
112 lines
5.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

set terminal epslatex color
set output "texfile.tex"
set style data linespoints
### line styles
set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "red" lw 4
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set tmargin 3
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set format x '\tiny {%g}'
set format y '\tiny {%g}'
set multiplot layout 2,3 title "$E_w = (1-w)E_0 + w E_2 = fct(\\Delta v)$"
set title "$U/t = 1$" font "Helvetica,28"
set xrange [-2*U:2*U]
set key font ",001"
set key horizontal bmargin
set key width 5
plot "../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt0.0_w0.0" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 1 title "\\tiny $w = 0$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1.0_w0.1" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 3 title "\\tiny $.1$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1.0_w0.2" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 5 title "\\tiny $.2$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1.0_w0.3" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 7 title "\\tiny $.3$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1.0_w0.4" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 9 title "\\tiny $.4$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1.0_w0.5" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 11 title "\\tiny $.5$";
set title "$U/t = 2$" font "Helvetica,28"
set xrange [-2*U:2*U]
unset key
plot "../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt0.0_w0.0" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 1 title "$w = 0$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt2.0_w0.1" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 3 title "$w = 0.1$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt2.0_w0.2" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 5 title "$w = 0.2$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt2.0_w0.3" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 7 title "$w = 0.3$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt2.0_w0.4" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 9 title "$w = 0.4$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt2.0_w0.5" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 11 title "$w = 0.5$";
set title "$U/t = 5$" font "Helvetica,28"
unset key
set xrange [-2*U:2*U]
plot "../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt5.0_w0.0" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 1 title "$w = 0$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt5.0_w0.1" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 3 title "$w = 0.1$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt5.0_w0.2" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 5 title "$w = 0.2$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt5.0_w0.3" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 7 title "$w = 0.3$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt5.0_w0.4" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 9 title "$w = 0.4$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt5.0_w0.5" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 11 title "$w = 0.5$";
set title "$U/t = 10$" font "Helvetica,28"
unset key
set xrange [-2*U:2*U]
plot "../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt10.0_w0.0" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 1 title "$w = 0$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt10.0_w0.1" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 3 title "$w = 0.1$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt10.0_w0.2" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 5 title "$w = 0.2$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt10.0_w0.3" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 7 title "$w = 0.3$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt10.0_w0.4" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 9 title "$w = 0.4$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt10.0_w0.5" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 11 title "$w = 0.5$";
set title "$U/t = 100$" font "Helvetica,28"
unset key
U = 100
set xrange [-2*U:2*U]
plot "../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt100.0_w0.0" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 1 title "$w = 0$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt100.0_w0.1" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 3 title "$w = 0.1$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt100.0_w0.2" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 5 title "$w = 0.2$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt100.0_w0.3" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 7 title "$w = 0.3$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt100.0_w0.4" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 9 title "$w = 0.4$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt100.0_w0.5" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 11 title "$w = 0.5$";
set title "$U/t = 1000$" font "Helvetica,28"
unset key
U = 1000
set xrange [-2*U:2*U]
plot "../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1000.0_w0.0" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 1 title "$w = 0$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1000.0_w0.1" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 3 title "$w = 0.1$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1000.0_w0.2" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 5 title "$w = 0.2$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1000.0_w0.3" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 7 title "$w = 0.3$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1000.0_w0.4" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 9 title "$w = 0.4$",\
"../Ew1_Ew2_fctdeltav_Usurt1000.0_w0.5" u 1:3 smooth csplines with lines ls 11 title "$w = 0.5$";
unset multiplot