413 lines
19 KiB
413 lines
19 KiB
\definecolor{darkgreen}{RGB}{0, 180, 0}
\newcommand{\SI}{\textcolor{blue}{supporting information}}
% second quantized operators
\newcommand{\psix}[1]{\hat{\Psi}\left({\bf X}_{#1}\right)}
\newcommand{\psixc}[1]{\hat{\Psi}^{\dagger}\left({\bf X}_{#1}\right)}
\newcommand{\ovrlp}[2]{{\ensuremath{\langle #1|#2\rangle}\xspace}}
%\newcommand{\bra}[1]{{\ensuremath{\langle #1|}\xspace}}
% energies
\newcommand{\Ead}{\Delta E_\text{ad}}
\newcommand{\ecompmodelldaval}[0]{\bar{E}_{\text{LDA, val}}^{\Bas,\wf{}{\Bas}}[\den]}
\newcommand{\ecompmodelpbeval}[0]{\bar{E}_{\text{PBE, val}}^{\Bas,\wf{}{\Bas}}[\den]}
\newcommand{\emulda}[0]{\bar{\varepsilon}^{\text{sr},\text{unif}}_{\text{c,md}}\left(\denr;\mu({\bf r};\wf{}{\Bas})\right)}
\newcommand{\emuldamodel}[0]{\bar{\varepsilon}^{\text{sr},\text{unif}}_{\text{c,md}}\left(\denmodelr;\mu({\bf r};\wf{}{\Bas})\right)}
\newcommand{\emuldaval}[0]{\bar{\varepsilon}^{\text{sr},\text{unif}}_{\text{c,md}}\left(\denval ({\bf r});\murval;\wf{}{\Bas})\right)}
%%%%%% arguments
% numbers
\newcommand{\rnum}[0]{{\rm I\!R}}
\newcommand{\bfr}[1]{{\bf r}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\rr}[2]{\bfr{#1}, \bfr{#2}}
\newcommand{\rrrr}[4]{\bfr{#1}, \bfr{#2},\bfr{#3},\bfr{#4} }
% effective interaction
\newcommand{\twodm}[4]{\elemm{\Psi}{\psixc{#4}\psixc{#3} \psix{#2}\psix{#1}}{\Psi}}
\newcommand{\murpsi}[0]{\mu({\bf r};\wf{}{A+B})}
\newcommand{\murpsia}[0]{\mu({\bf r};\wf{}{A})}
\newcommand{\murpsib}[0]{\mu({\bf r};\wf{}{B})}
\newcommand{\mur}[0]{\mu({\bf r})}
\newcommand{\murr}[1]{\mu({\bf r}_{#1})}
\newcommand{\murval}[0]{\mu_{\text{val}}({\bf r})}
\newcommand{\murpsival}[0]{\mu_{\text{val}}({\bf r};\wf{}{\Bas})}
\newcommand{\murrval}[1]{\mu_{\text{val}}({\bf r}_{#1})}
\newcommand{\ontop}[2]{ n^{(2)}_{#1}({\bf #2}_1)}
\newcommand{\twodmrpsi}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{\Bas}}(\rrrr{1}{2}{2}{1})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsi}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{\Bas}}(\rr{1}{2})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsitot}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{A+B}}(\rr{1}{2})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsiaa}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{AA}}(\rr{1}{2})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsiaad}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{AA}}(\rr{}{})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsibb}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{BB}}(\rr{1}{2})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsibbd}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{BB}}(\rr{}{})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsiab}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{AB}}(\rr{1}{2})}
\newcommand{\twodmrdiagpsival}[0]{ \ntwo_{\wf{}{\Bas},\,\text{val}}(\rr{1}{2})}
%\newcommand{\wbasiscoal}[1]{W_{\wf{}{\Bas}}({\bf r}_{#1})}
\newcommand{\ontoppsi}[1]{ n^{(2)}_{\wf{}{\Bas}}(\bfr{#1},\barr{#1},\barr{#1},\bfr{#1})}
\newcommand{\wbasiscoalval}[1]{W_{\wf{}{\Bas}}^{\text{val}}({\bf r}_{#1})}
\newcommand{\ontoppsival}[1]{ n^{(2)}_{\wf{}{\Bas}}^{\text{val}}(\bfr{#1},\barr{#1},\barr{#1},\bfr{#1})}
% densities
\newcommand{\denmodelr}[0]{\den_{\model}^\Bas ({\bf r})}
\newcommand{\dencipsir}[0]{{n}_{\text{CIPSI}}^\Bas({\bf r})}
\newcommand{\denr}[0]{{n}({\bf r})}
% wave functions
% operators
% units
\newcommand{\IneV}[1]{#1 eV}
\newcommand{\InAU}[1]{#1 a.u.}
\newcommand{\InAA}[1]{#1 \AA}
% methods
% basis sets
% operators
% coordinates
\newcommand{\LCPQ}{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (UMR 5626), Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France}
\newcommand{\LCT}{Laboratoire de Chimie Th\'eorique, Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universit\'e, CNRS, Paris, France}
\title{Mixing density functional theory and wave function theory for strong correlation: the best of both worlds}
bla bla bla youpi tralala
\section{Extensivity of the basis set correction}
\subsection{General considerations}
The following paragraph proposes a demonstration of the size consistency of the basis set correction in the limit of dissociated fragments.
The present basis set correction being an integral in real space,
& \efuncdenpbe{\argebasis} = \\ & \int \text{d}\br{} \,\denr \ecmd(\argrebasis),
where all the quantities $\argrebasis$ are obtained from the same wave function $\Psi^{A+B}$.
Such an integral can be rewritten as the sum of the contribution on $A$ and $B$
& \efuncdenpbe{\argebasis} = \\ & \int_{ \br{} \in A} \text{d}\br{} \,\denr \ecmd(\argrebasis) \\ & + \int_{ \br{} \in B} \text{d}\br{} \,\denr \ecmd(\argrebasis),
Therefore, a sufficient condition to obtain size extensivity in the limit of dissociated fragments is that all arguments entering in the function $\ecmd(\argrebasis)$ are \textit{intensive}, which means that they \textit{locally} coincide in the system $A$ and in the sub system $A$ of the super system $A+B$.
Regarding the density and its gradients, these are necessary intensive quantities. The remaining questions are therefore the local range-separation parameter $\murpsi$ and the on-top pair density.
\subsection{Property of the on-top pair density}
A crucial ingredient in the type of functionals used in the present paper together with the definition of the local-range separation parameter is the on-top pair density defined as
\ntwo_{\wf{}{}}(\br{}) = \sum_{pqrs} \SO{p}{} \SO{q}{} \Gam{pq}{rs} \SO{r}{} \SO{s}{},
with $\Gam{pq}{rs} = 2 \mel*{\wf{}{}}{ \aic{r_\downarrow}\aic{s_\uparrow}\ai{q_\uparrow}\ai{p_\downarrow}}{\wf{}{}}$.
Assume now that the wave function $\wf{A+B}{}$ of the super system $A+B$ can be written as a product of two wave functions defined on two non-overlapping and non-interacting fragments $A$ and $B$
\ket{\wf{A+B}{}} = \ket{\wf{A}{}} \times \ket{\wf{B}{}}.
Labelling the orbitals of fragment $A$ as $p_A,q_A,r_A,s_A$ and of fragment $B$ as $p_B,q_B,r_B,s_B$ and assuming that they don't overlap, one can split the two-body density operator as
\hat{\Gamma}(\br{1},\br{2}) = \hat{\Gamma}_{AA}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) + \hat{\Gamma}_{BB}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) + \hat{\Gamma}_{AB}{}(\br{1},\br{2})
\hat{\Gamma}_{AA}(\br{1},\br{2}) = \sum_{p_A,q_A,r_A,s_A}& \SO{r_A}{1} \SO{s_A}{2} \SO{p_A}{1} \SO{q_A}{2} \\ & \aic{r_{A,\downarrow}}\aic{s_{A,\uparrow}}\ai{q_{A,\uparrow}}\ai{p_{A,\downarrow}} ,
(and equivalently for $B$),
% \begin{aligned}
% \hat{\Gamma}_{BB} = \sum_{p_B,q_B,r_B,s_B} \aic{r_{B,\downarrow}}\aic{s_{B,\uparrow}}\ai{q_{B,\uparrow}}\ai{p_{B,\downarrow}},
% \end{aligned}
\hat{\Gamma}_{AB} = \sum_{p_A,q_B,r_A,s_B} & \SO{r_A}{1} \SO{s_B}{2} \SO{p_A}{1} \SO{q_B}{2} \\ & \left( \aic{r_{A,\downarrow}}\ai{p_{A,\downarrow}} \aic{s_{B,\uparrow}}\ai{q_{B,\uparrow}} + \aic{s_{B,\uparrow}}\ai{q_{B,\uparrow}} \aic{r_{A,\downarrow}}\ai{p_{A,\downarrow}} \right) .
Therefore, one can express the two-body density as
\twodmrdiagpsitot = \twodmrdiagpsiaa + \twodmrdiagpsibb + \twodmrdiagpsiab
where $\twodmrdiagpsiaa$ and $\twodmrdiagpsibb$ are the two-body densities of the isolated fragments
& \twodmrdiagpsiaa = \bra{\wf{A}{}} \hat{\Gamma}_{AA}(\br{1},\br{2}) \ket{\wf{A}{}}
(and equivalently for $B$),
and $\twodmrdiagpsiab$ is simply the product of the one body densities of the sub systems
& \twodmrdiagpsiab = n_{A}(\br{1}) n_B(\br{2}) + n_{B}(\br{1}) n_A(\br{2}),
& n_{A}(\br{}) = \sum_{p_A r_A} \SO{p_A}{} \bra{\wf{A}{}}\aic{s_{A,\uparrow}}\ai{q_{A,\uparrow}}\ket{\wf{A}{}} \SO{r_A}{} ,
(and equivalently for $B$).
As the densities of $A$ and $B$ are by definition non overlapping, one can express the on-top pair density as the sum of the on-top pair densities of the isolated systems
\ntwo_{\wf{A+B}{}}(\br{}) = \twodmrdiagpsiaad + \twodmrdiagpsibbd
As $\ntwo_{\wf{}{A/A}}(\br{}) = 0 \text{ if }\br{} \in B$ (and equivalently for $\ntwo_{\wf{}{B/B}}(\br{}) $ on $A$), one can conclude that provided that the wave function is multiplicative, the on-top pair density is a local intensive quantity.
\subsection{Property of the local-range separation parameter}
The local range separation parameter depends on the on-top pair density at a given point $\br{}$ and on the numerator
f_{\wf{A+B}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{}) = \sum_{pqrstu\in \Bas} \SO{p}{ } \SO{q}{ } \V{pq}{rs} \Gam{rs}{tu} \SO{t}{ } \SO{u}{ }.
As the summations run over all orbitals in the basis set $\Bas$, the quantity $f_{\wf{}{\Bas}}(\bfr{},\bfr{})$ is orbital invariant and therefore can be expressed in terms of localized orbitals.
In the limit of dissociated fragments, the coulomb interaction is vanishing between $A$ and $B$ and therefore any two-electron integral involving orbitals on both the system $A$ and $B$ vanishes.
Therefore, one can rewrite eq. \eqref{eq:def_f} as
f_{\wf{A+B}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{}) = f_{\wf{AA}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{}) + f_{\wf{BB}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{}),
& f_{\wf{AA}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{}) = \\ & \sum_{p_A q_A r_A s_A t_A u_A} \SO{p_A }{ } \SO{q_A}{ } \V{p_A q_A}{r_A s_A} \Gam{r_A s_A}{t_A u_A} \SO{t_A}{ } \SO{u_A}{ },
(and equivalently for $B$).
% \begin{aligned}
% \label{eq:def_faa}
% & f_{\wf{BB}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{}) = \\ &\sum_{p_B q_B r_B s_B t_B u_B} \SO{p_B }{ } \SO{q_B}{ } \V{p_B q_B}{r_B s_B} \Gam{r_B s_B}{t_B u_B} \SO{t_B}{ } \SO{u_B}{ }.
% \end{aligned}
As a consequence, the local range-separation parameter in the super system $A+B$
\murpsi = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} \frac{f_{\wf{A+B}{}}(\bfr{},\bfr{})}{\ntwo_{\wf{A+B}{}}(\br{})}
which, in the case of a multiplicative wave function is nothing but
\murpsi = \murpsia + \murpsib.
As $\murpsia = 0 \text{ if }\br{} \in B$ (and equivalently for $\murpsib $ on $B$), $\murpsi$ is an intensive quantity. The conclusion of this paragraph is that, provided that the wave function for the system $A+B$ is multiplicative in the limit of the dissociated fragments, all quantities used for the basis set correction are intensive and therefore the basis set correction is size consistent.
\section{Computational considerations}