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2020-06-15 19:56:51 +02:00
% methods
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\newcommand{\IneV}[1]{#1 eV}
\newcommand{\InAU}[1]{#1 a.u.}
\newcommand{\SI}{Supporting Information}
\title{A Mountaineering Strategy to Excited States: Highly-Accurate Reference Energies and Benchmarks\\Supporting Information}
\author{Pierre-Fran{\c c}ois Loos}
\affiliation[LCPQ, Toulouse]{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France}
\author{Anthony Scemama}
\affiliation[LCPQ, Toulouse]{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France}
\author{Aymeric Blondel}
\affiliation[UN, Nantes]{Laboratoire CEISAM - UMR CNRS 6230, Universit\'e de Nantes, 2 Rue de la Houssini\`ere, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3, France}
\author{Yann Garniron}
\affiliation[LCPQ, Toulouse]{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France}
\author{Michel Caffarel}
\affiliation[LCPQ, Toulouse]{Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France}
\author{Denis Jacquemin}
\affiliation[UN, Nantes]{Laboratoire CEISAM - UMR CNRS 6230, Universit\'e de Nantes, 2 Rue de la Houssini\`ere, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3, France}
\section{Basis set and frozen-core effects}
\subsection{Water, ammonia and hydrogen chloride}
\caption{\small CC3 vertical transition energies of water (top), ammonia (center), and hydrogen chloride (bottom) using various atomic basis sets.
FC stands for frozen core (large frozen core for the latter compound). All values are in eV.}
& {\AVDZ} & {\AVTZ} & {\DAVTZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\AVQZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\DAVQZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\TAVQZ} & {\AVPZ} & {\DAVPZ} \\
& FC & FC &FC & FC & Full & FC & Full & FC & Full & Full & Full\\
& \multicolumn{11}{c}{Water} \\
$^1B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.51 &7.60&7.60 &7.65 &7.66 &7.65 &7.66 &7.64 &7.66 &7.67 &7.67 \\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.29 &9.38&9.37 &9.43 &9.43 &9.42 &9.42 &9.42 &9.42 &9.44 &9.44 \\
$^1A_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.92 &9.97&9.89 &10.00 &10.00 &9.94 &9.94 &9.93 &9.94 &10.00 &9.95 \\
$^3B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.13 &7.23&7.23 &7.28 &7.29 &7.28 &7.29 &7.28 &7.29 &7.31 &7.31 \\
$^3A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.12 &9.22&9.30 &9.26 &9.27 &9.26 &9.26 &9.26 &9.26 &9.28 &9.28 \\
$^3A_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.47 &9.52&9.52 &9.56 &9.56 &9.56 &9.56 &9.56 &9.56 &9.57 &9.57 \\
& \multicolumn{11}{c}{Ammonia} \\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.46 & 6.57&6.57 &6.61 &6.61 &6.61 &6.61 &6.61 &6.61 &6.63 &6.63 \\
$^1E (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.06 & 8.15&8.12 &8.18 &8.18 &8.16 &8.16 &8.16 &8.16 &8.18 &8.17 \\
$^1A_1 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.66 & 9.32&8.56 &9.11 &9.11 &8.61 &8.61 &8.60 &8.60 &8.91 &8.62 \\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow 4s)$ &10.40& 9.95&9.12 &9.77 &9.77 &9.16 &9.17 &9.15 &9.16 &9.61 &9.18 \\
$^3A_2 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.18 & 6.29&6.29 &6.33 &6.34 &6.33 &6.34 &6.33 &6.34 &6.35 &6.35 \\
& \multicolumn{11}{c}{Hydrogen chloride} \\
$^1\Pi (\mathrm{CT})$ &7.82 & 7.84 & 7.83 &7.89 &7.87 &7.88 &7.87 &7.88 &7.87 &7.87 &7.87\\
\subsection{Dinitrogen and carbon monoxide}
\caption{\small CC3 vertical transition energies of dinitrogen (top) and carbon monoxide (bottom) using various atomic basis sets.
See caption of Table \ref{Table-wat-bs} for more details.}
& {\AVDZ} & {\AVTZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\AVQZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\DAVQZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\TAVQZ} & {\AVPZ} & {\DAVPZ} \\
& FC & FC & FC & Full & FC & Full & FC & Full & Full & Full\\
& \multicolumn{10}{c}{Dinitrogen} \\
$^1\Pi_g (\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.44 &9.34 &9.33 &9.32 &9.33 &9.32 &9.33 &9.32 &9.32 &9.32 \\%B2G-B3G
$^1\Sigma_u^- (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &10.06 &9.88 &9.87 &9.87 &9.87 &9.87 &9.87 &9.87 &9.86 &9.86 \\%AU
$^1\Delta_u (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &10.43 &10.29 &10.27 &10.27 &10.27 &10.27 &10.27 &10.27 &10.27 &10.27 \\%B1U/AU
$^1\Sigma_g^+ (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow \sigma^\star)$ &13.23 &13.01 &12.90 &12.91 &12.27 &12.28 &12.27 &12.28 &12.77 &12.31 \\%AG
$^1\Pi_u (\mathrm{R})$ &13.28 &13.22 &13.17 &13.16 &12.89 &12.90 &12.89 &12.90 &13.08 &12.92 \\%B2U-B3U
$^1\Sigma_u^+ (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow \sigma^\star)$ &13.14 &13.12 &13.09 &13.10 &12.94 &12.96 &12.94 &12.96 &13.06 &12.98 \\%B1IU
$^1\Pi_u (\mathrm{R})$ &13.64 &13.49 &13.42 &13.40 &13.34 &13.31 &13.34 &13.31 &13.34 &13.30 \\%B2U-B3U
$^3\Sigma_u^+ (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.67 &7.68 &7.71 &7.70 &7.71 &7.70 &7.71 &7.70 &7.71 &7.71 \\%B1IU
$^3\Pi_g (\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &8.07 &8.04 &8.04 &8.03 &8.04 &8.03 &8.04 &8.03 &8.04 &8.04 \\%B2G-B3G
$^3\Delta_u (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &8.97 &8.87 &8.87 &8.86 &8.87 &8.86 &8.87 &8.86 &8.87 &8.87 \\%B1U/AU
$^3\Sigma_u^- (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.78 &9.68 &9.68 &9.67 &9.68 &9.67 &9.68 &9.67 &9.67 &9.67 \\%AU
& \multicolumn{10}{c}{Carbon monoxide} \\
$^1\Pi (\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &8.57 &8.49 &8.47 &8.46 &8.47 &8.45 &8.47 &8.45 &8.45 &8.45 \\%B1/B2
$^1\Sigma^- (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &10.12 &9.99 &9.99 &9.98 &9.99 &9.98 &9.99 &9.98 &9.98 &9.98 \\%A2
$^1\Delta (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &10.23 &10.12 &10.12 &10.11 &10.12 &10.11 &10.11 &10.11 &10.11 &10.11 \\%A1/A2
$^1\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{R})$ &10.92 &10.94 &10.90 &10.91 &10.72 &10.72 &10.72 &10.72 &10.85 &10.74 \\%A1
$^1\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{R})$ &11.48 &11.49 &11.46 &11.47 &11.33 &11.34 &11.33 &11.34 &11.42 &11.35 \\%A1
$^1\Pi (\mathrm{R})$ &11.74 &11.69 &11.63 &11.64 &11.46 &11.46 &11.46 &11.46 &11.57 &11.48 \\%B1/B2
$^3\Pi (\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.31 &6.30 &6.30 &6.29 &6.30 &6.29 &6.30 &6.29 &6.29 &6.29 \\%B1/B2
$^3\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &8.45 &8.45 &8.48 &8.47 &8.48 &8.47 &8.48 &8.47 &8.48 &8.48 \\%A1
$^3\Delta (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.37 &9.30 &9.31 &9.30 &9.31 &9.30 &9.31 &9.30 &9.30 &9.30 \\%A1/A2
$^3\Sigma^- (\mathrm{V}; \pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.89 &9.82 &9.82 &9.81 &9.81 &9.81 &9.82 &9.81 &9.81 &9.81 \\%A2
$^3\Sigma^- (\mathrm{R})$ &10.39 &10.45 &10.44 &10.45 &10.33 &10.33 &10.33 &10.34 &10.42 &10.35 \\%A1
\subsection{Acetylene and ethylene}
\caption{\small CC3 vertical transition energies determined of acetylene (top) and ethylene (bottom) using various atomic basis sets.
See caption of Table \ref{Table-wat-bs} for more details.}
& {\AVDZ} & {\AVTZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\AVQZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\DAVQZ} & {\AVPZ} \\
& FC & FC & FC & Full & FC & Full & Full \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Acetylene} \\
$^1\Sigma_u^- (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.21&7.09 &7.09 &7.09 &7.09 &7.09 &7.09 \\
$^1\Delta_u (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.51&7.42 &7.41 &7.42 &7.41 &7.42 &7.42 \\
$^3\Sigma_u^+ (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.48&5.50 &5.53 &5.52 &5.53 &5.52 &5.53 \\
$^3\Delta_u (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.46&6.40 &6.40 &6.40 &6.40 &6.40 &6.40 \\
$^3\Sigma_u^- (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.13&7.07 &7.07 &7.07 &7.07 &7.07 &7.08 \\
$^1A_u [\mathrm{F}] (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.70&3.64 &3.63 &3.63 &3.63 &3.63 &3.63 \\
$^1A_2 [\mathrm{F}] (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.92&3.84 &3.83 &3.84 &3.84 &3.84 &3.84 \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Ethylene} \\
$^1B_{3u} (\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.29&7.35 &7.38 &7.39 &7.37 &7.38 &7.39 \\
$^1B_{1u} (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.94&7.91 &7.90 &7.91 &7.90 &7.93 &7.91 \\
$^1B_{1g} (\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.97&8.03 &8.04 &8.05 &8.03 &8.04 &8.05 \\
$^3B_{1u} (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.53&4.53 &4.54 &4.53 &4.54 &4.53 &4.53 \\
$^3B_{3u} (\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.17&7.24 &7.27 &7.28 &7.26 &7.28 &7.29 \\
$^3B_{1g} (\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.93&7.98 &8.00 &8.00 &7.99 &7.99 &8.01 \\
\subsection{Formaldehyde, methanimine and thioformaldehyde}
\caption{\small CC3 vertical transition energies determined of formaldehyde (top), methanimine (center), and thioformaldehyde (bottom) using various atomic basis sets.
See caption of Table \ref{Table-wat-bs} for more details.}
& {\AVDZ} & {\AVTZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\AVQZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\DAVQZ} & {\AVPZ} \\
& FC & FC & FC & Full & FC & Full & Full \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Formaldehyde} \\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.00&3.97& 3.97& 3.96& 3.97 & 3.96 & 3.96 \\
$^1B_2 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.05&7.18& 7.23& 7.23& 7.22 & 7.23 & 7.25 \\
$^1B_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.02&8.07& 8.10& 8.11& 8.05 & 8.06 & 8.10 \\
$^1A_1 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.08&8.18& 8.22& 8.23& 8.20 & 8.20 & 8.23 \\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.65&8.64& 8.60& 8.61& & 8.61 & 8.54 \\
$^1B_1 (\sigma \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.31&9.19& 9.19& 9.18& 9.19 & 9.18 & 9.18 \\
$^1A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.59&9.48& 9.46& 9.46& 9.30 & 9.31 & 9.43 \\
$^3A_2 (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.58&3.57& 3.58& 3.57& 3.58 & 3.57 & 3.57 \\
$^3A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.09&6.05& 6.06& 6.06& 6.07 & 6.06 & 6.06 \\
$^3B_2 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.91&7.03& 7.08& 7.09& 7.08 & 7.09 & 7.11 \\
$^3B_2 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.84&7.92& 7.95& 7.96& 7.91 & 7.96 & 7.95 \\
$^3A_1 (n \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.97&8.08& 8.12& 8.12& 8.10 & 8.11 & 8.13 \\
$^3B_1 (n \rightarrow 3d)$ &8.48&8.41& 8.42& 8.41& 8.42 & 8.41 & 8.41 \\
$^1A^" [\mathrm{F}] (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.87&2.84& 2.85& 2.84& 2.85 & 2.84 & 2.84 \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Methanimine} \\
$^1A^"(n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.26&5.20& 5.20& 5.18& 5.20 & 5.18 & 5.18 \\
$^3A^" (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.63&4.61& 4.62& 4.60& 4.62 & 4.60 & 4.60 \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Thioformaldehyde} \\
$^1A_2 (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.27&2.23& 2.23& 2.21& 2.23& 2.21 & 2.21 \\
$^1B_2 (n \rightarrow 4s)$ &5.80&5.91& 5.95& 5.95& 5.95& 5.94 & 5.96 \\
$^1A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.62&6.48& 6.46& 6.45& 6.45& 6.45 & 6.43 \\
$^3A_2 (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.97&1.94& 1.95& 1.94& 1.95& 1.94 & \\
$^3A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.43&3.38& 3.40& 3.39& 3.40& 3.39 & 3.39 \\
$^3B_2 (n \rightarrow 4s)$ &5.64&5.72& 5.75& 5.75& 5.75& 5.74 & \\
$^1A_2 [\mathrm{F}] (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.00&1.97& 1.98& 1.96& 1.97& 1.96 & 1.95 \\
\subsection{Larger compounds}
\caption{\small CC3 vertical transition energies determined of six compounds incorporating three non-hydrogen atoms.
See caption of Table \ref{Table-wat-bs} for more details.}
&& {\AVDZ} & {\AVTZ} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\AVQZ} & {\DAVQZ} \\
Molecule state && FC & FC & FC & Full & Full \\
Acetaldehyde &$^1A''(n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.34 &4.31 &4.32& & \\
&$^3A''(n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.96 &3.95 &3.97& & \\
Cyclopropene &$^1B_1 (\sigma \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.72 &6.68 &6.68 &6.68\\
&$^1B_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.77 &6.73 &6.73 &6.73\\
&$^3B_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.34 &4.34 &4.35 &4.34\\
&$^3B_1 (\sigma \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.43 &6.40 &6.41 &6.40\\
Diazomethane &$^1A_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.10 &3.07 &3.07 &3.06 &3.06 \\
&$^1B_1 (\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.32 &5.45 &5.49 &5.51 &5.50 \\
&$^1A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.80 &5.84 &5.85 &5.85 &5.83 \\
&$^3A_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.84 &2.83 &2.82 &2.82 & \\
&$^3A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.05 &4.03 &4.04 &4.03 &4.03 \\
&$^3B_1 (\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.17 &5.31 &5.35 &5.37 &5.36 \\
&$^3A_1 (\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &6.83 &6.80 &6.81 &6.80 &6.70 \\
&$^1A'' [\mathrm{F}] (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &0.68 &0.68 &0.68 &0.67 & \\
Formamide &$^1A'' (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.71 &5.66 & &\\
&$^1A' (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.65 &6.74 & &\\
&$^1A' (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$$^a$ &7.63 &7.62 & &\\
&$^1A' (n \rightarrow 3p)$$^a$ &7.31 &7.40 & &\\
&$^3A'' (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.42 &5.38 & &\\
&$^3A' (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.83 &5.82 &5.83 &\\
Ketene &$^1A_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.89 &3.88 &3.88 &3.88 &3.88 \\
&$^1B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.83 &5.96 &6.00 &6.01 &6.01 \\
&$^1A_2 (\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.05 &7.16 &7.19 &7.20 &7.17 \\
&$^3A_2 (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.79 &3.78 &3.79 &3.78 &3.78 \\
&$^3A_1 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.62 &5.61 &5.62 &5.60 &5.60 \\
&$^3B_1 (n \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.63 &5.76 &5.81 &5.82 &5.82 \\
&$^3A_2 (\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.01 &7.12 &7.15 &7.16 &7.14 \\
&$^1A'' [\mathrm{F}] (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.00 &1.00 &1.00 &1.00 & \\
Nitrosomethane&$^1A'' (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.00 &1.96 &1.96 &1.96\\
&$^1A' (n,n \rightarrow \pi^\star,\pi^\star)$ &5.75 &5.76 &5.74 &5.73\\
&$^1A' (n \rightarrow 3s/3p)$ &6.20 &6.31 &6.35 &6.36\\
&$^3A'' (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.13 &1.14 &1.15 &1.14\\
&$^3A' (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.54 &5.51 &5.52 &5.52\\
&$^1A'' [\mathrm{F}] (n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.70 &1.69 & & \\
Streptocyanine-C1&$^1B_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.14 &7.13 &7.13 &7.12\\
& $^3B_2 (\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.48 &5.48 &5.49 &5.48\\
$^a${Strong state mixing.}
Below are given the cartesian coordinates of the compounds investigated in this study.
These are provided in atomic units (bohr) and they have been obtained at the \CC{3}(full)/{\AVTZ} level of theory.
C -0.00234503 0.00000000 0.87125063
C -1.75847785 0.00000000 -1.34973671
O 2.27947397 0.00000000 0.71968028
H -0.92904537 0.00000000 2.73929404
H -2.97955463 1.66046488 -1.25209463
H -2.97955463 -1.66046488 -1.25209463
H -0.70043433 0.00000000 -3.11066412
Ground state
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.14048351
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.14048351
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.14009043
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 -3.14009043
\emph{Trans} excited state ($^1A_u$ state in the $C_{2h}$ point group)
C 1.29567779 0.00000000 -0.01846047
C -1.29567779 0.00000000 0.01846047
H 2.41938674 0.00000000 1.70881682
H -2.41938674 0.00000000 -1.70881682
\emph{Cis} excited state ($^1A_2$ state in the $C_{2v}$ point group)
C 0.00000000 1.26834508 -0.11726146
C 0.00000000 -1.26834508 -0.11726146
H 0.00000000 2.67282325 1.39629264
H 0.00000000 -2.67282325 1.39629264
N 0.12804615 -0.00000000 0.00000000
H -0.59303935 0.88580079 -1.53425197
H -0.59303935 -1.77160157 -0.00000000
H -0.59303935 0.88580079 1.53425197
\subsection{Carbon monoxide}
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.24942055
O 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.89266692
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.66820880
C 0.00000000 1.22523906 0.90681419
C 0.00000000 -1.22523906 0.90681419
H 1.72255446 0.00000000 -2.77881149
H -1.72255446 0.00000000 -2.77881149
H 0.00000000 2.97844519 1.92076771
H 0.00000000 -2.97844519 1.92076771
Ground state
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.30830005
N 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.14457890
N 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.29923216
H 0.00000000 1.79875201 -3.24272317
H 0.00000000 -1.79875201 -3.24272317
Excited state
C 1.80206107 0.00000000 -1.03389466
N -0.01743713 0.00000000 0.84742344
N -2.25203764 0.00000000 0.54034983
H 3.74280590 0.00000000 -0.44375913
H 1.20115546 0.00000000 -2.98380249
N 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.04008632
N 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.04008632
C 0.00000000 1.26026583 0.00000000
C 0.00000000 -1.26026583 0.00000000
H 0.00000000 2.32345976 1.74287672
H 0.00000000 -2.32345976 1.74287672
H 0.00000000 2.32345976 -1.74287672
H 0.00000000 -2.32345976 -1.74287672
Ground state
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.13947666
O 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.14402883
H 0.00000000 1.76627623 -2.23398653
H 0.00000000 -1.76627623 -2.23398653
Excited state
C -0.09942705 0.00000000 1.27071070
O 0.01987299 0.00000000 -1.23280536
H 0.42778855 1.76729629 2.18470884
H 0.42778855 -1.76729629 2.18470884
C 0.00183118 0.00000000 0.79313299
O 2.26817156 0.00000000 0.43918824
N -1.76886033 0.00000000 -1.06219243
H -0.84133459 0.00000000 2.68872485
H -1.21254414 0.00000000 -2.87596907
H -3.61627502 0.00000000 -0.65031317
\subsection{Hydrogen chloride}
Cl 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02489783
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.38483140
Ground state
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.44810151
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03498545
O 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.23663914
H 0.00000000 1.77432079 -3.43705988
H 0.00000000 -1.77432079 -3.43705988
Excited state
C 2.04306304 0.00000000 -0.93056721
C 0.00400918 0.00000000 0.83531393
O -2.23710378 0.00000000 0.46984584
H 1.63603518 0.00000000 -2.93687368
H 3.96212800 0.00000000 -0.26649149
C 0.10696646 0.00000000 1.11091130
N 0.10764012 0.00000000 -1.29677742
H -1.59140953 0.00000000 2.27296652
H 1.90475160 0.00000000 2.09393982
H -1.69956184 0.00000000 -1.96217482
Ground state
C -1.78426612 0.00000000 -1.07224050
N -0.00541753 0.00000000 1.08060391
O 2.18814985 0.00000000 0.43452135
H -0.77343975 0.00000000 -2.86415606
H -2.97471478 1.66801808 -0.86424584
H -2.97471478 -1.66801808 -0.86424584
Excited state
C 1.86306273 0.00000000 -1.06035094
N 0.00638693 0.00000000 1.02546010
O -2.26923072 0.00000000 0.47699489
H 3.72600129 0.00000000 -0.21094854
H 1.58491147 1.68964774 -2.20977225
H 1.58491147 -1.68964774 -2.20977225
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.80488833
N 0.00000000 2.19423463 -0.33580561
N 0.00000000 -2.19423463 -0.33580561
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.84436959
H 0.00000000 2.36978315 -2.23371976
H 0.00000000 -2.36978315 -2.23371976
H 0.00000000 3.79412648 0.69399206
H 0.00000000 -3.79412648 0.69399206
Ground state
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.08677304
S 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.97251194
H 0.00000000 1.73657773 -3.17013507
H 0.00000000 -1.73657773 -3.17013507
Excited state
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.20256705
S 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.02717172
H 0.00000000 1.76634191 -3.21909384
H 0.00000000 -1.76634191 -3.21909384
O 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.13209669
H 0.00000000 1.43152878 0.97970006
H 0.00000000 -1.43152878 0.97970006
\begin{longtable}{p{2.73cm}p{3.3cm}p{.55cm}|p{.75cm}p{.55cm}p{.95cm}p{.9cm}p{.9cm}p{1.6cm}p{.55cm}p{1.1cm}p{1.2cm}p{1.0cm}p{1.0 cm}}
\caption{Comparisons between TBE obtained at the {\AVTZ} basis set in the frozen-core approximation (see Table 6) and the results obtained with various
computational approaches, using the same basis set and approximation.
STEOM stands for STEOM-CCSD and CC(3) for CCSDR(3).} \label{Table-benchmark}\\
Compound & State & TBE & CIS(D) & CC2 & STEOM & CCSD & CC(3) &CCSDT-3& CC3& CCSDT& CCSDTQ&ADC(2)& ADC(3) \\
Compound & State & TBE & CIS(D) & CC2 & STEOM & CCSD & CC(3) &CCSDT-3& CC3& CCSDT& CCSDTQ&ADC(2)& ADC(3) \\
\hline \multicolumn{13}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\
Acetaldehyde &$^1A''(\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.31 &4.36 &4.41 &4.25 &4.36 &4.31 &4.32 &4.31 &4.29 & &4.24 &4.29 \\
&$^3A''(\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.97 &3.96 &3.98 &3.95 &3.95 & & &3.95 &3.94$^a$& &3.83 &3.89 \\
Acetylene &$^1\Sigma_u^- (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.10 & 7.28 &7.26 &7.08 &7.15 &7.09 &7.09 &7.09 &7.09 &7.09$^b$&7.24 &6.72 \\
&$^1\Delta_u (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.44 & 7.62 &7.59 &7.42 &7.48 &7.43 &7.42 &7.42 &7.43 &7.43$^b$&7.56 &7.06 \\
&$^3\Sigma_u^+ (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.53 & 5.79 &5.76 &5.20 &5.45 & & &5.50 &5.51 &5.52$^b$&5.75 &5.24 \\
&$^3\Delta_u (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.40 & 6.62 &6.60 &6.13 &6.41 & & &6.40 &6.39 &6.39$^b$&6.57 &6.06 \\
&$^3\Sigma_u^- (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.08 & 7.31 &7.29 &6.84 &7.12 & & &7.07 &7.08$^a$&7.08$^c$&7.27 &6.72 \\
&$^1A_u [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.64 & 3.85 &3.94 &3.65 &3.70 &3.66 &3.64 &3.64 &3.66 &3.64$^b$&3.78 &2.85 \\
&$^1A_2 [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.85 & 4.06 &4.11 &3.85 &3.92 &3.85 &3.84 &3.84 &3.86 &3.85$^b$&3.99 &3.08 \\
Ammonia &$^1A_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.59 &6.37 &6.39 &6.55 &6.60 &6.57 &6.58 &6.57 &6.57 &6.59 &6.40 &6.63 \\
&$^1E (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.16 &7.86 &7.85 &8.14 &8.15 &8.15 &8.15 &8.15 &8.14 &8.16$^b$&7.87 &8.21 \\
&$^1A_1 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.33 &9.04 &9.05 &9.33 &9.33 &9.32 &9.32 &9.32 &9.31 &9.34$^b$&9.05 &9.38 \\
&$^1A_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 4s)$ &9.96 &9.59 &9.65 &9.98 &9.95 &9.94 &9.95 &9.95 &9.94 &9.96$^b$&9.67 &10.00 \\
&$^3A_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.31 &6.18 &6.14 &6.31 &6.30 & & &6.29 &6.29 &6.30 &6.16 &6.31 \\
Carbon monoxyde &$^1\Pi (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 8.49 &8.78 &8.64 &8.55 &8.59 &8.52 &8.51 &8.49 &8.57 &8.48 &8.69 &8.24 \\
&$^1\Sigma^- (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 9.92 &10.13 &10.30 &9.90 &9.99 &9.98 &9.98 &9.99 &10.06 &9.93 &10.03 &9.73 \\
&$^1\Delta (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &10.06 &10.41 &10.60 &10.07 &10.12 &10.12 &10.11 &10.12 &10.18 &10.07$^b$&10.30 &9.82 \\
&$^1\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{R})$ &10.95 &11.48 &11.11 &11.14 &11.22 &10.99 &11.02 &10.94 &10.94 &10.98 &11.32 &10.79 \\
&$^1\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{R})$ &11.52 &11.71 &11.63 &11.75 &11.75 &11.53 &11.55 &11.49 &11.52 &11.52 &11.83 &11.33 \\
&$^1\Pi (\mathrm{R})$ &11.72 &12.06 &11.83 &12.00 &11.96 &11.73 &11.76 &11.69 &11.77 &11.73$^b$&12.03 &11.56 \\
&$^3\Pi (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 6.28 &6.51 &6.42 &6.32 &6.36 & & &6.30 &6.30 &6.28 &6.45 &5.97 \\
&$^3\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 8.45 &8.63 &8.72 &8.37 &8.34 & & &8.45 &8.43 &8.43$^b$&8.54 &8.21 \\
&$^3\Delta (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 9.27 &9.44 &9.56 &9.21 &9.23 & & &9.30 &9.33 &9.26 &9.33 &9.03 \\
&$^3\Sigma^- (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 9.80 &10.10 &10.27 &9.83 &9.81 & & &9.82 & & &10.01 &9.53 \\
&$^3\Sigma^+ (\mathrm{R})$ & 10.47 &10.98 &10.60 &10.73 &10.71 & & &10.45 &10.42 &10.50$^b$&10.83 &10.29 \\
Cyclopropene &$^1B_1 (\mathrm{V};\sigma \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.68 &6.90 &6.73 & &6.76 &6.68 &6.70 &6.68 &6.68 & &6.75 &6.56 \\
&$^1B_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.79 &6.90 &6.78 &6.94 &6.86 &6.73 &6.76 &6.73 &6.75 & &6.86 &6.56 \\
&$^3B_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.38 &4.55 &4.46 &4.36 &4.30 & & &4.34 &4.35$^a$& &4.45 &4.09 \\
&$^3B_1 (\mathrm{V};\sigma \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.45 &6.49 &6.44 &6.57 &6.46 & & &6.40 &6.40$^a$& &6.45 &6.26 \\
Diazomethane &$^1A_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.14 &3.55 &3.37 &3.20 &3.19 &3.12 &3.10 &3.07 &3.07 & &3.34 &2.74 \\
&$^1B_1 (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.54 &5.65 &5.53 &5.57 &5.57 &5.48 &5.47 &5.45 &5.48 & &5.63 &5.23 \\
&$^1A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.90 &6.03 &6.00 &5.75 &5.94 &5.87 &5.86 &5.84 &5.86 & &5.97 &5.48 \\
&$^3A_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.79 &3.21 &3.08 &2.85 &3.19 & & &2.83 &2.82 & &3.01 &2.44 \\
&$^3A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.05 &4.28 &4.25 &3.91 &3.95 & & &4.03 &4.02 & &4.20 &3.64 \\
&$^3B_1 (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.35 &5.53 &5.53 &5.43 &5.42 & & &5.31 &5.34 & &5.50 &5.08 \\
&$^3A_1 (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &6.82 &7.37 &7.04 & &6.85 & & &6.80 &6.80$^a$& &7.09 &6.36 \\
&$^1A'' [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &0.71 &1.06 &0.90 &0.88 &0.81 &0.73 &0.70 &0.68 &0.67 & &0.81 &0.24 \\
Dinitrogen &$^1\Pi_g (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.34 &9.66 &9.44 &9.37 &9.41 &9.36 &9.35 &9.34 &9.33 &9.32 &9.48 &9.16 \\
&$^1\Sigma_u^- (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.88 &10.31 &10.32 &10.09 &10.00 &9.90 &9.89 &9.88 &9.89 &9.88 &10.26 &9.33 \\
&$^1\Delta_u (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &10.29 &10.85 &10.86 &10.56 &10.44 &10.33 &10.31 &10.29 &10.30 &10.29$^b$&10.79 &9.74 \\
&$^1\Sigma_g^+ (\mathrm{R})$ &12.98 &13.67 &12.83 &13.13 &13.15 &13.04 &13.06 &13.01 &13.00 &12.98$^b$&12.99 &13.01 \\
&$^1\Pi_u (\mathrm{R})$ &13.03 &13.64 &13.15 &13.43 &13.43 &13.28 &13.27 &13.22 &13.14 &13.09 &13.32 &12.98 \\
&$^1\Sigma_u^+ (\mathrm{R})$ &13.09 &13.75 &12.89 &13.22 &13.26 &13.14 &13.16 &13.12 &13.12 &13.10$^b$&13.07 &13.09 \\
&$^1\Pi_u (\mathrm{R})$ &13.46 &14.52 &13.96 &13.73 &13.67 &13.52 & &13.49 &13.45 &13.42 &14.00 &13.40 \\
&$^3\Sigma_u^+ (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.70 &8.20 &8.19 &7.70 &7.66 & & &7.68 &7.69 &7.70 &8.15 &7.25 \\
&$^3\Pi_g (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &8.01 &8.33 &8.19 &8.16 &8.09 & & &8.04 &8.03 &8.02 &8.20 &7.77 \\
&$^3\Delta_u (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &8.87 &9.30 &9.30 &8.94 &8.91 & & &8.87 &8.87 &8.87 &9.25 &8.36 \\
&$^3\Sigma_u^- (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.66 &10.29 &10.29 &9.90 &9.83 & & &9.68 &9.68 &9.66 &10.23 &9.14 \\
Ethylene &$^1B_{3u} (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.40 &7.35 &7.29 &7.42 &7.42 &7.35 &7.36 &7.35 &7.37 &7.38$^b$&7.34 &7.17 \\
&$^1B_{1u} (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.91 &7.95 &7.92 & &8.02 &7.89 &7.92 &7.91 &7.92 &7.91$^b$&7.91 &7.69 \\
&$^1B_{1g} (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.07 &8.01 &7.95 &8.10 &8.08 &8.02 &8.03 &8.03 &8.04 &8.05$^b$&7.99 &7.84 \\
&$^3B_{1u} (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.54 &4.62 &4.59 &4.36 &4.46 & & &4.53 &4.53 &4.53$^b$&4.59 &4.28 \\
&$^3B_{3u} (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.23 &7.26 &7.19 &7.31 &7.29 & & &7.24 &7.25 &7.25$^b$&7.23 &7.05 \\
&$^3B_{1g} (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.98 &7.97 &7.91 &8.08 &8.03 & & &7.98 &7.99 &7.99$^b$&7.95 &7.80 \\
Formaldehyde &$^1A_2 (\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.98 &4.04 &4.07 &3.91 &4.01 &3.97 &3.98 &3.97 &3.95 &3.96$^b$&3.92 &3.90 \\
&$^1B_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.23 &6.64 &6.56 &7.19 &7.23 &7.18 &7.21 &7.18 &7.16 &7.21$^b$&6.50 &7.62 \\
&$^1B_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.13 &7.56 &7.57 &8.05 &8.12 &8.08 &8.11 &8.07 &8.07 &8.11$^b$&7.53 &8.45 \\
&$^1A_1 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.23 &8.16 &7.52 &8.18 &8.21 &8.17 &8.21 &8.18 &8.16 &8.21$^b$&7.47 &8.61 \\
&$^1A_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.67 &8.04 &8.04 &8.68 &8.65 &8.63 &8.66 &8.64 &8.61 &8.66$^b$&7.99 &9.02 \\
&$^1B_1 (\mathrm{V};\sigma \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.22 &9.38 &9.32 &9.08 &9.28 &9.20 &9.20 &9.19 &9.17 &9.18$^b$&9.17 &9.17 \\
&$^1A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &9.43 &9.08 &9.54 & &9.67 &9.51 &9.51 &9.48 &9.49 &9.44$^b$&9.46 &9.05 \\
&$^3A_2 (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.58 &3.58 &3.59 &3.54 &3.56 & & &3.57 &3.56 &3.57$^b$&3.46 &3.48 \\
&$^3A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.06 &6.27 &6.30 &5.89 &5.97 & & &6.05 &6.05 &6.06$^b$&6.20 &5.71 \\
&$^3B_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.06 &6.66 &6.44 &7.07 &7.08 & & &7.03 &7.02 &7.07$^b$&6.39 &7.44 \\
&$^3B_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.94 &7.52 &7.45 &7.98 &7.94 & & &7.92 &7.90 &7.94$^b$&7.41 &8.23 \\
&$^3A_1 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &8.10 &7.68 &7.44 &8.15 &8.09 & & &8.08 &8.06 &8.11$^b$&7.40 &8.46 \\
&$^3B_1 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3d)$ &8.42 &8.57 &8.52 &8.36 &8.43 & & &8.41 &8.40 &8.41$^b$&8.39 &8.32 \\
&$^1A^" [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.80 &2.90 &2.97 &2.81 &2.93 &2.86 &2.86 &2.84 &2.82 &2.84$^b$&2.71 &2.77 \\
Formamide &$^1A'' \mathrm{V};(n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &\hl{xxx} &5.58 &5.69 &5.72 &5.69 &5.66 &5.67 &5.66 &\hl{xxx} & &5.45 &5.75 \\
&$^1A' (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &\hl{xxx} &6.82$^c$&6.31$^c$&6.94 &6.99 &6.83 &6.83 &6.74 &\hl{xxx} & &6.26$^c$&7.20 \\
&$^1A' (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &\hl{xxx} &6.84$^c$&7.55$^c$& &7.55$^c$&7.44 &7.68$^c$&7.62$^c$&\hl{xxx} & &7.39$^c$&7.80$^c$\\
&$^1A' (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3p)$ &\hl{xxx} &6.89$^c$&6.89$^c$& &7.78$^c$&7.65 &7.46$^c$&7.40$^c$&\hl{xxx} & &6.83$^c$&8.12$^c$\\
&$^3A'' (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &\hl{xxx} &5.31 &5.36 &5.29 &5.36 & & &5.38 &\hl{xxx} & &5.15 &5.42 \\
&$^3A' (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &\hl{xxx} &6.07 &5.99 &5.74 &5.77 & & &5.82 &\hl{xxx} & &5.88 &5.63 \\
Hydrogen chloride & $^1\Pi (\mathrm{CT})$ &7.84 &7.98 &7.96 &7.91 &7.91 &7.84 &7.85 &7.84 &7.83 &7.84 &7.97 &7.79 \\
Ketene &$^1A_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.86 &4.18 &4.17 &3.84 &3.97 &3.92 &3.90 &3.88 &3.87 & &4.11 &3.67 \\
&$^1B_1 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &6.01 &6.09 &5.94 &6.08 &6.09 &5.99 &5.99 &5.96 &5.99 & &6.03 &5.87 \\
&$^1A_2 (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.18 &7.25 &7.09 &7.29 &7.29 &7.19 &7.20 &7.16 &7.20 & &7.18 &7.07 \\
&$^3A_2 (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &3.77 &4.00 &3.98 &3.82 &3.83 & & &3.78 &3.78 & &3.92 &3.56 \\
&$^3A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.61 &5.79 &5.72 &5.53 &5.55 & & &5.61 &5.60 & &5.67 &5.39 \\
&$^3B_1 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s)$ &5.79 &5.94 &5.77 &5.91 &5.89 & & &5.76 &5.80 & &5.85 &5.67 \\
&$^3A_2 (\mathrm{R};\pi \rightarrow 3p)$ &7.12 &7.24 &7.06 &7.32 &7.25 & & &7.12 &7.17 & &7.15 &7.03 \\
&$^1A^" [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.00 &1.28 &1.26 &1.03 &1.13 &1.06 &1.03 &1.00 &1.00 & &1.19 &0.67 \\
Methanimine &$^1A^"(\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.23 &5.38 &5.32 &5.20 &5.28 &5.20 &5.22 &5.20 &5.19 & &5.29 &5.05 \\
&$^3A^" (\mathrm{V}; n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &4.65 &4.71 &4.65 &4.62 &4.63 & & &4.61 &4.61 & &4.61 &4.44 \\
Nitrosomethane&$^1A'' (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.96 &2.03 &1.98 &1.80 &1.98 &1.96 &1.96 &1.96 &1.95 & &1.88 &1.72 \\
&$^1A' (\mathrm{V};n,n \rightarrow \pi^\star,\pi^\star)$ &4.72 & & & & & &6.02 &5.76 &5.29 & & &3.00 \\
&$^1A' (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 3s/3p)$ &6.37 &5.89 &5.84 &6.51 &6.43 &6.33 &6.38 &6.31 &6.30 & &5.86 &6.48 \\
&$^3A'' (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.16 &1.18 &1.12 &0.99 &1.11 & & &1.14 &1.13 & &1.03 &0.84 \\
&$^3A' (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &5.60 &5.89 &5.74 &5.04 &5.43 & & &5.51 &5.51$^a$& &5.75 &5.04 \\
&$^1A'' [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &\hl{xxx} &1.73 &1.68 &1.49 &1.68 &1.67 &1.67 &1.69 &\hl{xxx} & &1.55 &1.40 \\
Streptocyanine &$^1B_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &7.13 &6.99 &7.20 &6.76 &7.24 &7.12 &7.16 &7.13 &7.11 & &7.00 &7.16 \\
& $^3B_2 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 5.47 &5.61 &5.60 &5.40 &5.45 & & &5.48 &5.47 & &5.55 &5.33 \\
Thioformaldehyde&$^1A_2 (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &2.22 &2.30 &2.34 &2.17 &2.29 &2.22 &2.24 &2.23 &2.21 &2.22$^b$&2.24 &2.05 \\
&$^1B_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 4s)$ &5.96 &5.87 &5.82 &5.92 &5.97 &5.90 &5.94 &5.91 &5.89 &5.91$^b$&5.80 &5.94 \\
&$^1A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &6.38 &6.65 &6.71 &6.48 &6.63 &6.50 &6.51 &6.48 &6.47 &6.38$^b$&6.57 &5.98 \\
&$^3A_2 (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.94 &1.94 &1.94 &1.91 &1.95 & & &1.94 &1.93 &1.93$^b$&1.86 &1.77 \\
&$^3A_1 (\mathrm{V};\pi \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ & 3.43 &3.49 &3.48 &3.18 &3.28 & & &3.38 &3.38 &3.39$^b$&3.45 &3.07 \\
&$^3B_2 (\mathrm{R};n \rightarrow 4s)$ &5.72 &5.78 &5.64 &5.71 &5.76 & & &5.72 &5.71 &5.73$^b$&5.62 &5.71 \\
&$^1A_2 [\mathrm{F}] (\mathrm{V};n \rightarrow \pi^\star)$ &1.95 &2.00 &2.09 &1.92 &2.05 &1.97 &1.98 &1.97 &1.98 &1.96$^b$&1.92 &1.80 \\
Water & $^1B_1 (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.62 &7.17 &7.23 &7.56 &7.60 &7.60 &7.61 &7.65 &7.65 &7.62 &7.18 &7.84 \\
& $^1A_2 (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.41 &8.92 &8.89 &9.37 &9.36 &9.38 &9.38 &9.43 &9.42 &9.40 &8.84 &9.63 \\
& $^1A_1 (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.99 &9.52 &9.58 &9.92 &9.96 &9.96 &9.97 &10.00 &9.98 &9.98 &9.52 &10.22 \\
& $^3B_1 (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow 3s)$ &7.25 &6.92 &6.91 &7.24 &7.20 & & &7.28 &7.28 &7.24 &6.86 &7.41 \\
& $^3A_2 (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow 3p)$ &9.24 &8.91 &8.77 &9.21 &9.20 & & &9.26 &9.25 &9.23 &8.72 &9.43 \\
& $^3A_1 (\mathrm{R}; n \rightarrow 3s)$ &9.54 &9.30 &9.20 &9.51 &9.49 & & &9.56 &9.54 &9.53 &9.15 &9.70 \\
$^a${{\CCSDT}/{\AVDZ} value corrected with the difference between {\CC{3}}/{\AVTZ} and {\CC{3}}/{\AVDZ} values;}
$^b${{\CCSDTQ}/{\AVDZ} value corrected with the difference between {\CCSDT}/{\AVTZ} and {\CCSDT}/{\AVDZ} values;}
$^c${{\CCSDTQ}/{\AVDZ} value corrected with the difference between {\CC{3}}/{\AVTZ} and {\CC{3}}/{\AVDZ} values;}
$^d${Strong state mixing.}