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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@ -145,14 +145,16 @@
We report a universal density-based basis-set incompleteness correction that can be applied to any wave function method.
We report a universal density-based basis-set incompleteness correction that can be applied to any wave function method.
The present correction, which appropriately vanishes in the complete basis set (CBS) limit, relies on short-range correlation density functionals (with multi-determinant reference) from range-separated density-functional theory (RS-DFT) to estimate the basis-set incompleteness error.
The present correction, which appropriately vanishes in the complete basis set (CBS) limit, relies on short-range correlation density functionals (with multi-determinant reference) from range-separated density-functional theory (RS-DFT) to estimate the basis-set incompleteness error.
Contrary to conventional RS-DFT schemes which require an \textit{ad hoc} range-separation \textit{parameter} $\mu$, the key ingredient here is a range-separation \textit{function} $\mu(\bf{r})$ that automatically adapts to the spatial non-homogeneity of the basis-set incompleteness error.
Contrary to conventional RS-DFT schemes which require an \textit{ad hoc} range-separation \textit{parameter} $\mu$, the key ingredient here is a range-separation \textit{function} $\mu(\bf{r})$ that automatically adapts to the spatial non-homogeneity of the basis-set incompleteness error.
As illustrative examples, we show how this density-based correction allows us to obtain CCSD(T) atomization and correlation energies near the CBS limit for the G2 set of molecules with compact Gaussian basis sets.
As illustrative examples, we show how this density-based correction allows us to obtain CCSD(T) atomization and correlation energies near the CBS limit for the G2 set of molecules with compact Gaussian basis sets.
\bf TOC Graphic
@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ This implies that
where \titou{$\E{\CCSDT}{}$ is the $\CCSDT$ energy} in the CBS limit.
where \titou{$\E{\CCSDT}{}$ is the $\CCSDT$ energy} in the CBS limit.
\titou{Of course, the above holds true for any method that provides a good approximation to the energy and density, not just CCSD(T) and HF.}
\titou{Of course, the above holds true for any method that provides a good approximation to the energy and density, not just CCSD(T) and HF.}
%In the case where $\modY = \FCI$ in Eq.~\eqref{eq:limitfunc}, we have a strict equality as $\E{\FCI}{} = \E{}{}$.
%In the case where $\modY = \FCI$ in Eq.~\eqref{eq:limitfunc}, we have a strict equality as $\E{\FCI}{} = \E{}{}$.
In the case where \titou{$\CCSDT$ and $\HF$ are replaced by $\FCI$} in Eq.~\eqref{eq:limitfunc}, we have a strict equality as $\E{\FCI}{} = \E{}{}$.
In the case where \titou{$\CCSDT$ is replaced by $\FCI$} in Eq.~\eqref{eq:limitfunc}, we have a strict equality as $\E{\FCI}{} = \E{}{}$.
%Provided that the functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is known exactly, the only sources of error at this stage lie in the potential approximate nature of the methods $\modY$ and $\modZ$, and the lack of self-consistency in the present scheme.
%Provided that the functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is known exactly, the only sources of error at this stage lie in the potential approximate nature of the methods $\modY$ and $\modZ$, and the lack of self-consistency in the present scheme.
Provided that the functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is known exactly, the only sources of error at this stage lie in the potential approximate nature of the \titou{$\CCSDT$ and $\HF$ methods}, and the lack of self-consistency in the present scheme.
Provided that the functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is known exactly, the only sources of error at this stage lie in the potential approximate nature of the \titou{$\CCSDT$ and $\HF$ methods}, and the lack of self-consistency in the present scheme.
@ -415,54 +417,12 @@ iii) vanishes in the CBS limit, hence guaranteeing an unaltered CBS limit for a
\manu{Les graphs 1a et ab sont les identiques !!}
Deviation (in \kcal) from CBS atomization energies of \ce{C2} (top left), \ce{O2} (top right), \ce{N2} (bottom left) and \ce{F2} (bottom right) obtained with various methods and basis sets.
Deviation (in \kcal) from CBS atomization energies of \ce{C2} (top left), \ce{O2} (top right), \ce{N2} (bottom left) and \ce{F2} (bottom right) obtained with various methods and basis sets.
The green region corresponds to chemical accuracy (i.e.~error below 1 {\kcal}).
The green region corresponds to chemical accuracy (i.e.~error below 1 {\kcal}).
See {\SI} for raw data \titou{and the corresponding LDA results}.
See {\SI} for raw data \titou{and the corresponding LDA results}.
%%% TABLE II %%%
Statistical analysis (in \kcal) of the G2 atomization energies depicted in Fig.~\ref{fig:G2_Ec}.
Mean absolute deviation (MAD), root-mean-square deviation (RMSD), and maximum deviation (MAX) with respect to the CCSD(T)/CBS reference atomization energies.
CA corresponds to the number of cases (out of 55) obtained with chemical accuracy.
See {\SI} for raw data \titou{and the corresponding LDA results}.
Method & \tabc{MAD} & \tabc{RMSD} & \tabc{MAX} & \tabc{CA} \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pVDZ & 14.29 & 16.21 & 36.95 & 2 \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ & 6.06 & 6.84 & 14.25 & 2 \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ & 2.50 & 2.86 & 6.75 & 9 \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pV5Z & 1.28 & 1.46 & 3.46 & 21 \\
% \\
% CCSD(T)+LDA/cc-pVDZ & 3.24 & 3.67 & 8.13 & 7 \\
% CCSD(T)+LDA/cc-pVTZ & 1.19 & 1.49 & 4.67 & 27 \\
% CCSD(T)+LDA/cc-pVQZ & 0.33 & 0.44 & 1.32 & 53 \\
CCSD(T)+PBE/cc-pVDZ & 1.96 & 2.59 & 7.33 & 19 \\
CCSD(T)+PBE/cc-pVTZ & 0.85 & 1.11 & 2.64 & 36 \\
CCSD(T)+PBE/cc-pVQZ & 0.31 & 0.42 & 1.16 & 53 \\
%%% FIGURE 2 %%%
% \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{fig2c}
Deviation (in \kcal) from the CCSD(T)/CBS atomization energy obtained with \titou{various basis sets for CCSD(T) (top) and CCSD(T)+PBE (bottom).}
% Deviation (in \kcal) from the CCSD(T)/CBS atomization energy obtained with various methods with the cc-pVDZ (top), cc-pVTZ (center) and cc-pVQZ (bottom) basis sets.
The green region corresponds to chemical accuracy (i.e.~error below 1 {\kcal}).
\titou{Note the difference in scaling of the vertical axes.}
See {\SI} for raw data \titou{and the corresponding LDA results}.
We begin our investigation of the performance of the basis-set correction by computing the atomization energies of \ce{C2}, \ce{N2}, \ce{O2} and \ce{F2} obtained with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis (X $=$ D, T, Q and 5).
We begin our investigation of the performance of the basis-set correction by computing the atomization energies of \ce{C2}, \ce{N2}, \ce{O2} and \ce{F2} obtained with Dunning's cc-pVXZ basis (X $=$ D, T, Q and 5).
\ce{N2}, \ce{O2} and \ce{F2} are weakly correlated systems and belong to the G2 set \cite{CurRagTruPop-JCP-91} (see below), whereas \ce{C2} already contains a non-negligible amount of strong correlation. \cite{BooCleThoAla-JCP-11}
\ce{N2}, \ce{O2} and \ce{F2} are weakly correlated systems and belong to the G2 set \cite{CurRagTruPop-JCP-91} (see below), whereas \ce{C2} already contains a non-negligible amount of strong correlation. \cite{BooCleThoAla-JCP-11}
@ -499,6 +459,59 @@ In most cases, the basis-set corrected triple-$\zeta$ atomization energies are o
%However, from the quadruple-$\zeta$ basis, the LDA and PBE functionals agree within a few tenths of a {\kcal}.
%However, from the quadruple-$\zeta$ basis, the LDA and PBE functionals agree within a few tenths of a {\kcal}.
%Such weak sensitivity to the density-functional approximation when reaching large basis sets shows the robustness of the approach.
%Such weak sensitivity to the density-functional approximation when reaching large basis sets shows the robustness of the approach.
%%% FIGURE 2 %%%
$\rsmu{}{}(z)$ along the molecular axis ($z$) for \ce{N2} in various basis sets.
The two nitrogen atoms are located at $z=0$ and $z=2.076$ bohr.
Figure \ref{fig:N2} shows $\rsmu{}{}(z)$ along the molecular axis ($z$) for \ce{N2} in various basis sets.
%%% TABLE II %%%
Statistical analysis (in \kcal) of the G2 atomization energies depicted in Fig.~\ref{fig:G2_Ec}.
Mean absolute deviation (MAD), root-mean-square deviation (RMSD), and maximum deviation (MAX) with respect to the CCSD(T)/CBS reference atomization energies.
CA corresponds to the number of cases (out of 55) obtained with chemical accuracy.
See {\SI} for raw data \titou{and the corresponding LDA results}.
Method & \tabc{MAD} & \tabc{RMSD} & \tabc{MAX} & \tabc{CA} \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pVDZ & 14.29 & 16.21 & 36.95 & 2 \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ & 6.06 & 6.84 & 14.25 & 2 \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ & 2.50 & 2.86 & 6.75 & 9 \\
CCSD(T)/cc-pV5Z & 1.28 & 1.46 & 3.46 & 21 \\
% \\
% CCSD(T)+LDA/cc-pVDZ & 3.24 & 3.67 & 8.13 & 7 \\
% CCSD(T)+LDA/cc-pVTZ & 1.19 & 1.49 & 4.67 & 27 \\
% CCSD(T)+LDA/cc-pVQZ & 0.33 & 0.44 & 1.32 & 53 \\
CCSD(T)+PBE/cc-pVDZ & 1.96 & 2.59 & 7.33 & 19 \\
CCSD(T)+PBE/cc-pVTZ & 0.85 & 1.11 & 2.64 & 36 \\
CCSD(T)+PBE/cc-pVQZ & 0.31 & 0.42 & 1.16 & 53 \\
%%% FIGURE 2 %%%
% \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{fig2c}
Deviation (in \kcal) from the CCSD(T)/CBS atomization energy obtained with \titou{various basis sets for CCSD(T) (top) and CCSD(T)+PBE (bottom).}
% Deviation (in \kcal) from the CCSD(T)/CBS atomization energy obtained with various methods with the cc-pVDZ (top), cc-pVTZ (center) and cc-pVQZ (bottom) basis sets.
The green region corresponds to chemical accuracy (i.e.~error below 1 {\kcal}).
\titou{Note the difference in scaling of the vertical axes.}
See {\SI} for raw data \titou{and the corresponding LDA results}.
%As a second set of numerical examples, we compute the error (with respect to the CBS values) of the atomization energies from the G2 test set with $\modY=\CCSDT$, $\modZ=\ROHF$ and the cc-pVXZ basis sets.
%As a second set of numerical examples, we compute the error (with respect to the CBS values) of the atomization energies from the G2 test set with $\modY=\CCSDT$, $\modZ=\ROHF$ and the cc-pVXZ basis sets.
As a second set of numerical examples, we compute the error (with respect to the CBS values) of the atomization energies from the G2 test set \titou{with $\CCSDT$} and the cc-pVXZ basis sets.
As a second set of numerical examples, we compute the error (with respect to the CBS values) of the atomization energies from the G2 test set \titou{with $\CCSDT$} and the cc-pVXZ basis sets.
Here, all atomization energies have been computed with the same near-CBS HF/cc-pV5Z energies; only the correlation energy contribution varies from one method to the other.
Here, all atomization energies have been computed with the same near-CBS HF/cc-pV5Z energies; only the correlation energy contribution varies from one method to the other.
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