working on the theory section

This commit is contained in:
eginer 2019-10-02 21:19:43 +02:00
parent 68ddb0431a
commit dc21d85b4c
3 changed files with 23 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -32,22 +32,29 @@
\citation{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18} \citation{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}
\citation{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18} \citation{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A}Basic formal equations}{2}{section*.5}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A}Basic formal equations}{2}{section*.5}}
\newlabel{sec:basic}{{II\tmspace +\thinmuskip {.1667em}A}{2}{}{section*.5}{}}
\newlabel{eq:levy}{{1}{2}{}{equation.2.1}{}} \newlabel{eq:levy}{{1}{2}{}{equation.2.1}{}}
\newlabel{eq:levy_func}{{2}{2}{}{equation.2.2}{}} \newlabel{eq:levy_func}{{2}{2}{}{equation.2.2}{}}
\newlabel{eq:e0approx}{{5}{2}{}{equation.2.5}{}} \newlabel{eq:e0approx}{{5}{2}{}{equation.2.5}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {B}Definition of an effective interaction within $\mathcal {B}$}{2}{section*.6}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {B}Definition of an effective interaction within $\mathcal {B}$}{2}{section*.6}}
\newlabel{sec:wee}{{II\tmspace +\thinmuskip {.1667em}B}{2}{}{section*.6}{}}
\newlabel{eq:wbasis}{{6}{2}{}{equation.2.6}{}} \newlabel{eq:wbasis}{{6}{2}{}{equation.2.6}{}}
\newlabel{eq:fbasis}{{8}{2}{}{equation.2.8}{}} \newlabel{eq:fbasis}{{8}{2}{}{equation.2.8}{}}
\newlabel{eq:cbs_wbasis}{{10}{2}{}{equation.2.10}{}} \newlabel{eq:cbs_wbasis}{{10}{2}{}{equation.2.10}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {C}Definition of an range-separation parameter varying in real space}{2}{section*.7}}
\citation{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18} \citation{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}
\bibdata{srDFT_SCNotes,srDFT_SC} \bibdata{srDFT_SCNotes,srDFT_SC}
\bibstyle{aipnum4-1} \bibstyle{aipnum4-1}
\citation{REVTEX41Control} \citation{REVTEX41Control}
\citation{aip41Control} \citation{aip41Control}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {C}Definition of an range-separation parameter varying in real space}{3}{section*.7}}
\newlabel{sec:mur}{{II\tmspace +\thinmuskip {.1667em}C}{3}{}{section*.7}{}}
\newlabel{eq:weelr}{{11}{3}{}{equation.2.11}{}} \newlabel{eq:weelr}{{11}{3}{}{equation.2.11}{}}
\newlabel{eq:cbs_mu}{{14}{3}{}{equation.2.14}{}} \newlabel{eq:cbs_mu}{{14}{3}{}{equation.2.14}{}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {III}Results}{3}{section*.8}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {D}Approximation for $\mathaccentV {bar}916{E}^\mathcal {B}[{n}({\bf r})]$ : link with RSDFT}{3}{section*.8}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {1}Generic form of the approximated functionals}{3}{section*.9}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {2}Introduction of the effective spin-density}{3}{section*.10}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {3}Requirement for $\Psi _{}^{\mathcal {B}}$ for size extensivity}{3}{section*.11}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {III}Results}{3}{section*.12}}
\newlabel{LastBibItem}{{0}{3}{}{figure.7}{}} \newlabel{LastBibItem}{{0}{3}{}{figure.7}{}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces N$_2$, aug-cc-pvdz: Comparison between the near FCI and corrected near FCI energies and the estimated exact one. }}{4}{figure.1}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces N$_2$, aug-cc-pvdz: Comparison between the near FCI and corrected near FCI energies and the estimated exact one. }}{4}{figure.1}}
\newlabel{fig:N2_avdz}{{1}{4}{N$_2$, aug-cc-pvdz: Comparison between the near FCI and corrected near FCI energies and the estimated exact one}{figure.1}{}} \newlabel{fig:N2_avdz}{{1}{4}{N$_2$, aug-cc-pvdz: Comparison between the near FCI and corrected near FCI energies and the estimated exact one}{figure.1}{}}

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@ -5,4 +5,8 @@
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.5}{Basic formal equations}{section*.4}% 5 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.5}{Basic formal equations}{section*.4}% 5
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.6}{Definition of an effective interaction within B}{section*.4}% 6 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.6}{Definition of an effective interaction within B}{section*.4}% 6
\BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.7}{Definition of an range-separation parameter varying in real space}{section*.4}% 7 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.7}{Definition of an range-separation parameter varying in real space}{section*.4}% 7
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.8}{Results}{section*.2}% 8 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{section*.8}{Approximation for B[n\(r\)] : link with RSDFT}{section*.4}% 8
\BOOKMARK [3][-]{section*.9}{Generic form of the approximated functionals}{section*.8}% 9
\BOOKMARK [3][-]{section*.10}{Introduction of the effective spin-density}{section*.8}% 10
\BOOKMARK [3][-]{section*.11}{Requirement for B for size extensivity}{section*.8}% 11
\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section*.12}{Results}{section*.2}% 12

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@ -276,8 +276,9 @@ When the molecular system
\section{Theory} \section{Theory}
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The theoretical framework of the basis set correction have been derived in details in \cite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}, so we recall briefly the main equations involved for the present study. The theoretical framework of the basis set correction have been derived in details in \cite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}, so we recall briefly the main equations involved for the present study.
First in section \ref{sec:basic} we recall the basic mathematical framework of the present theory by introducing the density functional complementary to a basis set $\Bas$. Then in section \ref{sec:wee} we introduce an effective non divergent interaction in a basis set $\Bas$, which leads us to the definition of an effective range separation parameter varying in space in section \ref{sec:mur}. Thanks to the range separation parameter, we make a mapping with a specific class of RSDFT functionals and propose practical approximations for the unknown density functional complementary to a basis set $\Bas$, for which new approximations for the strong correlation regime are given in section \ref{sec:functional}.
\subsection{Basic formal equations} \subsection{Basic formal equations}
The exact ground state energy $E_0$ of a $N-$electron system can be obtained by the Levy-Lieb constrained search formalism which is an elegant mathematical framework connecting WFT and DFT The exact ground state energy $E_0$ of a $N-$electron system can be obtained by the Levy-Lieb constrained search formalism which is an elegant mathematical framework connecting WFT and DFT
\begin{equation} \begin{equation}
\label{eq:levy} \label{eq:levy}
@ -314,6 +315,7 @@ where $\efci$ is the ground state FCI energy within $\Bas$. As it was originally
The whole purpose of this paper is to determine approximations for $\efuncbasisFCI$ which are suited for treating strong correlation regimes. The two requirement for such conditions are that i) it can be defined for multi-reference wave functions, ii) it must provide size extensive energies, iii) it is invariant of the $S_z$ component of a given spin multiplicity. The whole purpose of this paper is to determine approximations for $\efuncbasisFCI$ which are suited for treating strong correlation regimes. The two requirement for such conditions are that i) it can be defined for multi-reference wave functions, ii) it must provide size extensive energies, iii) it is invariant of the $S_z$ component of a given spin multiplicity.
\subsection{Definition of an effective interaction within $\Bas$} \subsection{Definition of an effective interaction within $\Bas$}
As it was originally shown by Kato\cite{kato}, the cusp in the exact wave function originates from the divergence of the coulomb interaction at the coalescence point. Therefore, the lack of cusp in any wave function $\wf{}{\Bas}$ could also originate from an effective non-divergent electron-electron interaction. In other words, the incompleteness of a finite basis set can be understood as the removal of the divergence at the electron coalescence point. As it was originally shown by Kato\cite{kato}, the cusp in the exact wave function originates from the divergence of the coulomb interaction at the coalescence point. Therefore, the lack of cusp in any wave function $\wf{}{\Bas}$ could also originate from an effective non-divergent electron-electron interaction. In other words, the incompleteness of a finite basis set can be understood as the removal of the divergence at the electron coalescence point.
As it was originally derived in \cite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18} (see section D and annexes), one can obtain an effective non divergent interaction, here referred as $\wbasis$, which reproduces the expectation value of the coulomb operator over a given wave function $\wf{}{\Bas}$. As we are interested in the behaviour at the coalescence point, we focus on the opposite spin part of the electron-electron interaction. As it was originally derived in \cite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18} (see section D and annexes), one can obtain an effective non divergent interaction, here referred as $\wbasis$, which reproduces the expectation value of the coulomb operator over a given wave function $\wf{}{\Bas}$. As we are interested in the behaviour at the coalescence point, we focus on the opposite spin part of the electron-electron interaction.
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ As it was shown in \cite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}, the effective interaction $
\end{equation} \end{equation}
The condition of equation \eqref{eq:cbs_wbasis} is fundamental as it guarantees the good behaviour of all the theory in the limit of a complete basis set. The condition of equation \eqref{eq:cbs_wbasis} is fundamental as it guarantees the good behaviour of all the theory in the limit of a complete basis set.
\subsection{Definition of an range-separation parameter varying in real space} \subsection{Definition of an range-separation parameter varying in real space}
As the effective interaction within a basis set $\wbasis$ is non divergent, one can fit such a function with a long-range interaction defined in the framework of RSDFT which depends on the range-separation parameter $\mu$ As the effective interaction within a basis set $\wbasis$ is non divergent, one can fit such a function with a long-range interaction defined in the framework of RSDFT which depends on the range-separation parameter $\mu$
\begin{equation} \begin{equation}
\label{eq:weelr} \label{eq:weelr}
@ -369,6 +372,11 @@ Because of the very definition of $\wbasis$, one has the following properties at
\lim_{\Bas \rightarrow \text{CBS}} \murpsi = \infty, \lim_{\Bas \rightarrow \text{CBS}} \murpsi = \infty,
\end{equation} \end{equation}
which is fundamental to guarantee the good behaviour of the theory at the CBS limit. which is fundamental to guarantee the good behaviour of the theory at the CBS limit.
\subsection{Approximation for $\efuncden{\denr}$ : link with RSDFT}
\subsubsection{Generic form of the approximated functionals}
\subsubsection{Introduction of the effective spin-density}
\subsubsection{Requirement for $\wf{}{\Bas}$ for size extensivity}
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\section{Results} \section{Results}
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