This commit is contained in:
Pierre-Francois Loos 2019-03-24 21:56:20 +01:00
parent 5f8b9ca37d
commit 19e5b11723
3 changed files with 40 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
\newlabel{eq:D}{{2}{1}{}{equation.2.2}{}} \newlabel{eq:D}{{2}{1}{}{equation.2.2}{}}
\newlabel{eq:WF-F12-CIPSI}{{3}{1}{}{equation.2.3}{}} \newlabel{eq:WF-F12-CIPSI}{{3}{1}{}{equation.2.3}{}}
\newlabel{eq:Ja}{{5}{1}{}{equation.2.5}{}} \newlabel{eq:Ja}{{5}{1}{}{equation.2.5}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {III}Dressing}{1}{section*.5}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {III}Effective Hamiltonian}{1}{section*.5}}
\citation{Tenno04a} \citation{Tenno04a}
\citation{Garniron18} \citation{Garniron18}
\citation{Garniron18} \citation{Garniron18}
@ -47,16 +47,15 @@
\citation{3ERI1,3ERI2,4eRR,IntF12} \citation{3ERI1,3ERI2,4eRR,IntF12}
\citation{Kutzelnigg91,Klopper02,Valeev04,Werner07,Hattig12} \citation{Kutzelnigg91,Klopper02,Valeev04,Werner07,Hattig12}
\citation{Klopper02,Valeev04} \citation{Klopper02,Valeev04}
\newlabel{eq:DrH}{{9}{2}{}{equation.3.9}{}} \newlabel{eq:DrH}{{9}{2}{}{equation.3.9}{}}
\newlabel{eq:IHF}{{10}{2}{}{equation.3.10}{}} \newlabel{eq:IHF}{{10}{2}{}{equation.3.10}{}}
\newlabel{eq:tI}{{11}{2}{}{equation.3.11}{}} \newlabel{eq:tI}{{11}{2}{}{equation.3.11}{}}
\newlabel{eq:DrH}{{12}{2}{}{equation.3.12}{}} \newlabel{eq:DrH}{{12}{2}{}{equation.3.12}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {IV}Matrix elements}{2}{section*.6}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {IV}Matrix elements}{2}{section*.6}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Schematic representation of the various orbital spaces and their notation. The arrows represent the three types of excited determinants contributing to the dressing: the pure doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta }}$ (green), the mixed doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{a \beta }}$ (magenta) and the pure singles $\ket *{_{i}^{\alpha }}$ (orange).}}{2}{figure.1}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Schematic representation of the various orbital spaces and their notation. The arrows represent the three types of excited determinants contributing to the dressing term: the pure doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta }}$ (green), the mixed doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{a \beta }}$ (magenta) and the pure singles $\ket *{_{i}^{\alpha }}$ (orange).}}{2}{figure.1}}
\newlabel{fig:CBS}{{1}{2}{Schematic representation of the various orbital spaces and their notation. The arrows represent the three types of excited determinants contributing to the dressing: the pure doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta }}$ (green), the mixed doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{a \beta }}$ (magenta) and the pure singles $\ket *{_{i}^{\alpha }}$ (orange)}{figure.1}{}} \newlabel{fig:CBS}{{1}{2}{Schematic representation of the various orbital spaces and their notation. The arrows represent the three types of excited determinants contributing to the dressing term: the pure doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta }}$ (green), the mixed doubles $\ket *{_{ij}^{a \beta }}$ (magenta) and the pure singles $\ket *{_{i}^{\alpha }}$ (orange)}{figure.1}{}}
\newlabel{eq:RI}{{13}{2}{}{equation.4.13}{}} \newlabel{eq:RI}{{13}{2}{}{equation.4.13}{}}
\newlabel{eq:IHF-RI}{{14}{2}{}{equation.4.14}{}} \citation{Garniron17b}
\citation{Kutzelnigg91} \citation{Kutzelnigg91}
\citation{Tenno04a} \citation{Tenno04a}
\citation{Persson96,Persson97,May04,Tenno04b,Tew05,May05} \citation{Persson96,Persson97,May04,Tenno04b,Tew05,May05}
@ -75,11 +74,11 @@
\citation{AlmoraDiaz14} \citation{AlmoraDiaz14}
\citation{Yousaf08,Yousaf09} \citation{Yousaf08,Yousaf09}
\citation{Giner13,Giner15,Caffarel16} \citation{Giner13,Giner15,Caffarel16}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {V}Computational details}{3}{section*.7}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {V}Computational details}{3}{section*.7}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {VI}Results}{3}{section*.8}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {VI}Results}{3}{section*.8}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {VII}Conclusion}{3}{section*.9}} \@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {I}{\ignorespaces FCI-F12 and FCI total ground-state energy of the neutral atoms for $Z = 2$ to $10$ calculated with Dunning's cc-pCVXZ and cc-pVXZ basis sets. \leavevmode {\color {red}The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI or cc-pCVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}}}{3}{table.1}}
\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {I}{\ignorespaces FCI-F12, CIPSI and FCI total ground-state energy of the neutral atoms for $Z = 2$ to $10$ calculated with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}}{3}{table.1}} \newlabel{tab:atoms}{{I}{3}{FCI-F12 and FCI total ground-state energy of the neutral atoms for $Z = 2$ to $10$ calculated with Dunning's cc-pCVXZ and cc-pVXZ basis sets. \alert {The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI or cc-pCVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}}{table.1}{}}
\newlabel{tab:atoms}{{I}{3}{FCI-F12, CIPSI and FCI total ground-state energy of the neutral atoms for $Z = 2$ to $10$ calculated with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS}{table.1}{}}
\bibdata{CI-F12Notes,CI-F12,CI-F12-control} \bibdata{CI-F12Notes,CI-F12,CI-F12-control}
\bibcite{Kutzelnigg85}{{1}{1985}{{Kutzelnigg}}{{}}} \bibcite{Kutzelnigg85}{{1}{1985}{{Kutzelnigg}}{{}}}
\bibcite{Kutzelnigg91}{{2}{1991}{{Kutzelnigg\ and\ Klopper}}{{}}} \bibcite{Kutzelnigg91}{{2}{1991}{{Kutzelnigg\ and\ Klopper}}{{}}}
@ -128,14 +127,15 @@
\bibcite{Klopper04}{{45}{2004}{{Klopper}}{{}}} \bibcite{Klopper04}{{45}{2004}{{Klopper}}{{}}}
\bibcite{Manby06}{{46}{2006}{{Manby\ \emph {et~al.}}}{{Manby, Werner, Adler,\ and\ May}}} \bibcite{Manby06}{{46}{2006}{{Manby\ \emph {et~al.}}}{{Manby, Werner, Adler,\ and\ May}}}
\bibcite{Tenno07}{{47}{2007}{{Ten-no}}{{}}} \bibcite{Tenno07}{{47}{2007}{{Ten-no}}{{}}}
\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {II}{\ignorespaces CIPSI, FCI-F12, i-FCIQMC and FCI total ground-state energy of the \ce {H2}, \ce {F2} and \ce {H2)} molecules at experimental geometry with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}}{4}{table.2}}
\newlabel{tab:molecules}{{II}{4}{CIPSI, FCI-F12, i-FCIQMC and FCI total ground-state energy of the \ce {H2}, \ce {F2} and \ce {H2)} molecules at experimental geometry with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS}{table.2}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {VII}Conclusion}{4}{section*.9}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {}Acknowledgments}{4}{section*.10}}
\bibcite{Komornicki11}{{48}{2011}{{Komornicki\ and\ King}}{{}}} \bibcite{Komornicki11}{{48}{2011}{{Komornicki\ and\ King}}{{}}}
\bibcite{Reine12}{{49}{2012}{{Reine, Helgaker,\ and\ Lind}}{{}}} \bibcite{Reine12}{{49}{2012}{{Reine, Helgaker,\ and\ Lind}}{{}}}
\bibcite{GG16}{{50}{2016}{{Barca\ and\ Gill}}{{}}} \bibcite{GG16}{{50}{2016}{{Barca\ and\ Gill}}{{}}}
\bibcite{3ERI1}{{51}{2016}{{Barca, Loos,\ and\ Gill}}{{}}} \bibcite{3ERI1}{{51}{2016}{{Barca, Loos,\ and\ Gill}}{{}}}
\bibcite{3ERI2}{{52}{tion}{{Barca, Loos,\ and\ Gill}}{{}}} \bibcite{3ERI2}{{52}{tion}{{Barca, Loos,\ and\ Gill}}{{}}}
\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {II}{\ignorespaces CIPSI, FCI-F12 i-FCIQMC and FCI total ground-state energy of the \ce {H2}, \ce {F2} and \ce {H2)} molecules at experimental geometry with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}}{4}{table.2}}
\newlabel{tab:molecules}{{II}{4}{CIPSI, FCI-F12 i-FCIQMC and FCI total ground-state energy of the \ce {H2}, \ce {F2} and \ce {H2)} molecules at experimental geometry with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS}{table.2}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {}Acknowledgments}{4}{section*.10}}
\bibcite{4eRR}{{53}{ress}{{Barca\ and\ Loos}}{{}}} \bibcite{4eRR}{{53}{ress}{{Barca\ and\ Loos}}{{}}}
\bibcite{IntF12}{{54}{2017}{{Barca\ and\ Loos}}{{}}} \bibcite{IntF12}{{54}{2017}{{Barca\ and\ Loos}}{{}}}
\bibcite{Valeev04}{{55}{2004}{{Valeev}}{{}}} \bibcite{Valeev04}{{55}{2004}{{Valeev}}{{}}}

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.1}{Abstract}{section*.2}% 1 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.1}{Abstract}{section*.2}% 1
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.3}{Introduction}{section*.2}% 3 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.3}{Introduction}{section*.2}% 3
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.4}{Ans\344tz}{section*.2}% 4 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.4}{Ans\344tz}{section*.2}% 4
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.5}{Dressing}{section*.2}% 5 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.5}{Effective Hamiltonian}{section*.2}% 5
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.6}{Matrix elements}{section*.2}% 6 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.6}{Matrix elements}{section*.2}% 6
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.7}{Computational details}{section*.2}% 7 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.7}{Computational details}{section*.2}% 7
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.8}{Results}{section*.2}% 8 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.8}{Results}{section*.2}% 8

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ As first shown by Kato \cite{Kato51, Kato57} (and further elaborated by various
\end{equation} \end{equation}
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\section{Dressing} \section{Effective Hamiltonian}
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Our primary goal is to introduce the explicit correlation between electrons at relatively low computational cost. Our primary goal is to introduce the explicit correlation between electrons at relatively low computational cost.
Therefore, assuming that $\hH \ket{\Psi} = E\,\Psi$, one can write, by projection over $\bra{I}$, Therefore, assuming that $\hH \ket{\Psi} = E\,\Psi$, one can write, by projection over $\bra{I}$,
@ -211,13 +211,15 @@ Assuming, witout loss of generality that $\cD{0}$ is the largest coefficient $\c
H_{IJ}, & \text{otherwise}. H_{IJ}, & \text{otherwise}.
\end{cases} \end{cases}
\end{equation} \end{equation}
It is important to mention that, because the CI-F12 energy is obtained via projection, the present method is not variational.
%%% FIG 1 %%% %%% FIG 1 %%%
\begin{figure} \begin{figure}
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{fig1} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{fig1}
\caption{ \caption{
\label{fig:CBS} \label{fig:CBS}
Schematic representation of the various orbital spaces and their notation. Schematic representation of the various orbital spaces and their notation.
The arrows represent the three types of excited determinants contributing to the dressing: the pure doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta}}$ (green), the mixed doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{a \beta}}$ (magenta) and the pure singles $\ket*{_{i}^{\alpha}}$ (orange).} The arrows represent the three types of excited determinants contributing to the dressing term: the pure doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta}}$ (green), the mixed doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{a \beta}}$ (magenta) and the pure singles $\ket*{_{i}^{\alpha}}$ (orange).}
\end{figure} \end{figure}
%%% %%% %%% %%%
@ -226,16 +228,16 @@ Assuming, witout loss of generality that $\cD{0}$ is the largest coefficient $\c
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Compared to a conventional CI calculation, new matrix elements are required. Compared to a conventional CI calculation, new matrix elements are required.
The simplest of them $f_{IJ}$ --- required in Eqs.~\eqref{eq:IHF} and \eqref{eq:tI} --- can be easily computed by applying Condon-Slater rules. \cite{SzaboBook} The simplest of them $f_{IJ}$ --- required in Eqs.~\eqref{eq:IHF} and \eqref{eq:tI} --- can be easily computed by applying Condon-Slater rules. \cite{SzaboBook}
They involve two-electron integrals over the geminal factor $f_{12}$. They involve two-electron integrals over the correlation factor $f_{12}$.
Their computation has been thoroughly studied in the literature in the last thirty years. \cite{Kutzelnigg91, Klopper92, Persson97, Klopper02, Manby03, Werner03, Klopper04, Tenno04a, Tenno04b, May05, Manby06, Tenno07, Komornicki11, Reine12, GG16} Their computation has been thoroughly studied in the literature in the last thirty years. \cite{Kutzelnigg91, Klopper92, Persson97, Klopper02, Manby03, Werner03, Klopper04, Tenno04a, Tenno04b, May05, Manby06, Tenno07, Komornicki11, Reine12, GG16}
These can be more or less expensive to compute depending on the choice of the correlation factor. These can be more or less expensive to compute depending on the choice of the correlation factor.
As shown in Eq.~\eqref{eq:IHF}, the present explicitly-correlated CI method also requires matrix elements of the form $\mel{I}{\hH f}{ J}$. As shown in Eq.~\eqref{eq:IHF}, the present explicitly-correlated CI method also requires matrix elements of the form $\mel{I}{\hH f}{ J}$.
These are more problematic, as they involve the computation of numerous three-electron integrals over the operator $r_{12}^{-1}f_{13}$, as well as new two-electron integrals. \cite{Kutzelnigg91, Klopper92} These are more problematic, as they involve the computation of numerous three-electron integrals over, for instance, the operator $r_{12}^{-1}f_{13}$, as well as new two-electron integrals. \cite{Kutzelnigg91, Klopper92}
We have recently developed recurrence relations and efficient upper bounds in order to compute these types of integrals. \cite{3ERI1, 3ERI2, 4eRR, IntF12} We have recently developed recurrence relations and efficient upper bounds in order to compute these types of integrals. \cite{3ERI1, 3ERI2, 4eRR, IntF12}
However, we will here explore a different route. However, we will here explore a different route.
We propose to compute them using the resolution of the identity (RI) approximation, \cite{Kutzelnigg91, Klopper02, Valeev04, Werner07, Hattig12} which requires a complete basis set (CBS). We propose to compute them using the resolution of the identity (RI) approximation, \cite{Kutzelnigg91, Klopper02, Valeev04, Werner07, Hattig12} which requires (at least formally) a complete basis set (CBS).
This CBS is built as the union of the orbital basis set (OBS) $\qty{p}$ (divided as occupied $\qty{i}$ and virtual $\qty{a}$ subspaces) augmented by a complementary auxiliary basis set (CABS) $\qty{\alpha}$, such as $ \qty{p} \cap \qty{\alpha} = \varnothing$ and $\braket{p}{\alpha} = 0$. \cite{Klopper02, Valeev04} (see Fig.~\ref{fig:CBS}). This CBS is built as the union of the orbital basis set (OBS) $\qty{p}$ (divided as occupied $\qty{i}$ and virtual $\qty{a}$ subspaces) augmented by a complementary auxiliary basis set (CABS) $\qty{\alpha}$, such as $ \qty{p} \cap \qty{\alpha} = \varnothing$ and $\braket{p}{\alpha} = 0$. \cite{Klopper02, Valeev04} (see Fig.~\ref{fig:CBS}).
In the CBS, one can write In the CBS, one can write
@ -257,16 +259,16 @@ Substituting \eqref{eq:RI} into the first term of the right-hand side of Eq.~\eq
where $\mD$ is the set of ``conventional'' determinants obtained by excitations from the occupied space $\qty{i}$ to the virtual one $\qty{a}$, and $\mC = \mA \setminus \mD$. where $\mD$ is the set of ``conventional'' determinants obtained by excitations from the occupied space $\qty{i}$ to the virtual one $\qty{a}$, and $\mC = \mA \setminus \mD$.
Because $f$ is a two-electron operator, the way to compute efficiently Eq.~\eqref{eq:IHF-RI} is actually very similar to what is done within second-order multireference perturbation theory. \cite{Garniron17b} Because $f$ is a two-electron operator, the way to compute efficiently Eq.~\eqref{eq:IHF-RI} is actually very similar to what is done within second-order multireference perturbation theory. \cite{Garniron17b}
\alert{The set $\mC$ is defined by two simple rules. The set $\mC$ is defined by two simple rules.
First, because $f$ is a two-electron operator [and thanks to the matrix element $f_{AJ}$ in \eqref{eq:IHF-RI}], we know that the sum over $A$ is restricted to the singly- or doubly-excited determinants with respect to the determinant $\kJ$. First, because $f$ is a two-electron operator [and thanks to the matrix element $f_{AJ}$ in \eqref{eq:IHF-RI}], we know that the sum over $A$ is restricted to the singly- or doubly-excited determinants with respect to the determinant $\kJ$.
Second, to ensure that $H_{IA} \neq 0$, $A$ must be connected to $\kI$, i.e.~differs from $\kI$ by no more than two spin orbitals. Second, to ensure that $H_{IA} \neq 0$, $A$ must be connected to $\kI$, i.e.~differs from $\kI$ by no more than two spin orbitals.
Three types of determinants have these two properties (see Fig.~\ref{fig:CBS}).: Three types of determinants have these two properties (see Fig.~\ref{fig:CBS}).:
i) the pure doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta}}$; i) the pure doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{\alpha \beta}}$,
ii) the mixed doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{a \beta}}$; ii) the mixed doubles $\ket*{_{ij}^{a \beta}}$, and
iii) the pure singles $\ket*{_{i}^{\alpha}}$.} iii) the pure singles $\ket*{_{i}^{\alpha}}$.
\alert{Although $\mel{0}{\hH}{_{i}^{a}} = 0$, note that the Brillouin theorem does not hold in the CABS, i.e.~$\mel{0}{\hH}{_{i}^{\alpha}} \neq 0$. Although $\mel{0}{\hH}{_{i}^{a}} = 0$, note that the Brillouin theorem does not hold in the CABS, i.e.~$\mel{0}{\hH}{_{i}^{\alpha}} \neq 0$.
Here, we will eschew the generalized Brillouin condition (GBC) which set these to zero. \cite{Kutzelnigg91}} Here, we will eschew the generalized Brillouin condition (GBC) which set these to zero. \cite{Kutzelnigg91}
%\begin{gather} %\begin{gather}
% \mel*{0}{\hH}{_i^\alpha} = \mel{i}{h}{\alpha} + \sum_{j} \mel{ij}{}{\alpha j} % \mel*{0}{\hH}{_i^\alpha} = \mel{i}{h}{\alpha} + \sum_{j} \mel{ij}{}{\alpha j}
@ -303,15 +305,15 @@ Here, we will eschew the generalized Brillouin condition (GBC) which set these t
%---------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------
\section{Computational details} \section{Computational details}
%---------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------
In all the calculations presented below, we consider the following Slater-type correlation factor \cite{Tenno04a} In all the CI-F12 calculations presented below, we consider the following Slater-type correlation factor \cite{Tenno04a}
\begin{equation} \begin{equation}
f_{12} = \frac{1 - \exp( - \la r_{12} )}{\la}, f_{12} = \frac{1 - \exp( - \la r_{12} )}{\la},
\end{equation} \end{equation}
which is fitted using $N_\text{GG}$ Gaussian geminals fo computational convenience, \cite{Persson96, Persson97, May04, Tenno04b, Tew05, May05} i.e. which is fitted using $N_\text{GG}$ Gaussian geminals for computational convenience, \cite{Persson96, Persson97, May04, Tenno04b, Tew05, May05} i.e.
\begin{equation} \begin{equation}
\exp( - \la r_{12} ) \approx \sum_{\nu=1}^{\NGG} a_\nu \exp( - \la_\nu r_{12}^2 ). \exp( - \la r_{12} ) \approx \sum_{\nu=1}^{\NGG} d_\nu \exp( - \la_\nu r_{12}^2 ).
\end{equation} \end{equation}
The coefficients $a_\nu$ can be found in Ref.~\onlinecite{Tew05} for various $\NGG$, but we consider $\NGG = 6$ in this study. The contraction coefficients $d_\nu$ can be found in Ref.~\onlinecite{Tew05} for various $\NGG$, but we consider $\NGG = 6$ in this study.
Unless otherwise stated, all the calculations have been performed with \textsc{QCaml}, an electronic structure software written in \textsc{OCaml} specifically designed for the present study. Unless otherwise stated, all the calculations have been performed with \textsc{QCaml}, an electronic structure software written in \textsc{OCaml} specifically designed for the present study.
%---------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -323,8 +325,8 @@ Unless otherwise stated, all the calculations have been performed with \textsc{Q
\begin{table} \begin{table}
\caption{ \caption{
\label{tab:atoms} \label{tab:atoms}
FCI-F12, CIPSI and FCI total ground-state energy of the neutral atoms for $Z = 2$ to $10$ calculated with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. FCI-F12 and FCI total ground-state energy of the neutral atoms for $Z = 2$ to $10$ calculated with Dunning's cc-pCVXZ and cc-pVXZ basis sets.
The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.} \alert{The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI or cc-pCVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}}
\begin{ruledtabular} \begin{ruledtabular}
\begin{tabular}{lcdd} \begin{tabular}{lcdd}
Atom & X & \tabc{FCI-F12} & \tabc{FCI} \\ Atom & X & \tabc{FCI-F12} & \tabc{FCI} \\
@ -362,14 +364,14 @@ The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}
& $\infty$ & & -37.845\,0 (TOTO) \\ & $\infty$ & & -37.845\,0 (TOTO) \\
\hline \hline
\ce{N} & D & & -54.517\,650 (FCI) \\ \ce{N} & D & & -54.517\,650 (FCI) \\
(cc-pwCV$N$Z) & T & & -54.567\,764 (CIPSI) \\ (cc-pwCVXZ) & T & & -54.567\,764 (CIPSI) \\
& Q & & -54.581\,885 (CIPSI) \\ & Q & & -54.581\,885 (CIPSI) \\
& 5 & & -54.585\,926 (CIPSI) \\ & 5 & & -54.585\,926 (CIPSI) \\
& $\infty$ & & -54.588\,917 \fnm[7] \\ & $\infty$ & & -54.588\,917 \fnm[7] \\
& $\infty$ & & -54.589\,3 (TOTO) \\ & $\infty$ & & -54.589\,3 (TOTO) \\
\hline \hline
\ce{O} & D & & -74.946\,393 (CIPSI) \\ \ce{O} & D & & -74.946\,393 (CIPSI) \\
(cc-pwCV$N$Z) & T & & -75.031\,607 (CIPSI) \\ (cc-pwCVXZ) & T & & -75.031\,607 (CIPSI) \\
& Q & & -75.054\,737 (CIPSI) \\ & Q & & -75.054\,737 (CIPSI) \\
& 5 & & -75.062\,002 (CIPSI) \\ & 5 & & -75.062\,002 (CIPSI) \\
& $\infty$ & & -75.066\,892 \fnm[7] \\ & $\infty$ & & -75.066\,892 \fnm[7] \\
@ -383,10 +385,10 @@ The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}
& $\infty$ & & -99.734\,1 (TOTO) \\ & $\infty$ & & -99.734\,1 (TOTO) \\
\hline \hline
\ce{Ne} & D & & -128.721\,575 (CIPSI) \\ \ce{Ne} & D & & -128.721\,575 (CIPSI) \\
(cc-pwCV$N$Z) & T & & -128.869\,425 (CIPSI) \\ (cc-pwCVXZ) & T & & -128.869\,425 (CIPSI) \\
& Q & & -128.913\,064 (CIPSI) \\ & Q & & -128.913\,064 (CIPSI) \\
& 5 & & -128.927\,705 (CIPSI) \\ & 5 & & -128.927\,705 (CIPSI) \\
& $\infty$ & & -128.937\,274 \footnotemark[7] \\ & $\infty$ & & -128.937\,274 \fnm[7] \\
& $\infty$ & & -128.938\,3 (TOTO) \\ & $\infty$ & & -128.938\,3 (TOTO) \\
\end{tabular} \end{tabular}
\end{ruledtabular} \end{ruledtabular}
@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}
\begin{table*} \begin{table*}
\caption{ \caption{
\label{tab:molecules} \label{tab:molecules}
CIPSI, FCI-F12 i-FCIQMC and FCI total ground-state energy of the \ce{H2}, \ce{F2} and \ce{H2)} molecules at experimental geometry with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set. CIPSI, FCI-F12, i-FCIQMC and FCI total ground-state energy of the \ce{H2}, \ce{F2} and \ce{H2)} molecules at experimental geometry with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis set.
The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.} The corresponding cc-pVXZ\_OPTRI auxiliary basis is used as CABS.}
\begin{ruledtabular} \begin{ruledtabular}
\begin{tabular}{lcdddd} \begin{tabular}{lcdddd}
@ -442,14 +444,15 @@ In Table \ref{tab:molecules}, we report the total energy of the \ce{H2}, \ce{F2}
\section{Conclusion} \section{Conclusion}
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We have introduced a dressed version of the well-established CI method to incorporate explicitly the correlation between electrons. We have introduced a dressed version of the well-established CI method to incorporate explicitly the correlation between electrons.
We have shown that the new CI-F12 method allows to fix one of the main issue of conventional CI methods, i.e.~the slow convergence of the electronic energy with respect to the size of the one-electron basis set. Albeit not variational, our method is able to catch a large fraction of the basis set incompleteness error at a low computational cost compared to other variants. We have shown that the new CI-F12 method allows to fix one of the main issue of conventional CI methods, i.e.~the slow convergence of the electronic energy with respect to the size of the one-electron basis set.
Albeit not variational, our method is able to catch a large fraction of the basis set incompleteness error at a low computational cost compared to other variants.
In particular, one eschew the computation of four-electron integrals as well as some types of three-electron integrals. In particular, one eschew the computation of four-electron integrals as well as some types of three-electron integrals.
We believe that the present approach is a significant step towards the development of an accurate and efficient explicitly-correlated full CI methods. We believe that the present approach is a significant step towards the development of an accurate and efficient explicitly-correlated FCI method.
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\begin{acknowledgments} \begin{acknowledgments}
The authors would like to thank the \emph{Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique} (CNRS) for funding. The authors would like to thank the \emph{Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique} (CNRS) for funding.
This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-TGCC (Grant No.~2018-A0040801738), and CALMIP (Toulouse) under allocations 2018-0510, 2018-18005 and 2019-18005. This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-TGCC (Grant No.~2018-A0040801738), and CALMIP (Toulouse) under allocation 2019-18005.
\end{acknowledgments} \end{acknowledgments}
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