This commit is contained in:
Pierre-Francois Loos 2022-11-09 13:45:34 +01:00
parent 1af1b6ea33
commit 61a6813281
13 changed files with 1040 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ Finding a second quantized effective Hamiltonian for MBPT is far from being triv
A general upfolded MBPT matrix can be written as
H =
\bH =
\bF{}{} & \bV{}{} \\
\bV{}{\dagger} & \bC{}{}
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ A general upfolded MBPT matrix can be written as
Using SRG language, we define the diagonal and off-diagonal parts as
H(0) =
\bH(0) =
\bF{}{} & \bO \\
\bO & \bC{\text{d}}{}

Slides/SRG-GF.tex Normal file
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% operators
% matrices
\institute{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, IRSAMC, UPS/CNRS, Toulouse \\
\author{Pierre-Fran\c{c}ois (Titou) Loos} % FIXME
\date{3rd September 2021} % FIXME
\title{Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG)} %FIXME
\begin{frame}{Effective Hamiltonian Theory}
\begin{block}{Similarity transformation of the Hamiltonian}
\underbrace{\Omega}_{\text{wave operator}}:
\underbrace{\hH}_{\text{bare Hamiltonian}} \rightarrow \underbrace{\hH^\text{eff}}_{\text{effective Hamiltonian}} = \Omega^{-1} \, \hH \, \Omega
\begin{block}{Examples of effective Hamiltonian theory}
\item L\"owdin's partitioning technique
\item Transcorrelated method
\item (multireference) perturbation theory
\item (multireference) coupled-cluster (CC) theory
\item Fock-space CC
\item Equation-of-motion CC
\begin{frame}{Mathematical Definitions}
\begin{block}{Matrix similarity}
Two $n$-by-$n$ matrices $\mA$ and $\mB$ are called \alert{similar} if there exists an invertible $n$-by-$n$ matrix $\mS$ such that
\mB = \mS^{-1} \cdot \mA \cdot \mS
\item If $\mA$ and $\mB$ are similar, they share the \alert{same eigenvalues}, but \alert{different eigenvectors}
\qif \mA \cdot \mx = \la \mx \qthen \mB \cdot (\mS^{-1} \cdot \mx) = \la (\mS^{-1} \cdot \mx)
\item Similarity transformations aim at reducing the complexity of evaluating the eigenvalues
\item If $\mA$ is diagonalizable, it is similar to a diagonal matrix (not unique)
\item Even if $\mA$ is not diagonalizable, it is similar to a matrix in Jordan form (not unique)
\item \alert{Unitary transformations} are a type of similarity transformation for which $\mS^{-1} = \mS^{\dag}$
\item Every hermitian matrix is \alert{unitarily similar} to a diagonal real matrix
\begin{frame}{Model And External Spaces}
\begin{block}{Model/External space}
\qq*{\underline{Model space projector:}} & \hP = \dyad*{\Psi_0}{\Psi_0} = \sum_I \dyad{I}{I}
\qq*{\underline{External space projector:}} & \hQ = \hI - \hP = \hI - \dyad*{\Psi_0}{\Psi_0}
\begin{block}{L\"owdin's partitioning technique}
\hH \ket{\Psi} = E \ket{\Psi}
\hP \hH \hP & \hP \hH \hQ \\
\hQ \hH \hP & \hQ \hH \hQ \\
\hP \ket{\Psi} \\
\hQ \ket{\Psi} \\
= E
\hP \ket{\Psi} \\
\hQ \ket{\Psi} \\
\begin{tabular}{p{0.18\textwidth} m{0.3\textwidth} b{0.18\textwidth}}
Traditional CC $\Rightarrow$
$\Leftarrow$ Unitary CC
\begin{frame}{Intruder-State Problem}
\text{\alert{Intruder-state problem}}
& \Leftrightarrow \text{a determinant in $Q$ becomes near-degenerate with a determinant in $P$}
& \Rightarrow \text{appearance of small denominators}
& \Rightarrow \text{\alert{convergence issues!}}
\text{How to avoid intruder states?}
& \Rightarrow \text{do not enforce $\hQ H^\text{eff} \hP = 0$}
& \Leftrightarrow \text{near-degenerate determinants are not decoupled}
\begin{tabular}{m{0.5\textwidth} b{0.35\textwidth}}
$\Leftarrow$ \alert{Continuous SRG transformation}
\begin{frame}{Historical Overview of SRG}
\begin{block}{SRG or flow equations}
\item SRG is a \alert{continuous} (unitary) transformation of the Hamiltonian
\item Introduced independently by Glazek and Wilson \pub{[Phys. Rev. D 48, 5863 (1993), ibid 49, 4214 (1994)]} and Wegner \pub{[Ann. Phys. 506, 77 (1994)]} in quantum field theory
\item \alert{SRG decouples the Hamiltonian starting from states that have the largest energy separation and progressing to states with smaller energy separation}
\item SRG does not enforce $\hQ H^\text{eff} \hP = 0$
\item (MR-)SRG is used a lot in nuclear physics \pub{[Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 126301 (2013)]}
\item First introduced in chemistry by Steven White (father of DMRG) \pub{[J. Chem. Phys. 117, 7472 (2002)]}
\item More recently developed by the group of Evangelista (SR/MR-DSRG) \pub{[J. Chem. Phys. 141, 054109 (2014); Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 70, 275 (2019)]}
\begin{frame}{SRG Fundamental Equation}
\begin{block}{Unitary transformation of the Hamiltonian}
\boxed{\hH \rightarrow \hH(s) = \hU(s) \, \hH \, \hU^\dag(s), \quad s \in [0,\infty)}
\hH =
\underbrace{\sum_{pq} h_{p}^{q} \Hat{a}_{p}^{q}}_{\text{one-body terms}}
+ \frac{1}{4} \underbrace{\sum_{pqrs} v_{pq}^{rs} \Hat{a}_{rs}^{pq}}_{\text{two-body terms}}
\Hat{a}_{rs\cdots}^{pq\cdots} = \Hat{a}_{p}^\dag \Hat{a}_{q}^\dag \cdots \Hat{a}_{s} \Hat{a}_{r}
\item For $s > 0$, $\hH(s)$ has a more (block) diagonal form than $\hH$
\item The \alert{flow variable} $s$ is a time-like parameter that controls the extent of the transformation
\item If $s = 0$, then $\hU(s) = \hI$, i.e., $\hH(s=0) = \hH$
\item In the limit $s \to \infty$, $\hH(s)$ becomes (block) diagonal
\hH(s) = \underbrace{\hH_\text{d}(s)}_{\text{diagonal}} + \underbrace{\hH_\text{od}(s)}_{\text{off-diagonal}}
\lim_{s\to\infty} \hH_\text{od}(s) = 0
\begin{frame}{SRG Flow Equation}
\begin{block}{The SRG flow equation}
\boxed{\dv{\hH(s)}{s} = \comm{\heta(s)}{\hH(s)}, \quad \hH(0) = \hH}
\qq*{where the \alert{flow generator}}
\heta(s) = \dv{\hU(s)}{s} \hU^\dag(s) = - \heta^\dag(s)
\qq{is an \alert{anti-Hermitian} operator}
\begin{block}{Take-home message}
Suitable parametrization of $\heta(s)$ allows to integrate Eq.~\eqref{eq:flow_eq} and find a numerical solution of $\hH(s)$ that satisfies the boundary conditions without having to explicitly construct $\hU(s)$.
\begin{frame}{Canonical Generator \& SRG Hamiltonian}
\begin{block}{Wegner's canonical generator}
\boxed{\eta^\text{W}(s) = \comm{\hH_\text{d}(s)}{\hH(s)} = \comm{\hH_\text{d}(s)}{\hH_\text{od}(s)}}
As long as $\eta^\text{W}(s) \neq 0$, $\dv{}{s} \Tr[\hH_\text{od}^\dag(s)\hH_\text{od}(s)] \le 0$.
Therefore, as $s \to \infty$,
\item $E_0(s) = \mel{\Psi_0}{\hH(s)}{\Psi_0}$ evolves towards one of the eigenvalues of $\hH$
\item The state $\hU^\dag(s) \ket{\Psi_0}$ approaches one of its eigenvectors
\begin{block}{The many-body SRG Hamiltonian}
= E_0(s)
+ \underbrace{\sum_{pq} f_{p}^{q}(s) \{\Hat{a}_{p}^{q}\}}_{\text{one-body terms}}
+ \frac{1}{4} \underbrace{\sum_{pqrs} v_{pq}^{rs}(s) \overbrace{\{\Hat{a}_{rs}^{pq}\}}^{\text{normal ordered}}}_{\text{two-body terms}}
+ \frac{1}{36} \underbrace{\sum_{pqrstu} w_{pqr}^{stu}(s) \{\Hat{a}_{stu}^{pqr}\}}_{\text{three-body terms}}
+ \cdots
In practice, $\hH(s)$ and $\heta(s)$ must be truncated to a given order $\Rightarrow$ \alert{SRG($n$)}
\begin{frame}{Perturbative Analysis}
\begin{block}{Perturbative analysis of the SRG equations }
\hH(s) & = \hH^{(0)}(s) + \la \hH^{(1)}(s) + \la^2 \hH^{(2)}(s) + \cdots
E_0(s) & = E_0^{(0)}(s) + \la E_0^{(1)}(s) + \la^2 E_0^{(2)}(s) + \cdots
\begin{block}{First-order off-diagonal components}
For a fixed value of the \alert{energy cut-off} $\Lambda = s^{-1/2}$,
\qif* \abs*{\Delta_{ij}^{ab}} \gg \Lambda & \qthen v_{ij}^{ab,(1)}(s) = \mel{ij}{}{ab} e^{-s (\Delta_{ij}^{ab})^2} \approx 0 \qq{(decoupled)}
\qif* \abs*{\Delta_{ij}^{ab}} \ll \Lambda & \qthen v_{ij}^{ab,(1)}(s) \approx \mel{ij}{}{ab} \qq{(remains coupled)}
\begin{block}{Second-order energy contribution $\equiv$ renormalized MP2}
E_0^{(2)}(s) = \frac{1}{4} \sum_{ij} \sum_{ab} \frac{\abs{\mel{ij}{}{ab}}^2}{\Delta_{ij}^{ab}} \qty[ 1 - e^{-2s (\Delta_{ij}^{ab})^2}]
\Delta_{ij}^{ab} = \eps_i + \eps_j - \eps_a - \eps_b
\begin{frame}{Driven Similarity Renormalization Group (DSRG)}
\begin{block}{Main drawbacks of SRG}
\item More challenging and less numerically robust to solve ODEs than polynomial equations
\item Lacks the nice exponential form of the CC expansion
\begin{block}{DSRG Hamiltonian = SRG \`a la CC \pub{[Evangelista, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 054109 (2014)]}}
\boxed{\bH(s) = e^{-\hA(s)} \, \hH \, e^{\hA(s)}, \quad s \in [0,\infty)}
\begin{block}{Unitary CC inspired transformation}
\underbrace{\hA(s)}_{\text{anti-Hermitian operator}} = \hT(s) - \hT^{\dag}(s)
\hT(s) = \hT_1(s) + \hT_2(s) + \cdots + \hT_n(s)
\hT_k(s) = \frac{1}{(k!)^2} \sum_{ij\cdots} \sum_{ab\cdots} \underbrace{t_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s)}_{\text{cluster amplitudes}} \{ \Hat{a}_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}\}
\begin{frame}{DSRG Equation}
\begin{block}{DSRG equation and source operator}
\qty[ e^{-\hA(s)} \hH e^{\hA(s)} ]_\text{od} = \underbrace{\hR(s)}_{\text{(Hermitian) source operator}}
\underbrace{\hOm(s)}_{\text{residual operator}} = \qty[ e^{-\hA(s)} \, \hH \, e^{\hA(s)} ]_\text{od} - \hR(s)
$\hR(s)$ drives the off-diagonal components of $\bH(s)$ to zero
\begin{block}{Many-body expansion of the residual operator}
\hOm(s) = \hOm_1(s) + \hOm_2(s) + \cdots + \hOm_n(s)
\hOm_k(s) = \frac{1}{(k!)^2} \sum_{ij\cdots} \sum_{ab\cdots} \omega_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) \{ \Hat{a}_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}\} + \text{h.c.}
\begin{block}{DSRG equations}
\boxed{\omega_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) = 0} \qq{$\Rightarrow$} t_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) \qq{\green{\checkmark}}
\qq{DSRG up to $n$-body terms $\Rightarrow$ \alert{DSRG($n$)}}
\begin{frame}{Many-Body Expansions}
\begin{block}{Many-body expansion of the source opertor}
\hR(s) = \hR_1(s) + \hR_2(s) + \cdots + \hR_n(s)
\hR_k(s) = \frac{1}{(k!)^2} \sum_{ij\cdots} \sum_{ab\cdots} r_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) \{ \Hat{a}_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}\} + \text{h.c.}
\begin{block}{Many-body expansion of the DSRG Hamiltonian}
\bH(s) = E_0(s) + \hH_1(s) + \hH_2(s) + \cdots + \hH_n(s)
\bH_k(s) = \frac{1}{(k!)^2} \sum_{pqrs\cdots} \bH_{pq\cdots}^{rs\cdots}(s) \{ \Hat{a}_{pq\cdots}^{rs\cdots}\}
\begin{block}{DSRG equations}
\boxed{\bH_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) = r_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s)}
\begin{frame}{Elements of The DSRG Hamiltonian and Source Operator}
\begin{block}{Baker--Campbell--Hausdorff (BCH) formula}
\equiv e^{-\hA(s)} \hH e^{\hA(s)}
= \hH + \comm{\hH}{\hA(s)} + \frac{1}{2!} \comm{\comm{\hH}{\hA(s)}}{\hA(s)} + \frac{1}{3!} \comm{\comm{\comm{\hH}{\hA(s)}}{\hA(s)}}{\hA(s)} + \cdots
Because $\hA(s) = \hT(s) - \hT^{\dag}(s)$, the BCH expression \alert{does not terminate!}
\begin{block}{Yanai--Chan linear truncation scheme \pub{[J. Chem. Phys. 124, 194106 (2006); ibid 127, 104107 (2007)]}}
\comm{\cdot}{\hA} \approx \sum_{k=0}^m \underbrace{\comm{\cdot}{\hA}_k}_{\text{$k$-body component}} \equiv \comm{\cdot}{\hA}_{\{m\}}
\begin{block}{Parametrization of the source operator based on a perturbative analysis}
r_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) = \qty[ \bH_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) + \Delta_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots} t_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) ] e^{-s (\Delta_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots})^2}
which satisfies the boundary conditions: (i) $\bH(s) = \hH$ when $s = 0$; (ii) $\bH_{ij\cdots}^{ab\cdots}(s) = 0$ when $s \to \infty$
\begin{frame}{Truncated DSRG}
\begin{block}{DSRG(2) equations}
\text{\alert{DSRG(2)}} \qq{$\Leftrightarrow$} \hT(s) = \hT_1(s) + \hT_2(s)
\bH_{i}^{a}(s) & = r_{i}^{a}(s)
\bH_{ij}^{ab}(s) & = r_{ij}^{ab}(s)
\begin{block}{Source operator}
r_{i}^{a}(s) & = \qty[ \bH_{i}^{a}(s) + \Delta_{i}^{a} t_{i}^{a}(s) ] e^{-s (\Delta_{i}^{a})^2}
r_{ij}^{ab}(s) & = \qty[ \bH_{ij}^{ab}(s) + \Delta_{ij}^{ab} t_{ij}^{ab}(s) ] e^{-s (\Delta_{ij}^{ab})^2}
\begin{block}{Recursive evaluation of the approximate BCH expansion}
\bH_{\{ 2 \}}(s) = \sum_{k=0}^{N_\text{com}} \hO^{(k)}(s)
\hO^{(k)}(s) = \frac{1}{k} \comm{\hO^{(k-1)}(s)}{\hA(s)}_{\{2\}}
\hO^{(0)} = \hH
Computing $\bH_{\{ 2 \}}(s)$ is the computational bottleneck and scales as $\order*{O^2 V^2 N^2}$
\begin{frame}{DSRG(2) in Practice}
\begin{block}{Updating scheme}
One solves iteratively the DSRG(2) equations following
\qq*{\underline{Singles amplitudes:}} & t_{i}^{a}(s) \leftarrow \qty[ \bH_{i}^{a}(s) + \Delta_{i}^{a} t_{i}^{a}(s) ] \frac{1 - e^{-s (\Delta_{i}^{a})^2}}{\Delta_{i}^{a}}
\qq*{\underline{Doubles amplitudes:}} & t_{ij}^{ab}(s) \leftarrow \qty[ \bH_{ij}^{ab}(s) + \Delta_{ij}^{ab} t_{ij}^{ab}(s) ] \frac{1 - e^{-s (\Delta_{ij}^{ab})^2}}{\Delta_{ij}^{ab}}
with starting values
t_{i}^{a}(s) & = 0
t_{ij}^{ab}(s) & = v_{ij}^{ab,(1)} \frac{1 - e^{-s (\Delta_{ij}^{ab})^2}}{\Delta_{ij}^{ab}}
\begin{frame}{Further reading}
% \item \textit{A driven similarity renormalization group approach to quantum many-body problems}
% \\
% Evangelista, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 054109 (2014)
\item \textit{Multireference driven similarity renormalization group: a second-order perturbative analysis}
Li \& Evangelista, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 2097 (2015)
\item \textit{An integral-factorized implementation of the driven similarity renormalization group second-order multireference perturbation theory}
Hannon et al. J. Chem. Phys. 144, 204111 (2016)
\item \textit{Towards numerically robust multireference theories: The driven similarity renormalization group truncated to one- and two-body operators}
Li \& Evangelista, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 164114 (2016)
\item \textit{A low-cost approach to electronic excitation energies based on the driven similarity renormalization group}
Li et al. J. Chem. Phys. 147, 074107 (2017)
\item \textit{Driven similarity renormalization group: Third-order multireference perturbation theory}
Li \& Evangelista J. Chem. Phys. 146, 124132 (2017);
\item \textit{Driven similarity renormalization group for excited states: A state-averaged perturbation theory}
Li \& Evangelista, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 124106 (2018);
% \item \textit{Multireference Theories of Electron Correlation Based on the Driven Similarity Renormalization Group}
% \\
% Li \& Evangelista, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2019. 70:275?303
% \item \textit{Improving the Efficiency of the Multireference Driven Similarity Renormalization Group via Sequential Transformation, Density Fitting, and the Noninteracting Virtual Orbital Approximation}
% \\
% Zhang et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 15, 4399 (2019)
\item \textit{Connected three-body terms in single-reference unitary many-body theories: Iterative and perturbative approximations}
Li \& Evangelista, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 234116 (2020)
\item \textit{Analytic gradients for the single-reference driven similarity renormalization group second-order perturbation theory}
Wang, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 044118 (2019)
% \item \textit{Spin-free implementation of the multireference driven similarity renormalization group: A benchmark study of open-shell diatomic molecules and spin-crossover energetics}
% \\
% Li \& Evangelista, arXiv:2106.07097

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Slides/fig/Heff.png Normal file

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Slides/fig/Heff_SRG.png Normal file

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Slides/fig/JCF.png Normal file

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