2022-03-09 20:20:46 +01:00

146 lines
5.3 KiB

#set terminal pngcairo size 600,600 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
#set output 'plot_pes.png'
set terminal postscript eps size 5.5,7.3 enhanced color \
font 'Helvetica,22' linewidth 2
set output 'freq_HF.eps'
set encoding iso_8859_1
#set yrange[1e-2:1]
#set logscale y
#set format y "10^{%T}"
#set yrange[0:1]
set xrange[1:1e9]
set logscale x
set format x "10^{%T}"
set xtics 10**3
set mxtics 1
#set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics #lc rgb 'blue' lt 1, lc rgb 'red' lt 1
#if (!exists("MP_LEFT")) MP_LEFT = 0.14
#if (!exists("MP_RIGHT")) MP_RIGHT = 0.97
#if (!exists("MP_BOTTOM")) MP_BOTTOM = 0.09
#if (!exists("MP_TOP")) MP_TOP = 0.97
#if (!exists("MP_xGAP")) MP_xGAP = 0.15
#if (!exists("MP_yGAP")) MP_yGAP = 0.07
if (!exists("MP_LEFT")) MP_LEFT = 0.13
if (!exists("MP_RIGHT")) MP_RIGHT = 0.98
if (!exists("MP_BOTTOM")) MP_BOTTOM = 0.09
if (!exists("MP_TOP")) MP_TOP = 0.97
if (!exists("MP_xGAP")) MP_xGAP = 0.16
if (!exists("MP_yGAP")) MP_yGAP = 0.07
set multiplot layout 3,2 columnsfirst \
margins screen MP_LEFT, MP_RIGHT, MP_BOTTOM, MP_TOP spacing screen MP_xGAP, MP_yGAP
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set style line 14 dt 1 lw 2.0 linecolor rgb "sea-green" pt 7 ps 2.0
set style line 18 dt 1 lw 2.0 linecolor rgb "medium-blue" pt 7 ps 2.0
#set label 1 'Number of determinants' at screen 0.40,0.03 tc ls 2 #font 'Verdana,20'
set label 11 'cc-pVDZ' at screen 0.32,0.94 tc ls 2 font 'Helvetica,26'
set label 12 'cc-pVTZ' at screen 0.32,0.62 tc ls 2 font 'Helvetica,26'
set label 13 'cc-pVQZ' at screen 0.32,0.31 tc ls 2 font 'Helvetica,26'
set label 21 'cc-pVDZ' at screen 0.82,0.94 tc ls 2 font 'Helvetica,26'
set label 22 'cc-pVTZ' at screen 0.82,0.62 tc ls 2 font 'Helvetica,26'
set label 23 'cc-pVQZ' at screen 0.82,0.31 tc ls 2 font 'Helvetica,26'
hartree = 4.3597447222071e-18 # joules
bohr = 1./18897161646.321 # m
amu = 1.6605402e-27 # kg
c = 299792458.0 # m/s
mole = 6.02214076e23
set format y "%.0f"
set xrange[1:1e9]
set xtics 10**2
set yrange[4000:4700]
set ytics 200
fac = sqrt(hartree/mu)/(2.0*pi*c) * 0.01 * 10**10
plot '../HF_cc-pvdz/det_aD_FCI.dat' u 2:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w l ls 2 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvdz/det_aD_CI.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 3 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvdz/det_aD_CIs.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 8 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvdz/det_aD_CIo.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 4 notitle
unset ylabel
unset label
set xrange[1:1e9]
set xtics 10**2
set yrange[4000:4700]
set ytics 200
#set format y ""
set ylabel 'Vibrational frequency (cm^{-1})'
plot '../HF_cc-pvtz/det_aD_FCI.dat' u 2:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w l ls 2 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvtz/det_aD_CI.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 3 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvtz/det_aD_CIs.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 8 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvtz/det_aD_CIo.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 4 notitle
unset ylabel
unset label
set xrange[1:1e9]
set xtics 10**2
set yrange[4000:4700]
set ytics 200
set xlabel 'Number of determinants'
plot '../HF_cc-pvqz/det_aD_FCI.dat' u 2:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w l ls 2 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvqz/det_aD_CI.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 3 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvqz/det_aD_CIs.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 8 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvqz/det_aD_CIo.dat' u 1:(sqrt(2*$5)*$3*fac) w lp ls 4 notitle
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
unset label
set xrange[1:1e9]
set logscale x
set format x "10^{%T}"
set xtics 10**2
set mxtics 1
set yrange[0.89:0.93]
set format y "%.2f"
set ytics 0.01
plot '../HF_cc-pvdz/det_xe_FCI.dat' u 2:3 w l ls 2 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvdz/det_xe_CI.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 3 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvdz/det_xe_CIs.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 8 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvdz/det_xe_CIo.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 4 notitle
set ylabel "Equilibrium distance ({\305})"
plot '../HF_cc-pvtz/det_xe_FCI.dat' u 2:3 w l ls 2 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvtz/det_xe_CI.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 3 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvtz/det_xe_CIs.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 8 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvtz/det_xe_CIo.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 4 notitle
unset ylabel
set xlabel 'Number of determinants'
plot '../HF_cc-pvqz/det_xe_FCI.dat' u 2:3 w l ls 2 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvqz/det_xe_CI.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 3 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvqz/det_xe_CIs.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 8 notitle, \
'../HF_cc-pvqz/det_xe_CIo.dat' u 1:3 w lp ls 4 notitle