From 408f25b5289a8443857923de123028ee07b5f446 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre-Francois Loos Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2019 22:13:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] one last thing --- Manuscript/G2-srDFT.tex | 109 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) diff --git a/Manuscript/G2-srDFT.tex b/Manuscript/G2-srDFT.tex index e8fd8ad..06b83f7 100644 --- a/Manuscript/G2-srDFT.tex +++ b/Manuscript/G2-srDFT.tex @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ \newcommand{\X}{\text{X}} \newcommand{\UEG}{\text{UEG}} \newcommand{\HF}{\text{HF}} +\newcommand{\ROHF}{\text{ROHF}} \newcommand{\LDA}{\text{LDA}} \newcommand{\PBE}{\text{PBE}} \newcommand{\FCI}{\text{FCI}} @@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ As illustrative examples, we show how this density-based correction allows us to \maketitle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -\section{Introduction} +%\section{Introduction} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Contemporary quantum chemistry has developed in two directions --- wave function theory (WFT) \cite{Pop-RMP-99} and density-functional theory (DFT). \cite{Koh-RMP-99} Although both spring from the same Schr\"odinger equation, each of these philosophies has its own \textit{pros} and \textit{cons}. @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ One of the most fundamental drawbacks of conventional WFT methods is the slow co This undesirable feature was put into light by Kutzelnigg more than thirty years ago. \cite{Kut-TCA-85} To palliate this, following Hylleraas' footsteps, \cite{Hyl-ZP-29} Kutzelnigg proposed to introduce explicitly the interelectronic distance $r_{12} = \abs{\br{1} - \br{2}}$ to properly describe the electronic wave function around the coalescence of two electrons. \cite{Kut-TCA-85, KutKlo-JCP-91, NogKut-JCP-94} The resulting F12 methods yields a prominent improvement of the energy convergence, and achieve chemical accuracy for small organic molecules with relatively small Gaussian basis sets. \cite{Ten-TCA-12, TenNog-WIREs-12, HatKloKohTew-CR-12, KonBisVal-CR-12} -For example, at the CCSD(T) level, it is advertised that one can obtain quintuple-$\zeta$ quality correlation energies with a triple-$\zeta$ basis, \cite{TewKloNeiHat-PCCP-07} although computational overheads are introduced by the large auxiliary basis used to resolve three- and four-electron integrals. \cite{BarLoo-JCP-17} +For example, at the CCSD(T) level, one can obtain quintuple-$\zeta$ quality correlation energies with a triple-$\zeta$ basis, \cite{TewKloNeiHat-PCCP-07} although computational overheads are introduced by the large auxiliary basis used to resolve three- and four-electron integrals. \cite{BarLoo-JCP-17} To reduce further the computational cost and/or ease the transferability of the F12 correction, approximated and/or universal schemes have recently emerged. \cite{TorVal-JCP-09, KonVal-JCP-10, KonVal-JCP-11, BooCleAlaTew-JCP-2012, IrmHumGru-arXiv-2019, IrmGru-arXiv-2019} Present-day DFT calculations are almost exclusively done within the so-called Kohn-Sham (KS) formalism, which corresponds to an exact dressed one-electron theory. \cite{KohSha-PR-65} @@ -168,13 +169,13 @@ In the context of the present work, one of the interesting feature of density-ba Progress toward unifying WFT and DFT are on-going. In particular, range-separated DFT (RS-DFT) (see Ref.~\onlinecite{TouColSav-PRA-04} and references therein) rigorously combines these two approaches via a decomposition of the electron-electron (e-e) interaction into a smooth long-range part and a (complementary) short-range part treated with WFT and DFT, respectively. As the WFT method is relieved from describing the short-range part of the correlation hole around the e-e coalescence points, the convergence with respect to the one-electron basis set is greatly improved. \cite{FraMusLupTou-JCP-15} -Therefore, a number of approximate RS-DFT schemes have been developed using either single-reference \cite{AngGerSavTou-PRA-05, GolWerSto-PCCP-05, TouGerJanSavAng-PRL-09,JanHenScu-JCP-09} or multi-reference \cite{LeiStoWerSav-CPL-97, FroTouJen-JCP-07, FroCimJen-PRA-10, HedKneKieJenRei-JCP-15, FerGinTou-JCP-18} WFT approaches. +Therefore, a number of approximate RS-DFT schemes have been developed within single-reference \cite{AngGerSavTou-PRA-05, GolWerSto-PCCP-05, TouGerJanSavAng-PRL-09,JanHenScu-JCP-09} or multi-reference \cite{LeiStoWerSav-CPL-97, FroTouJen-JCP-07, FroCimJen-PRA-10, HedKneKieJenRei-JCP-15, FerGinTou-JCP-18} WFT approaches. Very recently, a major step forward has been taken by some of the present authors thanks to the development of a density-based basis set correction for WFT methods. \cite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18} -The present work proposes an extension of these new methodological development together with the first numerical tests on molecular systems. +The present work proposes an extension of this new methodological development together alongside the first numerical tests on molecular systems. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -\section{Theory} +%\section{Theory} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The present basis set correction relies on the RS-DFT formalism to capture the missing part of the short-range correlation effects, a consequence of the incompleteness of the one-electron basis set. Here, we only provide the main working equations. @@ -199,24 +200,24 @@ is the basis-dependent complementary density functional, $\hT$ is the kinetic op In Eq.~\eqref{eq:E_funcbasis}, $\wf{}{\Bas}$ and $\wf{}{}$ are two general $\Ne$-electron wave functions belonging to the Hilbert space spanned by $\Bas$ and the complete basis, respectively. Both wave functions yield the same target density $\n{}{}$. -Importantly, in the limit of a complete basis set (which we refer to as $\Bas \to \infty$), we have, for any density $\n{}{}$, $\lim_{\Bas \to \infty} \bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}] = 0$, which implies that +Importantly, in the limit of a complete basis set (which we refer to as $\Bas \to \infty$), we have, for any density $\n{}{}$, $\lim_{\Bas \to \infty} \bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}] = 0$. +This implies that \begin{equation} \label{eq:limitfunc} \lim_{\Bas \to \infty} \qty( \E{\modY}{\Bas} + \bE{}{\Bas}[\n{\modZ}{\Bas}] ) = \E{\modY}{} \approx E, \end{equation} where $\E{\modY}{}$ is the energy associated with the method $\modY$ in the complete basis set. In the case where $\modY = \FCI$ in Eq.~\eqref{eq:limitfunc}, we have a strict equality as $\E{\FCI}{} = \E{}{}$. -Provided that the functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is known exactly, the only source of error at this stage lies in the potential approximate nature of the methods $\modY$ and $\modZ$.% for the FCI energy and density within $\Bas$, respectively. +Provided that the functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is known exactly, the only source of error at this stage lies in the potential approximate nature of the methods $\modY$ and $\modZ$. The functional $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ is obviously \textit{not} universal as it depends on $\Bas$. Moreover, as $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ aims at fixing the incompleteness of $\Bas$, its main role is to correct for the lack of cusp in $\wf{}{\Bas}$ (i.e.~a discontinuous derivative) at the e-e coalescence points, a universal condition of exact wave functions. -Because the e-e cusp originates from the divergence of the Coulomb operator at $r_{12} = 0$, a cuspless wave function could equivalently originate from a Hamiltonian with a non-divergent two-electron interaction at $r_{12} = 0$. -Therefore, as we shall do later on, it feels natural to approximate $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ with short-range density functionals which deal with a smooth long-range electron interaction. -Contrary to the conventional RS-DFT scheme which requires a range-separated \textit{parameter} $\rsmu{}{}$, here we use a range-separated \textit{function} $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{})$ which automatically adapts to quantify the incompleteness of $\Bas$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. +Because the e-e cusp originates from the divergence of the Coulomb operator at $r_{12} = 0$, a cuspless wave function could equivalently originate from a Hamiltonian with a non-divergent two-electron interaction at coalescence. +Therefore, as we shall do later on, it feels natural to approximate $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$ with short-range density functionals where one deals with smooth long-range interactions. +Contrary to the conventional RS-DFT scheme which requires a range-separation \textit{parameter} $\rsmu{}{}$, here we use a range-separation \textit{function} $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{})$ that automatically adapts to quantify the incompleteness of $\Bas$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. -The first step of the present basis set correction consists of obtaining an effective two-electron interaction $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ ``mimicking'' the Coulomb operator in a incomplete basis $\Bas$. -%The present definition ensures that $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ is finite at the e-e coalescence point as long as an incomplete basis set is used, and tends to the genuine, unbounded $r_{12}^{-1}$ Coulomb interaction as $\Bas \to \infty$. +The first step of the present basis set correction consists of obtaining an effective two-electron interaction $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ ``mimicking'' the Coulomb operator in an incomplete basis $\Bas$. In a second step, we shall link $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ to $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{})$. In the final step, we employ short-range density functionals \cite{TouGorSav-TCA-05} with $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{})$ as range separation. @@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ Because Eq.~\eqref{eq:int_eq_wee} can be rewritten as \iint r_{12}^{-1} \n{2}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) \dbr{1} \dbr{2} = \iint \W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) \n{2}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) \dbr{1} \dbr{2}, \end{equation} it intuitively motivates $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ as a potential candidate for an effective interaction. -Note that the divergence condition of $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ in Eq.~\eqref{eq:def_weebasis} ensures that one-electron systems are free of correction as the present approach must only correct the basis set incompleteness error originates from the e-e cusp. +Note that the divergence condition of $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ in Eq.~\eqref{eq:def_weebasis} ensures that one-electron systems are free of correction as the present approach must only correct the basis set incompleteness error originating from the e-e cusp. As already discussed in Ref.~\onlinecite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}, $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$ is symmetric, \textit{a priori} non translational, nor rotational invariant if $\Bas$ does not have such symmetries. A key quantity is the value of the effective interaction at coalescence of opposite-spin electrons @@ -266,14 +267,12 @@ A key quantity is the value of the effective interaction at coalescence of oppos \W{\Bas}{}(\br{}) = \W{\Bas}{}(\br{},{\br{}}), \end{equation} which is necessarily \textit{finite} for an incomplete basis set as long as the on-top pair density $\n{2}{}(\br{})$ is non vanishing. -%Of course, there exists \textit{a priori} an infinite set of functions in $\mathbb{R}^6$ satisfying \eqref{eq:int_eq_wee}, but Thanks to its definition one can show that (see Appendix B of Ref.~\onlinecite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}) \begin{equation} \label{eq:lim_W} \lim_{\Bas \to \infty}\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) = r_{12}^{-1}\ \end{equation} for any $(\br{1},\br{2})$ such that $\n{2}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) \ne 0$.% and for any $\wf{}{\Bas}$, which guarantees a physically satisfying limit. -%An important point here is that, with the present definition of $\W{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2})$, one can quantify the effect of the incompleteness of $\Bas$ on the Coulomb operator itself as a removal of the divergence of the two-electron interaction near the electron coalescence. %================================================================= %\subsection{Range-separation function} @@ -290,13 +289,11 @@ such that the long-range interaction \w{}{\lr,\rsmu{\Bas}{}}(\br{1},\br{2}) = \frac{1}{2} \qty{ \frac{\erf[ \rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{1}) r_{12}]}{r_{12}} + \frac{\erf[ \rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{2}) r_{12}]}{ r_{12}} } \end{equation} coincides with the effective interaction at coalescence, i.e.~$\w{}{\lr,\rsmu{\Bas}{}}(\br{},\br{}) = \W{\Bas}{}(\br{})$. -%\PFL{This expression looks like a cheap spherical average. -%What about $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{1},\br{2}) = \sqrt{\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{1}) \rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{2})}$ and a proper spherical average to get $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(r_{12})$?} %================================================================= %\subsection{Short-range correlation functionals} %================================================================= -Once defined a range separation function $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{})$, we can use RS-DFT functionals to approximate $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$. +Once $\rsmu{\Bas}{}(\br{})$ is defined, it can be used within RS-DFT functionals to approximate $\bE{}{\Bas}[\n{}{}]$. As in Ref.~\onlinecite{GinPraFerAssSavTou-JCP-18}, we consider here a specific class of short-range correlation functionals known as ECMD whose general definition reads \cite{TouGorSav-TCA-05} \begin{multline} \label{eq:ec_md_mu} @@ -329,7 +326,7 @@ with $\hWee{\lr,\rsmu{}{}} = \sum_{i