2024-06-25 09:43:46 +02:00

241 lines
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% chulet.cls -- A Cambridge University Letterhead class for LaTeX
% Simon's Lab Letter Class for 2001
% Modified by Robert Whittaker for use in DAMTP
% Simon Moore, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory
% Please use freely (it's just a hack!)
% Source from:
% Class Options:
% usebwarms - uses a black and white version of the Univ. arms
% usecmfont - uses computer modern font rather than Sabon (works
% better with xdvi
% usetimesfont - uses times font rather than Sabon
% e.g.:
% \documentclass[usecmfont,usebwarms,usetimesfont]{/homes/swm11/texmacros/letters/lablet2001}
% Compulsory commands:
% \fromwhome{title}{your name}{qualifications}{job-title}{email}{phone}{fax}
% \towhom{to name}{to address}
% \begin{letter}[salutation name]
% \end{letter}
% The 'to name' is used in address, the optional 'salutation name' is
% used in 'Dear ... ,'. In its absence, 'to name' is used there instead.
% Extra commands:
% \lettertitle{title of letter}
% \setdate{date string}
% \setsigned{greeting}{signature}
% \setsalutation{salutation}
% \cclist{list of people\\to cc the\\message to}
% \enclosures{list of enclosures}
% \reference{reference string}
\typeout{Univeristy of Cambridge Dept of Chemistry letter class by Alex Thom}
\typeout{Adapted from Churchill College Letter class by Alex Thom}
\typeout{Adapted from DAMTP Letter class by Robert Whittaker}
\typeout{Adapted from Simon Moore's Computer Lab Letter Class}
%\usepackage{sabon} % Univ. font is Sabon!
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt} % but don't use courier for typewriter
%I'm not sure this has any effect with the sabon package we have in DAMTP
% A few new options (rest are passed through to article class).
\DeclareOption{usetimesfont}{\typeout{Replacing Sabon with Times}
% page layout
\parskip 10pt
\parindent 0.0pt
% main content commands
\newcommand{\fromtitle}{your title?}
\newcommand{\fromnamedetails}{Use $\backslash$from to speficfy your name,
position, email, phone, fax}
\newcommand{\fromquoldetails}{your qualifications?}
\newcommand{\fromjobdetails}{your position?}
\newcommand{\towhomaddress}{Use $\backslash$towhom to set the name
and address}
\newcommand{\salutationname}{Name of recipient}
\newcommand{\yoursdetails}{Yours sincerely,}
\newcommand{\cuarms}{\includegraphics[width=30mm]{cnrs}} %65mm from UC style guidelines v5
%\newcommand{\bwarms}{\typeout{Using B&W version of the arms}\renewcommand{\cuarms}{\includegraphics{BWUni3}}}
%\newcommand{\bwarms}{\typeout{Using B&W version of the arms}\renewcommand{\cuarms}{\includegraphics{BWUni3}}}
\put(-13,-1){\makebox(66,20)[tl]{\cuarms}}%14mm from top and 12mm from left
\hfill\referencedetails \\
\salutation\ \salutationname,\\
\newcommand{\swmfoot}{\fontsize{9pt}{10pt}\rm\hfill\begin{tabular}{@{}r@{~~}r@{ }r@{}}
& & \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}r@{}}{Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique}\\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}r@{}}{Universit\'e Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier}\\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}r@{}}{Bat.~3R1b4, 118 route de Narbonne}\\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}r@{}}{31062 Toulouse Cedex 09}\\
& \\
& \fromphonedetails\\
& \fromemaildetails\\
%\hspace{-2.5em}\includegraphics[scale=0.3, trim={0cm 1cm 0cm 0cm}, clip]{HGAB}
\else \thispagestyle{empty}
{\centering\fromaddress \vspace{5\parskip} \\
{\raggedright \toname \\ \toaddress \par}\vspace{3\parskip}
\noindent #1\par\raggedright\parindent 5ex\par