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Anthony Scemama 2020-12-12 15:15:51 +01:00
parent e948b94aea
commit 4902b3cb22
7 changed files with 166 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
#+TITLE: Important algorithms for CIPSI
#+DATE: 14/12/2020
#+AUTHOR: Anthony Scemama
#+AUTHOR: /Anthony Scemama
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@ -53,10 +53,116 @@
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* Efficient direct CI
** Sorting
** Determinant-driven methods
- Integral-driven : sequential access to $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$ integrals, indirect access
to vectors
#+BEGIN_SRC python
for (i,j,k,l,integral) in all_integrals:
pairs = find_determinant_pairs(i,j,k,l,ijkl)
for (d1,d2) in pairs:
- Determinant-driven : sequential access to vectors, indirect
access to integrals
#+BEGIN_SRC python
for d1 in determinants:
for d2 in determinants:
i,j,k,l = get_excitation(d1,d2)
- Integral-driven: $\mathcal{O}(\nmo^4)$
- Determinant-driven: $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet^2)$
- Efficient CIPSI: How to be efficient within a determinant-driven approach
* Data structures
** Slater-Condon's rules
\langle I | {\cal O}_1 | I \rangle & = & \sum_{i \in D} \langle \varphi_i | {\cal O}_1 | \varphi_i \rangle \\
\langle I | {\cal O}_2 | I \rangle & = & \frac{1}{2} \sum_{(i,j) \in D}
\langle \varphi_i \varphi_j | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_i \varphi_j \rangle
\langle \varphi_i \varphi_j | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_j \varphi_i \rangle \\
\langle I | {\cal O}_1 | \hat{T}_i^j I \rangle & = & \langle \varphi_i | {\cal O}_1 | \varphi_j \rangle \\
\langle I | {\cal O}_2 | \hat{T}_i^j I \rangle & = & \sum_{k \in D}
\langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_j \varphi_k \rangle -
\langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_k \varphi_j \rangle \\
\langle I | {\cal O}_2 | \hat{T}_{ik}^{jl} I \rangle & = &
\langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_j \varphi_l \rangle -
\langle \varphi_i \varphi_k | {\cal O}_2 | \varphi_l \varphi_j \rangle
Need for functions : $f(I, J) \rightarrow (i,j,k,l,\phi)$
** Double-determinant representation
A Slater determinant can be written as a Waller-Hartree double determinant
\[ |I \rangle = \hat{I}\, |\rangle =
-1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, \hat{I}_\downarrow\, |\rangle =
-1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, |\rangle \otimes\ \hat{I}_\downarrow \, |\rangle
- 1 determinant: one integer for $\hat{I}_\uparrow$ and one integer for $\hat{I}_\downarrow$
- Set the bit to ~1~ if the orbital is occupied
- $>64$ orbitals: $N_{\text{int}}$ integers for $\hat{I}_\uparrow$ and for $\hat{I}_\downarrow$
** Fast determinant comparisons
Bitwise operations (1 CPU cycle):
- ~and~, ~or~, ~xor~, ~shl~, ~shr~: logical
- ~shl~, ~shr~: shift left/right
- ~lzcnt~, ~tzcnt~ : Number of leading/trailing zero bits
- ~popcnt~ : Number of bits set to ~1~
Example: degree of excitation between $|I\rangle$ and $|J\rangle$:
#+BEGIN_SRC fortran
integer function degree(det_i, det_j, N_int)
integer, intent(in) :: N_int
integer*8, intent(in) :: det_i(N_int,2), det_j(N_int,2)
integer :: two_d, i
two_d = 0
do i=1,N_int
two_d = two_d + popcnt( ieor( det_i(i,1), det_j(i,1) ) ) &
+ popcnt( ieor( det_i(i,2), det_j(i,2) ) )
end do
degree = rshift(two_d,1)
end function degree
** Fast determinant comparisons
#+ATTR_LATEX: :width 0.7\textwidth
To get the orbital indices:
number of leading/trailing zeros gives the positions of the ~1~'s.
** Integrals
*** Constraints
- Integrals require a fast *random access*
- 8-fold permtutation symmetry $\langle ij|kl \rangle = \langle kj|il \rangle = \cdots$
- Many integrals are zero: need for a sparse data structure
*** Implementation
- Hash table
- $f(i,j,k,l) -> K$ gives the same $K$ for all similar permutations
- $f(i+1,j,k,l) - f(i,j,k,l)$ is likely to be 1 : locality
- Array (cache) for $128^4$ frequently used integrals
** Integrals
#+Caption: Time to access integrals (in nanoseconds/integral) with different access patterns. The time to generate random numbers (measured as 67~ns/integral) was not counted in the random access results.
| Access | Array | Hash table |
| $i,j,k,l$ | 9.72 | 125.79 |
| $i,j,l,k$ | 9.72 | 120.64 |
| $i,k,j,l$ | 10.29 | 144.65 |
| $l,k,j,i$ | 88.62 | 125.79 |
| $l,k,i,j$ | 88.62 | 120.64 |
| Random | 170.00 | 370.00 |
* Efficient direct CI
** Sorting
*** Popular misconception
*Sorting is /not/ $\mathcal{O}(N \log(N))$* :
@ -78,8 +184,8 @@
for (int i=0 ; i<N ; i++) {
if (A[i] & bitmask) { right[q] = A[i]; q++; }
else { left [p] = A[i]; p++; } }
radix_sort(left , p, bitmask >> 1 ) ;
radix_sort(right, q, bitmask >> 1 ) ;
radix_sort(left , p, bitmask >> 1) ;
radix_sort(right, q, bitmask >> 1) ;
for (int i=0 ; i<p ; i++) { A[ i] = left [i] ; }
for (int i=0 ; i<q ; i++) { A[p+i] = right[i] ; }
@ -103,24 +209,49 @@
| 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 65 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 72 |
| 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 65 | 72 |
** Double-determinant
A Slater determinant can be written as a Waller-Hartree double determinant
** Double-determinant representation of $\Psi$
\[ |I \rangle = \hat{I}\, |\rangle =
-1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, \hat{I}_\downarrow\, |\rangle =
-1^p \times \hat{I}_\uparrow \, |\rangle \otimes\ \hat{I}_\downarrow \, |\rangle
\mPsi = \sum_\mi \mci |\mi\rangle = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\Ndetup}
\sum_{\mm=1}^{\Ndetdn} C_{\textcolor{darkgreen}{km}} \mDup \mDdn
- If $\mDup$ and $\mDdn$ are represented as $\nmo$ -bit strings, this
transformation can be done in $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet \times \nmo)$.
transformation can be done in $\mathcal{O}(\Ndet \times \nmo)$ (sorting).
- Searching for same-spin excitations: looping over $\mk$ or $\mm$ :
$\mathcal{O}(\Ndetup) \sim \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\Ndet})$
** $\mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle$
For all $\mi = \mDup \mDdn$ in $\mPsi$:
- Find indices $p$ of $\uparrow$ singles and $\uparrow \uparrow$ doubles
\[ \langle \mi | \mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle =
\sum_J \langle \mi | \mathcal{H}| J \rangle c_J =
\sum_p \langle \mDup \mDdn | \mathcal{H} | D_p^\uparrow \mDdn
\rangle C_{pm} \]
- Find indices $q$ of $\downarrow$ singles and $\downarrow \downarrow$ doubles
\[ \langle \mi | \mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle =
\sum_J \langle \mi | \mathcal{H}| J \rangle c_J =
\sum_q \langle \mDup \mDdn | \mathcal{H} | \mDup
D_q^\downarrow \rangle C_{kq} \]
- Find indices $pq$ of $\uparrow \downarrow$ doubles:
- Find indices $p$ of $\uparrow$ singles
- Find indices $q$ of $\downarrow$ singles \\
\[ \langle \mi | \mathcal{H} | \Psi \rangle =
\sum_J \langle \mi | \mathcal{H}| J \rangle c_J =
\sum_{pq} \langle \mDup \mDdn | \mathcal{H} | D_p^\uparrow
D_q^\downarrow \rangle C_{pq} \]
** Scaling with $N_{\text{det}}$
#+ATTR_LATEX: :height 0.8\textheight
* Stochastic evaluation of the PT2 correction
** Parallel efficiency
#+ATTR_LATEX: :height 0.8\textheight
* Stochastic evaluation of the PT2 correction and selection
** Epstein-Nesbet Second order correction
@ -209,7 +340,7 @@
\rangle \right)^2}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle}
** From $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det}^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det})$
** From $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det}^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(N_\text{det}^{3/2})$
\mPsi = \sum_\mi \mci |\mi\rangle = \sum_{\mk=1}^{\Ndetup} \sum_{\mm=1}^{\Ndetdn} C_{\textcolor{red}{km}} \mDup \mDdn
@ -224,17 +355,17 @@
** Finer filtering
\epsi = \sum_{\ma \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \langle \mPsi | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle
\langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \mPsi' \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi
\epsi = \sum_{\ma \in \mA_\mi} \frac{ \langle \mPsi'_I | \mH | \ma_\mi \rangle
\langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \mPsi'_I \rangle}{\Evar - \langle \ma_\mi | \mH | \ma_\mi
- We know that all the $| \ma_\mi \rangle$ are singles and doubles
with respect to $| \mi \rangle$
- $|\mPsi'\rangle$ is the projection of $\mPsi$ on the subspace of
- $|\mPsi'_I\rangle$ is the projection of $|\mPsi \rangle$ on the subspace of
determinants in $\mD$ which are no more than quadruply excited
with respect to $| \mi \rangle$
- For a subset of excitations $\mi \rightarrow \ma$,
- For a subset of excitations $ij \rightarrow ab$,
$|\mPsi'\rangle$ is filtered further with possible hole/particle constraints
** Monte Carlo sampling
@ -456,9 +587,13 @@ def lazy_e(i):
| | --- | $\sim$ 29 hr (estimated) |
** Scaling with $\Ndet$
#+ATTR_LATEX: :height 0.8\textheight
** Parallel efficiency
#+ATTR_LATEX: :height 0.8\textheight

scaling_davidson.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

scaling_davidson_ndet.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

scaling_sel_det.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

scaling_sel_node.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

slaterRules.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


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