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Bruno Senjean 2020-04-02 20:49:35 +02:00
parent 777aadd7c2
commit dfc8301820

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@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
\newcommand{\LCQ}{Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique, Institut de Chimie, CNRS, Universit\'e de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France}
\newcommand{\UL}{Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, P.O.~Box 9506, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands}
\newcommand{\VU}{Division of Theoretical Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
\newcommand{\bruno}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{Bruno: #1}}
\title{Weight-dependent exchange-correlation functionals for molecules: I. The local-density approximation}
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ However, spin contamination might be an issue. \cite{Huix-Rotllant_2010}
In order to go beyond the adiabatic approximation, a dressed TD-DFT approach has been proposed by Maitra and coworkers \cite{Maitra_2004,Cave_2004} (see also Refs.~\onlinecite{Mazur_2009,Mazur_2011,Huix-Rotllant_2011,Elliott_2011,Maitra_2012}).
In this approach the xc kernel is made frequency dependent, which allows to treat doubly-excited states. \cite{Romaniello_2009a,Sangalli_2011,Loos_2019}
Maybe surprisingly, another possible way of accessing double excitations is to resort to a time-\textit{independent} formalism. \cite{Yang_2017,Sagredo_2018,Deur_2019}
\bruno{Maybe one should mention that the cost is the same as a traditional time-independent KS-DFT?}Maybe surprisingly, another possible way of accessing double excitations is to resort to a time-\textit{independent} formalism. \cite{Yang_2017,Sagredo_2018,Deur_2019}
DFT for ensembles (eDFT) \cite{Theophilou_1979,Gross_1988a,Gross_1988b,Oliveira_1988} is a viable alternative following such a strategy currently under active development. \cite{Gidopoulos_2002,Franck_2014,Borgoo_2015,Kazaryan_2008,Gould_2013,Gould_2014,Filatov_2015,Filatov_2015b,Filatov_2015c,Gould_2017,Deur_2017,Gould_2018,Gould_2019,Sagredo_2018,Ayers_2018,Deur_2018,Deur_2019,Kraisler_2013,Kraisler_2014,Alam_2016,Alam_2017,Nagy_1998,Nagy_2001,Nagy_2005,Pastorczak_2013,Pastorczak_2014,Pribram-Jones_2014,Yang_2013a,Yang_2014,Yang_2017,Senjean_2015,Senjean_2016,Smith_2016,Senjean_2018}
In the assumption of monotonically decreasing weights, eDFT for excited states has the undeniable advantage to be based on a rigorous variational principle for ground and excited states, the so-called Gross-Oliveria-Kohn (GOK) variational principle. \cite{Gross_1988a}
In short, GOK-DFT (\ie, eDFT for excited states) is the density-based analog of state-averaged wave function methods, and excitation energies can then be easily extracted from the total ensemble energy. \cite{Deur_2019}
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ The present contribution is a first step towards this goal.
When one talks about constructing functionals, the local-density approximation (LDA) is never far away.
The LDA, as we know it, is based on the uniform electron gas (UEG) also known as jellium, an hypothetical infinite substance where an infinite number of electrons ``bathe'' in a (uniform) positively-charged jelly. \cite{Loos_2016}
Although the Hohenberg-Kohn theorems \cite{Hohenberg_1964} are here to provide firm theoretical grounds to DFT, modern KS-DFT rests largely on the presumed similarity between this hypothetical UEG and the electronic behaviour in a real system. \cite{Kohn_1965}
Although the Hohenberg--Kohn theorems \cite{Hohenberg_1964} are here to provide firm theoretical grounds to DFT, modern KS-DFT rests largely on the presumed similarity between this hypothetical UEG and the electronic behaviour in a real system. \cite{Kohn_1965}
However, Loos and Gill have recently shown that there exists other UEGs which contain finite numbers of electrons (more like in a molecule), \cite{Loos_2011b,Gill_2012} and that they can be exploited to construct LDA functionals. \cite{Loos_2014a,Loos_2014b,Loos_2017a}
Electrons restricted to remain on the surface of a $\cD$-sphere (where $\cD$ is the dimensionality of the surface of the sphere) are an example of finite UEGs (FUEGs). \cite{Loos_2011b}
Here, we combine these FUEGs with the usual infinite UEG (IUEG) to construct a weigh-dependent LDA functional for ensembles (eLDA).
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ Unless otherwise stated, atomic units are used throughout.
As mentioned above, eDFT for excited states is based on the GOK variational principle \cite{Gross_1988a} which states that a variational principle holds for the ensemble energy
As mentioned above, eDFT for excited states is based on the GOK variational principle \cite{Gross_1988a} which states that a variational principle holds for the ensemble energy\bruno{I would write the variational principle equation here}
\E{}{\bw} = \sum_{I=0}^{\nEns-1} \ew{I} \E{}{(I)}
@ -201,10 +202,10 @@ Multiplet degeneracies can be easily handled by assigning the same weight to the
One of the key feature of GOK-DFT in the present context is that one can easily extract individual excitation energies from the ensemble energy via differentiation with respect to individual weights:
\pdv{\E{}{\bw}}{\ew{I}} = \E{}{(I)} - \E{}{(0)} = \Ex{}{(I)},
\pdv{\E{}{\bw}}{\ew{I}} = \E{}{(I)} - \E{}{(0)} = \Ex{}{(I)}.
where the weights are normalised by setting $\ew{0} = 1 - \sum_{I \ne 0} \ew{I}$.
\bruno{Turning to the DFT formulation... $\rightarrow$ I think you should not mention GOK-DFT prior to this part, as you simply described an ensemble without any DFT contributions.}
In GOK-DFT, one defines a universal (weight-dependent) ensemble functional $\F{}{\bw}[\n{}{}]$ such that
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ In the KS formulation of GOK-DFT, the universal ensemble functional (the weight-
where $\hT$ and $\hWee$ are the kinetic and electron-electron interaction potential operators, respectively, $\Ts{\bw}[\n{}{}]$ is the noninteracting ensemble kinetic energy functional,
\hGam{\bw} = \sum_{I=0}^{\nEns} \ew{I} \dyad{\Det{I}{\bw}}
\hGam{\bw} = \sum_{I=0}^{M-1} \ew{I} \dyad{\Det{I}{\bw}}
is the density matrix operator, $\Det{I}{\bw}$ are single-determinant wave functions (or configuration state functions) built with KS orbitals $\MO{p}{\bw}(\br{})$, and
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ are the ensemble and individual one-electron densities, respectively,
\Eps{I}{\bw} = \sum_{p}^{\Norb} \ON{p}{(I)} \eps{p}{\bw}
is the weight-dependent KS energy, and $\eps{p}{\bw}$ is the KS orbital energy associated with $\MO{p}{\bw}(\br{})$ [$\ON{p}{(I)}$ being its occupancy for the state $I$] given by the ensemble KS equation
is the weight-dependent KS energy of state $I$, and $\eps{p}{\bw}$ is the KS orbital energy associated with $\MO{p}{\bw}(\br{})$ [$\ON{p}{(I)}$ being its occupancy for the state $I$]. The latters are determined by solving the ensemble KS equation
\qty( \hHc(\br{}) + \fdv{\E{\Hxc}{\bw}[\n{}{}]}{\n{}{}(\br{})}) \MO{p}{\bw}(\br{}) = \eps{p}{\bw} \MO{p}{\bw}(\br{}),
@ -483,7 +484,7 @@ Equation \eqref{eq:becw} can be recast
which nicely highlights the centrality of the LDA in the present eDFA.
In particular, $\be{\xc}{(0)}(\n{}{}) = \e{\xc}{\LDA}(\n{}{})$.
Consequently, in the following, we name this weight-dependent xc functional ``eLDA'' as it is a natural extension of the LDA for ensembles.
Also, we note that, by construction,
Also, we note that, by construction,\bruno{no need to specify $n = n^w$ for now right ?}
\left. \pdv{\be{\xc}{\ew{}}[\n{}{}]}{\ew{}}\right|_{\n{}{} = \n{}{\ew{}}(\br)}
@ -499,7 +500,8 @@ This embedding procedure can be theoretically justified by the generalised adiab
(where $\E{\xc}{}[\n{}{}]$ is the usual ground-state xc functional) originally derived by Franck and Fromager. \cite{Franck_2014}
Within this in-principle-exact formalism, the (weight-dependent) xc energy of the ensemble is constructed from the (weight-independent) ground-state functional.
In the case of a homogeneous system (or equivalently within the LDA), substituting Eq.~\eqref{eq:dexcdw} into \eqref{eq:GACE} yields, in the case of a bi-ensemble, Eq.~\eqref{eq:eLDA}.
In the case of a homogeneous system (or equivalently within the LDA), substituting Eq.~\eqref{eq:dexcdw} into \eqref{eq:GACE} yields, in the case of a bi-ensemble, Eq.~\eqref{eq:eLDA}. \bruno{La formule me semble pas juste. Les exposants sont pas bons d'après moi. Pour le bi-ensemble, on devrait avoir
$\pdv{\E{\xc}{(1-\xi,\xi)}[\n{}{}]}{\xi}$ dans l'intégrale, non ?}
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