open Lacaml.D let read_qp_mo dirname = let ic = Unix.open_process_in ("zcat "^dirname^"/mo_basis/mo_coef.gz") in let check = String.trim (input_line ic) in assert (check = "2"); let int_list = input_line ic |> String.split_on_char ' ' |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") |> int_of_string in let n_ao, n_mo = match int_list with | [ x ; y ] -> x, y | _ -> assert false in let result = Mat.init_cols n_ao n_mo (fun i j -> let s = input_line ic in Scanf.sscanf s " %f " (fun x -> x) ) in let exit_code = Unix.close_process_in ic in assert (exit_code = Unix.WEXITED 0); result let () = let open Command_line in begin set_header_doc (Sys.argv.(0) ^ " - QCaml command"); set_description_doc "Localizes MOs"; set_specs [ { short='b' ; long="basis" ; opt=Mandatory; arg=With_arg ""; doc="Name of the file containing the basis set"; } ; { short='x' ; long="xyz" ; opt=Mandatory; arg=With_arg ""; doc="Name of the file containing the nuclear coordinates in xyz format"; } ; { short='m' ; long="multiplicity" ; opt=Optional; arg=With_arg ""; doc="Spin multiplicity (2S+1). Default is singlet"; } ; { short='c' ; long="charge" ; opt=Optional; arg=With_arg ""; doc="Total charge of the molecule. Default is 0"; } ; { short='o' ; long="output" ; opt=Mandatory; arg=With_arg ""; doc="Name of the file containing the localized MOs"; } ; { short='i' ; long="import" ; opt=Optional; arg=With_arg ""; doc="Name of the EZFIO directory containing MOs"; } ; ] end; let basis_file = Util.of_some @@ Command_line.get "basis" in let nuclei_file = Util.of_some @@ Command_line.get "xyz" in let ezfio_file = Command_line.get "import" in let charge = match Command_line.get "charge" with | Some x -> int_of_string x | None -> 0 in let multiplicity = match Command_line.get "multiplicity" with | Some x -> int_of_string x | None -> 1 in let output_filename = Util.of_some @@ Command_line.get "output" in (* II : Hartree-Fock *) (* 1. Def pour HF *) let simulation = Simulation.of_filenames ~charge ~multiplicity ~nuclei:nuclei_file basis_file in (* 2. Calcul de Hartree-Fock*) let mo_basis = match ezfio_file with | Some ezfio_file -> let mo_coef = read_qp_mo ezfio_file in let mo_type = MOBasis.Localized "Boys" in let elec = Simulation.electrons simulation in let n_mo = Mat.dim2 mo_coef in let mo_occupation = Vec.init n_mo (fun i -> if i <= Electrons.n_beta elec then 2. else if i <= Electrons.n_alfa elec then 1. else 0.) in MOBasis.make ~simulation ~mo_type ~mo_occupation ~mo_coef () | None -> HartreeFock.make simulation |> MOBasis.of_hartree_fock in let local_mos = Localisation.localize mo_basis in let oc = open_out output_filename in Printf.fprintf oc "[\n"; Mat.as_vec local_mos |> Vec.iter (fun x -> Printf.fprintf oc "%20.15e,\n" x); Printf.fprintf oc "]\n"; close_out oc