#!/bin/bash # jobname: #SBATCH -J D # initial working directory: #SBATCH -D ./ # standard output and error: #SBATCH -o ./test.out.%j #SBATCH -e ./test.err.%j # queue or partition: #SBATCH --partition=p.48h # Number of nodes and cores: #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=40 # mail: #SBATCH --mail-type=end,fail #SBATCH --mail-user=e.giner@fkf.mpg.de # wall clock limit: #SBATCH --time=47:58:00 # run the program: module purge source ~/.bashrc . ~/qp2/quantum_package.rc #export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=40 # 40 coeurs export OMP_PROC_BIND=false ############################################################################ for i in *ezfio do ezfio=$i qp_run scf $ezfio | tee ${ezfio}.scf_1.out qp_set_frozen_core ${ezfio} qp_run cis $ezfio | tee ${ezfio}.cis.out qp_run save_natorb $ezfio | tee ${ezfio}.natorb.out qp_run scf $ezfio | tee ${ezfio}.scf_2.out qp_run all_mu_of_r_corrections ${ezfio} | tee ${ezfio}.DFT.out done