2020-12-12 01:15:06 +01:00

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Important algorithms for CIPSI


Efficient direct CI


Popular misconception

Sorting is not $\mathcal{O}(N \log(N))$ :

(linear in $N$, log in $M$)

.   B_ignoreheading

  • A is an array of $N$ integer values
  • The bitmask is an integer with only one bit set to one (00001000)

    void radix_sort(int* A, size_t N, int bitmask) {
      if (bitmask == 0) return;
      int left[N], right[N];
      int p=0 ; int q=0 ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<N ; i++) {
          if (A[i] & bitmask) { right[q] = A[i]; q++; }
          else                { left [p] = A[i]; p++; } }
      radix_sort(left , p, bitmask >> 1 ) ;
      radix_sort(right, q, bitmask >> 1 ) ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<p ; i++) { A[  i] = left [i] ; }
      for (int i=0 ; i<q ; i++) { A[p+i] = right[i] ; }


A Slater determinant can be written as a Waller-Hartree double determinant

\[ |I \rangle = \hat{I}\, |\rangle = -1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, \hat{I}_\downarrow\, |\rangle = -1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, |\rangle \otimes\ \hat{I}_\downarrow \, |\rangle \]

\[ \mPsi = \sum_\mi \mci |\mi\rangle = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\Ndetup} \sum_{\mm=1}^{\Ndetdn} C_{\textcolor{darkgreen}{km}} \mDup \mDdn \]

  • If $\mDup$ and $\mDdn$ are represented as $\nmo$ -bit strings, this transformation can be done in $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet \times \nmo)$.

Stochastic evaluation of the PT2 correction

Epstein-Nesbet Second order correction

Consider a wave function $\mPsi$ expanded on an arbitrary set $\mD$ of $\Ndet$ orthonormal Slater determinants, \[ \mPsi = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} {\mci} | \mi \rangle, \;\;\; \Evar = \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \mPsi \rangle}{\langle \mPsi | \mPsi \rangle} \]

The Epstein-Nesbet 2nd order correction to the energy is \[ \Ept = \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma \rangle \langle \ma | \mH | \mPsi \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle } \]

The set $\mA$ contains the Slater determinants

  • that are not in $\mD$
  • for which $d(\mi,\ma) = 1$ or $2$ for at least one pair $(\mi,\ma)$

Formal scaling

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma \rangle \langle \ma | \mH | \mPsi \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle} = \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \left( \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \mci \langle \mi | \mH | \ma \rangle \right)^2 }{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle } \]

  • Size of $\mA$ : size of $(\hat{T}_1 + \hat{T}_2)|\mPsi\rangle$
  • Number of non-zero terms : $d(\mi,\ma) \le 2 \sim \Ndet \times \left[ \textcolor{darkgreen}{\left( \nea \times (\nmo - \nea) \right)^2 }\right]$
  • Expensive

Solutions to make simulations possible

"Non-general'' but conventional solutions:

  • Partition the MO space into different classes (active, virtual, inactive, \emph{etc})
  • Use another zeroth-order Hamiltonian (CAS-PT2, NEV-PT2)

Solutions applicable to any wave function:

  • Truncation of $\mD$ to consider only contributions due to large ${\mci}$
    But: Truncation $\longrightarrow$ bias because $\Ept$ is a sum of same-sign values (negative).
  • Algorithmic improvement
  • Monte Carlo sampling in $\mA$.
    But: Statistical error decreases as $\mathcal{O}\left(1/\sqrt{\Nsamples}\right) \Longrightarrow$ Difficult to get $\textcolor{darkgreen}{10^{-5} a.u}$ precision.
  • Parallelism


Central idea

  • Choose an arbitrary ordering of $|\mi \rangle$. Natural choice: \[w_\mi = \frac{\mci ^2}{\langle \mPsi | \mPsi \rangle } \]
  • Make \emph{disjoint} groups $\mA_{\mi}$ of $| \ma \rangle$ originating from the same generator $| \mi \rangle$
  • Each $\mA_\mi$ has its own contribution $\epsi$ to $\Ept$


Central idea

\begin{eqnarray*} \Ept &=& \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma \rangle \right)^2 }{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle } \\ &=& \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \sum_{\ma_\mi \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \\ &=& \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi \end{eqnarray*}

Contribution per internal determinant

\[ \epsi = \sum_{\ma_\mi \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \]

From $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det}^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det})$

\[ \mPsi = \sum_\mi \mci |\mi\rangle = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\Ndetup} \sum_{\mm=1}^{\Ndetdn} C_{\textcolor{red}{km}} \mDup \mDdn \]

  • Sorting is $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet)$
  • $\langle \mi | \mH | \ma \rangle \langle \ma | \mH | \mj \rangle = 0$ when $d(\mi, \mj) > 4$
  • Loop over $\Ndetup$ determinants (rows of the $C$ matrix)
    Remove all the rows where $d(\mDup, \mDupp)>4$ ($\sim \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\Ndet})$)
  • Loop over $\Ndetdn$ determinants (columns of the $C$ matrix)
    Remove all the columns where $d(\mDdn, \mDdnn)>4)$
  • The remaining number of determinants is bounded by the size of the CISDTQ space

Finer filtering

\[ \epsi = \sum_{\ma \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \mPsi' \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \]

  • We know that all the $| \ma_\mi \rangle$ are singles and doubles with respect to $| \mi \rangle$
  • $|\mPsi'\rangle$ is the projection of $\mPsi$ on the subspace of determinants in $\mD$ which are no more than quadruply excited with respect to $| \mi \rangle$
  • For a subset of excitations $\mi \rightarrow \ma$, $|\mPsi'\rangle$ is filtered further with possible hole/particle constraints

Monte Carlo sampling

\[ \epsi = \sum_{\ma_\mi \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \]

  1. $\langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle = \sum_{\mj \ge \mi} \mcj\, \langle\, \mj | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle$
  2. $\langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle$ is always large (otherwise $|\ma_\mi \rangle$ would be better in the \textcolor{red}{variational space}, and PT is questionable)


  • $\forall \mi \in \mD : \epsi \le 0$
  • $|\epsi|$ is expected to decrease as $\mci^2$
  • The computational cost decreases with $\mi$

Monte Carlo formulation

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \mpi \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} = \left\langle \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} \right\rangle_{\mpi} \]

Naive sampling

Uniform sampling: \mpi = \frac{1}{\Ndet}$


Improved sampling

Sampling : $\mpi = \mci^2$


Lazy evaluation

Only $\Ndet$ contributions $\epsi \longrightarrow$ all $\epsi$ can be stored in memory.

Lazy Evaluation (Wikipedia)

In programming language theory, lazy evaluation, or call-by-need is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed (non-strict evaluation) and which also avoids repeated evaluations (sharing).


def lazy_e(i):
  if not e_is_computed[i]:
      e[i] = compute_e(i)
      e_is_computed[i] = true
  return e[i]

Monte Carlo with Lazy Evaluation

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \mpi \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} = \left\langle \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} \right\rangle_{\mpi} \]

  • Draw a generator determinant $|\mi\,\rangle$ with probability $\mpi$
  • Increment $n_\mi$, the number of evaluations of $\epsi$
  • If $\epsi$ is not already computed, compute it and store its value
  • $\Ept \sim \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \frac{n_\mi}{\Nsamples} \frac{\epsi}{\mpi}$
  • Statistical error : $\mathcal{O}\left(1/\sqrt{\Nsamples}\right)$
  • Lazy evaluation : Exponential acceleration (time to solution)

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

  • Noise can be smoothed out by averaging
  • Split $\mD$ into $\mM$ \emph{equiprobable} sets : "Comb"

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\mM} \sum_{\mi_\mk \in \mD_\mk} \epsik \]

New Monte Carlo estimator

\[ \Ept = \left \langle \frac{1}{\mM} \sum_{\mk=1}^{\mM} \frac{\epsik}{{\textcolor{red}{p_{I_k}}}} \right \rangle_{\textcolor{red}{(p_{I_1}, \dots, p_{I_M})}} \]

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction


Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

  • When all the determinants have been drawn, the \emph{exact} $\Ept$ can be computed
  • $\Longrightarrow$ The result with zero statistical error can be reached in a finite time
  • In typical wave functions, $90\%$ of the norm is on a few determinants
  • Compute the few first contributions $\epsi$, and perform the MC in the rest

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD_D} \epsi + \left \langle \frac{1}{\mM} \sum_{\mk=1}^{\mM} \frac{\epsik}{\textcolor{red}{p_{I_k}}} \right \rangle_{(\textcolor{red}{p_{I \in \mD_S})}} \]

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

Make the deterministic part grow during the calculation.

At each MC step

  • Draw a random number
  • Find the determinants selected by the comb (increment $n_\mi$'s)
  • Compute the $\epsi$ which have not been yet computed
  • Compute deterministically the first non-computed determinant
  • If a tooth of the comb is completely filled $\Longrightarrow$ Deterministic

At any time

\[ \Ept(t) = \sum_{\mi \in \mD_D(t)} \epsi + \sum_{\mi \in \mD_S(t)} \frac{1}{\mM(t)} \frac{n_\mi(t)}{\Nsamples(t)} \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} \]

Some timings: Cr$_2$, $2\,10^7$ determinants, 800 cores

Basis $\Ept$ Wall-clock time
cc-pVDZ \textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,3(1)$} 14 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,36(1)$} 55 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,361(1)$} 2.4 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,360\,604$} 3 hr
cc-pVTZ \textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,4(5)$} 19 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,7(1)$} 58 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,63(1)$} 3.5 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,642(1)$} 8.7 hr
$\sim$ 15 hr (estimated)
cc-pVQZ \textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,8(5)$} 56 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,9(1)$} 2.5 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,95(1)$} 9.0 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,952(1)$} 18.5 hr
$\sim$ 29 hr (estimated)

Parallel efficiency
