final v1 and update v2

This commit is contained in:
Pierre-Francois Loos 2021-04-27 21:37:10 +02:00
parent a443a7865b
commit be611bde7e
10 changed files with 494 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -191,15 +191,25 @@ decoration={snake,
\begin{frame}{One- and two-electron integrals}
\begin{block}{One-electron integrals: overlap \& core Hamiltonian (Appendix A)}
S_{\mu\nu} = \int \phi_\mu(\orange{\br}) \phi_\nu(\orange{\br}) d\orange{\br}
= \braket{\mu}{\nu}
= \int \phi_\mu(\orange{\br}) \phi_\nu(\orange{\br}) d\orange{\br}
H_{\mu\nu} = \int \phi_\mu(\orange{\br}) \hH^\text{c}(\orange{\br}) \phi_\nu(\orange{\br}) d\orange{\br}
= \mel{\mu}{\hH^\text{c}}{\nu}
= \int \phi_\mu(\orange{\br}) \hH^\text{c}(\orange{\br}) \phi_\nu(\orange{\br}) d\orange{\br}
\begin{block}{Chemist/Mulliken notation for two-electron integrals (p.~68)}
\end{columns} \begin{block}{Chemist/Mulliken notation for two-electron integrals (p.~68)}
( \mu \nu | \lambda \sigma )
= \iint \phi_\mu(\alert{\br_1}) \phi_\nu(\alert{\br_1}) \frac{1}{r_{12}} \phi_\lambda(\blue{\br_2}) \phi_\sigma(\blue{\br_2}) d\red{\br_1} d\blue{\br_2}
@ -234,10 +244,11 @@ decoration={snake,
\phi_{\bb_1}^{\bB_1}(\br_1) \phi_{\bb_2}^{\bB_2}(\br_2) d\br_1 d\br_2
\alert{Formally, one has to compute $\order{N^4}$ ERIs!}
@ -315,14 +326,14 @@ decoration={snake,
\boxed{G_{\red{\alpha},\red{\bm{A}}}(\br) G_{\blue{\beta},\blue{\bm{B}}}(\br) = \green{K} \, G_{\violet{\zeta},\violet{\bm{P}}}(\br)}
\boxed{G_{\red{\alpha},\red{\bm{A}}}(\br) G_{\blue{\beta},\blue{\bm{B}}}(\br) = \violet{K} \, G_{\violet{\zeta},\violet{\bm{P}}}(\br)}
\violet{\zeta} = \red{\alpha} + \blue{\beta}
\violet{\bm{P}} = \frac{\red{\alpha \bA} + \blue{\beta \bB}}{\red{\alpha} + \blue{\beta} }
\green{K} = \exp( -\frac{\red{\alpha} \blue{\beta}}{\red{\alpha} + \blue{\beta} } \abs{\red{\bA} - \blue{\bB}}^2)
\violet{K} = \exp( -\frac{\red{\alpha} \blue{\beta}}{\red{\alpha} + \blue{\beta} } \abs{\red{\bA} - \blue{\bB}}^2)
\begin{block}{Gaussian product rule for ERIs}
@ -331,9 +342,10 @@ decoration={snake,
(\bm{\red{a}} \bm{\blue{b}}|\bm{\orange{c}} \bm{\green{d}})
& = \iint G_{\red{\alpha},\red{\bm{A}}}(\br_1) G_{\blue{\beta},\blue{\bm{B}}}(\br_1) \frac{1}{r_{12}} G_{\orange{\gamma},\orange{\bm{C}}}(\br_2) G_{\green{\delta},\green{\bm{D}}}(\br_2) d\br_1 d\br_2
& = \iint G_{\violet{\zeta},\violet{\bm{P}}}(\br_1) \frac{1}{r_{12}} G_{\purple{\eta},\purple{\bm{Q}}}(\br_2) d\br_1 d\br_2
& = \violet{K} \purple{K} \iint G_{\violet{\zeta},\violet{\bm{P}}}(\br_1) \frac{1}{r_{12}} G_{\purple{\eta},\purple{\bm{Q}}}(\br_2) d\br_1 d\br_2
\alert{The number of ``significant'' ERIs in a large system is $\order{N^2}$!}

2021/Lecture_1/fig/STO.pdf Normal file

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
% ***********
% ***********
@ -25,65 +25,161 @@
\definecolor{darkgreen}{RGB}{0, 180, 0}
% methods
% operators
% wave functions
% energies
% orbital energies
% Matrix elements
\newcommand{\dABSE}[1]{\delta A^\text{BSE}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\dBBSE}[1]{\delta B^\text{BSE}_{#1}}
% excitation energies
% Wigner symbols
#1 & #2 & #3 \\
0 & 0 & 0 \\
\newcommand{\ERI}[3]{\qty(#1 #2 #3)}
\newcommand{\sERI}[3]{\qty[#1 #2 #3]}
% Matrices
\newcommand{\sbra}[1]{[ #1 |}
\newcommand{\sket}[1]{| #1 ]}
\newcommand{\sexpval}[1]{[ #1 ]}
\newcommand{\sbraket}[2]{[ #1 | #2 ]}
\newcommand{\smel}[3]{[ #1 | #2 | #3 ]}
\definecolor{darkgreen}{RGB}{0, 180, 0}
\definecolor{lavender}{rgb}{0.71, 0.49, 0.86}
\definecolor{inchworm}{rgb}{0.7, 0.93, 0.36}
\newcommand{\pub}[1]{\small \textcolor{purple}{#1}}
@ -101,8 +197,8 @@ decoration={snake,
% *************
\title[$GW$/BSE methods in chemistry]{
\purple{$GW$/BSE methods in chemistry: \\
Computational aspects}
$GW$/BSE methods in chemistry:
Computational aspects
\author[PF Loos]{Pierre-Fran\c{c}ois LOOS}
\date{Online ISTPC 2021 school --- April 27th, 2021}
@ -111,7 +207,7 @@ decoration={snake,
Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France.
@ -139,44 +235,256 @@ decoration={snake,
\begin{frame}{Good books}
\subsection{Hedin's pentagon}
\begin{frame}{Hedin's pentagon}
\item Introduction to Computational Chemistry (Jensen)
\item Essentials of Computational Chemistry (Cramer)
\item Modern Quantum Chemistry (Szabo \& Ostlund)
\item Molecular Electronic Structure Theory (Helgaker, Jorgensen \& Olsen)
\pub{Hedin, Phys Rev 139 (1965) A796}
\begin{block}{What can you calculate with GW?}
\item Ionization potentials (IP) given by occupied MO energies
\item Electron affinities (EA) given by virtual MO energies
\item HOMO-LUMO gap (or band gap in solids)
\item Singlet and triplet neutral excitations (vertical absorption energies)
\item Correlation and total energies
\subsection{GW flavours}
\begin{frame}{GW flavours}
\item perturbative GW one-shot GW, or \green{\GOWO}
\item \orange{\evGW} or eigenvalue-only (partially) self-consistent GW
\item \red{\qsGW} or quasiparticle (partially) self-consistent GW
\item \violet{\scGW} or (fully) self-consistent GW
\item \purple{BSE} or Bethe-Salpeter equation for neutral excitations
\begin{frame}{useful papers for chemists}
\item \red{molGW:} Bruneval et al. Comp. Phys. Comm. 208 (2016) 149
\item \green{Turbomole:} van Setten et al. JCTC 9 (2013) 232; Kaplan et al. JCTC 12 (2016) 2528
\item \violet{Fiesta:} Blase et al. Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 (2018) 1022
\item \purple{FHI-AIMS:} Caruso et al. 86 (2012) 081102
\item \orange{Review:} Reining, WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2017, e1344. doi: 10.1002/wcms.1344; Onida et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 (2002) 601.
\item \red{GW100:} Data set of 100 molecules. van Setten et al. JCTC 11 (2015) 5665
\Procedure{Perturbative {\GW}}{}
\State Perform HF calculation to get $\beHF$ and $\bcHF$
\State Compute \red{$\SigC{pp}(\omega)$} and \green{$\Z{p}(\omega)$}
\State $\eGOWO{p} = \eHF{p} + \green{\Z{p}(\eHF{p})} \Re[\red{\SigC{pp}(\eHF{p})}]$
\State \Comment{This is the linearized version of the}
\State \Comment{quasiparticle (QP) equation
$\omega = \eHF{p} + \Re[\red{\SigC{pp}(\omega)}]$}
\State Compute BSE excitations energies
\begin{block}{\red{Correlation part of the self-energy:}}
= 2 \sum_{ix}\frac{\violet{[pi|x] [qi|x]}}{\omega - \eHF{i} + \orange{\Om{x}} - i \eta}
+ 2 \sum_{ax}\frac{\violet{[pa|x] [qa|x]}}{\omega - \eHF{a} - \orange{\Om{x}} + i \eta}
\begin{block}{\green{Renormalization factor}}
\green{\Z{p}(\omega)} = \qty[ 1 - \pdv{\Re[\red{\SigGW{pp}(\omega)}]}{\omega} ]^{-1}
\begin{block}{\violet{Screened two-electron MO integrals}}
\violet{[pq|x]} = \sum_{ia} (pq|ia) \orange{(\bX+\bY)_{ia}^{x}}
\begin{block}{\orange{RPA excitation energies}}
\bA & \bB \\
\bB & \bA \\
\bX \\
\bY \\
\bm{1} & 0 \\
0 & \bm{-1} \\
\bX \\
\bY \\
A^\text{RPA}_{ia,jb} & = \delta_{ij} \delta_{ab} (\epsilon_a - \epsilon_i) + 2 (ia|jb)
B^\text{RPA}_{ia,jb} & = 2 (ia|bj)
\begin{block}{{\evGW} subroutine}
\Procedure{Partially self-consistent {\evGW}}{}
\State Perform HF calculation to get $\beHF$ and $\bcHF$
\State Set $\beGnWn{-1} = \beHF$ and $n = 0$
\While{$\max{\abs{\bDelta}} < \tau$}
\State Compute \red{$\SigC{pp}(\omega)$}
\State Solve $\omega = \eHF{p} + \Re[\red{\SigC{pp}(\omega)}]$ to obtain $\eGnWn{p}{n}$
\State $\bDelta = \beGnWn{n} - \beGnWn{n-1}$
\State $n \leftarrow n + 1$
\State Compute BSE excitations energies
\begin{block}{{\qsGW} subroutine}
\Procedure{Partially self-consistent {\qsGW}}{}
\State Perform HF calculation to get $\beHF$ and $\bcHF$
\State Set $\beGnWn{-1} = \beHF$, $\bcGnWn{-1} = \bcHF$ and $n = 0$
\While{$\max{\abs{\bDelta}} < \tau$}
\State Form \red{$\bSigC(\omega)$} and symmetrize it: $\red{\bSigC(\omega)} \leftarrow (\red{\bSigC(\omega)}^\dag + \red{\bSigC(\omega)})/2$
\State Form $\green{\bF(\omega)} = \bFHF + \red{\bSigC(\omega)}$
\State Diagonalize $\green{\bF(\beGnWn{n-1})}$ to get $\beGnWn{n}$ and $\bcGnWn{n}$
\State $\bDelta = \beGnWn{n} - \beGnWn{n-1}$
\State $n \leftarrow n + 1$
\State Compute BSE excitations energies
\begin{block}{Bethe-Salpeter equation}
\bA & \bB \\
\bB & \bA \\
\bX \\
\bY \\
\bm{1} & 0 \\
0 & \bm{-1} \\
\bX \\
\bY \\
(\bA - \bB)^{1/2} (\bA + \bB) (\bA - \bB)^{1/2} \bZ = \bOm^2 \bZ,
\bX + \bY = \bOm^{-1/2} (\bA - \bB)^{1/2} \bZ.
A^\text{BSE}_{ia,jb} & = A^\text{RPA}_{ia,jb} - (ij|ab) + 4 \sum_{x} \frac{[ij|x][ab|x]}{\Om{x}}
B^\text{BSE}_{ia,jb} & = B^\text{RPA}_{ia,jb} - (ib|aj) + 4 \sum_{x} \frac{[ib|x][aj|x]}{\Om{x}}
\begin{frame}{Correlation energy}
\begin{block}{RPA correlation energy or Klein functional}
\EcRPA = -\sum_{p} \qty(\ARPA{pp} - \Om{p})
\begin{block}{Galitskii-Migdal functional}
\EcGM = \frac{-i}{2}\sum_{pq}^{\infty}\int \frac{d\omega}{2\pi} \SigC{pq}(\omega) \G{pq}(\omega) e^{i\omega\eta}

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\begin{scope}[very thick,
node distance=5cm,on grid,>=stealth',
\node [theo1, text width=7cm, align=center] (KS)
{\textbf{\LARGE Kohn-Sham DFT}
\qty[ -\frac{\nabla^2}{2} + v_\text{ext} + V^{\text{Hxc}} ] \phi_p^{\text{KS}} = \varepsilon^{\text{KS}}_p \phi_p^{\text{KS}}
\node [theo2, text width=7cm, align=center] (GW) [below=of KS, yshift=2cm]
{\textbf{\LARGE $GW$ approximation}
\varepsilon_p^{GW} = \varepsilon_p^{\text{KS}} +
\mel{\phi_p^{\text{KS}}}{\Sigma^{GW}(\varepsilon_p^{GW}) - V^{\text{xc}}}{\phi_p^{\text{KS}}}
\node [theo3, text width=7cm, align=center] (BSE) [below=of GW, yshift=2cm]
{\textbf{\LARGE Bethe-Salpeter equation}
R & C \\
-C^* & -R^{*}
X_m \\
X_m \\
\node [exp1, align=center] (photo) [right=of GW, xshift=3cm]
{\LARGE (Inverse) \\ \LARGE photoemission \\ \LARGE spectroscopy};
\node [exp2, align=center] (abs) [right=of BSE, xshift=3cm]
{\LARGE Optical \\ \LARGE spectroscopy};
(KS) edge [->,color=black] node [right,black] {\LARGE Fundamental gap} (GW)
(GW) edge [->,color=black] node [right,black] {\LARGE Excitonic effect} (BSE)
(photo) edge [<->,color=black] node [above,black] {Ionization potentials} node [below,black] {Electron affinities} (GW)
(abs) edge [<->,color=black] node [above,black] {Optical excitations} (BSE)

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