Manu: done (so far) with the theory section

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Emmanuel Fromager 2020-04-23 12:44:55 +02:00
parent 6bba47ef90
commit d4e307bc73

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@ -380,17 +380,16 @@ where
\Eps{I}{\bw} = \sum_{p}^{\nOrb} \ON{p}{(I)} \eps{p}{\bw}
is the energy of the $I$th KS state.
}%%%%%% end manuf
is the energy of the $I$th KS state.\\
Equation \eqref{eq:dEdw} is our working equation for computing excitation energies from a practical point of view.
Note that the individual KS densities
\ON{p}{(I)} [\MO{p}{\bw}(\br{})]^2$ do
not necessarily match the \textit{exact} (interacting) individual-state densities as the non-interacting KS ensemble is expected to reproduce the true interacting ensemble density $\n{}{\bw}(\br{})$ defined in Eq.~\eqref{eq:nw}, and not each individual density.
Nevertheless, these densities can still be extracted in principle exactly from the KS ensemble as shown by Fromager. \cite{Fromager_2020}
not necessarily match the \textit{exact} (interacting) individual-state
densities $n_{\Psi_I}(\br)$ as the non-interacting KS ensemble is expected to reproduce the true interacting ensemble density $\n{}{\bw}(\br{})$ defined in Eq.~\eqref{eq:nw}, and not each individual density.
Nevertheless, these densities can still be extracted in principle
exactly from the KS ensemble as shown by Fromager.
In the following, we will work at the (weight-dependent) LDA
level of approximation, \ie
@ -402,13 +401,18 @@ level of approximation, \ie
&\overset{\rm LDA}{\approx}&
\left. \pdv{\e{\xc}{\bw{}}(\n{}{})}{\n{}{}} \right|_{\n{}{} = \n{}{}(\br{})} \n{}{}(\br{}) + \e{\xc}{\bw{}}(\n{}{}(\br{})).
In the following, we adopt the usual decomposition, and write down the weight-dependent xc functional as
We will also adopt the usual decomposition, and write down the weight-dependent xc functional as
\e{\xc}{\ew{}}(\n{}{}) = \e{\ex}{\ew{}}(\n{}{}) + \e{\co}{\ew{}}(\n{}{}),
\e{\xc}{\bw{}}(\n{}{}) = \e{\ex}{\bw{}}(\n{}{}) + \e{\co}{\bw{}}(\n{}{}),
where $\e{\ex}{\ew{}}(\n{}{})$ and $\e{\co}{\ew{}}(\n{}{})$ are the weight-dependent exchange and correlation functionals, respectively.
where $\e{\ex}{\bw{}}(\n{}{})$ and $\e{\co}{\bw{}}(\n{}{})$ are the
weight-dependent density-functional exchange and correlation energies
per particle, respectively.
}%%%%%% end manuf
\manu{Maybe we should say a little bit more about how we will design
such approximations, or just say the design of these functionals will be
presented in the following...}
%%%%%%% Manu: stuff that I removed from the first version %%%%%