2019-10-16 11:38:24 +02:00

274 lines
12 KiB

Date: 16/10/2019 11:56:08
Quantum Package
Git Commit: trying to fix the casscf
Git Date : Wed Sep 18 13:55:16 2019 +0200
Git SHA1 : c8cd1611626d12424fa9776ad42e17a0ce2ce228
EZFIO Dir : n2.ezfio
Task server running : tcp://
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: no_core_density ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.002034 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.003212 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: on_top_from_cas ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.002577 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.003531 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: mu_of_r_potential ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.003005 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.003764 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: read_wf ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.003391 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.003967 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: mu_of_r_functional ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.003801 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.004181 s ] <<<<< ..
LDA, PBE and PBE-on-top / mu(r) PSI coallescence with frozen core interaction
Functional used = basis_set_on_top_PBE
mu_of_r_potential = psi_cas_ful
MR DFT energy with pure correlation part for the DFT
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: grid_type_sgn ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.006199 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.005540 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: nucl_num ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.004402 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.041679 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.008730 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.007199 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: nucl_charge ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.005180 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.127628 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.015577 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.024745 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: nucl_label ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.005180 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.127628 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.015887 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.025467 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.005180 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.252628 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.016192 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.026211 s ] <<<<< ..
Nuclear Coordinates (Angstroms)
================ ============ ============ ============ ============
Atom Charge X Y Z
================ ============ ============ ============ ============
N 7.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1000.000072
N 7.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1000.000072
================ ============ ============ ============ ============
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: thresh_grid ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.007378 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.254322 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.031278 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.071872 s ] <<<<< ..
n_points_final_grid = 44092
n max point = 44998
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: n_states ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.007378 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.254322 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.031616 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.076421 s ] <<<<< ..
providing the mu_of_r ...
* mo_num 46
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: mo_class ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.009392 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.256981 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.033638 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.081802 s ] <<<<< ..
* Number of active MOs 8
* Number of core MOs 2
* Number of inactive MOs 0
* mo_label Canonical
* Number of determinants 400
* Dimension of the psi arrays 100000
Read psi_coef 400 1
providing core_inact_act_two_bod_alpha_beta_mo ...
* N_int 1
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_num ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.010250 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.257874 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.035617 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.088608 s ] <<<<< ..
Read mo_coef
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: elec_beta_num ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.010250 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.257874 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.037877 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.097141 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: elec_alpha_num ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.010250 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.257874 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.038110 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.097643 s ] <<<<< ..
Read psi_det
* Number of unique alpha determinants 20
* Number of unique beta determinants 20
core_inact_act_two_bod_alpha_beta_mo provided in 8.8323440004387521E-003
Core MOs:
1 2
providing core_inact_act_two_bod_alpha_beta_mo_physicist ...
core_inact_act_two_bod_alpha_beta_mo_physicist provided in 1.4993999684520531E-005
providing the core_inact_act_on_top_of_r
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_prim_num ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.012318 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.315315 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.044121 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.119986 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_expo ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.012318 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.315315 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.044656 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.121388 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_coef ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.012318 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.315315 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.045176 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.122740 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_power ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.012318 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.315315 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.045528 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.123594 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_nucl ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.012318 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.315315 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 0.046367 s ] [ CPU TIME: 0.125622 s ] <<<<< ..
mo_num,n_points_final_grid 46 44092
* Number of virtual MOs 36
* Number of deleted MOs 0
Active MOs:
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Virtual MOs:
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Core, Inactive and Active MOs:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
provided the core_inact_act_on_top_of_r
Time to provide : 0.70333999699960259
MO map initialized: 584821
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: io_mo_two_e_integrals ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.200497 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.485504 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 1.286127 s ] [ CPU TIME: 3.479892 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: io_ao_two_e_integrals ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.200497 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.485504 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 1.289062 s ] [ CPU TIME: 3.489111 s ] <<<<< ..
AO map initialized : 813450
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ao_integrals_threshold ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.200497 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.485504 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 1.289537 s ] [ CPU TIME: 3.489272 s ] <<<<< ..
Providing the AO integrals
Sorting the map
AO integrals provided:
Size of AO map : 0.44347000122070312 MB
Number of AO integrals : 38257
cpu time : 1.0522440000000004 s
wall time : 0.40554916499968385 s ( x 2.5946151313141543 )
AO -> MO integrals transformation
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: mo_integrals_threshold ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.203278 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.697235 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 1.695592 s ] [ CPU TIME: 4.542076 s ] <<<<< ..
Buffers : 3.63958740 MB / core
Molecular integrals provided:
Size of MO map 9.6795730590820312 MB
Number of MO integrals: 469580
cpu time : 2.2609360000000001 s
wall time : 0.81856668300042656 s ( x 2.7620669726168439 )
Providing core_inact_act_V_kl_contracted_transposed .....
Time to provide core_inact_act_V_kl_contracted_transposed = 1.7736809010002617
Providing core_inact_act_rho2_kl_contracted_transposed .....
Time to provide core_inact_act_rho2_kl_contracted_transposed = 0.25144742500015127
Providing core_inact_act_f_psi_ab .....
Time to provide core_inact_act_f_psi_ab = 4.9547449998499360E-003
providing the cas_full_mu_of_r_psi_coal_vector ...
Time to provide cas_full_mu_of_r_psi_coal_vector = 2.6400199931231327E-004
Time to provide mu_of_r = 4.7140897310000582
Providing Energy_c_md_n_and_PBE_mu_of_r ...
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: density_for_dft ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.349529 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.868500 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 4.746935 s ] [ CPU TIME: 14.221149 s ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: normalize_dm ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.349529 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.868500 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 4.747532 s ] [ CPU TIME: 14.229911 s ] <<<<< ..
Time for the Energy_c_md_n_and_PBE_mu_of_r : 0.38293596199946478
Providing Energy_c_md_LDA_mu_of_r ...
Time for Energy_c_md_LDA_mu_of_r : 5.3972198999872489E-002
Providing Energy_c_md_LDA_mu_of_r ...
Time for Energy_c_md_n_and_LDA_mu_of_r : 5.2259051999499206E-002
Providing Energy_c_md_n_and_on_top_PBE_mu_of_r ...
Time for the Energy_c_md_n_and_on_top_PBE_mu_of_r : 0.12262305900003412
.. >>>>> [ IO READ: ontop_approx ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ RES MEM : 0.358109 GB ] [ VIRT MEM : 0.873108 GB ] <<<<< ..
.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: 5.576314 s ] [ CPU TIME: 15.102221 s ] <<<<< ..
Inactive MOs:
providing the core_inact_act_on_top_of_r_new
providint all_states_act_two_rdm_alpha_beta_mo
ispin = 3
provided the core_inact_act_on_top_of_r_new
Time to provide : 0.10430047200043191
Providing Energy_c_md_mu_of_r_PBE_on_top ...
Time for the Energy_c_md_on_top_PBE_mu_of_r: 0.96463285200024984
Providing Energy_c_md_PBE_mu_of_r ...
Time for the Energy_c_md_PBE_mu_of_r: 0.12067553599990788
Corrections using Multi determinant mu
Functionals with UEG ontop pair density at large mu
ECMD LDA regular spin dens = -0.0678669003007728
ECMD LDA effective spin dens = -0.0530814198896590
ECMD PBE regular spin dens = -0.0691133629633014
ECMD PBE effective spin dens = -0.0461481000697329
Functionals with extrapolated exact ontop based on current wave function
ECMD PBE/ontop regular spin dens = -0.0509457188492165
ECMD PBE/ontop effective spin dens = -0.0494784933936403
mu_average for basis set = 0.9116337460
Wall time: 0:00:08