\caption{Difference between non-regularized and regularized quasiparticle energies $\eps{p}{\GW}-\reps{p}{\GW}$ computed with $\eta=0.1$ (left), $\eta=1$ (center), and $\eta=10$ (right) as functions of the internuclear distance $\RHH$ (in \si{\angstrom}) of \ce{H2} at the {\GOWO}@HF/6-31G level. }
\caption{Difference between non-regularized and regularized quasiparticle energies $\eps{p}{\GW}-\reps{p}{\GW}$ computed with computed with $\kappa=0.1$ (left), $\kappa=1$ (center), and $\kappa=10$ (right) as functions of the internuclear distance $\RHH$ (in \si{\angstrom}) of \ce{H2} at the {\GOWO}@HF/6-31G level. }
\caption{Ground-state potential energy surface of \ce{F2} around its equilibrium geometry obtained at various levels of theory with the cc-pVDZ basis set for $\eta=1$ (left) and $\eta=10$ (right).}
\caption{Ground-state potential energy surface of \ce{F2} around its equilibrium geometry obtained at various levels of theory with the cc-pVDZ basis set for $\kappa=1$ (left) and $\kappa=10$ (right).
For $\kappa=10$, the black and gray curves are superposed.}