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Emmanuel Fromager 2020-05-08 09:52:07 +02:00
parent 4e25488cfb
commit 82bcb031b5

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@ -1055,21 +1055,7 @@ Figure \ref{fig:EIvsW} reports the behavior of the three KS-eLDA individual ener
Unlike in the exact theory, we do not obtain
straight horizontal lines when plotting these
energies, which is in agreement with
the curvature of the GIC-eLDA ensemble energy discussed previously. Interestingly, the
individual energies do not vary in the same way depending on the state
considered and the value of the weights.
\titou{On one hand,} we see for example that, within the biensemble (\ie, $\ew{2}=0$), the energies of
the ground and \titou{second} excited-state increase with respect to the
first-excited-state weight $\ew{1}$, thus showing that, in this
case, we
``deteriorate'' these states by optimizing the orbitals for the
ensemble, rather than for each state separately.
\titou{The singly excited state is, on the other hand, stabilize in the biensemble, which is reasonable as the weight associated with this state increases.
For the triensemble, as $\ew{2}$ increases, the energy of the ground state increases, while the energy of the first excited state remains stable with a slight increase at large $L$.
The second excited state is obviously stabilized by the increase of its weight in the ensemble.
These are all very sensible observations.}
The variations in the ensemble weights are essentially linear or quadratic.
the curvature of the GIC-eLDA ensemble energy discussed previously. The variations in the ensemble weights are essentially linear or quadratic.
\manurev{This can be rationalized as follows. As readily seen from
Eqs.~\eqref{eq:EI-eLDA} and \eqref{eq:ind_HF-like_ener}, the individual
HF-like energies do not depend explicitly on the weights, which means
@ -1085,22 +1071,39 @@ weights $\bw$ [see Eqs.~\eqref{eq:ens1RDM},
\eqref{eq:ens_dens_from_ens_1RDM}, and
\eqref{eq:decomp_ens_correner_per_part}], the latter contributions will contain both linear and quadratic terms in
$\bw$, as evidenced by Eq.~\eqref{eq:Taylor_exp_DDisc_term} [see the second term on the right-hand
!!! In the biensemble, the weight dependence of the first
excitation energy is \titou{increased?} as the correlation increases, \titou{while the weight dependence of the second excitation energy is reduced}.
On the other hand, switching from a bi- to a triensemble
systematically enhances the weight dependence, due to the lowering of the
ground-state energy, as $\ew{2}$ increases.
The reverse is observed for the second excited state. !!! \titou{THIS PARAGRAPH MIGHT NEED MODIFICATIONS.}
\trashPFL{Finally, we notice that the crossover point of the
first-excited-state energies based on
bi- and triensemble calculations, respectively, disappears in the strong correlation
regime [see the right panel of Fig.~\ref{fig:EIvsW}], thus illustrating
the importance of (individual and ensemble) densities, in
addition to the
weights, in the evaluation of individual energies within
an ensemble.
Interestingly, the
individual energies do not vary in the same way depending on the state
considered and the value of the weights.
\titou{On one hand,} we see for example that, within the biensemble (\ie, $\ew{2}=0$), the energies of
the ground and \titou{second} excited-state increase with respect to the
first-excited-state weight $\ew{1}$, thus showing that, in this
case, we
``deteriorate'' these states by optimizing the orbitals for the
ensemble, rather than for each state separately.
\titou{The singly excited state is, on the other hand, stabilized in the biensemble, which is reasonable as the weight associated with this state increases.
For the triensemble, as $\ew{2}$ increases, the energy of the ground state increases, while the energy of the first excited state remains stable with a slight increase at large $L$.
The second excited state is obviously stabilized by the increase of its weight in the ensemble.
These are all very sensible observations.\\
Let us finally stress that the (well-known) poor performance of the
combined full HF-exchange/LDA correlation scheme in
ground-state DFT [$\bw=(0,0)$] is substantially improved for the
ground state within the equiensemble [$\bw=(1/3,1/3)$]} (see the \SI).
This is a
remarkable and promising result. A similar improvement is observed for
the first excited state, at least in the weak correlation regime,
without deteriorating too much the second excited-state energy.
%\manu{Finally, we notice that the crossover point of the
%first-excited-state energies based on
%bi- and triensemble calculations, respectively, disappears in the strong correlation
%regime [see the right panel of Fig.~\ref{fig:EIvsW}], thus illustrating
%the importance of (individual and ensemble) densities, in
%addition to the
%weights, in the evaluation of individual energies within
%an ensemble.
%%% FIG 3 %%%