small changes that I forgot to push
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
% Fancy arrows drawn with the PGF 3.0 arrows.meta library
% Author: Qrrbrbirlbel
\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,
StealthFill/.tip={Stealth[line width=1pt, scale=1.5]}, arrows={[round]}]
% jars
\draw[-] (-4,4) -- (-4,3);
\draw[-] (-8,4) -- (-8,3);
\draw[-,fill=blue!40] (-4,3) -- (-4,0) -- (-8,0) -- (-8,3);
\draw[-] (-2,4) -- (-2,3);
\draw[-] (2,4) -- (2,3);
\draw[-,fill=blue!40] (-2,3) -- (-2,0) -- (2,0) -- (2,3);
\draw[-] (4,4) -- (4,3);
\draw[-] (8,4) -- (8,3);
\draw[-,fill=blue!40] (4,3) -- (4,0) -- (8,0) -- (8,3);
% holes and particles
\filldraw[fill=white] (-7,1) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40] (-7,4) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40] (-5,4) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=white] (-1,1) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40] (-1,4) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40] (1,4) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=white] (5,1) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40] (5,4) circle (0.25);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40] (7,4) circle (0.25);
% dressing
\draw[rounded corners,red] (-7.5,0.5) rectangle ++(1, 4) node[midway]{$GW$};
\draw[rounded corners,yellow] (-1.5,3.5) rectangle ++(3, 1) node[midway]{pp$GT$};
\draw[rounded corners,green,rotate around={-33:(5,1)}] (4.5,0.5) rectangle ++(1,4.6) node[midway]{ph$GT$};
@ -6088,23 +6088,6 @@
year = {2013},
bdsk-url-1 = {}}
author = {Shishkin, M. and Kresse, G.},
date-added = {2020-05-18 21:40:28 +0200},
date-modified = {2020-05-18 21:40:28 +0200},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.75.235102},
file = {/Users/loos/Zotero/storage/24DHAPLN/Shishkin_2007.pdf},
issn = {1098-0121, 1550-235X},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
language = {en},
month = jun,
number = {23},
pages = {235102},
title = {Self-Consistent {{G W}} Calculations for Semiconductors and Insulators},
volume = {75},
year = {2007},
bdsk-url-1 = {}}
author = {Francesco Sottile and Valerio Olevano and Lucia Reining},
date-added = {2020-05-18 21:40:28 +0200},
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
% ============================================================%
%%% This latex gather all the latex commands that I use to facilitate the writing of electronic structure manuscript, report...
%%% You can import these commands by adding the following line in you .text
%%% \input{commands}
%%% Latin %%%
\newcommand{\etal}{\textit{et al.}~}
%%% Operators %%%
\newcommand{\hH}{\Hat{H}} % Hamiltonian operator
\newcommand{\HN}{\Hat{\mathnormal{H}}_{\text{N}}} % Normal ordered Hamiltonian
\newcommand{\Hsim}{\hat{\bar{H}}} % Similarity transformed Hamiltonian
\newcommand{\hC}{\Hat{C}} % CI operator
\newcommand{\hT}{\Hat{T}} % Cluster operator
\newcommand{\T}[1]{\Hat{\mathnormal{T}}_{#1}} % Cluster operator of a given excitation number
\newcommand{\hsig}{\Hat{\sigma}} % Unitary cluster operator
\newcommand{\hK}{\Hat{K}} % Anti-hermitian orbital rotation operator
\newcommand{\hS}{\Hat{S}} % Anti-hermitian CI coefficients rotation operator
\newcommand{\hP}[1]{\Hat{\mathnormal{P}}_{#1}} % Permutation operators
\newcommand{\hE}{\Hat{E}} % Spin averaged single excitation operator
\newcommand{\cre}[1]{a_{#1}^\dagger} % Creation operator
\newcommand{\ani}[1]{a_{#1}} % Annihilation operator
\newcommand{\bcre}[1]{b_{#1}^\dagger} % Boson creation operator
\newcommand{\bani}[1]{b_{#1}} % Boson annihilation operator
\newcommand{\no}[2]{\mleft\{ \hat{a}_{#1}^{#2}\mright\} }
%%% Matrices %%%
\newcommand{\FC}[1]{F_{#1}^{\text{C}}} % Core Fock matrix
\newcommand{\FA}[1]{F_{#1}^{\text{A}}} % Active Fock matrix
%%% Wave functions %%%
%%% Matrix and tensor elements %%%
\newcommand{\eri}[2]{\braket{#1}{#2}} % Electron repulsion integral physician notation
\newcommand{\ceri}[2]{\mleft(#1|#2\mright)} % Electron repulsion integral chemist notation
\newcommand{\aeri}[2]{\mel{#1}{}{#2}} % Double bar integral
\newcommand{\kron}[1]{\delta_{#1}} % Kronecker delta
\newcommand{\cbra}[1]{(#1|} % Chemist bra
\newcommand{\cket}[1]{|#1)} % Chemist ket
%%% Mathematics %%%
%%% Text acronyms and abbreviations %%%
\newcommand{\QP}{\textsc{quantum package}}
%%% Notations %%%
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