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@ -1,13 +1,158 @@
%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
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Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:26:11 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:27:34 +0200},
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Title = {Rationale for mixing exact exchange with density functional approximations},
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File = {/Users/loos/Zotero/storage/VDKR3CTF/Tubman16.pdf},
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Title = {A Deterministic Alternative to the Full Configuration Interaction Quantum {{Monte Carlo}} Method},
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Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:14:43 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:14:43 +0200},
Eprint = {1808.02049},
Primaryclass = {cond-mat.str-el},
Title = {An efficient deterministic perturbation theory for selected configuration interaction methods},
Year = {2018}}
Author = {Tubman, N. M. and Freeman, C. D. and Levine, D. S. and Hait, D. and Head-Gordon, M. and Whaley, K. B.},
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Doi = {10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00536},
Journal = {J. Chem. Theory Comput.},
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Title = {Modern Approaches to Exact Diagonalization and Selected Configuration Interaction with the Adaptive Sampling CI Method},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2020},
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Author = {A. J. W. Thom},
Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:12:09 +0200},
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Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.263004},
Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
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Title = {Stochastic Coupled Cluster Theory},
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Author = {Deustua, J. E. and Magoulas, I. and Shen, J. and Piecuch, P.},
Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:10:38 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:10:38 +0200},
Doi = {10.1063/1.5055769},
Journal = {J. Chem. Phys.},
Pages = {151101},
Title = {Communication: Approaching Ex- act Quantum Chemistry by Cluster Analysis of Full Configuration Interaction Quan- tum Monte Carlo Wave Functions},
Volume = {149},
Year = {2018},
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Author = {M. Motta and S. Zhang},
Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:09:57 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:09:57 +0200},
Doi = {10.1002/wcms.1364},
Journal = {WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci.},
Pages = {e1364},
Title = {Ab initio computations of molecular systems by the auxiliaryfield quantum Monte Carlo method},
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Author = {Ghanem, K. and Lozovoi, A. Y. and Alavi, A.},
Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:09:03 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:09:03 +0200},
Doi = {10.1063/1.5134006},
Journal = {J. Chem. Phys.},
Pages = {224108},
Title = {Unbiasing the Initiator Approximation in Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo},
Volume = {151},
Year = {2019},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {White, S. R.},
Date-Added = {2020-08-20 10:07:57 +0200},
Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:07:57 +0200},
Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.69.2863},
Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
Pages = {2863},
Title = {Density Matrix Formulation for Quantum Renormalization Groups},
Volume = {69},
Year = {1992},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
@article{Karolewski_2013, @article{Karolewski_2013,
Author = {Andreas Karolewski and Leeor Kronik and Stephan Kummel}, Author = {Andreas Karolewski and Leeor Kronik and Stephan Kummel},
Date-Added = {2020-08-19 14:04:10 +0200}, Date-Added = {2020-08-19 14:04:10 +0200},
@ -54,7 +199,8 @@
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Title = {Explicitly Correlated Electrons in Molecules}, Title = {Explicitly Correlated Electrons in Molecules},
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@article{Kutzelnigg_1985, @article{Kutzelnigg_1985,
Author = {W. Kutzelnigg}, Author = {W. Kutzelnigg},
@ -65,7 +211,8 @@
Pages = {445}, Pages = {445},
Title = {r12-Dependent terms in the wave function as closed sums of partial wave amplitudes for large l}, Title = {r12-Dependent terms in the wave function as closed sums of partial wave amplitudes for large l},
Volume = {68}, Volume = {68},
Year = {1985}} Year = {1985},
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@article{Kutzelnigg_1991, @article{Kutzelnigg_1991,
Author = {W. Kutzelnigg and W. Klopper}, Author = {W. Kutzelnigg and W. Klopper},
@ -76,7 +223,8 @@
Pages = {1985}, Pages = {1985},
Title = {Wave functions with terms linear in the interelectronic coordinates to take care of the correlation cusp. I. General theory}, Title = {Wave functions with terms linear in the interelectronic coordinates to take care of the correlation cusp. I. General theory},
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@article{Pack_1966, @article{Pack_1966,
Author = {{R. T. Pack and W. Byers-Brown}}, Author = {{R. T. Pack and W. Byers-Brown}},
@ -87,7 +235,8 @@
Pages = {556}, Pages = {556},
Title = {{Cusp conditions for molecular wavefunctions}}, Title = {{Cusp conditions for molecular wavefunctions}},
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Year = {1966}} Year = {1966},
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@article{Kato_1957, @article{Kato_1957,
Author = {T. Kato}, Author = {T. Kato},
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Date-Modified = {2020-08-16 13:40:08 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-08-20 10:07:13 +0200},
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Year = {2018}} Year = {2018},
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@article{PerBurErn-PRL-96, @article{PerBurErn-PRL-96,
Author = {J. P. Perdew and K. Burke and M. Ernzerhof}, Author = {J. P. Perdew and K. Burke and M. Ernzerhof},
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@article{GolWerStoLeiGorSav-CP-06, @article{GolWerStoLeiGorSav-CP-06,
Author = {E. Goll and H.-J. Werner and H. Stoll and T. Leininger and P. Gori-Giorgi and A. Savin}, Author = {E. Goll and H.-J. Werner and H. Stoll and T. Leininger and P. Gori-Giorgi and A. Savin},
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Journal = {Chem. Phys.}, Journal = {Chem. Phys.},
Pages = {276}, Pages = {276},
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@article{TouColSav-JCP-05, @article{TouColSav-JCP-05,
Author = {J. Toulouse and F. Colonna and A. Savin}, Author = {J. Toulouse and F. Colonna and A. Savin},
@ -1051,7 +1203,8 @@
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Title = {Short-range exchange and correlation energy density functionals: Beyond the local-density approximation}, Title = {Short-range exchange and correlation energy density functionals: Beyond the local-density approximation},
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Year = {2005}} Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
@article{GolWerSto-PCCP-05, @article{GolWerSto-PCCP-05,
Author = {Erich Goll and Hans-Joachim Werner and Hermann Stoll}, Author = {Erich Goll and Hans-Joachim Werner and Hermann Stoll},
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Journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.}, Journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
Pages = {3917}, Pages = {3917},
Volume = {7}, Volume = {7},
Year = {2005}} Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
@misc{g16, @misc{g16,
Author = {M. J. Frisch and G. W. Trucks and H. B. Schlegel and G. E. Scuseria and M. A. Robb and J. R. Cheeseman and G. Scalmani and V. Barone and G. A. Petersson and H. Nakatsuji and X. Li and M. Caricato and A. V. Marenich and J. Bloino and B. G. Janesko and R. Gomperts and B. Mennucci and H. P. Hratchian and J. V. Ortiz and A. F. Izmaylov and J. L. Sonnenberg and D. Williams-Young and F. Ding and F. Lipparini and F. Egidi and J. Goings and B. Peng and A. Petrone and T. Henderson and D. Ranasinghe and V. G. Zakrzewski and J. Gao and N. Rega and G. Zheng and W. Liang and M. Hada and M. Ehara and K. Toyota and R. Fukuda and J. Hasegawa and M. Ishida and T. Nakajima and Y. Honda and O. Kitao and H. Nakai and T. Vreven and K. Throssell and Montgomery, {Jr.}, J. A. and J. E. Peralta and F. Ogliaro and M. J. Bearpark and J. J. Heyd and E. N. Brothers and K. N. Kudin and V. N. Staroverov and T. A. Keith and R. Kobayashi and J. Normand and K. Raghavachari and A. P. Rendell and J. C. Burant and S. S. Iyengar and J. Tomasi and M. Cossi and J. M. Millam and M. Klene and C. Adamo and R. Cammi and J. W. Ochterski and R. L. Martin and K. Morokuma and O. Farkas and J. B. Foresman and D. J. Fox}, Author = {M. J. Frisch and G. W. Trucks and H. B. Schlegel and G. E. Scuseria and M. A. Robb and J. R. Cheeseman and G. Scalmani and V. Barone and G. A. Petersson and H. Nakatsuji and X. Li and M. Caricato and A. V. Marenich and J. Bloino and B. G. Janesko and R. Gomperts and B. Mennucci and H. P. Hratchian and J. V. Ortiz and A. F. Izmaylov and J. L. Sonnenberg and D. Williams-Young and F. Ding and F. Lipparini and F. Egidi and J. Goings and B. Peng and A. Petrone and T. Henderson and D. Ranasinghe and V. G. Zakrzewski and J. Gao and N. Rega and G. Zheng and W. Liang and M. Hada and M. Ehara and K. Toyota and R. Fukuda and J. Hasegawa and M. Ishida and T. Nakajima and Y. Honda and O. Kitao and H. Nakai and T. Vreven and K. Throssell and Montgomery, {Jr.}, J. A. and J. E. Peralta and F. Ogliaro and M. J. Bearpark and J. J. Heyd and E. N. Brothers and K. N. Kudin and V. N. Staroverov and T. A. Keith and R. Kobayashi and J. Normand and K. Raghavachari and A. P. Rendell and J. C. Burant and S. S. Iyengar and J. Tomasi and M. Cossi and J. M. Millam and M. Klene and C. Adamo and R. Cammi and J. W. Ochterski and R. L. Martin and K. Morokuma and O. Farkas and J. B. Foresman and D. J. Fox},
@ -1634,7 +1788,8 @@
Pages = {1047}, Pages = {1047},
Title = {Short-range exchange-correlation energy of a uniform electron gas with modified electron-electron interaction}, Title = {Short-range exchange-correlation energy of a uniform electron gas with modified electron-electron interaction},
Volume = {100}, Volume = {100},
Year = {2004}} Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
@article{Nightingale_2001, @article{Nightingale_2001,
Author = {Nightingale, M. P. and Melik-Alaverdian, Vilen}, Author = {Nightingale, M. P. and Melik-Alaverdian, Vilen},

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ In particular, we combine here short-range exchange-correlation functionals with
One of the take-home messages of the present study is that RS-DFT-CIPSI trial wave functions yield lower fixed-node energies with more compact multi-determinant expansions than CIPSI, especially for small basis sets. One of the take-home messages of the present study is that RS-DFT-CIPSI trial wave functions yield lower fixed-node energies with more compact multi-determinant expansions than CIPSI, especially for small basis sets.
Indeed, as the CIPSI component of RS-DFT-CIPSI is relieved from describing the short-range part of the correlation hole around the electron-electron coalescence points, the number of determinants in the trial wave function required to reach a given accuracy is significantly reduced as compared to a conventional CIPSI calculation. Indeed, as the CIPSI component of RS-DFT-CIPSI is relieved from describing the short-range part of the correlation hole around the electron-electron coalescence points, the number of determinants in the trial wave function required to reach a given accuracy is significantly reduced as compared to a conventional CIPSI calculation.
Importantly, by performing various numerical experiments, we evidence that the RS-DFT scheme essentially plays the role of a simple Jastrow factor by mimicking short-range correlation effects, hence avoiding the burden of performing a stochastic optimization. Importantly, by performing various numerical experiments, we evidence that the RS-DFT scheme essentially plays the role of a simple Jastrow factor by mimicking short-range correlation effects, hence avoiding the burden of performing a stochastic optimization.
Considering the 55 atomization energies of the Gaussian-1 benchmark set of molecules, we show that using a fixed value of $\mu=0.5$~bohr$^{-1}$ provides an effective cancellation of errors as well as compact trial wave functions, making the present method a good candidate for the accurate description of large chemical systems. Considering the 55 atomization energies of the Gaussian-1 benchmark set of molecules, we show that using a fixed value of $\mu=0.5$~bohr$^{-1}$ provides effective error cancellations as well as compact trial wave functions, making the present method a good candidate for the accurate description of large chemical systems.
\end{abstract} \end{abstract}
\maketitle \maketitle
@ -86,17 +86,15 @@ Considering the 55 atomization energies of the Gaussian-1 benchmark set of molec
\label{sec:intro} \label{sec:intro}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Solving the Schr\"odinger equation for the ground state of atoms and Solving the Schr\"odinger equation for the ground state of atoms and molecules is a complex task that has kept theoretical and computational chemists busy for almost a hundred years now. \cite{Schrodinger_1926}
molecules is a complex task that has kept theoretical and In order to achieve this formidable endeavor, various strategies have been carefully designed and efficiently implemented in various quantum chemistry software packages.
computational chemists busy for almost a hundred years now. \cite{Schrodinger_1926}
In order to achieve this formidable endeavour, various strategies have been carefully designed and efficiently implemented in various quantum chemistry software packages.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subsection{Wave function-based methods} \subsection{Wave function-based methods}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
One of these strategies consists in relying on wave function theory \cite{Pople_1999} (WFT) and, in particular, on the full configuration interaction (FCI) method. One of these strategies consists in relying on wave function theory \cite{Pople_1999} (WFT) and, in particular, on the full configuration interaction (FCI) method.
However, FCI delivers only an approximate solution of the Schr\"odinger equation within a finite basis (FB) of one-electron functions, the FB-FCI energy being an upper bound to the exact energy in accordance with the variational principle. However, FCI delivers only the exact solution of the Schr\"odinger equation within a finite basis (FB) of one-electron functions, the FB-FCI energy being an upper bound to the exact energy in accordance with the variational principle.
The FB-FCI wave function and its corresponding energy form the eigenpair of an approximate Hamiltonian defined as The FB-FCI wave function and its corresponding energy form the eigenpair of an approximate Hamiltonian defined as
the projection of the exact Hamiltonian onto the finite many-electron basis of the projection of the exact Hamiltonian onto the finite many-electron basis of
all possible Slater determinants generated within this finite one-electron basis. all possible Slater determinants generated within this finite one-electron basis.
@ -104,15 +102,15 @@ The FB-FCI wave function can then be interpreted as a constrained solution of th
true Hamiltonian forced to span the restricted space provided by the finite one-electron basis. true Hamiltonian forced to span the restricted space provided by the finite one-electron basis.
In the complete basis set (CBS) limit, the constraint is lifted and the exact energy and wave function are recovered. In the complete basis set (CBS) limit, the constraint is lifted and the exact energy and wave function are recovered.
Hence, the accuracy of a FB-FCI calculation can be systematically improved by increasing the size of the one-electron basis set. Hence, the accuracy of a FB-FCI calculation can be systematically improved by increasing the size of the one-electron basis set.
Nevertheless, the exponential growth of its computational scaling with the number of electrons and with the basis set size is prohibitive for most chemical systems. Nevertheless, the exponential growth of its computational cost with the number of electrons and with the basis set size is prohibitive for most chemical systems.
In recent years, the introduction of new algorithms \cite{Booth_2009,Xu_2018,Eriksen_2018,Eriksen_2019} and the In recent years, the introduction of new algorithms \cite{White_1992,Booth_2009,Thom_2010,Xu_2018,Motta_2018,Deustua_2018,Eriksen_2018,Eriksen_2019,Ghanem_2019} and the
revival \cite{Abrams_2005,Bytautas_2009,Roth_2009,Giner_2013,Knowles_2015,Holmes_2016,Evangelista_2014,Liu_2016,Per_2017,Zimmerman_2017,Ohtsuka_2017,Garniron_2018} revival \cite{Abrams_2005,Bytautas_2009,Roth_2009,Giner_2013,Knowles_2015,Holmes_2016,Holmes_2017,Sharma_2017,Evangelista_2014,Liu_2016,Tubman_2016,Tubman_2020,Per_2017,Zimmerman_2017,Ohtsuka_2017,Garniron_2018}
of selected configuration interaction (SCI) of selected configuration interaction (SCI)
methods \cite{Bender_1969,Huron_1973,Buenker_1974} significantly expanded the range of applicability of this family of methods. methods \cite{Bender_1969,Huron_1973,Buenker_1974} significantly expanded the range of applicability of this family of methods.
Importantly, one can now routinely compute the ground- and excited-state energies of small- and medium-sized molecular systems with near-FCI accuracy. \cite{Booth_2010,Cleland_2010,Daday_2012,Motta_2017,Chien_2018,Loos_2018a,Loos_2019,Loos_2020b,Loos_2020c,Williams_2020,Eriksen_2020} Importantly, one can now routinely compute the ground- and excited-state energies of small- and medium-sized molecular systems with near-FCI accuracy. \cite{Booth_2010,Cleland_2010,Daday_2012,Motta_2017,Chien_2018,Loos_2018a,Loos_2019,Loos_2020b,Loos_2020c,Williams_2020,Eriksen_2020}
However, although the prefactor is reduced, the overall computational scaling remains exponential unless some bias is introduced leading However, although the prefactor is reduced, the overall computational scaling remains exponential unless some bias is introduced leading
to a loss of size consistency. \cite{Evangelisti_1983,Cleland_2010,Tenno_2017} to a loss of size consistency. \cite{Evangelisti_1983,Cleland_2010,Tenno_2017,Ghanem_2019}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subsection{Density-based methods} \subsection{Density-based methods}
@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ Present-day DFT calculations are almost exclusively done within the so-called Ko
transfers the complexity of the many-body problem to the universal and yet unknown exchange-correlation (xc) functional thanks to a judicious mapping between a non-interacting reference system and its interacting analog which both have exactly the same one-electron density. transfers the complexity of the many-body problem to the universal and yet unknown exchange-correlation (xc) functional thanks to a judicious mapping between a non-interacting reference system and its interacting analog which both have exactly the same one-electron density.
KS-DFT \cite{Hohenberg_1964,Kohn_1965} is now the workhorse of electronic structure calculations for atoms, molecules and solids thanks to its very favorable accuracy/cost ratio. \cite{ParrBook} KS-DFT \cite{Hohenberg_1964,Kohn_1965} is now the workhorse of electronic structure calculations for atoms, molecules and solids thanks to its very favorable accuracy/cost ratio. \cite{ParrBook}
As compared to WFT, DFT has the indisputable advantage of converging much faster with respect to the size of the basis set. \cite{FraMusLupTou-JCP-15,Giner_2018,Loos_2019d,Giner_2020} As compared to WFT, DFT has the indisputable advantage of converging much faster with respect to the size of the basis set. \cite{FraMusLupTou-JCP-15,Giner_2018,Loos_2019d,Giner_2020}
However, unlike WFT where many-body perturbation theory provides a precious tool to go toward the exact wave function, there is no systematic way to improve approximate xc functionals toward the exact functional. However, unlike WFT where, for example, many-body perturbation theory provides a precious tool to go toward the exact wave function, there is no systematic way to improve approximate xc functionals toward the exact functional.
Therefore, one faces, in practice, the unsettling choice of the \emph{approximate} xc functional. \cite{Becke_2014} Therefore, one faces, in practice, the unsettling choice of the \emph{approximate} xc functional. \cite{Becke_2014}
Moreover, because of the approximate nature of the xc functional, although the resolution of the KS equations is variational, the resulting KS energy does not have such property. Moreover, because of the approximate nature of the xc functional, although the resolution of the KS equations is variational, the resulting KS energy does not have such property.
@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ The conventional approach consists in multiplying the determinantal part of the
function by a positive function, the Jastrow factor, which main assignment is to take into function by a positive function, the Jastrow factor, which main assignment is to take into
account the bulk of the dynamical electron correlation and reduce the statistical fluctuation without altering the location of the nodes. account the bulk of the dynamical electron correlation and reduce the statistical fluctuation without altering the location of the nodes.
%electron-electron cusp and the short-range correlation effects. %electron-electron cusp and the short-range correlation effects.
The determinantal part of the trial wave function is then re-optimized within variational The determinantal part of the trial wave function is then stochastically re-optimized within variational
Monte Carlo (VMC) in the presence of the Jastrow factor (which can also be simultaneously optimized) and the nodal Monte Carlo (VMC) in the presence of the Jastrow factor (which can also be simultaneously optimized) and the nodal
surface is expected to be improved. \cite{Umrigar_2005,Scemama_2006,Umrigar_2007,Toulouse_2007,Toulouse_2008} surface is expected to be improved. \cite{Umrigar_2005,Scemama_2006,Umrigar_2007,Toulouse_2007,Toulouse_2008}
Using this technique, it has been shown that the chemical accuracy could be reached within Using this technique, it has been shown that the chemical accuracy could be reached within
@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ determinant. This feature is in part responsible for the success of
DFT and coupled cluster (CC) theory. DFT and coupled cluster (CC) theory.
Likewise, DMC with a single-determinant trial wave function can be used as a Likewise, DMC with a single-determinant trial wave function can be used as a
single-reference post-Hartree-Fock method for weakly correlated systems, with an accuracy comparable single-reference post-Hartree-Fock method for weakly correlated systems, with an accuracy comparable
to CC.\cite{Dubecky_2014,Grossman_2002} to CCSD(T), \cite{Dubecky_2014,Grossman_2002} the gold standard of WFT for ground state energies.
In single-determinant DMC calculations, the only degree of freedom available to In single-determinant DMC calculations, the only degree of freedom available to
reduce the fixed-node error are the molecular orbitals with which the reduce the fixed-node error are the molecular orbitals with which the
Slater determinant is built. Slater determinant is built.
@ -208,8 +206,8 @@ with an effective Hamiltonian,\cite{Filippi_2000} similarly to DFT.
So KS-DFT can be viewed as a very cheap way of introducing the effect of So KS-DFT can be viewed as a very cheap way of introducing the effect of
correlation in the orbital coefficients dictating the location of the nodes of a single Slater determinant. correlation in the orbital coefficients dictating the location of the nodes of a single Slater determinant.
Yet, even when employing the exact xc potential in a complete basis set, a fixed-node error necessarily remains because the Yet, even when employing the exact xc potential in a complete basis set, a fixed-node error necessarily remains because the
single-determinant ans\"atz does not have enough flexibility to describe the single-determinant ans\"atz does not have enough flexibility for describing the
nodal surface of the exact correlated wave function of a generic many-electron nodal surface of the exact correlated wave function for a generic many-electron
system. \cite{Ceperley_1991,Bressanini_2012,Loos_2015b} system. \cite{Ceperley_1991,Bressanini_2012,Loos_2015b}
If one wants to recover the exact energy, a multi-determinant parameterization If one wants to recover the exact energy, a multi-determinant parameterization
of the wave functions must be considered. of the wave functions must be considered.
@ -230,7 +228,7 @@ improved.\cite{Caffarel_2016}
Note that, as discussed in Ref.~\onlinecite{Caffarel_2016_2}, there is no mathematical guarantee that increasing the size of the one-electron basis lowers the FN-DMC energy, because the variational principle does not explicitly optimize the nodal surface, nor the FN-DMC energy. Note that, as discussed in Ref.~\onlinecite{Caffarel_2016_2}, there is no mathematical guarantee that increasing the size of the one-electron basis lowers the FN-DMC energy, because the variational principle does not explicitly optimize the nodal surface, nor the FN-DMC energy.
However, in all applications performed so far, \cite{Giner_2013,Scemama_2014,Scemama_2016,Giner_2015,Caffarel_2016,Scemama_2018,Scemama_2018b,Scemama_2019} a systematic decrease of the FN-DMC energy has been observed whenever the SCI trial wave function is improved variationally upon enlargement of the basis set. However, in all applications performed so far, \cite{Giner_2013,Scemama_2014,Scemama_2016,Giner_2015,Caffarel_2016,Scemama_2018,Scemama_2018b,Scemama_2019} a systematic decrease of the FN-DMC energy has been observed whenever the SCI trial wave function is improved variationally upon enlargement of the basis set.
The technique relying on SCI multi-determinant trial wave functions described above has the advantage of using near-FCI quality nodes in a given basis The technique relying on CIPSI multi-determinant trial wave functions described above has the advantage of using near-FCI quality nodes in a given basis
set, which is perfectly well defined and therefore makes the calculations systematically improvable and reproducible in a set, which is perfectly well defined and therefore makes the calculations systematically improvable and reproducible in a
black-box way without needing any QMC expertise. black-box way without needing any QMC expertise.
Nevertheless, this procedure cannot be applied to large systems because of the Nevertheless, this procedure cannot be applied to large systems because of the
@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ exponential growth of the number of Slater determinants in the trial wave functi
Extrapolation techniques have been employed to estimate the FN-DMC energies Extrapolation techniques have been employed to estimate the FN-DMC energies
obtained with FCI wave functions,\cite{Scemama_2018,Scemama_2018b,Scemama_2019} and other authors obtained with FCI wave functions,\cite{Scemama_2018,Scemama_2018b,Scemama_2019} and other authors
have used a combination of the two approaches where highly truncated have used a combination of the two approaches where highly truncated
CIPSI trial wave functions are re-optimized in VMC under the presence CIPSI trial wave functions are stochastically re-optimized in VMC under the presence
of a Jastrow factor to keep the number of determinants of a Jastrow factor to keep the number of determinants
small,\cite{Giner_2016} and where the consistency between the small,\cite{Giner_2016} and where the consistency between the
different wave functions is kept by imposing a constant energy different wave functions is kept by imposing a constant energy
@ -252,7 +250,8 @@ within this context.
The central idea of the present work, and the launch-pad for the remainder of this study, is that one can combine the various strengths of WFT, DFT, and QMC in order to create a new hybrid method with more attractive features and higher accuracy. The central idea of the present work, and the launch-pad for the remainder of this study, is that one can combine the various strengths of WFT, DFT, and QMC in order to create a new hybrid method with more attractive features and higher accuracy.
In particular, we show here that one can combine CIPSI and KS-DFT via the range separation (RS) of the interelectronic Coulomb operator \cite{Sav-INC-96a,Toulouse_2004} --- a scheme that we label RS-DFT-CIPSI in the following --- to obtain accurate FN-DMC energies with compact multi-determinant trial wave functions. In particular, we show here that one can combine CIPSI and KS-DFT via the range separation (RS) of the interelectronic Coulomb operator \cite{Sav-INC-96a,Toulouse_2004} --- a scheme that we label RS-DFT-CIPSI in the following --- to obtain accurate FN-DMC energies with compact multi-determinant trial wave functions.
An important take-home message from the present study is that the RS-DFT scheme essentially plays the role of a simple Jastrow factor by mimicking short-range correlation effects.
Thanks to this, RS-DFT-CIPSI multi-determinant trial wave functions yield lower fixed-node energies with more compact multi-determinant expansion than CIPSI, especially for small basis sets, and can be produced in a completely deterministic and systematic way, without the burden of the stochastic optimization.
The present manuscript is organized as follows. The present manuscript is organized as follows.
In Sec.~\ref{sec:rsdft-cipsi}, we provide theoretical details about the CIPSI algorithm (Sec.~\ref{sec:CIPSI}) and range-separated DFT (Sec.~\ref{sec:rsdft}). In Sec.~\ref{sec:rsdft-cipsi}, we provide theoretical details about the CIPSI algorithm (Sec.~\ref{sec:CIPSI}) and range-separated DFT (Sec.~\ref{sec:rsdft}).
@ -761,7 +760,7 @@ calculations are atom-centered, so they are, by construction, better adapted to
atoms than molecules. Thus, atomization energies usually tend to be atoms than molecules. Thus, atomization energies usually tend to be
underestimated by variational methods. underestimated by variational methods.
In the context of FN-DMC calculations, the nodal surface is imposed by In the context of FN-DMC calculations, the nodal surface is imposed by
the determinantal part of the trial wavefunction which is expanded in the very same atom-centered basis the determinantal part of the trial wave function which is expanded in the very same atom-centered basis
set. Thus, we expect the fixed-node error to be also intimately connected to set. Thus, we expect the fixed-node error to be also intimately connected to
the basis set incompleteness error. the basis set incompleteness error.
Increasing the size of the basis set improves the description of Increasing the size of the basis set improves the description of
@ -833,7 +832,7 @@ these orbitals to get an even more compact expansion. In that case, we would
have converged to the KS orbitals with $\mu=0$, and the have converged to the KS orbitals with $\mu=0$, and the
solution would have been the PBE single determinant.} solution would have been the PBE single determinant.}
For comparison, we have computed the energies of all the atoms and For comparison, we have computed the energies of all the atoms and
molecules at the KS-DFT level with various semi-local and hybrid density functionals [PBE, BLYP, PBE0, and B3LYP], and at molecules at the KS-DFT level with various semi-local and hybrid density functionals [PBE, \cite{PerBurErn-PRL-96} BLYP, \cite{Becke_1988,Lee_1988} PBE0, \cite{Perdew_1996} and B3LYP \cite{Becke_1993}], and at
the CCSD(T) level. Table~\ref{tab:mad} gives the corresponding mean the CCSD(T) level. Table~\ref{tab:mad} gives the corresponding mean
absolute errors (MAEs), mean signed errors (MSEs), and root mean square errors (RMSEs) absolute errors (MAEs), mean signed errors (MSEs), and root mean square errors (RMSEs)
with respect to the NIST reference values as explained in Sec.~\ref{sec:comp-details}. with respect to the NIST reference values as explained in Sec.~\ref{sec:comp-details}.
@ -846,7 +845,7 @@ In this benchmark, the great majority of the systems are weakly correlated and a
described by a single determinant. Therefore, the atomization energies described by a single determinant. Therefore, the atomization energies
calculated at the KS-DFT level are relatively accurate, even when calculated at the KS-DFT level are relatively accurate, even when
the basis set is small. The introduction of exact exchange (B3LYP and the basis set is small. The introduction of exact exchange (B3LYP and
PBE0) make the results more sensitive to the basis set, and reduce the PBE) make the results more sensitive to the basis set, and reduce the
accuracy. Note that, due to the approximate nature of the xc functionals, accuracy. Note that, due to the approximate nature of the xc functionals,
the statistical quantities associated with KS-DFT atomization energies do not converge towards zero and remain altered even in the CBS limit. the statistical quantities associated with KS-DFT atomization energies do not converge towards zero and remain altered even in the CBS limit.
Thanks to the single-reference character of these systems, Thanks to the single-reference character of these systems,
@ -908,7 +907,7 @@ Searching for the optimal value of $\mu$ may be too costly and time consuming, s
computed the MAEs, MSEs and RMSEs for fixed values of $\mu$. computed the MAEs, MSEs and RMSEs for fixed values of $\mu$.
As illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:g2-dmc} and Table \ref{tab:mad}, As illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:g2-dmc} and Table \ref{tab:mad},
the best choice for a fixed value of $\mu$ is the best choice for a fixed value of $\mu$ is
0.5~bohr$^{-1}$ for all three basis sets. It is the value for which $0.5$ bohr$^{-1}$ for all three basis sets. It is the value for which
the MAE [$3.74(35)$, $2.46(18)$, and $2.06(35)$ kcal/mol] and RMSE [$4.03(23)$, the MAE [$3.74(35)$, $2.46(18)$, and $2.06(35)$ kcal/mol] and RMSE [$4.03(23)$,
$3.02(06)$, and $2.74(13)$ kcal/mol] are minimal. Note that these values $3.02(06)$, and $2.74(13)$ kcal/mol] are minimal. Note that these values
are even lower than those obtained with the optimal value of are even lower than those obtained with the optimal value of