saving work: OK for GW
This commit is contained in:
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\definecolor{darkgreen}{RGB}{0, 180, 0}
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$GW$/BSE methods in chemistry:
Computational aspects
\author[PF Loos]{Pierre-Fran\c{c}ois LOOS}
\author[PF Loos (\url{})]{Pierre-Fran\c{c}ois LOOS}
\date{Online ISTPC 2021 school --- April 27th, 2021}
Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (UMR 5626),\\
@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\begin{block}{Let's talk about notations}
\item We consider \blue{closed-shell systems} (2 opposite-spin electrons per orbital)
\item We only deal with \blue{singlet excited states} but triplets can also be obtained
\item We only deal with \blue{singlet excited states} but \purple{triplets} can also be obtained
\item Number of \green{occupied orbitals} $O$
\item Number of \alert{vacant orbitals} $V$
@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\begin{frame}{Useful papers}
\begin{frame}{Useful papers/programs}
\item \red{mol$GW$:} Bruneval et al. Comp. Phys. Comm. 208 (2016) 149
@ -318,7 +322,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\item \violet{Fiesta:} Blase et al. Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 (2018) 1022
\item \purple{FHI-AIMS:} Caruso et al. 86 (2012) 081102
\item \purple{FHI-AIMS:} Caruso et al. PRB 86 (2012) 081102
\item \orange{Review:}
@ -329,7 +333,8 @@ decoration={snake,
\item Blase et al. JPCL 11 (2020) 7371
\item \red{$GW$100:} IPs for a set of 100 molecules. van Setten et al. JCTC 11 (2015) 5665
\item \red{$GW$100:} IPs for a set of 100 molecules. van Setten et al. JCTC 11 (2015) 5665 (\url{})
@ -368,7 +373,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\begin{block}{What can you calculate with BSE?}
\item Singlet and triplet neutral excitations (vertical absorption energies)
\item Singlet and triplet optical excitations (vertical absorption energies)
\item Oscillator strengths (absorption intensities)
\item Correlation and total energies
@ -509,7 +514,7 @@ decoration={snake,
+ \underbrace{\sum_a \frac{\MO{a}(\br_1) \MO{a}(\br_2)}{\yo - \e{a}{} + i\eta}}_{\text{\red{addition part = EAs}}}
\begin{block}{Non-interacting polarizability}
P(\br_1,\br_2;\omega) = - \frac{i}{\pi} \int \blue{G}(\br_1,\br_2;\omega+\omega') \blue{G}(\br_1,\br_2;\omega') d\omega'
@ -659,7 +664,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\pub{V\'eril \& Loos, JCTC 14 (2018) 5220}
\pub{V\'eril et al, JCTC 14 (2018) 5220}
@ -700,7 +705,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\State Perform KS calculation to get $\beKS$, $\bcKS$, and $\bm{V}^{\xc}$
\State AO to MO transformation for ERIs: $\ERI{\mu\nu}{\lambda\sigma} \stackrel{\bcKS}{\rightarrow} \ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Construct RPA matrices $\orange{\bA{}{\RPA}}$ and $\orange{\bB{}{\RPA}}$ from $\beKS$ and $\ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{m}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{m}{\RPA}+\bY{m}{\RPA}}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\bOm{}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{}{\RPA}+\bY{}{\RPA}}$
\Comment{\alert{This is a $\order*{N^6}$ step!}}
\State Form screened ERIs $\violet{\ERI{pq}{m}}$
@ -736,7 +741,7 @@ decoration={snake,
\State Perform KS calculation to get $\beKS$, $\bcKS$, and $\bm{V}^{\xc}$
\State AO to MO transformation for ERIs: $\ERI{\mu\nu}{\lambda\sigma} \stackrel{\bcKS}{\rightarrow} \ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Construct RPA matrices $\orange{\bA{}{\RPA}}$ and $\orange{\bB{}{\RPA}}$ from $\beKS$ and $\ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{m}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{m}{\RPA}+\bY{m}{\RPA}}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{}{\RPA}+\bY{}{\RPA}}$
\Comment{\alert{This is a $\order*{N^6}$ step!}}
\State Form screened ERIs $\violet{\ERI{pq}{m}}$
@ -764,9 +769,10 @@ decoration={snake,
\State Perform KS calculation to get $\beKS$, $\bcKS$, and $\bm{V}^{\xc}$
\State AO to MO transformation for ERIs: $\ERI{\mu\nu}{\lambda\sigma} \stackrel{\bcKS}{\rightarrow} \ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Set $\blue{\beGnWn{-1}} = \beKS$ and $n = 0$
\While{$\max{\abs{\bDelta}} < \tau$}
\While{$\max{\abs{\bDelta}} > \tau$}
\State Construct RPA matrices $\orange{\bA{}{\RPA}}$ and $\orange{\bB{}{\RPA}}$ from $\blue{\beGnWn{n-1}}$ and $\ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{m}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{m}{\RPA}+\bY{m}{\RPA}}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{}{\RPA}+\bY{}{\RPA}}$
\Comment{\alert{This is a $\order*{N^6}$ step!}}
\State Form screened ERIs $\violet{\ERI{pq}{m}}$
\State Compute diagonal of the self-energy $\red{\SigC{pp}}(\yo)$
@ -800,14 +806,16 @@ decoration={snake,
\State Perform HF calculation to get $\beHF$ and $\bcHF$ \green{(optional)}
\State Set $\blue{\beGnWn{-1}} = \beHF$, $\blue{\bcGnWn{-1}} = \bcHF$ and $n = 0$
\While{$\max{\abs{\bDelta}} < \tau$}
\While{$\max{\abs{\bDelta}} > \tau$}
\State AO to MO transformation for ERIs: $\ERI{\mu\nu}{\lambda\sigma} \stackrel{\blue{\bcGnWn{n-1}}}{\rightarrow} \ERI{pq}{rs}$
\Comment{\alert{This is a $\order*{N^5}$ step!}}
\State Construct RPA matrices $\orange{\bA{}{\RPA}}$ and $\orange{\bB{}{\RPA}}$ from $\blue{\beGnWn{n-1}}$ and $\ERI{pq}{rs}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{m}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{m}{\RPA}+\bY{m}{\RPA}}$
\State Compute RPA eigenvalues $\orange{\Om{}{\RPA}}$ and eigenvectors $\orange{\bX{}{\RPA}+\bY{}{\RPA}}$
\Comment{\alert{This is a $\order*{N^6}$ step!}}
\State Form screened ERIs $\violet{\ERI{pq}{m}}$
\State Evaluate $\red{\bSigC}(\blue{\beGnWn{n-1}})$ and form
$\red{\Tilde{\Sigma}^{\co}} \leftarrow \qty[ \red{\bSigC}(\blue{\beGnWn{n-1}})^\dag + \red{\bSigC}(\blue{\beGnWn{n-1}}) ]/2$
\State Form $\purple{\Tilde{\bF}} = \bFHF + \red{\Tilde{\Sigma}^{\co}}$
\State Form $\bFHF$ from $\blue{\bcGnWn{n-1}}$ and then $\purple{\Tilde{\bF}} = \bFHF + \red{\Tilde{\Sigma}^{\co}}$
\State Diagonalize $\purple{\Tilde{\bF}}$ to get $\blue{\beGnWn{n}}$ and $\blue{\bcGnWn{n}}$
\State $\bDelta = \blue{\beGnWn{n}} - \blue{\beGnWn{n-1}}$
\State $n \leftarrow n + 1$
@ -831,6 +839,58 @@ decoration={snake,
\begin{frame}{Other self-energies}
\begin{block}{Second-order Green's function (GF2) \pub{[Hirata et al. JCP 147 (2017) 044108]}}
= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{iab} \frac{\mel{iq}{}{ab}\mel{ab}{}{ip}}{\yo + \e{i}{} - \e{a}{} - \e{b}{}}
+ \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ija} \frac{\mel{aq}{}{ij}\mel{ij}{}{ap}}{\yo + \e{a}{} - \e{i}{} - \e{j}{}}
\begin{block}{T-matrix \pub{[Romaniello et al. PRB 85 (2012) 155131; Zhang et al. JPCL 8 (2017) 3223]}}
= \sum_{im} \frac{\braket*{pi}{\green{\chi_m^{N+2}}} \braket*{qi}{\green{\chi_m^{N+2}}}}{\yo + \e{i}{} - \green{\Om{m}{N+2}}}
+ \sum_{am} \frac{\braket*{pa}{\blue{\chi_m^{N-2}}} \braket*{qa}{\blue{\chi_m^{N-2}}}}{\yo + \e{i}{} - \blue{\Om{m}{N-2}}}
\braket*{pi}{\green{\chi_m^{N+2}}} = \sum_{c<d} \mel{pi}{}{cd} \green{X_{cd}^{N+2,m}} + \sum_{k<l} \mel{pi}{}{kl} \green{Y_{kl}^{N+2,m}}
\braket*{pa}{\blue{\chi_m^{N-2}}} = \sum_{c<d} \mel{pa}{}{cd} \blue{X_{cd}^{N-2,m}} + \sum_{k<l} \mel{pa}{}{kl} \blue{Y_{kl}^{N-2,m}}
\qq*{\purple{pp-RPA problem:}}
\bA{}{} & \bB{}{}
-\bB{}{\intercal} & -\bC{}{}
\begin{frame}{Dynamical vs static kernels}
\begin{block}{A non-linear BSE problem \pub{[Strinati, Riv.~Nuovo Cimento 11 (1988) 1]}}
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