Following Ref.~\onlinecite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}, we start by defining, for a $N$-electron system with nuclei-electron potential $v_\text{ne}(\b{r})$, the approximate ground-state energy for one-electron densities $n$ which are ``representable'' in a finite basis set ${\cal B}$
where ${\cal D}^{\cal B}$ is the set of $N$-representable densities which can be extracted from a wave function $\Psi^{\cal B}$ expandable in the Hilbert space generated by ${\cal B}$. In this expression, $F[n]=\min_{\Psi\to n}\bra{\Psi}\hat{T}+\hat{W}_\text{ee}\ket{\Psi}$ is the exact Levy-Lieb universal density functional, where $\hat{T}$ and $\hat{W}_\text{ee}$ are the kinetic and electron-electron interaction operators, which is then decomposed as
and $\bar{E}^{\cal B}[n]$ is the complementary basis-correction density functional. In the present work, instead of using wave-function methods for calculating $F^{\cal B}[n]$, we reexpress it with a contrained search over $N$-representable one-electron Green functions $G^{\cal B}(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)$ representable in the basis set ${\cal B}$
where $\Omega^{\cal B}[G]$ is chosen to be a Klein-like energy functional of the Green function (see, e.g., Refs.~\onlinecite{SteLee-BOOK-13,MarReiCep-BOOK-16,DahLee-JCP-05,DahLeeBar-IJQC-05,DahLeeBar-PRA-06})
where $(G_\text{s}^{\cal B})^{-1}$ is the projection into ${\cal B}$ of the inverse free-particle Green function $(G_\text{s})^{-1}(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)=(\omega+(1/2)\nabla_\b{r}^2)\delta(\b{r}-\b{r}')$ and we have used the notation $\Tr[A B]=1/(2\pi i)\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\!\d\omega\, e^{i \omega0^+}\!\iint\!\d\b{r}\d\b{r}' A(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega) B(\b{r}',\b{r},\omega)$. In Eq.~(\ref{OmegaB}), $\Phi_\text{Hxc}^{\cal B}[G]$ is a Hartree-exchange-correlation (Hxc) functional of the Green functional such as its functional derivatives yields the Hxc self-energy in the basis: $\delta\Phi_\text{Hxc}^{\cal B}[G]/\delta G(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)=\Sigma_\text{Hxc}^{\cal B}[G](\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)$. Inserting Eqs.~(\ref{Fn}) and~(\ref{FBn}) into Eq.~(\ref{E0B}), we finally arrive at
where the minimization is over $N$-representable one-electron Green functions $G^{\cal B}(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)$ representable in the basis set ${\cal B}$.
where $(G_\text{0}^{\cal B})^{-1}$ is the basis projection of the inverse non-interacting Green function with potential $v_\text{ne}(\b{r})$,
$(G_\text{0})^{-1}(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)=(\omega+(1/2)\nabla_\b{r}^2+ v_\text{ne}(\b{r})+\lambda)\delta(\b{r}-\b{r}')$ with the chemical potential $\lambda$, and $\bar{\Sigma}^{\cal B}$ is a frequency-independent local self-energy coming from functional derivative of the complementary basis-correction density functional
with $\bar{v}^{\cal B}[n](\b{r})=\delta\bar{E}^{\cal B}[n]/\delta n(\b{r})$. The solution of the Dyson equation~(\ref{Dyson}) gives the Green function $G^{\cal B}(\b{r},\b{r}',\omega)$ which is not exact but should converge more rapidly with the basis set thanks to the presence of the basis-set correction $\bar{\Sigma}^{\cal B}$. Of course, in the complete-basis-set (CBS) limit, the basis-set correction vanishes, $\bar{\Sigma}^{{\cal B}\to\text{CBS}}=0$, and the Green function becomes exact, $G^{{\cal B}\to\text{CBS}}=G$.
Here, we provide self-contained summary of the main equations and quantities behind {\GOWO} and {\evGW}.
More details can be found, for example, in Refs.~\citenum{vanSetten_2013, Kaplan_2016, Bruneval_2016}.
For a given (occupied or virtual) orbital $p$, the correlation part of the self-energy is conveniently split in its hole (h) and particle (p) contributions
are obtained via the contraction of the bare two-electron integrals \cite{Gill_1994}$(pq|rs)$ and the transition densities $(\bX+\bY)_{ia}^{x}$ originating from a random phase approximation (RPA) calculation \cite{Casida_1995, Dreuw_2005}
Because of sum rules, \cite{Martin_1959, Baym_1961, Baym_1962, vonBarth_1996} the other solutions, known as satellites, share the remaining weight.
In a well-behaved case (belonging to the weakly correlated regime), the QP weight is much larger than the sum of the satellite weights, and of the order of $0.7$-$0.9$.
Within the linearized version of {\GOWO}, one assumes that
Unless otherwise stated, in the remaining of this paper, the {\GOWO} QP energies are determined via the linearized method.
In the case of {\evGW}, the QP energy, $\eGW{p}$, are obtained via Eq.~\eqref{eq:QP-G0W0}, which has to be solved self-consistently due to the QP energy dependence of the self-energy [see Eq.~\eqref{eq:SigC}]. \cite{Hybertsen_1986, Shishkin_2007, Blase_2011, Faber_2011}
At least in the weakly correlated regime where a clear QP solution exists, we believe that, within {\evGW}, the self-consistent algorithm should select the solution of the QP equation \eqref{eq:QP-G0W0} with the largest renormalization weight $\Z{p}(\eGW{p})$.
This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-TGCC (Grant No.~2018-A0040801738), CALMIP (Toulouse) under allocation 2019-18005 and the Jarvis-Alpha cluster from the \textit{Institut Parisien de Chimie Physique et Th\'eorique}.