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and\ Hoffmann}}{{}}} -\bibcite{HolUmrSha-JCP-17}{{20}{2017}{{Holmes, Umrigar,\ and\ Sharma}}{{}}} -\bibcite{ShaHolJeaAlaUmr-JCTC-17}{{21}{2017}{{Sharma\ \emph {et~al.}}}{{Sharma, Holmes, Jeanmairet, Alavi,\ and\ Umrigar}}} -\bibcite{SchEva-JCTC-17}{{22}{2017}{{Schriber\ and\ Evangelista}}{{}}} -\bibcite{PerCle-JCP-17}{{23}{2017}{{Per\ and\ Cleland}}{{}}} -\bibcite{OhtJun-JCP-17}{{24}{2017}{{Ohtsuka\ and\ ya~Hasegawa}}{{}}} -\bibcite{Zim-JCP-17}{{25}{2017}{{Zimmerman}}{{}}} +\bibcite{Thom-PRL-10}{{1}{2010}{{Thom}}{{}}} +\bibcite{ScoTho-JCP-17}{{2}{2017}{{Scott\ and\ Thom}}{{}}} +\bibcite{SpeNeuVigFraTho-JCP-18}{{3}{2018}{{Spencer\ \emph {et~al.}}}{{Spencer, Neufeld, Vigor, Franklin,\ and\ Thom}}} +\bibcite{DeuEmiShePie-PRL-17}{{4}{2017}{{Deustua, Shen,\ and\ Piecuch}}{{}}} +\bibcite{DeuEmiMagShePie-JCP-18}{{5}{2018}{{Deustua\ \emph {et~al.}}}{{Deustua, Magoulas, Shen,\ and\ Piecuch}}} +\bibcite{DeuEmiYumShePie-JCP-19}{{6}{2019}{{Deustua\ \emph {et~al.}}}{{Deustua, Yuwono, Shen,\ and\ 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Reallocated wiz_functions (elt_size=4) to 6000 items from 3000. Database file #1: srDFT_SCNotes.bib Database file #2: srDFT_SC.bib -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "alex_thom" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "piotr" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "scuseria" Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "G2" Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "excited" Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "kato" @@ -30,45 +27,45 @@ Control: page (0) single Control: year (1) truncated Control: production of eprint (0) enabled Warning--missing journal in CafAplGinScem-arxiv-16 -You've used 36 entries, +You've used 45 entries, 5918 wiz_defined-function locations, - 1905 strings with 23259 characters, -and the built_in function-call counts, 36089 in all, are: -= -- 2279 -> -- 1181 -< -- 234 -+ -- 369 -- -- 308 -* -- 5546 -:= -- 3713 -add.period$ -- 34 -call.type$ -- 36 -change.case$ -- 136 -chr.to.int$ -- 34 -cite$ -- 37 -duplicate$ -- 3228 -empty$ -- 2521 -format.name$ -- 609 -if$ -- 7111 + 1974 strings with 25513 characters, +and the built_in function-call counts, 46060 in all, are: += -- 2926 +> -- 1495 +< -- 291 ++ -- 466 +- -- 387 +* -- 7130 +:= -- 4728 +add.period$ -- 43 +call.type$ -- 45 +change.case$ -- 172 +chr.to.int$ -- 43 +cite$ -- 46 +duplicate$ -- 4107 +empty$ -- 3239 +format.name$ -- 772 +if$ -- 9095 int.to.chr$ -- 3 -int.to.str$ -- 43 -missing$ -- 438 -newline$ -- 154 -num.names$ -- 102 -pop$ -- 1394 +int.to.str$ -- 52 +missing$ -- 549 +newline$ -- 181 +num.names$ -- 129 +pop$ -- 1744 preamble$ -- 1 -purify$ -- 170 +purify$ -- 215 quote$ -- 0 -skip$ -- 1279 +skip$ -- 1638 stack$ -- 0 -substring$ -- 908 -swap$ -- 3145 -text.length$ -- 110 +substring$ -- 1196 +swap$ -- 4017 +text.length$ -- 140 text.prefix$ -- 0 top$ -- 10 -type$ -- 496 +type$ -- 625 warning$ -- 2 -while$ -- 135 +while$ -- 171 width$ -- 0 -write$ -- 323 -(There were 8 warnings) +write$ -- 402 +(There were 5 warnings) diff --git a/Manuscript/srDFT_SC.tex b/Manuscript/srDFT_SC.tex index ad04e98..e37bfd5 100644 --- a/Manuscript/srDFT_SC.tex +++ b/Manuscript/srDFT_SC.tex @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ preferably treated in a coupled-cluster (CC) fashion for the sake of compactness The advantage of these approaches rely on the rather straightforward way to improve the level of accuracy, which consists in increasing the rank of the excitation operators used to generate the CC wave function. Despite its appealing elegant simplicity, the computational cost of the CC methods increase drastically with the rank of the excitation -operators, even if promising alternative approaches have been proposed using stochastic techniques\cite{alex_thom,piotr} or symmetry-broken approaches\cite{scuseria}. +operators, even if promising alternative approaches have been proposed using stochastic techniques\cite{Thom-PRL-10,ScoTho-JCP-17,SpeNeuVigFraTho-JCP-18,DeuEmiShePie-PRL-17,DeuEmiMagShePie-JCP-18,DeuEmiYumShePie-JCP-19} or symmetry-broken approaches\cite{QiuHenZhaScu-JCP-17,QiuHenZhaScu-JCP-18,GomHenScu-JCP-19}. In the MR approaches, the zeroth order wave function consists in a linear combination of Slater determinants which are supposed to concentrate most of strong interactions and near degeneracies inherent in the structure of the Hamiltonian for a strongly correlated system. The usual approach to build such a zeroth-order wave function is to perform a complete active space self consistent field (CASSCF) whose variational property prevent any divergence, and which can provide extensive energies. Of course, the choice of the active space is rather a subtle art and the CASSCF results might strongly depend on the level of chemical/physical knowledge of the user. On top of this zeroth-order wave function, weak correlation is introduced by the addition of other configurations through either configuration interaction (MRCI) or perturbation theory (MRPT) and even coupled cluster (MRCC), which have their strengths and weaknesses, The advantage of MRCI approaches rely essentially in their simple linear parametrisation for the wave function together with the variational property of their energies, whose inherent drawback is the lack of size extensivity of their energies unless reaching the FCI limit. On the other hand, MRPT and MRCC can provide extensive energies but to the price of rather complicated formalisms, and these approaches might be subject to divergences and/or convergence problems due to the non linearity of the parametrisation for MRCC or a too poor choice of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian.