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Important algorithms for CIPSI


Determinant-driven methods

  • Integral-driven : sequential access to $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$ integrals, indirect access to vectors

    for (i,j,k,l,integral) in all_integrals:
        pairs = find_determinant_pairs(i,j,k,l,ijkl)
        for (d1,d2) in pairs:
  • Determinant-driven : sequential access to vectors, indirect access to integrals

    for d1 in determinants:
      for d2 in determinants:
        i,j,k,l = get_excitation(d1,d2)
  • Integral-driven: $\mathcal{O}(\nmo^4)$
  • Determinant-driven: $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet^2)$
  • Efficient CIPSI: How to be efficient within a determinant-driven approach

Data structures

Slater-Condon's rules

\begin{eqnarray*} \langle I | {\cal O}_1 | I \rangle & = & \sum_{i \in D} \langle \varphi_i | {\cal O}_1 | \varphi_i \rangle \\ \langle I | {\cal O}_2 | I \rangle & = & \frac{1}{2} \sum_{(i,j) \in D} \langle \varphi_i \varphi_j | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_i \varphi_j \rangle \langle \varphi_i \varphi_j | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_j \varphi_i \rangle \\ \langle I | {\cal O}_1 | \hat{T}_i^j I \rangle & = & \langle \varphi_i | {\cal O}_1 | \varphi_j \rangle \\ \langle I | {\cal O}_2 | \hat{T}_i^j I \rangle & = & \sum_{k \in D} \langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_j \varphi_k \rangle - \langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_k \varphi_j \rangle \\ \langle I | {\cal O}_2 | \hat{T}_{ik}^{jl} I \rangle & = & \langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_j \varphi_l \rangle - \langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_l \varphi_j \rangle \end{eqnarray*}

Need for functions : $f(I, J) \rightarrow (i,j,k,l,\phi)$

Double-determinant representation

A Slater determinant can be written as a Waller-Hartree double determinant

\[ |I \rangle = \hat{I}\, |\rangle = -1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, \hat{I}_\downarrow\, |\rangle = -1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, |\rangle \otimes\ \hat{I}_\downarrow \, |\rangle \]


  • 1 determinant: one integer for $\hat{I}_\uparrow$ and one integer for $\hat{I}_\downarrow$
  • Set the bit to 1 if the orbital is occupied
  • $>64$ orbitals: $N_{\text{int}}$ integers for $\hat{I}_\uparrow$ and for $\hat{I}_\downarrow$

Fast determinant comparisons

Bitwise operations (1 CPU cycle):

  • and, or, xor, shl, shr: logical
  • shl, shr: shift left/right
  • lzcnt, tzcnt : Number of leading/trailing zero bits
  • popcnt : Number of bits set to 1

Example: degree of excitation between $|I\rangle$ and $|J\rangle$:

 integer function degree(det_i, det_j, N_int)
   integer,   intent(in) :: N_int
   integer*8, intent(in) :: det_i(N_int,2), det_j(N_int,2)
   integer               :: two_d, i
   two_d = 0
   do i=1,N_int
      two_d = two_d + popcnt( ieor( det_i(i,1), det_j(i,1) ) ) &
                    + popcnt( ieor( det_i(i,2), det_j(i,2) ) ) 
   end do
   degree = rshift(two_d,1)
 end function degree

Fast determinant comparisons

/scemama/Nuclearistes/src/branch/master/slaterRules.pdf To get the orbital indices: number of leading/trailing zeros gives the positions of the 1's.



  • Integrals require a fast random access
  • 8-fold permtutation symmetry $\langle ij|kl \rangle = \langle kj|il \rangle = \cdots$
  • Many integrals are zero: need for a sparse data structure


  • Hash table
  • $f(i,j,k,l) -> K$ gives the same $K$ for all similar permutations
  • $f(i+1,j,k,l) - f(i,j,k,l)$ is likely to be 1 : locality
  • Array (cache) for $128^4$ frequently used integrals


Access Array Hash table
$i,j,k,l$ 9.72 125.79
$i,j,l,k$ 9.72 120.64
$i,k,j,l$ 10.29 144.65
$l,k,j,i$ 88.62 125.79
$l,k,i,j$ 88.62 120.64
Random 170.00 370.00
Time to access integrals (in nanoseconds/integral) with different access patterns. The time to generate random numbers (measured as 67~ns/integral) was not counted in the random access results.

Efficient direct CI


Popular misconception

Sorting is not $\mathcal{O}(N \log(N))$ :

(linear in $N$, log in $M$)

.   B_ignoreheading

  • A is an array of $N$ integer values
  • The bitmask is an integer with only one bit set to one (00001000)

    void radix_sort(int* A, size_t N, int bitmask) {
      if (bitmask == 0) return;
      int left[N], right[N];
      int p=0 ; int q=0 ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<N ; i++) {
          if (A[i] & bitmask) { right[q] = A[i]; q++; }
          else                { left [p] = A[i]; p++; } }
      radix_sort(left , p, bitmask >> 1) ;
      radix_sort(right, q, bitmask >> 1) ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<p ; i++) { A[  i] = left [i] ; }
      for (int i=0 ; i<q ; i++) { A[p+i] = right[i] ; }

Double-determinant representation of $\Psi$

\[ \mPsi = \sum_\mi \mci |\mi\rangle = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\Ndetup} \sum_{\mm=1}^{\Ndetdn} C_{\textcolor{darkgreen}{km}} \mDup \mDdn \]

  • If $\mDup$ and $\mDdn$ are represented as $\nmo$ -bit strings, this transformation can be done in $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet \times \nmo)$ (sorting).
  • Searching for same-spin excitations: looping over $\mk$ or $\mm$ : $\mathcal{O}(\Ndetup) \sim \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\Ndet})$

$\mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle$

For all $\mi = \mDup \mDdn$ in $\mPsi$:

  • Find indices $p$ of $\uparrow$ singles and $\uparrow \uparrow$ doubles \[ \langle \mi | \mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle = \sum_J \langle \mi | \mathcal{H}| J \rangle c_J = \sum_p \langle \mDup \mDdn | \mathcal{H} | D_p^\uparrow \mDdn \rangle C_{pm} \]
  • Find indices $q$ of $\downarrow$ singles and $\downarrow \downarrow$ doubles \[ \langle \mi | \mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle = \sum_J \langle \mi | \mathcal{H}| J \rangle c_J = \sum_q \langle \mDup \mDdn | \mathcal{H} | \mDup D_q^\downarrow \rangle C_{kq} \]
  • Find indices $pq$ of $\uparrow \downarrow$ doubles:

    • Find indices $p$ of $\uparrow$ singles
    • Find indices $q$ of $\downarrow$ singles \\

    \[ \langle \mi | \mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle = \sum_J \langle \mi | \mathcal{H}| J \rangle c_J = \sum_{pq} \langle \mDup \mDdn | \mathcal{H} | D_p^\uparrow D_q^\downarrow \rangle C_{pq} \]

Stochastic evaluation of the PT2 correction and selection

Epstein-Nesbet Second order correction

Consider a wave function $\mPsi$ expanded on an arbitrary set $\mD$ of $\Ndet$ orthonormal Slater determinants, \[ \mPsi = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} {\mci} | \mi \rangle, \;\;\; \Evar = \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \mPsi \rangle}{\langle \mPsi | \mPsi \rangle} \]

The Epstein-Nesbet 2nd order correction to the energy is \[ \Ept = \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma \rangle \langle \ma | \mH | \mPsi \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle } \]

The set $\mA$ contains the Slater determinants

  • that are not in $\mD$
  • for which $d(\mi,\ma) = 1$ or $2$ for at least one pair $(\mi,\ma)$

Formal scaling

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma \rangle \langle \ma | \mH | \mPsi \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle} = \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \left( \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \mci \langle \mi | \mH | \ma \rangle \right)^2 }{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle } \]

  • Size of $\mA$ : size of $(\hat{T}_1 + \hat{T}_2)|\mPsi\rangle$
  • Number of non-zero terms : $d(\mi,\ma) \le 2 \sim \Ndet \times \left[ \textcolor{darkgreen}{\left( \nea \times (\nmo - \nea) \right)^2 }\right]$
  • Expensive

Solutions to make simulations possible

"Non-general'' but conventional solutions:

  • Partition the MO space into different classes (active, virtual, inactive, \emph{etc})
  • Use another zeroth-order Hamiltonian (CAS-PT2, NEV-PT2)

Solutions applicable to any wave function:

  • Truncation of $\mD$ to consider only contributions due to large ${\mci}$
    But: Truncation $\longrightarrow$ bias because $\Ept$ is a sum of same-sign values (negative).
  • Algorithmic improvement
  • Monte Carlo sampling in $\mA$.
    But: Statistical error decreases as $\mathcal{O}\left(1/\sqrt{\Nsamples}\right) \Longrightarrow$ Difficult to get $\textcolor{darkgreen}{10^{-5} a.u}$ precision.
  • Parallelism


Central idea

  • Choose an arbitrary ordering of $|\mi \rangle$. Natural choice: \[w_\mi = \frac{\mci ^2}{\langle \mPsi | \mPsi \rangle } \]
  • Make \emph{disjoint} groups $\mA_{\mi}$ of $| \ma \rangle$ originating from the same generator $| \mi \rangle$
  • Each $\mA_\mi$ has its own contribution $\epsi$ to $\Ept$


Central idea

\begin{eqnarray*} \Ept &=& \sum_{\ma \in \mA} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma \rangle \right)^2 }{\Evar - \langle \ma | \mH | \ma \rangle } \\ &=& \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \sum_{\ma_\mi \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \\ &=& \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi \end{eqnarray*}

Contribution per internal determinant

\[ \epsi = \sum_{\ma_\mi \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \]

From $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det}^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det}^{3/2})$

\[ \mPsi = \sum_\mi \mci |\mi\rangle = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\Ndetup} \sum_{\mm=1}^{\Ndetdn} C_{\textcolor{red}{km}} \mDup \mDdn \]

  • Sorting is $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet)$
  • $\langle \mi | \mH | \ma \rangle \langle \ma | \mH | \mj \rangle = 0$ when $d(\mi, \mj) > 4$
  • Loop over $\Ndetup$ determinants (rows of the $C$ matrix)
    Remove all the rows where $d(\mDup, \mDupp)>4$ ($\sim \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\Ndet})$)
  • Loop over $\Ndetdn$ determinants (columns of the $C$ matrix)
    Remove all the columns where $d(\mDdn, \mDdnn)>4)$
  • The remaining number of determinants is bounded by the size of the CISDTQ space

Finer filtering

\[ \epsi = \sum_{\ma \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \langle \mPsi'_I | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \mPsi'_I \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \]

  • We know that all the $| \ma_\mi \rangle$ are singles and doubles with respect to $| \mi \rangle$
  • $|\mPsi'_I\rangle$ is the projection of $|\mPsi \rangle$ on the subspace of determinants in $\mD$ which are no more than quadruply excited with respect to $| \mi \rangle$
  • For a subset of excitations $ij \rightarrow ab$, $|\mPsi'\rangle$ is filtered further with possible hole/particle constraints

Monte Carlo sampling

\[ \epsi = \sum_{\ma_\mi \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \left( \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle} \]

  1. $\langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle = \sum_{\mj \ge \mi} \mcj\, \langle\, \mj | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle$
  2. $\langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle$ is always large (otherwise $|\ma_\mi \rangle$ would be better in the \textcolor{red}{variational space}, and PT is questionable)


  • $\forall \mi \in \mD : \epsi \le 0$
  • $|\epsi|$ is expected to decrease as $\mci^2$
  • The computational cost decreases with $\mi$

Monte Carlo formulation

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \mpi \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} = \left\langle \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} \right\rangle_{\mpi} \]

Naive sampling

Uniform sampling: \mpi = \frac{1}{\Ndet}$


Improved sampling

Sampling : $\mpi = \mci^2$


Lazy evaluation

Only $\Ndet$ contributions $\epsi \longrightarrow$ all $\epsi$ can be stored in memory.

Lazy Evaluation (Wikipedia)

In programming language theory, lazy evaluation, or call-by-need is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed (non-strict evaluation) and which also avoids repeated evaluations (sharing).


def lazy_e(i):
  if not e_is_computed[i]:
      e[i] = compute_e(i)
      e_is_computed[i] = true
  return e[i]

Monte Carlo with Lazy Evaluation

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \mpi \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} = \left\langle \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} \right\rangle_{\mpi} \]

  • Draw a generator determinant $|\mi\,\rangle$ with probability $\mpi$
  • Increment $n_\mi$, the number of evaluations of $\epsi$
  • If $\epsi$ is not already computed, compute it and store its value
  • $\Ept \sim \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \frac{n_\mi}{\Nsamples} \frac{\epsi}{\mpi}$
  • Statistical error : $\mathcal{O}\left(1/\sqrt{\Nsamples}\right)$
  • Lazy evaluation : Exponential acceleration (time to solution)

Monte Carlo with Lazy Evaluation

Monte Carlo with Lazy Evaluation

Monte Carlo with Lazy Evaluation

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

  • Noise can be smoothed out by averaging
  • Split $\mD$ into $\mM$ \emph{equiprobable} sets : "Comb"

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD} \epsi = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\mM} \sum_{\mi_\mk \in \mD_\mk} \epsik \]

New Monte Carlo estimator

\[ \Ept = \left \langle \frac{1}{\mM} \sum_{\mk=1}^{\mM} \frac{\epsik}{{\textcolor{red}{p_{I_k}}}} \right \rangle_{\textcolor{red}{(p_{I_1}, \dots, p_{I_M})}} \]

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction


Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

Monte Carlo with Variance reduction

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

  • When all the determinants have been drawn, the \emph{exact} $\Ept$ can be computed
  • $\Longrightarrow$ The result with zero statistical error can be reached in a finite time
  • In typical wave functions, $90\%$ of the norm is on a few determinants
  • Compute the few first contributions $\epsi$, and perform the MC in the rest

\[ \Ept = \sum_{\mi \in \mD_D} \epsi + \left \langle \frac{1}{\mM} \sum_{\mk=1}^{\mM} \frac{\epsik}{\textcolor{red}{p_{I_k}}} \right \rangle_{(\textcolor{red}{p_{I \in \mD_S})}} \]

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

Make the deterministic part grow during the calculation.

At each MC step

  • Draw a random number
  • Find the determinants selected by the comb (increment $n_\mi$'s)
  • Compute the $\epsi$ which have not been yet computed
  • Compute deterministically the first non-computed determinant
  • If a tooth of the comb is completely filled $\Longrightarrow$ Deterministic

At any time

\[ \Ept(t) = \sum_{\mi \in \mD_D(t)} \epsi + \sum_{\mi \in \mD_S(t)} \frac{1}{\mM(t)} \frac{n_\mi(t)}{\Nsamples(t)} \frac{\epsi}{\mpi} \]

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

Hybrid deterministic/stochastic scheme

Some timings: Cr$_2$, $2\,10^7$ determinants, 800 cores

Basis $\Ept$ Wall-clock time
cc-pVDZ \textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,3(1)$} 14 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,36(1)$} 55 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,361(1)$} 2.4 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.068\,360\,604$} 3 hr
cc-pVTZ \textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,4(5)$} 19 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,7(1)$} 58 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,63(1)$} 3.5 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.124\,642(1)$} 8.7 hr
$\sim$ 15 hr (estimated)
cc-pVQZ \textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,8(5)$} 56 min
\textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,9(1)$} 2.5 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,95(1)$} 9.0 hr
\textcolor{red}{$-0.155\,952(1)$} 18.5 hr
$\sim$ 29 hr (estimated)