2022-03-06 18:39:51 +01:00

131 lines
5.2 KiB

#set terminal pngcairo size 600,600 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
#set output 'plot_pes.png'
#set terminal postscript eps size 5.3,3.0 enhanced color \
set terminal postscript eps size 5.3,5.3 enhanced color \
font 'Helvetica,24' linewidth 2
set output 'plot_pes.eps'
set encoding iso_8859_1
set xrange[1.0:10.0]
# VIEW 1:
set yrange[-4.6:-3.0]
set format y "%.1f"
if (!exists("MP_LEFT")) MP_LEFT = 0.19
if (!exists("MP_RIGHT")) MP_RIGHT = 0.97
if (!exists("MP_BOTTOM")) MP_BOTTOM = 0.10
if (!exists("MP_TOP")) MP_TOP = 0.97
if (!exists("MP_xGAP")) MP_xGAP = 0.05
if (!exists("MP_yGAP")) MP_yGAP = 0.08
set multiplot layout 1,2 rowsfirst \
margins screen MP_LEFT, MP_RIGHT, MP_BOTTOM, MP_TOP spacing screen MP_xGAP, MP_yGAP
set style line 1 dt 1 lw 3 linecolor rgb "gray60"
set style line 2 dt 1 lw 3 linecolor rgb "black"
set style line 3 dt 1 lw 3 linecolor rgb "light-red"
set style line 4 dt 1 lw 3 linecolor rgb "sea-green"
set style line 5 dt 2 lw 3 linecolor rgb "sea-green"
set style line 6 dt 1 lw 3 linecolor rgb "orange"
set style line 7 dt 2 lw 3 linecolor rgb "orange"
set style line 8 dt 1 lw 3 linecolor rgb "medium-blue"
set xlabel "Distance (a_{0})"
set ylabel 'Energy (Hartree)'
# get the relation of x- and y-range
dx = xmax-xmin
dy = ymax-ymin
s1 = dx/dy
# get ratio of axes
#s2 = 3.0/5.3
s2 = 5.3/5.3*2
# helper function for getting the rotation angle of the labels in degree
deg(x) = x/pi*180.0
r(x) = deg(atan(s1*s2*x))
# function for fitting
f(x) = a*x+b
fit [3.0:4.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_rhf.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 1 'RHF' at 3.0,-3.810 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 1 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [6.5:7.5] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_CISD.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 2 'CISD' at 7.1,-3.560 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 3 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [6.5:7.5] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_CISDT.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 3 'CISDT' at 7.1,-3.724 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 3 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [6.0:7.5] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_CISDTQ.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 4 'CISDTQ' at 6.0,-3.970 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 3 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_CIo1.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 11 'hCI1' at 8.5,-3.150 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 4 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_CIo2.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 12 'hCI2' at 8.5,-3.610 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 4 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_CIo3.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 13 'hCI3' at 8.5,-3.866 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 4 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_fci.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 20 'FCI' at 8.5,-4.03 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 2 #font 'Verdana,20'
plot 'pes_rhf.dat' w l ls 1 notitle, \
'pes_CISD.dat' w l ls 3 notitle, \
'pes_CISDT.dat' w l ls 3 notitle, \
'pes_CISDTQ.dat' w l ls 3 notitle, \
'pes_s0.dat' w l ls 8 notitle, \
'pes_s2.dat' w l ls 8 notitle, \
'pes_s4.dat' w l ls 8 notitle, \
'pes_CIo1.dat' w l ls 4 notitle, \
'pes_CIo1.5.dat' w l ls 5 notitle, \
'pes_CIo2.dat' w l ls 4 notitle, \
'pes_CIo2.5.dat' w l ls 5 notitle, \
'pes_CIo3.dat' w l ls 4 notitle, \
'pes_CIo3.5.dat' w l ls 5 notitle, \
'pes_CIo4.dat' w l ls 4 notitle, \
'pes_fci.dat' w l ls 2 notitle
unset label
unset ylabel
set format y ""
fit [3.0:4.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_rhf.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 1 'RHF' at 3.0,-3.810 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 1 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [6.5:7.5] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_ooCIS.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 10 'oo-CIS' at 7.1,-3.340 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 3 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [6.5:7.5] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_ooCISD.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 2 'oo-CISD' at 7.1,-3.560 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 3 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_ooCIo1.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 11 'oo-hCI1' at 8.5,-3.580 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 4 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_ooCIo2.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 12 'oo-hCI2' at 8.5,-3.695 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 4 #font 'Verdana,20'
fit [7.0:9.0] [*:*] f(x) 'pes_fci.dat' u 1:($2) via a,b
set label 20 'FCI' at 8.5,-4.03 rotate by r(a) center tc ls 2 #font 'Verdana,20'
plot 'pes_rhf.dat' w l ls 1 notitle, \
'pes_ooCIS.dat' w l ls 3 notitle, \
'pes_ooCISD.dat' w l ls 3 notitle, \
'pes_ooCIs0.dat' w l ls 8 notitle, \
'pes_ooCIo1.dat' w l ls 4 notitle, \
'pes_ooCIo1.5.dat' w l ls 5 notitle, \
'pes_ooCIo2.dat' w l ls 4 notitle, \
'pes_fci.dat' w l ls 2 notitle
# 'pes_ooCIo2.5.dat' w l ls 5 notitle, \