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\newcommand{\QP}{\textsc{quantum package}}
% coordinates
% methods
% operators
% energies
% orbital energies
% Matrix elements
% Matrices
% orbitals, gaps, etc
\institute{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, IRSAMC, UPS/CNRS, Toulouse\\
\author{Antoine Marie \& Pierre-Fran\c{c}ois Loos}
\date{Feb 13th 2023}
\title{A similarity renormalization group (SRG) approach to $GW$}
\begin{frame}{A SRG Approach to Green's Function Methods}
Antoine Marie (PhD)
See also our work on the connections between CC and Green's function methods
\pub{Quintero-Monsebaiz, Monino, Marie \& Loos, JCP 157 (2022) 231102}
$\hookrightarrow$ \pub{Scuseria et al. JCP 129 (2008) 231101}
$\hookrightarrow$ \pub{Berkelbach, JCP 149 (2018) 041103; Lange \& Berkelbach, JCTC 14 (2018) 4224}
$\hookrightarrow$ \pub{Tolle \& Chan, arXiv:2212.08982}
\begin{frame}{The $GW$ Approximation}
\item[\emoji{nerd-face}] The $GW$ approximation allows us to access \alert{charged} excitations (IPs \& EAs)
\pub{Hedin, Phys. Rev. 139 (1965) A796}
\item[\emoji{face-with-monocle}] It yields accurate \alert{fundamental gaps} at an affordable price for \alert{solids} and \alert{molecules}
\pub{Bruneval et al. Front. Chem. 9 (2021) 749779}
\item[\emoji{smiling-face-with-halo}] $GW$ corresponds to an elegant resummation of the direct ring diagrams
\item[\emoji{partying-face}] Hence, it is adequate for weak correlation or in the high-density regime
\pub{Gell-Mann \& Brueckner, Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 364}
\item[\emoji{confused}] \alert{Self-consistent} $GW$ calculations can be tricky to converge due to \alert{intruder states}
\pub{Monino \& Loos JCP 156 (2022) 231101}
\item[\emoji{cry}] Going \alert{beyond} $GW$ is, let's say, difficult\ldots
\pub{Mejuto-Zaera \& Vlcek, PRB 106 (2022) 165129}
% \pub{Martin, Reining \& Ceperley, \textit{Interacting Electrons: Theory and Computational Approaches}}
\begin{frame}{Hedin's Pentagon}
\pub{Hedin, Phys Rev 139 (1965) A796}
\begin{block}{The wonderful equations of Hedin}
& \underbrace{\yellow{G}(12)}_{\text{Green's function}} = G_0(12) + \int G_0(13) \violet{\Sigma}(34) \yellow{G}(42) d(34)
& \underbrace{\Gamma(123)}_{\text{vertex}} = \delta(12) \delta(13)
+ \int \fdv{\violet{\Sigma}(12)}{\yellow{G}(45)} \yellow{G}(46) \yellow{G}(75) \Gamma(673) d(4567)
& \underbrace{\orange{P}(12)}_{\text{polarizability}} = - i \int \yellow{G}(13) \Gamma(342) \yellow{G}(41) d(34)
& \underbrace{\red{W}(12)}_{\text{screening}} = v(12) + \int v(13) \orange{P}(34) \red{W}(42) d(34)
& \underbrace{\violet{\Sigma}(12)}_{\text{self-energy}} = i \int \yellow{G}(14) \red{W}(13) \Gamma(423) d(34)
\begin{frame}{Hedin's \sout{Pentagon} Square}
\pub{Hedin, Phys Rev 139 (1965) A796}
\begin{block}{The $GW$ approximation}
& \underbrace{\yellow{G}(12)}_{\text{Green's function}} = G_0(12) + \int G_0(13) \violet{\Sigma}(34) \yellow{G}(42) d(34)
& \underbrace{\Gamma(123)}_{\text{vertex}} = \delta(12) \delta(13)
+ \hcancel[red]{\int \fdv{\violet{\Sigma}(12)}{\yellow{G}(45)} \yellow{G}(46) \yellow{G}(75) \Gamma(673) d(4567)}
& \underbrace{\orange{P}(12)}_{\text{polarizability}} = - i \hcancel[red]{\int} \yellow{G}(\red{12}) \hcancel[red]{\Gamma(342)} \yellow{G}(\red{21}) \hcancel[red]{d(34)}
= - i \yellow{G}(12)\yellow{G}(21)
& \underbrace{\red{W}(12)}_{\text{screening}} = v(12) + \int v(13) \orange{P}(34) \red{W}(42) d(34)
& \underbrace{\violet{\Sigma}(12)}_{\text{self-energy}} = i \hcancel[red]{\int} \yellow{G}(\red{12}) \red{W}(\red{12}) \hcancel[red]{\Gamma(423) d(34)}
= i \yellow{G}(12) \red{W}(12)
\begin{frame}{Dynamical Version of $GW$}
\begin{block}{Quasiparticle equation (in a general setting)}
\qty[ \underbrace{\blue{\bF}}_{\text{\blue{Fock matrix}}} + \underbrace{\violet{\bSig^{\GW}} \qty(\om = \eGW{p})}_{\text{\violet{dynamic self-energy}}} ] \SO{p}{\GW}
= \underbrace{\eGW{p}}_{\text{quasiparticle energies}} \SO{p}{\GW}
\begin{block}{Practical issues}
\item dynamic
\item highly non-linear
\item non-Hermitian
\begin{block}{$GW$ self-energy}
= \sum_{i\nu} \frac{\red{W_{pi}^{\nu}} \red{W_{qi}^{\nu}}}{\om - \eGW{i} + \orange{\Omega_{\nu}} - \underbrace{\ii \eta}_{\text{regularizer}}}
+ \sum_{a\nu} \frac{\red{W_{pa}^{\nu}} \red{W_{qa}^{\nu}}}{\om - \eGW{a} - \underbrace{\orange{\Omega_{\nu}}}_{\text{\orange{RPA excitation}}} + \ii \eta}
\begin{block}{Screened two-electron integrals}
\red{W_{pq}^{\nu}} = \sum_{ia}\ERI{pi}{qa}\underbrace{\orange{\qty(\bX+\bY)_{ia}^{\nu}}}_{\text{\orange{RPA eigenvectors}}}
\begin{frame}{One-Shot $GW$ or $G_0W_0$}
\begin{block}{$G_0W_0$ features}
\item Diagonal approximation
\item A single loop of Hedin's equations
\begin{block}{Quasiparticle equation (assuming a HF starting point)}
\qq*{\underline{Dynamic version:}} & \om = \blue{\eHF{p}} + \underbrace{\violet{\Sig_{pp}^{\GW}}(\om)}_{\text{built with HF quantities}}
\qq*{\underline{Linearized (static) version:}} & \eGW{p} = \blue{\eHF{p}} + Z_p \violet{\Sig_{pp}^{\GW}}(\om = \blue{\eHF{p}})
Z_p = \underbrace{\qty[ 1 - \eval{\pdv{\violet{\Sig_{pp}^{\GW}}(\om)}{\om}}_{\om = \blue{\eHF{p}}} ]^{-1}}_{\text{renormalization factor}}
\begin{block}{$G_0W_0$ issues}
\item Highly starting point dependent
\begin{frame}{Eigenvalue-Only $GW$ or ev$GW$}
\begin{block}{ev$GW$ features}
\item Diagonal approximation
\item Self-consistency on the quasiparticle energies only
\begin{block}{Quasiparticle equation (assuming a HF starting point)}
\om = \blue{\eHF{p}} + \underbrace{\violet{\Sig_{pp}^{\GW}}(\om)}_{\text{built with $GW$ quantities}}
\begin{block}{ev$GW$ issues}
\item Lack of self-consistency on the orbitals
\item Challenging to converge (even with DIIS)
\begin{frame}{Quasiparticle Self-Consistent $GW$ or qs$GW$}
\begin{block}{qs$GW$ features}
\item Static approximation of the self-energy
\item Brute-force symmetrization
\begin{block}{Quasiparticle equation}
\qty[ \blue{\bF{}{}} + \underbrace{\purple{\bSig^{\qsGW}} }_{\text{static self-energy}} ] \SO{p}{\GW}
= \eGW{p} \SO{p}{\GW}
\purple{\Sig_{pq}^{\qsGW}} = \underbrace{\frac{\violet{\Sig_{pq}^{\GW}}(\eGW{p}) + \violet{\Sig_{pq}^{\GW}}(\eGW{q})}{2}}_{\text{symmetrization}}
\pub{Faleev et al. PRL 93 (2004) 126406}
\begin{block}{qs$GW$ issues}
\item ``Empirical'' symmetrization \pub{[Ismail-Beigi, JPCM 29 (2017) 385501]}
\item Very challenging to converge (even with DIIS)
\begin{frame}{Intruder-State Problem}
\text{\alert{Intruder-state problem}}
& \Leftrightarrow \text{a determinant in $\bQ$ becomes near-degenerate with a determinant in $\bP$}
& \Rightarrow \text{appearance of small denominators}
& \Rightarrow \text{\alert{convergence issues!}}
\text{How to avoid intruder states?}
& \Rightarrow \text{do not enforce $\bQ \bH^\text{eff} \bP = \bO$}
& \Leftrightarrow \text{near-degenerate determinants are not decoupled}
\begin{tabular}{m{0.5\textwidth} b{0.5\textwidth}}
$\Leftarrow$ \alert{Continuous (unitary) SRG transformation}
\alert{SRG decouples the Hamiltonian starting from states that have the largest energy separation and progressing to states with smaller energy separation}
\begin{frame}{Historical Overview of SRG}
\item Introduced independently by
\item Glazek and Wilson in quantum field theory
\pub{[PRD 48 (1993) 5863, ibid 49 (1994) 4214]}
\item Wegner in condensed matter systems
\pub{[Ann. Phys. 506 (1994) 77]}
\item (In-Medium) SRG is used a lot in nuclear physics
\pub{[Hergert et al. Phys. Rep. 621 (2016) 165]}
\item First introduced in chemistry by Steven White
\pub{[JCP 117 (2002) 7472]}
\item More recently developed by the group of Francesco Evangelista (SR/MR-DSRG)
\pub{[JCP 141 (2014) 054109; Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 70 (2019) 275]}
\begin{frame}{SRG Fundamental Equation}
\begin{block}{Unitary transformation of the Hamiltonian}
\boxed{\bH \rightarrow \bH(s) = \bU(s) \, \bH \, \bU^\dag(s), \quad s \in [0,\infty)}
\item For $s > 0$, $\bH(s)$ has a more (block) diagonal form than $\bH$
\item The \alert{flow variable} $s$ is a time-like parameter that controls the extent of the transformation
\item If $s = 0$, then $\bU(s) = \bI$, i.e., $\bH(s=0) = \bH$
\item In the limit $s \to \infty$, $\bH(s)$ becomes (block) diagonal
\bH(s) = \underbrace{\bH_\text{d}(s)}_{\text{diagonal}} + \underbrace{\bH_\text{od}(s)}_{\text{off-diagonal}}
\lim_{s\to\infty} \bH_\text{od}(s) = 0
\begin{frame}{SRG Flow Equation}
\begin{block}{The SRG flow equation}
\boxed{\dv{\bH(s)}{s} = \comm{\boldsymbol{\eta}(s)}{\bH(s)}, \quad \bH(0) = \bH}
\qq*{where the \alert{flow generator}}
\boldsymbol{\eta}(s) = \dv{\bU(s)}{s} \bU^\dag(s) = - \boldsymbol{\eta}^\dag(s)
\qq{is an \alert{anti-Hermitian} operator}
\alert{Suitable parametrization of $\heta(s)$ allows to integrate the flow equation and find a numerical solution of $\hH(s)$ that satisfies the boundary conditions without having to explicitly construct $\hU(s)$}
\begin{block}{Wegner's canonical generator}
\boxed{\boldsymbol{\eta}^\text{W}(s) = \comm{\bH_\text{d}(s)}{\bH_\text{od}(s)}}
\qq*{As long as $\boldsymbol{\eta}^\text{W}(s) \neq 0$,} \dv{}{s} \Tr[\bH_\text{od}(s)^2] \le 0
\qq{$\Rightarrow$ \alert{off-diagonal decreases in a monotonic way}}
\begin{frame}{Perturbative Analysis}
\begin{block}{Partitionning of the initial problem}
= \underbrace{\bH_\text{d}(s=0)}_{\text{\alert{zeroth order}}}
+ \la \underbrace{\bH_\text{od}(s=0)}_{\text{\alert{first order}}}
\begin{block}{Perturbative analysis of the SRG equations}
\bH(s) & = \bH^{(0)}(s) + \la \bH^{(1)}(s) + \la^2 \bH^{(2)}(s) + \cdots
& = \boldsymbol{\eta}^{(0)}(s) + \la \boldsymbol{\eta}^{(1)}(s) + \la^2 \boldsymbol{\eta}^{(2)}(s) + \cdots
\alert{How to identify the diagonal and off-diagonal terms in $GW$?}
\begin{frame}{Static Version of $GW$}
\qty[ \blue{\bF} + \violet{\bSig^{\GW}} \qty(\om = \eGW{p}) ] \SO{p}{\GW} = \eGW{p} \SO{p}{\GW}
& = \red{\bW^{\text{2h1p}}} \qty(\om \bI - \orange{\bC^{\text{2h1p}}})^{-1} (\red{\bW^{\text{2h1p}}})^{\dag}
& + \red{\bW^{\text{2p1h}}} \qty(\om \bI - \orange{\bC^{\text{2p1h}}})^{-1} (\red{\bW^{\text{2p1h}}})^{\dag}
\bH \Psi_{p}^{\GW} = \eGW{p} \Psi_{p}^{\GW}
\bH =
\blue{\bF} & \red{\bW^{\text{2h1p}}} & \orange{\bW^{\text{2p1h}}}
(\red{\bW^{\text{2h1p}}})^\dag & \red{\bC^{\text{2h1p}}} & \bO
(\orange{\bW^{\text{2p1h}}})^\dag & \bO & \orange{\bC^{\text{2p1h}}}
\pub{Bintrim \& Berkelbach, JCP 154 (2021) 041101; Monino \& Loos JCP 156 (2022) 231101; Tolle \& Chan, arXiv:2212.08982}
\begin{frame}{Regularized Quasiparticle Equation}
\begin{block}{Regularized $GW$ equations up to second order}
\qty[ \blue{\widetilde{\bF}}(s) + \magenta{\widetilde{\bSig}^{\SRGGW}}(\om = \eGW{p} ;s) ] \SO{p}{\GW} = \eGW{p} \SO{p}{\GW}
\begin{block}{Energy-dependent regularization}
\blue{\widetilde{\bF}_{pq}}(s) = \delta_{pq} \blue{\eHF{p}}
+ \sum_{r\nu} \frac{\Delta_{pr}^{\nu} + \Delta_{qr}^{\nu}}{(\Delta_{pr}^{\nu})^2 + (\Delta_{qr}^{\nu})^2 }
\qty[ \red{W_{pr}^{\nu}} \red{W_{qr}^{\nu}} - \purple{W_{pr}^{\nu}}(s) \purple{W_{qr}^{\nu}}(s) ]
\Delta_{pr}^{\nu} = \eGW{p} - \eGW{r} \pm \Om_\nu
= \sum_{i\nu} \frac{\purple{W_{pi}^{\nu}}(s) \purple{W_{qi}^{\nu}}(s)}{\om - \eGW{i} + \Om_{\nu}}
+ \sum_{a\nu} \frac{\purple{W_{pa}^{\nu}}(s) \purple{W_{qa}^{\nu}}(s)}{\om - \eGW{a} - \Om_{\nu}}
\boxed{\purple{W_{pr}^{\nu}}(s) = \red{W_{pr}^{\nu}} e^{-(\Delta_{pr}^{\nu})^2 s}}
For a fixed value of the \alert{energy cut-off} $\Lambda = s^{-1/2}$,
\qif* \abs*{\Delta_{pr}^{\nu}} \gg \Lambda & \qthen & \purple{W_{pr}^{\nu}}(s) & = \red{W_{pr}^{\nu}} e^{-(\Delta_{pr}^{\nu})^2 s} \approx 0 & \qq{(decoupled)}
\qif* \abs*{\Delta_{pr}^{\nu}} \ll \Lambda & \qthen & \purple{W_{pr}^{\nu}}(s) & \approx \red{W_{pr}^{\nu}} & \qq{(remains coupled)}
\begin{frame}{Limiting Forms}
\begin{block}{Limit as $s \to 0$}
\blue{\widetilde{\bF}}(s=0) = \blue{\bF}
\magenta{\widetilde{\bSig}^{\SRGGW}}(\om;s=0) = \violet{\bSig^{\GW}}(\om)
\begin{block}{Limit as $s \to \infty$}
\magenta{\widetilde{\bSig}^{\SRGGW}}(\om;s\to\infty) = \bO
= \delta_{pq} \blue{\eHF{p}}
+ \underbrace{\sum_{r\nu} \frac{\Delta_{pr}^{\nu} + \Delta_{qr}^{\nu}}{(\Delta_{pr}^{\nu})^2 + (\Delta_{qr}^{\nu})^2 }
\red{W_{pr}^{\nu}} \red{W_{qr}^{\nu}}}_{\text{static correction}}
\alert{By removing the coupling terms, SRG transforms continuously the dynamic problem into a static one}
\begin{block}{SRG-qs$GW$ self-energy from first principles}
= \sum_{r\nu} \frac{\Delta_{pr}^{\nu} + \Delta_{qr}^{\nu}}{(\Delta_{pr}^{\nu})^2 + (\Delta_{qr}^{\nu})^2 }
\qty[ \red{W_{pr}^{\nu}} \red{W_{qr}^{\nu}} - \purple{W_{pr}^{\nu}}(s) \purple{W_{qr}^{\nu}}(s) ]
\begin{frame}{qs$GW$ vs SRG-qs$GW$ functional forms for $s=1/(2\eta^2)$}
\begin{frame}{Example: Principal IP of water (aug-cc-pVTZ) wrt $\Delta$CCSD(T)}
\begin{frame}{Principal IPs for a set of small molecules (aug-cc-pVTZ) wrt $\Delta$CCSD(T)}
MSE & 0.64 eV & 0.26 eV & 0.24 eV & 0.17 eV \\
MAE & 0.74 eV & 0.32 eV & 0.25 eV & 0.19 eV \\
\begin{frame}{Principal EAs for a set of small molecules (aug-cc-pVTZ) wrt $\Delta$CCSD(T)}
MSE & -0.30 eV & -0.02 eV & 0.00 eV & 0.00 eV \\
MAE & 0.32 eV & 0.19 eV & 0.11 eV & 0.12 eV \\
\begin{frame}{Acknowledgements \& Funding}
\item \textbf{Antoine Marie}
\item \textbf{Francesco Evangelista}
\item Enzo Monino
\item Roberto Orlando
\item Yann Damour
\item Sara Giarrusso
\item Ra\'ul Quintero-Monsebaiz
\item F\'abris Kossoski
\item Anthony Scemama
\item Michel Caffarel