitandopen integer ::i,j,k,l double precision :: integral double precision, allocatable :: A(:,:) integer :: n_integrals integer(key_kind), allocatable :: buffer_i(:) real(integral_kind), allocatable :: buffer_values(:) call ezfio_set_ao_basis_ao_num(ao_num) allocate (A(ao_num,ao_num)) A(1,1) = huge(1.d0) iunit = getunitandopen('E.qp','r') read (iunit,*,end=9) A(1,1) 9 continue close(iunit) if (A(1,1) /= huge(1.d0)) then call ezfio_set_nuclei_nuclear_repulsion(A(1,1)) call ezfio_set_nuclei_io_nuclear_repulsion('Read') endif A = 0.d0 i = 1 j = 1 iunit = getunitandopen('T.qp','r') do read (iunit,*,end=10) i,j, integral if (i<0 .or. i>ao_num) then print *, i stop 'i out of bounds in T.qp' endif if (j<0 .or. j>ao_num) then print *, j stop 'j out of bounds in T.qp' endif A(i,j) = integral enddo 10 continue close(iunit) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_ao_integrals_kinetic(A(1:ao_num, 1:ao_num)) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_io_ao_integrals_kinetic('Read') A = 0.d0 i = 1 j = 1 iunit = getunitandopen('S.qp','r') do read (iunit,*,end=11) i,j, integral if (i<0 .or. i>ao_num) then print *, i stop 'i out of bounds in S.qp' endif if (j<0 .or. j>ao_num) then print *, j stop 'j out of bounds in S.qp' endif A(i,j) = integral enddo 11 continue close(iunit) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_ao_integrals_overlap(A(1:ao_num, 1:ao_num)) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_io_ao_integrals_overlap('Read') A = 0.d0 i = 1 j = 1 iunit = getunitandopen('P.qp','r') do if (i<0 .or. i>ao_num) then print *, i stop 'i out of bounds in P.qp' endif if (j<0 .or. j>ao_num) then print *, j stop 'j out of bounds in P.qp' endif read (iunit,*,end=14) i,j, integral A(i,j) = integral enddo 14 continue close(iunit) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_ao_integrals_pseudo(A(1:ao_num,1:ao_num)) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_io_ao_integrals_pseudo('Read') A = 0.d0 i = 1 j = 1 iunit = getunitandopen('V.qp','r') do read (iunit,*,end=12) i,j, integral if (i<0 .or. i>ao_num) then print *, i stop 'i out of bounds in V.qp' endif if (j<0 .or. j>ao_num) then print *, j stop 'j out of bounds in V.qp' endif A(i,j) = integral enddo 12 continue close(iunit) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_ao_integrals_n_e(A(1:ao_num, 1:ao_num)) call ezfio_set_ao_one_e_ints_io_ao_integrals_n_e('Read') allocate(buffer_i(ao_num**3), buffer_values(ao_num**3)) iunit = getunitandopen('W.qp','r') n_integrals=0 i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 buffer_values = 0.d0 do read (iunit,*,end=13) i,j,k,l, integral if (i<0 .or. i>ao_num) then print *, i stop 'i out of bounds in W.qp' endif if (j<0 .or. j>ao_num) then print *, j stop 'j out of bounds in W.qp' endif if (k<0 .or. k>ao_num) then print *, k stop 'k out of bounds in W.qp' endif if (l<0 .or. l>ao_num) then print *, l stop 'l out of bounds in W.qp' endif n_integrals += 1 call two_e_integrals_index(i, j, k, l, buffer_i(n_integrals) ) buffer_values(n_integrals) = integral if (n_integrals == size(buffer_i)) then call insert_into_ao_integrals_map(n_integrals,buffer_i,buffer_values) n_integrals = 0 endif enddo 13 continue close(iunit) if (n_integrals > 0) then call insert_into_ao_integrals_map(n_integrals,buffer_i,buffer_values) endif call map_sort(ao_integrals_map) call map_unique(ao_integrals_map) call map_save_to_disk(trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_ints',ao_integrals_map) call ezfio_set_ao_two_e_ints_io_ao_two_e_integrals('Read') end